Chapter 71 Christman

"Lieutenant General Charles Stanford has called off Operation Roundball and ordered all NATO forces out of the valley and return back to Deabis starting point. He deemed going around the Dumas Mountains to threaten Sadera to be out of reach for NATO forces right now.

With the NATO defeat at the Battle of Podet Lake, and the deterioration of the Roma Highway, NATO forces are unable to progress, removing all advantages they had going into this campaign. The goal was to employ 'Shock and Aw" tactics against the Empire however because this farm region is surrounded by three different mountain ranges, this farming valley becomes somewhat of a lake of mud. This has preventing armored forces to move through the valley with the speed needed to attack the enemy, forcing Infantry to march on foot the long distances to their objectives.

Aviation units are assisting in moving troops around however they are over stretched as NATO Aviation are currently overwhelmed with demand. The US Army and Air Force is addressing the solution by building three more Aviation bases as part of the buildup. This is a long-term solution and does nothing to address the current situation.

On August 24th, 1st battalion from the 79th Infantry Brigade, 40th Infantry Division officially left the city of Marais. They were the last NATO troops to leave the city, officially surrendering the city back to the Empire. Most of the population celebrated the NATO withdraw however, some of the population requested to come with the 79th, mainly slaves, demi-Humans, with some humans. Most of them are from the lower end of society. All were granted asylum and allowed to come to Alnus. This sparked outrage by the nobles, seeing their slaves being stolen from them. This resulted in a minor skirmish however the short riot was ended quickly.

The 1st Battalion will join the Australian 7th Brigade at Filisville. The farming town is key to connect Alnus Hill with the Elbe Fiefdom. Now that the 1st Armored Division is no longer thrusting east to cover the 10th Mountain flank, they will be pushing to Roroish Forest, the gap between the heart of the Tube Mountains and west point of the Beza Mountains. The Imperial Army is moving forces to that pass to prevent Elbe and NATO forces from merging and working together.

With the failure to take this valley, the Empire is free to move its forces and assault the east of Elbe and feed its army. NATO needs to take this pass so they can build an airfield to assist Elbe.

With the Greater Elies Campaign heating up, putting up far bigger resistance then expected, eighty percent of NATO resources are being focused to that theater. Lieutenant General Stanford saw the potential of Operation Roundball however Alnus Command underestimated the environment, climate, and resources that were need for the operation." – National Interest


--- Greater Elies Region, outskirts of Legrath ---

August 25th, 2025

As Private First-Class Natalia Christman lays on the ground, holding her face after a hard hit to the head. She looks around as her vision gets better. Her mind is racing, trying to figure out what just happened.

One moment she and her buddy were keeping over watch. She noticed this straight light and fell asleep right after. When the short nap felt resting, she awaked from being dropped hard onto the ground. Arms and legs bounded.

"No!" A man's voice can be heard as he yells, right before it suddenly goes quiet.

Christman slowly moves to the left and sees this man pulling this sword out of the ground. Looking down, she sees her fireteam leader, Sergeant Miller. She sees the blood coming out of the two arrow holes around his body and from the neck, where the sword was stabbed through.

All around she sees soldiers of the Empire walking around, looking through the bodies for anything of worth.

Then this one man walks over to her. His figure would be a little fizzy as she still figures out what just happen.

As she looks up, she tries to back away with her other arm. This Imperial man would kick her in the chest.

Out of pure reaction, she huddles in the fetal position. Laugher can be heard among the enemy group. She then hears this man's voice that is right by her.

"Listen, women," This Imperial soldier said in a degrading tone. As he talks, he grabs Natalia's chin and forces her to directly look at him. "Resisting, how funny. Did you really think a mere woman can beat me, a man? Now, this is what is going to happen. You will tell me why your group is here and where the others went. Only then I might be nice to you. If you refuse, well then. I have a more entraining way to make a fine lady like yourself speak." He finishes as he moves his hand down her side, intentionally feeling her up.

After hearing that, she looks up at that man. He has this ugly face with yellow teeth. His smell implies that he has not bathed in months.

Noticing that he is distracted with her body, she kicks him while in the balls and push him off when he is in pain.

