Chapter 67

"President Potts met with the major NATO nations United Kingdom Prime Minister Oscar Lowe, French President Fabrice Giraud, Italian Prime Minister Alano Velotta, Canadian Prime Minister Jordan Banks. With them is Japanese Prime Minister Hoashi Tomomi, a major non-NATO member.

The topic was how to best deploy resources for the war effort. The Gate is a pathway between worlds, bypassing the need for interstellar travel. However, the size of the Gate has proven limiting for transporting troops, material, and hardware to Alnus in sustainable numbers to support the growing need for manpower.

The other major topic is the legality of allowing non-US troops on American territory. While it is common for foreign soldiers to train on US soil, there has never been an example of foreign troops on US soil for war. The sight of seeing foreign tanks and armored personal carrier has concerned many Americans as the most are not used to the sight.

To help guarantee the flow of resources, the US Navy recommissioned the old Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. While parts of the facility have bene turned over to civilian development by the city, most of it is still in Navy hands. The shipyard will be used for foreign troops and equipment to stay until it is their turn to go through the Gate." – SCNR


--- Alnus Community, Liberty Apex ---

August 20th, 2025

It is another day for Tyuule as she finishes getting ready for the day. So far, she has been staying with Delilah upstairs in her apartment. Outside the sole window in the room, all she can see is a downpour of rain.

While her good friend Delilah has fallen in love with Alnus and with some members here, she still has her doubts about this place. While she has found it nice and interesting seeing all these different races able to come here and live-in peace. Her heart remains back in her country.

An opinion of hers, she hates the feel of the Other Worlders clothing. While the quality is good and the am number of options is incredible, they do not have that natural feeling that she misses from her country. It all just feels artificial compared to what she is used to. However, still leagues better than the rags.

She usually spends her days in this room, not having any interest in meeting the people. More wanting to study the Other Worlders from a fare. This allows her to see the true nature of a people.

Deciding to leave, feeling a little stir crazy, she heads downstairs and heads to Delilah's works. When she is not off fighting for the Americans, she works at the local bar, Apex Liberty. Her kingdom did not have any of these kinds of bars. Out of everything she has seen in Alnus so far, this is her favorite. A place was all these people come together and get drunk and then act dumb. She finds it interesting.

As she walks downtown wooden sidewalk. It is freezing. Bunnies are fast, smart and have great senses. However, they do get cold easily. These huts with their large families usually provided all the heat needed during the cold seasons. The grey jacket she is wearing now provides the warm she needs now, still, she does not feel natural in it.

As she walks in, it looks moderately busy. Looks like many of the townsfolks had a similar idea. Many of them came here for food and warmth besides out in the markets. To kill time until the weather gets better.

As she looks around, her ears bend down a bit. Out of nowhere she suddenly feels insecure around all these people. She was once a queen of a mighty kingdom, respected by her people. Now, just a worn-out whore queen without a throne.

So far no one seemed to notice her, unlike back home. The whole world would stop when she made her presence. Not out of fear but respect. No, she is not even a name.

Decided to talk up to the bar booths, she sits down wanting to be alone. Once she arrives, she grabs what Delilah called a menu.

All around her she can hear people laughing, talking, flirting, yelling. A mixture of life of all ages, classes, and race.

The bartender walks up. She has seen this name before, his name is Gizar.

"Good afternoon your highness. What can I get you today?" Gizar says to her.

"Don't call me that. I am not a queen anymore." She responds to him. Looking down the shortlist. Everything has a picture by its name. So, the people who cannot read or understand the Other Worlders terminology can understand what they are ordering.

"I am just calling it as it should be your highness," Gizar responds.

She would just ignore what he just said. "What is this? I don't understand the picture."

Gizar looks to the picture, unable to read himself. "That is what the Americans call an omelet. That yellow wrapping is an egg. You have other food inside it with cheese. It is tasty, try it."

She looks at the picture some more, seeing all the options. "I don't know…"

"I will just make you one," Gizar says.

As she sits down the menu and waits for her food, she hears these children over in the corner of the bar. Looking over she sees these six kids. Two boys are sitting on the table while this girl is holding up this strange looking flat glowing devise. It looks like a small version of that big television that Delilah showed her.

There is another girl that just stood up and reach for that flat device. It looks like those five children are picking on that one girl.

"Hey Gizar, what is the story about them?" She asks him as she watches the kids.

"What?" Gizar asks and then looks over. "Damnit. Damn kids like to come in here when it is raining. Nowhere else to go."

