Chapter 35 Elias Forest Campaign RM


--- Elies Forest ---

May 24th, 2025

Everyone is moving quickly, trying to get Sharpe trap ready before the Imperialist regroups and arrives. Throughout the battle, it became clear that the Empire set a trap for the American forces, to lure them into a fight on their terms. He decided to use their trap against them.

Direct engagement is not ideal right now because US forces are currently separated. They could try to evacuate the troops at the fort but that risks being ambushed by both the troops in the fort and from the forest. On top of that who knows what other surprises they might have.

The plan is to lure the main Empire force in the forest out and into the opening, away from the fort and into a kill zone for the gunship. There is too many to just engage them without taking too many casualties. As that bastard communist Stalin once said, "quantity has a quality all its own". US infantry can kill a lot of them, just not all of them, expectably when were flanked.

Thanks to Lelei's magical spell, it temporarily drove off the Imperialist cavalry, giving everyone time to get ready.

He is moving along the lines, moving all the men and the vehicles into a V formation that is facing the fort. He is intentionally creating gaps between the vehicles, so the Imperial cavalry will focus on those gaps. From what he understands about ancient warfare, cavalry was used to attack the flanks or exploit gaps.

Once engaged, everyone hops on and slowly conceded the group, luring them away. The three Stryker's would not take part in the opening fight. The gamble is to make the enemy think that they his side is far weaker than they actually are. At least that is the hope.

He walks up to his vehicle after getting everyone in formation. He looks at Alicia as she talks on the radio.

"Alright Angel 3, stay off station until we call. We don't want you to scare them away until the fun begins. Over and out." Alicia said to the gunship operator.

"Is the gunship ready?" Sharpe asked.

"Yes, sir. But they stress that they did not come equipped for combat. One pass and that's it." Alicia said back to him.

"That is all we need if we get them in one place," he said. "Also, a good job of looking for support."

"Actually sir, it was mostly Lieutenant Sarah doing. She apparently has a friend on the base that's in the Air Force." Alicia replied.

He thinks about that for a moment. "Going to have to thank her big time for this."

Alicia smirks for a moment and then speaks softly. "Could just take her out for dinner."

"What was that?" he asked, glaring at Alicia.

Alicia gets a little embarrassed, trying g to think on how to respond. Thankfully, she was saved when Selina popped her head out the JLTV window.

"Hi, Major Sharpe. Lelei resting well but seems she is still asleep." That is when she looks up at him. "Hey, where is your helmet and body armor soldier. If I have to wear mine." She said with a cheeky smile.

He looks at her and then shakes her head. "I ditched mine and don't worry, I been through worse… fucking North Korea." He said, thinking back on that memory.

He then looks back at Selina. "Stay in here with Alicia. You are responsible for Lelei, can you do that?"

Selina give him a salute. "I can sir."

He nods at her and then walks away. The radio had some chat about possible sightings of the Empire.

Once he leaves, Selina looks over to Alicia. "Alicia, what is a North Korea?"

Alicia caught that too. She ponders on that piece of information. She looks over to Selina. "You know the Empire goes around enslaving people, raping and murder and all that?"

"Well… yes."

"They are far worse. They're one of the few hellholes on our planet." Alicia said. "And I don't know why he said that… don't worry about it."

They both hear weapons fire; it seems the fight is finally starting.


Sharpe rushes upfront after hearing some gunshots. Johnson should already be there. "Are they coming?"

Lieutenant Johnson looks at him. "Seems like it. There, there and there." He said as he points to three different directions.

As expected, the Imperial cavalry is attacking from both the left and right sides. A smaller but third group seems to be trying to flank from the far-left side. A good strategy for them but he was expecting something like that.

"Good," He said confidently.

He stands there and watches as the three groups charge at them, picking up speed. Watching them coming is really fascinating, it looks like there is a total of seven hundred. All three groups coordinate together very well for limited communication methods. In the ancient world, this would be a nightmare scenario for any infantry.

As they got closer, he stares at them. Johnson looks at him, getting a little concern. "Fire."

Johnson relays his order through his radio set. Sharpe abandoned his back at the fort when he stripped down. He needed all the speed for his sprint.

Right then rifle fire erupt across the line. Semi fire slowly be picking off some of the horsemen as they continue to charge. As ordered, the M2 browning .50 browning guns on both the JLTV and Stryker's remain quiet. The order is to help create the illusion there attacking a far weaker force. His gamble relies on that.

It seems like it the plan is working as they keep charging, even though they are taking loses. The three groups are heading for the gaps between the vehicles.