As the man falls over, she moves to her side and starts to get up, trying to rush away.

Christman would not get far as she feels someone grabs her leg and grabs her back. After being grabs to the right where she just was, she is flip over. "I'm not telling you nothing your Imperialist bastard!" She said in a defiant tone. Right after saying that, she spits in the guy's face.

"You whore, you are going to pay for that! Gods… Fine, we will do it my way. I will get your secrets out of you. Siflis is going to enjoy your screams as I rape your weak filthy body," The man said as she slaps her over the cheek.

She moves her hand to cover her face however was stopped by this other man who appeared behind her. That man grabs both of her arms and holds them back.

"Let go you fucking pigs!" She yells as she tries kicking them, not wanting to go down without a fight.

"You are going to learn why a woman does not belong in war," The man said, chuckling as he grabs her legs and removes her underwear. He then starts coking her as he rapes her. The soldiers around him cheers him on.


Sharpe hears the screams coming up head as his small detachment moves forward.

Only about ten minutes ago he ran into these two wounded 82nd Airborne soldiers rushing from this location. It looked like they were ambushed by the Empire and got separated from the rest of their fireteam. They said the two other members of their team are missing and he only can assume those screams are them.

Looking forward, he can see some soldiers up ahead in this covered area, surrounded by brush.

"Those are Imperials Major," Delilah said, looking right up ahead.

"I will take your word for it. See any of our people." He said to her, unable to get a good view of himself.

He looks over to Delilah, impressed by her sharp hearing senses. He thinks about how her natural animal abilities could have been useful back on Earth on some of his Spec Ops and Black Ops missions.

"I heard some people being and… wait. There is someone alive, female. I think they are torturing her. Talking about a woman should be in war and…," Delilah stops and looks to him. "They are going to rape her for information."

Sharpe nods at her and looks behind him. He has Randy, Jerry, and Alicia with him, plus two more from Bailey unit.

Looking over at Rory to his left and then back at Delilah. "Alright, stay quiet. Do not use rifles unless you must. We do not want to alert the fortress we are close. Rory, you go right in and Delilah, take the left side. Cute them down. Everyone close moves in from behind. You two, go guard the left flank. Do not let anyone escape."

Sharpe then looks to Lelei. "Lelei, stay by my side. When we get close, cast a spell to blind them. When Lelei blinds them, that is when Delilah and Rory move in."

Once everyone understands the plan, everyone moves out to followers on their orders.

He starts to move forward to where the enemy is at.

Up ahead, he sees this soldier that seems to be on guard duty. To his luck, the soldier is not keeping watch but looking at his comrades, enjoying what he is seeing.

He motions to Lelei to stay quiet and pulls out his knife. Quietly moving close, he wraps his hands around to cover his mouth and slice this throat open. After that, he brings down the body and lays it quietly on the ground, letting him die.

Once he confirms that the Imperialist soldier is dead, he lets go and moves forward, waving to Lelei to follow. Looking out at the small camp, he sees a few soldiers, mostly in archer gear. All of them are looking down at these two men holding down this woman.

He holds up his hand and then gives Lelei the single to use her magic.

Lelei starts to chant a spell quietly. This bright light comes out of the top of her staff. This energy orb bursts out of her staff and flies to the minicamp of Imperial soldiers and burst. Suddenly everyone is either distracted or blind by Lelei flare spell. The soldiers are moving around trying to figure out what just happen.

He already covered his eyes before the event. He looks out and sees Rory burst out of the bushes and slashes a man in half.

Delilah comes out of her hiding spot and slices this soldier at the neck.

He just stays there watching as they easily kill them all, keeping an eye out for any stragglers. Once he is convinced that the area is clear, he moves forward.

"Alright, area clear," Sharpe said over the radio.

Sharpe then looks over and sees the two missing Airborne troops. One dead with the neck cut open with an arrow in his leg. He then looks over to the female soldier. "Jerry, I need you over here now. Wounded."

Sharpe walks over to the woman and kneels by her side. "Is that all?"

The women look up at him, sitting herself up. "Yeah… yes, sir."