She looks back at Gizar and she can see this frustrated look on his face. His anger shows that burn scare that is on the right side of his face.

"Why are they picking on the other kid?" She asks him, looking back at the kids. She does not really care about what is happening, there are far worse things in life the kids being mean.

"Hold on a second your highness," Gizar says to her. He then walks away for a bit to the end of the bar section. "Hey! Knock it off and leave her alone you damn kids! Go home!"

All the kids look at him, laughing. They drop everything and rush out of the bar. She catches a cat, three humans, and most shocking a Humanoid Medusae.

During Tyuule years in Sadera, she saw other races living there, but that was a rare side of things. The capital is mainly a Human city and the few races that got the privilege to live there mainly kept to themselves. Here in Alnus, it continues to shock her how well everyone integrated. It is probably of the mighty military machine the Other Worlders have, a sense of security.

Looking back towards Gizar, watching him walk back. In the distance, she sees that girl picking up that flat device. It seems to be broken.

"Sorry about that. Do bunnies have marriages? I am never getting married or having children. Damn brats," Gizar mumbles as he walks back.

"So why did you bother then? There just unworthy brats." She comments back.

"Company orders. Sometimes that kid comes in here with a female American officer. She must be busy again. Her caretaker saved my people from a Flame Dragon. It is the least we can do," Gizar says.

"Ok, but why were they picking on her?" She asks. She is simply curious, not caring about the matters of children.

"What do you expect, she's Edran. Decades of Empire propaganda against the Edras Kingdom, many still believe that they are inferior people. And besides, their kids. When else is there for them to do," Gizar comments show he does not have the best of the opinion of kids.

After some thought, she decides to get to and walk over. She remembers her ex-master Prince Zorzal once getting angry when this girl never arrived. The girl was named Selina and she was the princess of Edras, King Juleas daughter. Her family rule was overthrown from a noble revolt, a secret arrangement between them and the Empire. She was supposed to be a gift to show their new allegiance.

When she walks over to the girl, she sees her upset, looking at that device. There seems to be a crack on it. "I notice those children picking on you. You shouldn't allow others to put you down like that."

The girl looks up, confused and a little worried about Tyuule presence. "I'm… sorry? There were five of them." The girl responds in a confused tone.

She looks down at the girl, a little offended by the statements. For three years she was Zorzal personal sex slave. Being raped and abused every day. While he was able to control her mind, never once he ever controlled her mind or soul. Always defiant and strong. Never surrendering who she truly is.

"Hmm. It always could be worse. Never allow anyone to control you. If you allow others to dictate how you react and how you handle your situation, then they win." She says that girl. "By the way, why were they picking on you?"

The girl looks up at her. It looks like what she said only made her feel worse.

"Well, they thought it was funny that I am trying to read." The girl stops for a moment as she thinks of what to say next. "My new guardian father wants me to be educated."

Her time within the Empire she has seen all forms of presents. She has found that most live a simple life and do not normally approve of when tries to rise above their station. Right then though, she gets this strange vibe from her.

Leaning forward at the young girl, so she can get a better analysis of her.

The girl leans back and sits back down in her chair, creeped out by the bunny. "What are you doing?"

She ignores the young human question and continues to look at her. Her manners are all wrong for just a pleasant girl. When the girl was standing, she stood up proper. Same thing when she sat back down. How she speaks, looks and how she holds herself up all screams she is royalty.

Interesting, if she is royalty, why would those kids bother her like that? Even peasants understand that you do not harass royal blood.

However, Gizar said the girl is from Edras. While Tyuule never meant someone from there, she understands that Kingdom is extremely far away.

"You are royalty, aren't you?" Tyuule asks her the girl bluntly, trying to force a reaction out of her.

Tyuule got the reaction she wanted. The girl's eyes widen like she just got caught stealing. Her body trembled slightly, and her mouth opens, trying to say something but no words come out.

"I'm… no. I'm sorry, I need to go home," The girl responds, not knowing what else to say.

Tyuule stands there and does the math in her head. The girl's reaction said everything she needed to hear. An Edran girl that is royalty, here in Alnus and close to the Empire capital and not in her home country. But there is something else that is through her theory off, she just cannot point her finger to it.

"You are Princess Selina, aren't you? Of the Edras Kingdom. King Juleas daughter," She says to her. Again, she got this shocked reaction from the girl.

"Wait… bu… how did you know?" Selina asks, not knowing how to react.