"Alright, fall back!" He yells, ordering everyone in his usual regimental command tone.

Doing what they were told to do in advance, the soldiers quickly get into the nearby vehicle or hop on the railings on the side of them. All at once all the vehicles begin to go into reverse, pulling away. Some troops are still be firing their rifles while in their vehicles.

He is riding on the side of a JLTV. The vehicle going to be in reserve just like everyone else vehicle. He witnesses the spot they were just occupying get swarmed by the Imperial forces. Looking at them now, there seems to be more than a seven hundred.

The Empire strategy really has impresses him. They took what little they know about the US Army and tried using it against them. They must have committed everyone they had in this whole region for this operation.

After hearing a short cheer from the Empire force, celebrating for driving the Americans away. They quickly regroup the three groups and begin a new charge towards them. He reaches through the window of the JLTV and grabs the radio.

"…Alicia, bring the rain." He orders.

"Roger…," Alicia said. "Angel-3, this is Vanguard-7. Requesting close air support. Large force at the pre-targeted position."

"Copy that Vanguard-7. We have you on thermal. Do not stop pulling back, this is going to be a danger close…. Firing the main cannon." Angel-3 said back over the network.

Everyone heard that over the network. It only took a short moment after the radio conversation.

As he watches at the incoming cavalry, right then a massive explosion hit right in the center of the enemy force. Right after that, a hail of 30mm bullets rain down on them. A consent bombardment of 105mm and 30mm fire rains down on top of them, slaughtering them in their tracks.

He orders everyone to stop since they are now safely out of range. Everyone gets out of their vehicles and stand there, watching the thousand plus soldiers dwelling to nothing.


Rory is rushing towards a small formation of Imperial soldiers. Once she gets close, she slashes her halberd right through them. Some were cut in half and two others fall off the keep.

After killing them, she stands tall and looks around. She is on top of the keep, or what is left of it. All around her are dead bodies of what the Americans and allies call 'Imperialist' soldiers.

"I think that is all of them," she said to herself, satisfied with the slaughter she committed.

So far, she has been impressed by this battle. All this effort just to save one medium-level soldier. Their honor is vastly different then many in this world. She thinks it will be interesting to see when their beliefs and sense of honor is tested by a real threat.

As she stands there, she notices something strange. She sees a large Imperial force outside the fort and seeing his group force retreating. "What the…?"

She walks to the edge of the keep and then jumps off. It is a long fall, but she finally lands on the edge of the wall. She notices two American soldiers standing there, on guard duty it seems. She notices them acting a little awkward.

She tilts her head confused. "Ahh, everything ok?"

Both glance at each other and then back at her. "Ahh…, nice jump." One of them said as his face turns a little red.

That comment confuses her. She guesses a jump like that would be impressive to mortals but how they are acting just seems off.

After thinking about it for a moment, that is when she realized that she is in a skirt and they were 'watching'. That means they were able to see up her skirt. After that realization, she gives them a death glare and give the one who spoke a hard slap on the face. "How inappropriate! Men… where's Major Sharpe." She said as she storms off.

That guy buddy nudges him in the shoulder. "You nearly died man."

"What the fuck… just watching the impressive jump… How the hell could I have known… nothing on this planet makes sense…"

She walks away after hearing that, she just shrugs. She learned from Alicia and Sarah that it is ok for a lady in their culture to slap a guy if he is being a prick. A cultural exchange that she currently approves of.

Now if it were just the Major there, it would have just been a flirtish embarrassment. He is having been brave, determine, and a killer, caring and… WAIT, she cannot be thinking that. He is just an interesting mortal. Now that she thinks about it, what did happen to him?

As she walks along the wall, she sees Charles looking at the Empire army. "Hey Charles, what is happening?"

He looks to her. "It's Captain. And what is it?"

She shrugs her shoulders l, not caring about mortal titles. "What happens to your people… Charles?"

Charles shrugs by that and ignore it. "I don't know, they fell back when these horsemen attacked." Charles said, still trying to figure out what is happening.

"Do you think it is related to that sound from before?" she asked, looking out at the Empire forces.

"I have no idea. All I know they should be here and that the Major left to go help them." Captain Charles said.

Hearing that frustrates her. She thinks about the situation. "Wait, you let him go out there." She then notices how angry she got and that surprised her, not able to remember the last time she got this angry over a mortal man.

"Don't worry kid," Charles said, dismissing her concerns.

That is when a random soldier yells, pointing g in the air.

She looks up and sees this flying thing high up. It is hard to tell but it looked like one of those 'aeroplanes' but one of the big ones. She could not identify what it is, should have spent more time listening to Lelei.