He looks down and her and sees that the Imperialist soldiers stripped her of her cloths and was raping her. He looks over to Lelei. "Lelei, assist Specialist William when he arrives. First, go get the spare pants and vest. Only inform Randy and Jerry if you need to. Like to be discreet if possible."

As Lelei rushes to the JLTV, Sharpe then looks back at her, being completely professional in her situation. He looks at what remains of her vest and sees her name. "Private First-Class, Christman. What happened, are you ok?"

Wanting to be respectful, he looks away and sees some of his other Rangers come over. Randy organizes everyone into a defensive position and to police the dead bodies. Both making sure the males stay away to give privacy. Jerry did not need to wait for an order, he rushed right to his position to start treating the female soldier.

"Its... its ok Major… I'm not a flower… sir," Christman said as she begins getting treatment. "What happened to the others?"

"We ran into them. Vanguard-5 medic is treating them now," Sharpe said.

"Your, you are that blue hair girl I heard so much about," Christman said. "I thought it was dumb that we recruited you. Good to be wrong. And Vanguard…, you are the Rangers we were expecting."

William rushes up and kneels by Christman. "Yes Private, now just stay calm."

"Alright, Private First-Class, report please," Sharpe said to her, after giving enough time for her to get decent.

Lelei then rushes back, carrying clothes. She begins clothing Christman.

William helped her lean against the base of a thin tree. " Private First-Class, Christman of 2nd Brigade, 2nd Battalion, Charlie Company, Recon Fireteam. We are with three other fireteams that are scattered all around this area. We were sent into recon the fortress and call-in targets of interest. Watch and report troop movements, defense strength, etc. I have no idea how they found us, sir. Suddenly Sergeant Miller and I fell asleep and when I awoke, they killed Miller and…-."

"Can you give us two minutes Major?" Lelei asked.

"Alright Lelei, get me once you two are done, I know this is a bad situation, but I need intel," Sharpe said and walks away to give some privacy.


"I cannot believe I fell asleep at my post," Christman mumbles. "I got Serge killed."

"I don't think so," Lelei said. "From what you said it seems like an elf used sleeping magic on you."

Jerry leans back, shocked by what Lelei said. "You're kidding?"

Lelei would chuckle by how little these Americans understand magic but the situation to dark. "Yes. You seen elves use fire, water spirit magic. You seen Sirens use wind magic. Elves can also put people asleep."

"You have to be fucking kidding me?" Christman said, shocked and then angry. "Miller died and I was raped because some elves put us asleep? Bastards."

"This world never seems to amaze me," Jerry said. "Alright Private, you should be fine until we can get back to base. I am going to take you to our JLTV."

Seeing that everything is done here, she sees Sharpe and rushes back to him.


As Sharpe stands up and walks away. As he walks, he noticed Lelei walking by his side.

"Everything ok Major?" Lelei asked.

As Sharpe walks, he struggles to answer her question. Since getting approval from Colonel Yang to do this rescue mission, something he did not expect, something seemed off. All the other missions since he arrived in this world, this is the first time he does not have confidence in the mission. There is a puzzle that looks like it fits but at the same time seems to not belong.

"Yes, just something is off, and I am struggling to figure it out," Sharpe responds. "I was shocked that Colonel Yang approved the mission so quickly."

"That is because he trusts you. We all do Major. We have done this a few times now." Lelei said back to him. "And let's be honest, if he said no would you have listened?"

He thinks about what she said. Before the war, he butted heads with Colonel Yang. Looking back on it now, he realizes how much of an asshole he was being to the Colonel. And the last part she said somewhat scares him because he does not fully know how to answer that. "Let us not dive down that rabbit hole."

"Its Tuka and Hardus aren't it? It is odd about how we found them. Like they were looking for us." Lelei said.

He looks to her. "I do think it was strange when we ran into them. What do you think of them?"

"Hmm… well, I spent a lot of time with Tuka. She seems fine, talkative but fine. She seems to be a high spirit for what she has been through. She defiantly seems fawn of Hardus, probably because he saved her." Lelei said, recalling the previous talk with her.

He thinks about what Lelei said. Everything about Tuka seems to be genuine and even though it seems her father Hodor does not trust us; his motive seems to be honorable.

