Chapter 33 Elias Forest Campaign RM


--- Elies Forest ---

May 24th, 2025

Early in the morning at the American campsite. Sharpe is with the other officers from third platoon, his Vanguard team and Vanguard-3. Charles, Johnson, and Peterson at the small command tent that was quickly set up right next to an M1162 Stryker.

The four of them have spent most of the night devising a plan to recover Larson, assuming he is in the fort. The main force will act as a distraction as a smaller team break the fort form one of the sides and retrieve their captured Ranger.

During the night it he decided to send a Joint Light Tactile Vehicle out to recon the enemy fort. The team that was chosen is from the Vanguard-3 unit.

Everyone is watching them as they begin their report. Peterson platoon deployed a RQ-11 Raven drone for short range intelligence and battlespace communication. This has allowed him to see the recon team through their NW(1) camera.

"I will admit, I am impressed," Charles said as he looks at the laptop.

What they all see is this large fortification with tall stone walls. There seems to be this large courtyard with a what looks like a three-story keep to the right of the fort. They also can see many kinds of projectile weapons like ballista and catapults.

"I would guess, brigade strength?" he said, thinking out loud. A standard NATO brigade is about five thousand soldiers however, that can vary.

"Maybe," Peterson said. "With the Stryker's we can take it."

Johnson looks carefully at the screen. "Sergeant, can you get a better look at the courtyard?"

There is a short delay over the radio. "We can hold on."

"What are you thinking Charles?" Sharpe asked. He sees that Charles was about to respond and remembers that both of their first names are Charles. He then looks to Charles. "Sorry, not you Captain."

"Doesn't it look a bit empty? I thought it was horsemen who attacked Vanguard-5. The Stables look pretty empty for a base this size," Johnson replied.

The others look carefully. The recon team moves to get a better view of the fort courtyard and that is when everyone else sees what Johnson saw.

"Your right, the stables are pretty empty. Maybe their cavalry left?" said Charles.

That is when Peterson brings up a point no one wants to hear. "Or maybe the soldiers we are after were never here. So far all we been doing is guessing."

There is a short silence after Peterson said that. If what he said is true, then that pretty much is an end of their mission.

"Unless we have solid proof that he's not here we are going in," he said.

"I want to get him back too, but we can't just bust the door down for nothing. We cannot fight them all and do a search of the area," Charles said.

"Or he is in there and the cavalry left. They have to know we are out there somewhere," he replied to Charles.

A short debate begins between the four officers, trying to decide the best course to proceed.

After a short period of time, they all hear the recon team speak.

"Be advised, we got movement inside the fort. We see seven, no eleven Imperialists by these posts that look like crosses…. That is very strange… wait there are people on those things!?" Said one of the Rangers on the recon team. "It looks like they are bringing someone to the post."

"It's a crucifixion," said Johnson. "Saw it on some historical streaming channel on Minds before."

"Ok, I heard of it before but what is it?" Lieutenant Peterson asked, watching the screen.

"It is when you nail someone's hands to the cross and let them bleed out, starve or die from a lack of hydration." He said, crossing his arms.

"Damn that's brutal," Peterson said.

"Wait! We have a visual." Said the Ranger team over the radio. "We see the package. What the fuck are they doing to him?"

Everyone stays quiet and watch the screen. They can see Sergeant Larson down there with that crowd of Imperialists, that is the good news. As they watch, they all see them giving Sergeant Larson a crucifixion(2).

"Fuck! We can hear the screams from here." One of the Rangers said over NW. "Orders?"

None of the officers could hear the screams over the radio but the situation is perfectly clear.

"Guys, come back to base for orders," Charles said over the radio.

He looks at the feed. There is a lot of lag from the drone. It looks like Larson is on the verge of death however letting emotion to take over and rushing usually leads to bad results. However, he knows if he waits Larson is dead. He has seen it before.

"Belay that," he orders in a command tone. "I want them out there and keep giving us updates."

Before the other officers could say anything, he continues speaking. "Were scraping the original plan and attack the front. The Stryker's will provide cover fire and the main force advances on the front gate on foot. Once we get him, we bring the vehicles up, load up and get out of here."

"Shouldn't we just do that anyway?" Peterson asked. "We can spare at least one APC going in."

Peterson platoon only has three Stryker's and three JLTVs. All armed with the M2 browning .50 caliber except for one. One of the Stryker's is armed with a 30mm autocannon. That weapon right there can easily destroy their stone wall and any defensives they have, a balance equalizer against their numbers.

"I prefer the original plan but as Johnson brought up, their cavalry is out there somewhere. Well, keep the bulk of the JLTVs on guard on the left and right of the Stryker line. They will keep watch; I don't want us getting flanked because we're too focus on the fort," he explains. He takes a moment to think. "But keep the one in reserve just in case we need one. Questions?"