She smiles at Selina's reaction. She finds it adorable how innocent she seems to be and how easy it is to manipulate her. No wonder those kids where picking on her.

"It was easy to tell. Your mannerisms scream out royalty and Prince Zorzal was expecting an Edrean princess name, Selina." She explains. She looks down at the girl again and seeing her scared to death. She finds it strange though, the girl mannerisms scream royalty however her attitude does not.

"I… I… you are with Zorzal?" Selina said in a scared voice, unable to find a good response. She then gathers her things, clearly wanting to run away.

As she watches Selina have a near freakout, she realizes that she crossed a line. Her intention was not to come over and scare her like this.

"Wait, Princess Selina. I did not mean to scare you. I am not with Zorzal. I was freed by the Americans and Delilah." She says to them, trying to stop her from leaving.

"My name is Tyuule. The Queen of the Warrior Bunnies."

Selina stops and looks up at Tyuule. "Stop, don't call me that… What do you want? I just wanted to do my study."

Taking a deep breath, realizing that she screwed up and was too aggressive. Finding out that she should work on her people skills more. She guesses that Zorzal has rubbed off on her after three years. She clearly cannot take this kind of directness.

Hearing Selina's question, Tyuule thinks about it. At first, she was curious about what was happening. Bored and just wanted to do something. Now, she has so many questions to ask.

"I like to know what happened and why are you keeping your identity a secret?" She asks, that being the most confusing part of all this.

Selina seeing no way around this, she sits back down and looks up to Tyuule.

She looks at Selina, clearly trying to figure out how to respond to her questions. Maybe there is a dark side to these Other Worlders, forcing her to hide her true identity. There is no reason for someone of royal blood to hide their identity unless they are hiding from something. She must be afraid that these people might do or use something from her, the question is what.

"Why are you keeping your identity from the Other Worlders? Wouldn't it be easier on you if everyone knew you were royalty? Get the respect you deserve." She says to Selina, pushing for the truth.

"Sharpe says there is no such thing as royal blood. Anyone who thinks they should be respected because of how they were born and what blood they have is a fool. That is what he says." Selina says and then pauses for a moment. "And not it wouldn't make my life easier."

Tyuule ear ends slightly, confused by what Selina said. "That makes no sense."

"No. Sharpe says that people shouldn't follow and serve someone because of a crown or a title. You follow the person's heart or character, not something fake. I think he used the word artificial besides fake," Selina responds.

She is surprised by that answer. She cannot disagree with that. When she was a queen, she did not have any nobles in her country. She has only seen that to suppress people and empower a few people.

"Interesting. Still, why haven't you told anyone? Are you afraid of these people?" She asked her directly, wanting to know the truth.

She can see the hesitant behind Selina, not wanting to answer the question. The girl looks around, hoping for something.

Looking back to Tyuule, Selina looks up at her. "Because I want to be adopted and protected by Sharpe and live with these people like a normal person. I don't want to be treated differently by these people. I know I was just picked on for being Edran but I have friends I made here. I don't want them to treat me different because who my father was. I am afraid if I tell them then I would be treated differently. That is why."

That answer surprises her as she thinks it over. That answer is something she expected from a princess. She then sees her continue to speak, preventing her from commenting.

"And besides, I have nowhere else to go." Selina finishes.

"I get it. You are hiding out here. You don't want these people to know who you are because you want their security." She asks her.

Delilah has been telling her many times that these Americans saved her because they wanted to. She just cannot believe that no one would ever do something like that. There must be some secret motive, some secret reason.

This somewhat happened before with Prince Zorzal. He used her trust and betrayed her which brought the end of her kingdom. She does not want that to happen again, she knows she will not be able to take it a second time. If this girl is hiding this big of a secret, then there must be some kind of dark side of these Other Worlders.

Selina gets out of her chair and stands there, placing her hands on the table. She seems to be getting frustrated now, showing a little backbone now. After taking a deep breath she looks directly at Tyuule eyes. "Look, I know you are scared. I understand how you feel right now. I felt the same. You have nothing to fear. I just don't want to be treated differently."

Hearing that makes Tyuule tilt her head. She cannot believe what she just heard. "You have no idea how I feel little one."

The girl just glares at her. "You were betrayed and enslaved. While maybe remain strong as you said but gave up hope that anyone who comes and saves you. Then you were saved by these random people you never meant before." She stops and thinks for a moment but then holds up one figure. "At least you had someone you knew come for you."