"What about the father?" He asked her.

He sees Lelei looking up at him, slightly confused by something.

"Why do you keep coming to me to ask your questions?" Lelei asked in a confused but analytical voice.

That question shuts him up for a moment. He knows he has been relying on her opinion on matters more than anyone else. It never crossed his mind if she liked that or not. "I am sorry, I value your insight. More than others. I should have asked if you enjoy me asking you questions all the time."

"Everything is fine Major. I do not mind at all; I am simply confused about why. I am glad you value my thoughts." Lelei said and pauses. Her facial reaction shows a new confidence and a smile. "Well, I think he is just desperate and tired. He doesn't trust us but at the same time, he does. I think he is just conflicted right now. I think you can change his minds about Humans."

"Hmm… no pressure, right?" Sharpe responds, knowing what she means. Saving someone's daughter and people usually goes a long way for something.

"I know you can Major. You are the best and that's why you always come out on top." Lelei said with a cheerful smile.

He looks to her and smiles. He places a pat on her shoulder, knowing she is trying to be nice. "I am the best because I am surrounded by the best. Always remember that."

"You two are adorable," Delilah said as she hopes down from a tree branch.

He looks over to her, somewhat surprised by her sudden presence. "Damn, your kind are really quiet."

Right when he said that he begins to think. He must admit, he has not been factoring in the race's abilities of this world. None of his people have.

It is probably because so much of what we know has gotten turned upside down. It is easier to stick with that you know then try new things during times of confusion. And the fact that we have been destroying the Empire so easily, there has not been a need to explore other tactics. Still, the more he thinks about it, that is not a good reason not to try.

"You are stealthy one Delilah. No wonder why Bailey likes keeping you around," Sharpe mumbles to himself as he rubs his beard.

"Wait what? Of course. I am a Warrior Bunny, but I have been trained in the arts of assassination." Delilah said in a confused manner. When she thinks about it a blush slightly. "Wait, what is that supposed to mean!?"

"Of course, and nothing, nothing at all." He responds and waves her off, still thinking on his though. He glances back to Lelei and found her a bit embarrassed. Let lets it go and look back to Delilah. "What brings you here?"

"I am sorry, but I was listening to your conversation. Big ears, hard to help at times. But there is something I want to tell you about Hardus," Delilah states.

That got his attention. Any more information he can get is worth it right now. "What is it."

"Well, it is just a feeling, but something is off with him. He is talkative, asking a lot of questions." Delilah said.

"Ok." Sharpe thinks about what she said. He is not surprised if this man had questions, seeing our technology for the first time. That is when we remember Harper, his Delta Force mentor back in the day.

Major Harper was the one who got him to read many different types of literature, like the leadership teacher John Maxwell. According to him, you can learn a lot about someone based on the question someone asked.

"What kind of questions?" He asked.

Delilah right ear bends as she thinks on the question. "Well, it is hard to say. He was just asking a lot about who we are and how things work. This is understandable but it is how he asked his questions. It seemed like he was searching for something then asking just out of curiosity."

She then looks at him and the points at him. "Actually, he kind of reminds me of you. Every one of his questions seemed too intentional. Do you know what I mean? It is just a feeling. He just does not sit right with me. To be fair, I have no reason to like him after what his people did to mine but I am trying to separate that."

After hearing that, he begins to think about what she said.

"Alright, thank you. You two have been helpful," He speaks.

As he thinks on what they said, he realizes he just has no facts to go off. On the other hand, many past battles have been won on gut feelings and trusting on his teammates. That just means what options does this present.

"Ok, gather your things. We are leaving soon." He said and then walks away.

He goes right to the Airborne women Christman. His Rangers are all around, waiting for orders.

"everyone, head back to the JLTVs." He said as he walks up to Christman.

"William, I need to speak with Christman in private for a moment." He orders, implying that this is not up for debate, unlike last time.

"Ok sir, go easy," William said and walls away.

Once they are alone, he looks right at Christman. "Private, I know what you just went through is a horrible situation, but I need information and I'm running out of time. I need you to tell me everything you know about that fortress."




Special Thanks to Vexor502 for in creating Natalia Christman and the recent help