He looks around and sees no one brings up any question. It is not the best plan in the world but any good option they had just went out the window.

"Good," he said. "Charles, you, and I will move into the fort after a short barrage. Peterson, have your men take out as much of the fort defensive as they can before we go in. Have the .50 caliber lays suppress fire until we breach."

"Who is taking point?" asked Johnson.

"Rory and the rest of us will fall in behind. Charles, you will take half of your men. I will do that same. Johnson you in command of both Vanguard teams while we are gone. I will lead the bulk of the infantry into the fort. We leave in five," he finishes and then everyone leaves, beginning to break camp.

As everyone starts to get everything ready, he walks directly to his men. Once he got there, he sees everyone gathering their things, getting ready for battle.

"Alright everybody. Johnson will be in command of the unit. Scott, Randy, Jerry and Rory you're with me in assaulting the fort," he said to them all. "We will be riding in the Stryker and disembark once we attack the fort. The rest of you will be providing rear guard for third platoon."

Randy jumps off one of the vehicles. "I take it we found our guy?"

"Yes, Sergeant Major. Vanguard-3 recon unit found him, he is on the far side of the fort, being crucified. Jerry, once we got him, your responsible for his health."

Once he said the word crucified, he noticed the mood dramatically change. The gravity of what is happening hit them all as they all imagine what if that happened to them. Everyone is wanting to get some payback.

"Last, there might be a large cavalry unit out here somewhere. Once the fighting starts, expect them to be rushing back here. Keep a good eye out. We move out in two minutes. You three let us go," he said.

Lelei quickly rushes up to him when the meeting ends. "Major Sharpe!"

He stops and look at her. "This got to be quick Lelei, we got to go."

"I know. I want to come. I can help." Lelei said to him.

He shakes his head in disagreement. "Sorry, I want you back here…"

Lelei tries to interrupt him, determine to get on the strike team. "I know you are trying to protect me, but I can handle myself. I…"

This time he interrupts her by holding his figure up. "Lelei, I know you can handle yourself. I need you here because I need someone I can trust if something happens. This is not about you, it is me. There's a large enemy force out there somewhere and if they come, I need someone I can trust that can handle the situation."

She stands there and thinks. She then gives him a nod. "I understand."

He nods his head and lightly pats her shoulder. He tries to say something, but the words are not come together He then walk away.

As Lelei walks back to the vehicle, Alicia walks over. "That is a bit strange."

Lelei looks at her and nods. "I think he is overcompensating for something."

"Yeah…. Maybe." Alicia thinks for a second. "Get ready, I'm going to make a few calls."


"Did you get a chance to see the Other Worlder before they nailed him to the cross?" A guard said as he leans against a stone pillar on the wall.

"No, I did not. I was stuck up here, covering your shift again." The other guard said as he stays close to the fire pit, wanting to stay warm. "But I did hear the screams."

"Yeah, he was a screamer. It was so funny watching him struggle. I do not see what is so threatening about them. They do not carry a sword, just a small dagger. They have these strange toys that don't seem to do anything in a fight." The first guard said.

The other guard looks at him. "I was told that they all use bow's, so they don't have to use swords."

"Well, I didn't see a bow on him. He had this long black metal thing, but the engineers couldn't figure out how to put an arrow in it." The guard said with a yawn.

"They are strange people. But I… what is that?" The guard said as he looks out into the distance.

The other guard looks in that direction and what they see are them strange 'things' just quickly appear.

"Were under… ahh!" He said as he gets blasted away from the enemy attack.


Sharpe is in the back of the Stryker. The APC is bouncing around from the terrain but nothing he has has not handled before.

"I am honored that you picked me, Sharpe. Emroy is going to be thrilled today." Rory said as she looks at Sharpe. Like everyone else, she is in the back of the M1162 Stryker.

"Don't go too crazy Rory. This is a rescue mission," he said.

"I know. Still doesn't mean I can't have some fun." Rory said. "Don't worry boys, I know you all have my back. At least I know one of you do."

After saying that Rory glances at him and winks flirtishly. She is referencing the Battle of Italica(3) when he rushed and 'saved' her before their helicopter killed all the Empire soldiers she was fighting.

He looks at Rory and then glances back. These are his men but some others from Peterson platoon. He could see them confused, not understanding the context. All they see is this child flirting with a grown man.

He looks forward. "No comment."

That is when they hear the Stryker's and JLTVs opening fire on the fort. The weapon fire sounds very intense, they are letting everything they have on the fort. If they take out the first layer of defenses, then everything else should go to plan.

"Alpha-3, adjust fire. Engage the battery on the east side of the wall," Peterson said over the radio.

"The fort gate is down; I repeat the fort gate is destroyed," One of Peterson 1st Cav men say.