She thinks on that for a moment, thinking she understands her now. So far, she thought she was putting on her strong public face. This kid can see right past it though. "It just seems too good to be real."

"I know. After I was rescued, I thought was going to be these people slave. But that did not happen. I just don't want these people, my new family to know who I am. You see, I was not treated as a boy or girl, a human or as a hybrid. These people don't even care I am Edran. They see me just as another person and I like that. I don't want to be treated differently because of something that doesn't matter anymore."

"I am sorry." She tells her after hearing that. She realizes she came in this way too aggressive with wrong motives. She finds it interesting that she has a lot more in common with this human girl than with her kind. "Can you forgive me?"

Selina thinks for a moment and then nods. "Will you keep my secret a secret?"

"Why? Shouldn't you tell them? It is a part of you, and wouldn't your friends want to know? And besides, you are a princess. You do have a duty to your people." She says to her.

This part is baffling her greatly. How could she just abandon her people like this? Every day she has dreamed of taking back her homeland from the Empire. This girl just traded allegiance this easily.

"What duty? The nobles sold me into slavery after murdering my family. No one came to rescue me while I was on the road for all those months. They hate me and want nothing to do with me." Selina explains. Her reactions show that she is upset by that.

Hearing that, she just smiles. She understands now how she feels. "How do you know that? As you said, Delilah came to help me. My country might no longer exist. However, I still have people who are loyal to me. Maybe you might have people who are still loyal to you."

Tyuule can see what she told Selina simply confused her struggling to find a response. It is like she never even considered that.

Selina takes a deep breath. "But… I honestly like where I am now. People love me. People who care enough about me and I get to see this world and their world. I want to be more than just a princess."

Hearing that just made Tyuule smile. At first, she felt something was off about this girl. Tyuule thought it was because she was lying about who she was but that was not it. It is that she humble and not suffering from a sense of entitlement as most royalties do.

"Why are you smiling miss?" Selina asks.

"I am sorry, something was bugging me about you and I just figured it out." She says to her in a humbler tone. "Before I came over here, I thought you were weak, but I was wrong. I have been around nobles and royal blood for a long time. Trust me, most are entitled worthless bags of meat who care nothing but themselves. You're not."

"I… I don't understand," Selina responds.

She thinks of what she just said to Selina. Remember how arrogant Molt children are, all believe they deserve something even though none have earned or done anything with their lives. Their father Emperor Molt was stupid enough to blindly open a Gate to another world who was far superior then the Empire.

The more she thinks about it, the more she realizes the value of what Selina said. Well, what her caretaker told her. This world is suffering from leaders who believe it is their right to rule and everyone has given them what they want. It is rare for royalty, the lords, and nobles to think about their people's.

Looking at Selina, she sees a future queen in the making. Something this world is going to need down the road. Change is coming and she knows she is looking aright at it. But if the Empire and their allies are in the way, that change will not settle for the long run.

She sees this kid one day rivaling Princess Pina and maybe even herself.

"Selina. I promise to keep your secret, but I will need you to answer this one question first. Can I trust these people? Are they as perfect as they claim to be?" She asks her.

"Ahh… well," Selina mumbles as she figures out how to respond.

Selina then begins to speak with some excitement. "Well, Sharpe will say that his country isn't perfect, but he wouldn't trade it for the world. But I did get a chance to go there and I learned a lot. They don't believe in rule leading for life and they elect their leaders. They also have rights for their people and so much more."

"Hmm… interesting." Hearing the excitement in her voice ways enough. And she respects what this man Selina keeps bring up says. An honest answer. Maybe she needs to give these people more credit and trust. If Delilah trusts them, at least enough to ask for their help to save me, maybe there is more to this. Maybe this is the key to taking back her throne she begins to think.

"Thank you, Selina. I know I was a bit mean before, but you helped me," She speaks.

"Helped you? With what?" Selina asks.

"I have decided that I am going to start helping the Other Worlders. Help them defeat the Empire so I can rescue my people and reclaim my country." She explains.

She can see Selina listening, understanding the meaning behind it.

She stands up from her seat. "Thank you for the conversation and your insight Selina. For now, just continue to grow and be yourself. It sounds like you have people who deeply love you and I am happy for you. If you ever have a question about your royal blood, don't be shy to ask me if you need it."

"Ok," Selina says, a little confused by that. "I am happy to help I guess."

She nods and heads off.