Then her eyes widen as she sees this stream of bright lights coming from that 'aeroplane'. When that happens, she suddenly is hit by these hundreds of souls begins pouring through her body. The sudden hit from all the warrior dead souls hitting her, she drops down onto the ground.

As an apostle for her God Emroy, her body is a vassal for souls while they are on their journey to him. As a soul passes through her, it brings this intense sexual pleasure. The more souls that go through her, the more intense the pleasure it is. The only way to remove the sexual intensity so to accept it and beginning killing her enemies. However though, the more she resists or in this case unable to fight, the stronger the pleasure becomes.

"Oh… God no…. ooo…. By the gods holy yes!" she screams as the sexual pleasure intensifies. The fighting is taking place too far away for her to fix this, please. She just must endure it until the fighting over.

Charles and five other soldiers gather around her, watching, confused about what is happening and what to do.

"Is… is she having a… orgasm?" A soldier asked out loud. It is more of an open question, trying to figure out what is happening to her.

"I told you, man. This is a fucked-up planet." The soldier from before said.


For a good eleven seconds, hell rains down on top of the Imperial cavalry. About two-thirds of the enemy forces were wiped out right in front of them. There are bodies all in front of them, screams from both man and horse can be heard.

The rest of the cavalry scatter a bit or just in plain shock from what just happen.

Sharpe can hear Alicia talking to the gunship over the radio. "Alright Vanguard-7, that is everything we were carrying."

Alicia replied to Angel-3. "Roger that. Clean hit. Thanks for the assistance."

He raises his hand into the air, trying to get everyone's attention. "Alright, let's get in the fight!"

Right then, all the vehicles move forward, getting close to the enemy survivors. Unlike before, every possible weapon is being used. Rifle fire to .50 caliber to their Stryker 30mm cannon laying waste into what is left of the Empire force.

The engagement last only about ten minutes. After the air support, the fight seemed to be lost in them. Still, he was not taking any chance. The rest fall to the American force, anyone that did not flee.

Once the area is fully secured, he orders the convoy back to the fort. It is time to accomplish their primary mission, rescuing Larson.

Back at the fort, he walks inside and sees Charles and Rory standing there. "Are we ready… to… go?" That is when he notices Rory all red. "Something happens?"

Before Charles could speak, Rory raised one figure. "Nope! I'm ready to go." When she finishes speaking and then she storms off, heading off to Sharpe's command vehicle.

That is when Charles place a hand Sharpe shoulder. "I have no idea how the hell you put up with them and stay sane."

He looks at him, simply confused. After thinking for a moment about the context of the current situation he realizes what might happen. "Oh… that. Yeah, you don't see that every day."

"Nope," Charles said. "Glade they are on our side."

"Yup," he said back to him, agreeing with the statement. "Larson going to be ok?"

"Ahh, yeah. Doc really knows his stuff. We just need to get him close enough for a medivac," Charles said.

"Alright. Take your team and get him to the medivac asap," he orders him.

Charles gives him a basic salute and then walks off.


It is about an hour after the battle. Peterson's third platoon has been engaging minor skirmishes with stray groups here and there, but the fort has been taken. They have been going through the fort and bodies for any intelligence and resources before abandoning the fort.

While heading back to base, they got news about Vanguard-5 and the Canadian team. They ran into no issues which is good. The elves help take care of Bailey's team until help arrived. Too bad that any hope for a treaty was ruined.

Lieutenant Colonel Kasen was pleased that the mission was a success however was angry with the unauthorized airstrike. Especially since the team went around him.

Currently, Vanguard-7 is heading back to Alnus with new orders. It sounds like operations in the Elias region are going to be winding down, at least for now. During his engagement at the fort NATO deployed another Stryker company form the 3rd Cavalry Regiment and a Mechanized platoon the Italian NRDC-ITA Support Brigade.

Lieutenant General Stanford wanted a quick and safe path back to friendly territory for the Rangers. So, they were going to occupy the town of Sartai on the Orgo highway when his forces passed them.

He leans over the center armrest and looks in the back of his vehicle. "Hey, Alicia. If Kasen asked, tell him I ordered you and Sarah to go around him."

She looks confused at him. "So, lie to him? You don't have to worry; I am not afraid of him or any officer."

"I know you don't. But if any happens, Rory will you," he said back to her.

"Yeah, who else is going to charge into battle after me?" Rory said with a big grin. Then she looks at them. "So, you guys call that a gunship? It is that destructive?"