"Two forward batteries are down; first-line defenders are falling back," Said another one of Peterson men.

"Alright Major, deploy." Peterson said. "Begin providing suppressing fire on the rest of the fort."

The sound of their heavy weapons is lightening up, only growing more intense. Everyone wants to bring down the hammer to these guys after what they have done to Vanguard-3. The back ramp of the Stryker opens.

Once open, he and everyone else rushes out from the back end up the Stryker. He moves around the side of the vehicle and begins charging towards the fort. To his left and right there are American Soldiers all charging the fort as their heavy weapons give the fort lead. A few of the soldiers stop to fire at some of the enemy soldiers that are still alive on the wall however, there must be resistance moving forward.

As they rush closer, the wall looks destroyed. He can see three breaches already and many more massive holes. "Captain Charles!" he yells and then points to one of the breaches.

Charles sees him give the order and then rallies his soldiers around him. Once his group is ready, they head to the breach in the fort wall.

Rory, of course, outruns all of them. Once she gets close to the front of the wall, she jumps up to the top of the wall and then over it. As he and everyone else reaches the gate, they can hear many screams of what sounds like people dying from a gruesome death.

He looks to everyone that is around him. "You six, storm left and clear. Everyone right and engage. Cover Rory as we advance."

"I cannot believe you are letting a child fighting." One of the soldiers said right before they hear more screams.

Randy replied to him. "Kid, you're about to get a crash course on Rory 101. She is causing all those screams. She's worth ten or thirty of us."

Right then all the soldiers move through the destroyed gate and engage any enemy soldiers that were right there. On the other side, they all see about thirty dead Imperialists all around Rory. She is just laughing about the slaughter she just gave.

Some of the soldiers stopped to see that all shocked at what they are looking at. It is a sight that only sees on some amines show but it is happening right in front of them. For a lot of them, this is their first real combat mission in this world.

He walks up to them and yell. "Hey, get your head in the game! Move out Rangers!"

They all acknowledge his order and begin to engage the enemy.

After getting his men in order, he sees hundreds of Imperialists all around. There is a line of about two hundred soldiers forming up. All behind their shields and slowly being marching to their position.

That is not be the only issue, on the far side of the wall, the other ballista's that we could destroy is being turned around to face them. "Form a firing line and engage."

As his men form a line and were firing into the incoming force, he gets on his radio. "Captain Charles, your location?" He sees some troops that are by that breach but not as many as he thought there should be.

"This is Charles. I am on the wall. We found a staircase," Charles said back to him.

"Roger, secure the walls and engage the batteries on the other side of the fort," he orders.

"Roger," Charles said. It is not be long as he hears fighting going on top of the wall.

He sees tracer rounds from Charles team form the wall fly through the air, towards the Imperialist on the other side of the wall. Providing suppressing fire to the two ballistae. That is when he sees a rocket fly and hit one of them, destroying it.

He begins firing at the enemy swordsmen that are in the courtyard. About two hundred form up in shields however, they are being torn apart from the 1st Cav and Ranger soldiers. The Full Metal Jacket 5.56×45mm NATO rounds piercing through their shields and armor with ease.

After spending a few minutes clearing out the closest threats, Sharpe looks to at one of the teams. "Your team hold here and hold the gate. Everyone else let's move."

Everyone begins moving down the courtyard, engaging anyone that tried to attack them. The sounds of gunfire are everywhere.

Slowly everyone is moving forward through the courtyard. Anyone who even tried to charge their firing line is be massacred. The bigger problem is the arrows that are beginning to fly at their lines. Most of that arrow fire is coming from the keep. It seems we just walked into the firing range.

After killing a soldier, he then rushes to one of the soldiers that has a radio unit on his back. "Soldiers get Peterson on the line. Have them lay down suppressing fire on that keep."

"Sir," The radioman said as he begins relaying the order to Peterson.

Sharpe then looks around and then beings providing suppressing fire on the keep. It only took a few moments before 30mm fire from that Stryker begins raining down lead into the keep. '

There are two Javelin missiles that are flying until they hit these two points on the keep, killing many archers. The FGM-148 Javelin was designed to destroy tanks and other vehicles but during the War on Terror, it was used as an effective bunker buster for infantrymen.

After the two Javelin missiles hit the keep, taking out the main archery points, Randy is telling everyone to hold fire and regroup.

"Hey Randy, let's move up," he orders.

Randy acknowledges the order, and everyone begins moving down the courtyard, heading to where the crucifixion posts are at.



(1)Nett Warrior or NW is an integrated dismounted leader situational awareness

(2)Crucifixion is a method of punishment or capital punishment in which the victim is tied or nailed to a large wooden beam and left to hang perhaps for several days, until eventual death from exhaustion and asphyxiation.

(3)Chapters 19