--- Sadera, Royal Distract ---

August 20th, 2025

Sherry Tyueli is walking through the hallways of her family home. In her hand is a try with some cups. She is a daughter of the Tyueli clan, a powerful noble family within the Imperial Senate. She has not seen much of her father since the attack. The Senate always in session as they try to figure out what to do with the war.

As she walks into the next room, she sees her father Kaeso Id Tyueli talking to Cicero La Moltose and Casel El Tiberius. Cicero is one of the pro-war members of the senate however she has always found him to be moderate and far. Casel is one of the older members of the senate but is not widely respected. His views are quite different than most senators, being more idealistic and a pro-reformer.

"I can't support the peace faction right now. Doing that will result in the destruction of the Empire." Cicero states.

"If we continue the war, it will bring destruction to the Empire." Her father responds.

"You don't understand. I spent decades fighting wars to maintain the stability of the Empire. It will not matter if we form a peace treaty with the Other Worlders. If we concede all Alnus Hill, we will be forced to concede the region. Elbe and the other kingdoms we will lose forever. On top of that is Italica, Valtris, Naiktai are lost." Cicero explains.

"We cannot forget about the recent reports that the enemy is moving south to bypass the Dumas Mountains," Tyueli added. "This proves they cannot go through the Dumas Pass."

"This wouldn't be a problem if Princess Pina didn't tell the location of Sadera."

"They would have found out sooner or later," Tyueli said. "Remember, they have Duren. The fact the enemy correct their mistake so quickly and moving south, around the Dumas Mountains proves it. IT was only a matter of time before they learned where Sadera was."

"Lets no forget, while it was a blessing the enemy went west to Elies, it also is a curse," Tiberius said. "The Elies Region is one of our most profitable regions in the Empire. Losing it would be a blow to our economy and taxation. The enemy knows this and knows if they take it, it could split the Empire into two."

Moltose takes a stressful breath. "I never thought I would ever see a day like this. I just hope General Belgrawd can hold the line down south and give us some breathing room. Otherwise, there is nothing we can do."

She stands there and listens to the conversation. She found that everything Cicero said makes completely since. However, it just does not matter anymore. In her opinion, there are no good options for the Empire right now.

She remembers the American raid, the massive amount of destruction by so few warriors. Never in her life, she ever felt so afraid. She remembers walking through the rubble and seeing all the smoke and dead bodies. That is when she realized that there only hope is to surrender to the Other Worlders. Her father agrees with that idea and has been trying to convince the rest of the Senate to vote for peace.

"That is foolish Casel and you know it. How do you plan on fighting them? You think Crown Prince Zorzal and his people are capable of defeating them?" Moltose comments.

"Then we place our trust in General Krysist," Casel states.

"Hold on, do you actually believe that Krysist will defeat the enemy?" her father asks.

There is this dead silence after that name is said. She is surprised to see this frustrated look on their faces.

"Father, why does the Senate hate Krysist?" She asks.

Since Krysist first arrived, he has been the number conversation in Senate, almost to the point the War has become a afterthought. Most of the talk has been negative with a few people showing support. He just walked right into the senate floor and made his demands clear. That he will fight the Other Worlds and in return, Prince Diabo takes the throne besides Zorzal.

"My dear, he is a… complicated man," Her father responds.

"That is saying it nicely. He rebelled against us twice and he has that strange Dark Elf by his side. He is dangerous. He is very skilled as a warrior for his time in the arena and his army is very loyal." Cicero explains, clearly not liking him.

"If he rebelled twice, then why is he still part of the Empire?" She asks, confused by this.

"Sherry, please understand. The truth is we do not really know him. He never was a noble. His loyalty is to himself and his beliefs. He has never lost a battle and always questioned Sadera. He has always been a wild card in fighting our wars. He was banished to the north because we could not control him. Emperor Molt refuses to explain why he banished him though," Her father explains.

Sherry finds that interesting. While the emperor is all-powerful, the senate is the one who usually creates laws and deals with everyday tasks like that. How can no one know why he was banished and yet hate him so much?

Right then it hits her. Her father just said it, he is not a noble, an outsider. People in Sadera do not look kindly to the outside world. They cannot control him and that is what they fear the most.

"It does not matter what we think of the man. Krysist is going to die out there. He saw a chance to gain some glory for himself and took it. No better than Zorzal generals," Cicero states. "It might be best. If that man wants to throw his life away in Elies, that only helps us."

"I don't believe that," Casel responds.