"Actually, it is far more destructive than that," Alicia said back to her. "It was just on a training mission, so it wasn't at full capacity."

"It is beloved in the special forces community." Sharpe adds to that. "Saved our boys many times in hot situations."

Rory is impressed by that. Every time she goes about with these people, she learns their weapons are far more deadly then she could imagine. "It is just, I have never felt that much intensity in my life. So much death so fast, so much pleasure. I actually couldn't think."

"I can only imagine," Alicia said, thinking about the subject a bit.

He remains quiet, not knowing how to respond to Rory.

That is when Lelei begins to wake up. She slowly sits up, holding her head.

"Hmm… you are finally awake. Glade you're alright," he said to her, a bit relief.

"Yeah… did… did it work? What happen?" Lelei asked as she looks around, trying to figure out what has happened since she passed out.

Corporal Andrew Steele tells her what she missed, all in an interesting way.

"… I only believe half of that," Lelel replied.

"Ha! No one ever believes your stories, Andrew." Alicia tells Steele. She then looks back to Lelei. "So, what on earth was that?"

Lelei closes her eyes, gathering her thoughts. She then looks at Private First-Class Alicia Moore. "That was a new spell I been working on. It is based on a sonic boom, like what your 'aeroplanes' produce."

"It is airplane," Alicia corrects.

"How do you even know about that? And how could you make a spell from it?" he asked. He sounds interested in her answer.

"Well, I was just walking around Alnus a few weeks ago and I heard your planes do a sonic boom. I went to the airbase and was able to find a pilot to tell me what that noise was. He explained what some basic details about it. With that, I was able to find the appropriate books to do research." Lelei explains to them all.

"Yeah… ok. But how did you do that? You made it up?" Alicia asked again, not getting that part.

"See, natural magic is only as strong as your understanding of the world. For example, if you understand how fireworks, then you can make a spell around it. That's all I did with this." Lelei explains again. She thinks for a second and continues. "Magic has been in decline for centuries in our world because our understanding is extremely limited. Your science allows you to understand the world on a far higher and deeper level. I can use that knowledge to revitalize magic and enhance my own knowledge."

Sharpe is impressed after hearing all that. "I'm glad, that came in handy today. You saved a lot of good soldiers." He then thinks about what she just said. "Lelei, also be careful. It is a cliché, but great power comes with great responsibility. You need to be careful about what you decide to use and who you share that knowledge with."

Lelei nods her head in agreement. "I understand." She has already thought about what Sharpe just said. She has been greatly privileged to be the one to have access to their knowledge. Everything they know she can see. She decided a long time ago that she would not break that trust. "That is a great quote. Must have been a great man on your world, who said it?"

That is when Lelei notice Alicia roll her eyes and leans back into the chair. He chuckles and look forward again. That is when she sees Steele burst out laughing "Uncle Ben from Spiderman."


--- Elies Forest ---

May 24th, 2025

There are Imperialist soldiers all around the Fort of Gathr, in the Elias Forest region. Dozens of soldiers are gathering whatever supplies are left and piling the dead bodies into piles. The fort is practically destroyed, it would take months just to gather the resources to rebuild it.

The fort was built to wage war against the Vilgla people and their sister tribes. The Elies region has always been a source of much food product for the Empire and it has always been important to maintain control of it. It was a symbol of the Empire strength, all feared it.

"My lord, we gather the rest of the survivors. They are waiting at the stables." A soldier said. "There are not that many of them."

A pair of hands reach down to the ground, picking up this strange golden color shell. There are hundreds of these things all around the ground. They come from the weapons of the warriors from Alnus.

A fort of this size can hold about a legion worth of men. Historically, a force that size could easily maintain control of this region and put pressure on the elves in the forests.

The man stands up, analyzing the strange piece of metal. How interesting something so small and light can cause so much destruction. These metal arrows are more effective than the Empire's most powerful of a ballista.

He begins walking through the fort, following one of his most trusted commanders. Underneath him, bodies lay on top of each other, pools of blood around them. The smell of death is everywhere, a scent he is to familiar with.

Analyze all the bodies, it seemed traditional way of fighting does not affect this new enemy. Clumping together behind shields seem to be worthless. Those small metal arrows just price through their shields.

As he approaches the stables, he sees six men. Five of them are humans and another one is a Lion. They are sitting on the ground with this defeated look on their faces.

Once they see him walk up, their eyes widen and place their arm on their chest, saluting. One of them speaks. "My General, what are you doing here? I thought you were still up north?"

All of them go quiet after a hand is raised by the man. He sits down on some debris, looking at them at eye level.

"Now… tell me everything."