"Explain your meaning," Cicero quickly demands.

"I would normally agree with you however you are leaving out one key detail. His demand to have Prince Diabo to take the throne. Why would he demand that?" Casel asks.

"Ok, I would prefer Prince Diabo on the throne beside Prince Zorzal. That does not change the reality on the ground. None of this is proper. Borderline civil war," Cicero states. "Look, if peace was an option then I honestly would have a look at it. But because of Princess Pina blunder, all she did was strengthen the pro-war side and Zorzal people. Even if Diabo takes the throne, Zorzal people still control the senate. Sooner we accept that the sooner we can figure out a way to win."

She decides to set down then try so everyone can take their cup. She can see that the situation is complex. It is true that Pina almost formed a peace treaty with the enemy. It all went to the underworld when they killed all those guards in the throne room to free one of their people. Then again during their attack.

She has found that fascinating, people willing to go so far to rescue their people. With all that power though, who would stop them. If the Empire were that strong then maybe things would be different.

"Cicero, I understand your trying to lookout for the best interest of the Empire but you have to understand. How many more deaths do you need to change your mind?" Her father asks.

"Coming from someone who never fought in war. Lets look at it like this. If we surrender and concede Alnus away, that will tell everyone in Falmart that we are wea. All the other provenances and vassals will rebel against us. It is guaranteed that the Empire will fall if we sign any peace treaty in the current situation," Cicero explains.

"What you are saying is that you're afraid that we will look weak. My question to you is, are we already?" Casel asks.

She sees that question forced Cicero to reconsider.

"I take it you haven't heard. Prince Zorzal has called for a war summit. Many already agreed to meet him." Cicero says.

"A war summit? Are you serious?" Her father asks.

"Wait," Casel says and then takes a drink. "Cicero, we have been friends for a long time. I have enjoyed our long conversations over the years. I know you don't agree with my reformist ideals however I must ask you this question."

Sherry looks to Casel. She has heard some of his ideas. We want to reform the Empire and turn it more into a confederacy. Wanting to give more protections to the hybrid human races. He believes that would waste manpower that the Empire would use. He also believed that the Empire should care more about its people, seeing that the only reason why the Empire can function is because of its citizens. A belief that most senators and noble do not agree with.

However, the more she thinks about it the more she realizes that the enemy Other Worlders have simpler views. Maybe there is merit to Senator Casel ideas. While most others are scared of the enemy, the more she wants to go visit them. See how and why they are so different.

"Answer this Cicero. Are you pro war because you think that is the best option for the Empire or is it because you are afraid of Prince Zorzal?" Casel bluntly asks.

Cicero takes a deep breath. "Honestly, I am afraid of Zorzal. You should be to. He is a power-hungry animal that has been backed into the corner. He has lost his whores and now his throne. He has been humiliated many times now. He won't let any of this go, regardless if he takes the throne or not. He has friends in high places."

"You mean the Oprichnina? They have always been loyal to him. And his generals? They are not a threat." Her father says.

"Not just them. Borhos of the Centurion tribes have agreed to meet Zorzal. Alone. Rumors have it he made an alliance with other factions and vassals." Cicero states. "Look, if you can give me a path to peace, I will take it seriously. I just don't see one. Neither of you have proposed a way to achieve it. You're not giving me or anyone else a path to peace. It is all talk."

A strong silence happens after Cicero says that. While many want peace, no one can figure it out.

She thinks on everything that been said. That is true, no one has even tried to restart the peace talks. She thinks everyone is simply scared of this new reality. Looking for easy answer to a complex situation.

"Then your only option is to back Krysist," She says in a giggling tone. "Even if everything you said is true, he sounds like he would have a plan. Someone like him wouldn't come all the way down here just to fight."

All three adults look at her.

"Speak please daughter," Her father says to her, interest in what she has to say.

"Well think about it. If half of the thing you think he has done is true, he would be the best to find a way out of this mess. If Diabo takes the throne, then that can open the door to peace with the enemy. I was listening to his little speech on the Senate floor. He clearly has a plan, whatever that is," She says in a confident voice.

"I actually agree with Sherry," Casel said. "Krysist has always fought with an angle. The big problem is we are facing events that have yet been revealed. We need to find out more what Zorzal and Krysist are planning. Then we can pick our side."

"I will continue to speak with Zorzal and see what I can find out. However, this must stay between us." Cicero says.

Everyone agrees and continues to figure out what to do next.



Alnus Map:

Elies Map:
