Chapter 88


--- Fort Alnus, Vanguard Headquarters ---

October 28th, 2025

In Alnus, Sarah is at the Vanguard office, doing some paperwork.

"Wow… I cannot believe how little work I have when there not around." She said chucking as she catches up on emails. She is surprised how little work when she does not have to do eighty percent of her boss's paperwork.

As the team logistics officer in this world, it is her job to make sure everyone in Vanguard-7 is well equip, have everything they need before going on a mission. Sometimes when they are out, get work on resupply missions or pass along new intelligence or mission change they might need.

But when the team entered Havcristen everything became local, meaning her role has been reduced.

Her desk phone begins to buzz. She picks up it. "This is First Lieutenant Rose of Vanguard-7 speaking."

There is a small delay and some static. "This is Major Sharpe, do you read?"

She is surprised by this. Unless he needs something, he does not normally call her. He always preferred to keep a tight lip when it comes to military operations, and she noticed that has spread to everything else in his life.

A habit from his Spec Ops day, but that does not mean she finds it frustrating. Sometimes she struggles doing her job when he does not share everything about a mission, but it is something she has accepted.

"Yes it is, sir, what can I do for you?" She responds.

"Listen carefully, I need some assistance for an upcoming op." He said in a cold commanding voice.

"Ok, sir. But is everything you need already there? Is the invasion doing ok?" Sarah asked.

"Invasion fine. I just need some help pulling this off." He said.

He is confused by this but can hear the urgency in his voice. After the last few months of the girls chipping his Fort Knox walls, he has down, she has figured out how to read his mood.

"Tell me what you need but it might be helpful if you tell me what's going on." She said, getting ready to take notes.

"I'm laying a trap for Krysist. I have Colonel Yang full support on this, and we are on the clock." He answers hesitantly.



Her eyes widen when she realizes that she said that out loud.

She has learned that Sharpe does not take losing very well. To him, losing means someone died under his command. She was hoping what happens at the fortress and with Tuka be an isolating innocent.

She and everyone else has enjoyed this newer happier commanding officer, not weighted down by the past. She fears that this will destroy all that progress. He does not give up and that is something she loves about him, but not in manners like this.

"Nothing sir, tell me what you need." She said.

She begins to write down a father small list that he asked her. As she writes what he asked down, she is surprised and confused by his requests.

"Sir, are you sure? Do you think they will agree to do your request?" She asked, confused about what is going on in his head.

There is a short static silence over the network. In the background, she could hear some gunfire.

"I am playing any and every card I can. I am not going to let anyone get the drop on me again. Now can you do it by the end of the day?" He said.

She did not like how he said that. "I will try but it is short notice. Sometimes I do wonder what goes on in your head."

There is another silence but not from static or delay, he just did not respond at first. "You don't want to you."

She could not find a response to that and finds that is a true answer. "Ok, sir. I should get off if I am going to take care of this."

"… thank you. One more thing." He said, not with a slightly nervous tone.

She is confused by this. She cannot remember the last time she was this confused in a short conversation. "Anything sir."

"… if you don't mind, you can join us here in Havcristen. I could use your expertise." He said, stumbling a little.

She wanted to laugh hearing that, seeing him struggling a little. She sits up so she could sound respectful. "Once I get this done, I will be on the first flight. But what about Selina?"

"She will be fine for a few days. She is a tough girl." There is a short delay in the conversation. "Tell her I love her."

"Ok. Good luck sir." She hands up after the conversation.

She leans back and thinks about the situation, surprised by all his requests.

There has only been one mission outside the base she has been on and she had to 'sneak' onto the mission roster. Whatever Sharpe reason is, she is glad to be requested.


Princess Pina is walking around Alnus, behind her are her fellow Knights, Hamilton, Bozes, and Beefeater.

They decided that they wanted to explore the town again, some out of excitement and others out of boredom.

Everywhere they go it seems they feel unwelcome. That has been bothering her knights however it does not bother her that much. She cannot blame everyone here, most of them have been enemies or slaves of the Empire.

The only thing that is bothering her is standing around doing nothing. There is nowhere for her Knights to go right now. Going back to Sadera seems like the natural thing to do however going back will ruin any chance for peace.

Besides, she has not said this to anyone yet, but she does feel more at home here than in Sadera. While everyone around her hates her guts, she does not feel like she belongs with those Nobles anymore. How they see the world and how she sees the world no longer align.

She finds it strange that she has more in common with her enemy than with her people now.

She has earned enough trust to be allowed here however she knows there is more to be done. To build a trusting relationship between the Empire and the Other Worlders, it needs to start somewhere and that is right here right now.

Besides, after hearing Sharpe's question about the Empire, 'do they want peace?'. She cannot find a real answer to that question. Her father and Zorzal do not, seeing that as a risk to their throne. Diabo would accept peace however he is not next in line for the throne.

There is so much going on in the world and she feels like she should do something however see no way to get involved.

"Is everything ok Princess?" Hamilton asked.

She looks to her and smiles. She enjoys how loyal Hamilton always is. "Everything is fine. I just want to do something. I am just not used to sitting around like this."

"Right. This is just silly, standing around like this." Bozes replied.

"We are walking Bozes." Beefeater comments, chuckling.

"Knock it off smart one." Bozes shoots back with a glare.

"What do you all want to do?" She asked them as she looks around.

Above them they hear this large helicopter flying right past them, heading to the airfield.

She looks up and watches it fly by. It reminds her of the first time she such a machine. How it destroyed a small army of bandits so easily. She was terrified by their flying horses, so much power and destruction.

The one she is looking at is far longer and fatter. She has seen it before in Italica, carrying many troops.

"I do wonder how they do it? Achieve a flight like that." The Empire has to tame animals and beasts to do that, that is a big reason how the Empire was able to conquer so much land, the power of flight.

"Princess let's get a drink," Hamilton asked her.

She looks to her friend and agrees.

"Do you think we will be welcomed? It still gives me those cold bumps over my body from that party." Beefeater comments.

"I actually liked that party. They seem to know how to have fun. We never would be allowed to do half back in Sadera." Bozes states.

"I agree, it wouldn't be proper of us," Hamilton replied.

"You only liked it is because of that boy?" Bozes points out, winking to her.

"Shut it," Hamilton said embarrassed.

"I know you two went out to hunt together. Did anything happen?" She said, deciding to join into the gang up.

"Hey, you two Pina? Nothing happened. We just went hunting and that is it. Nothing else happened." Hamilton said, trying to convince everyone.

Hamilton has been her longest time friend and servant; she can tell something happened on how nervous she sounds and how red she cheeks are. She has always been the more sensitive and emotional one in the group but always the most loyal among us.

"So, your saying we shouldn't be expecting a baby soon?" Beefeater adds, chuckling a bit as she elbows Hamilton.

"You guys are mean," Hamilton said, annoyed.

"Ok, ok. If you claim nothing happened, then nothing happens." She responds in a none believe and teasing tone.

"Anyway, Beefeater, you said you didn't enjoy yourself?" She asked.

"Well, I enjoyed the strange games and how happy it was. What rube me the wrong way was that picture theater shows they did at the end. It was not pleasant watching them celebrate them killing our comrades." Beefeater explains.

After Beefeater said that there is a short silence.

She admits, that bothered her a little bit at the time she decided not to make a big deal about it. It would not be fair after all. "Well, at least we have a understand how they felt when we invaded them. And back in the throne room. That was the whole point why we went out and found their people. So, we can have a better understanding of each other."

"I guess that is true. It is just not easy." Beefeater said, thinking on it.

As the four girls walk, they head inside Apex Liberty. They look around and see the place quiet since it is the afternoon.

"So, what can I do for you ladies… oh…" Delilah said as she walks over, just seeing it is it. "I thought you were soldiers." She comments on the fact there wearing the military clothes that were given to them.

She looks at the orange Bunny warrior that walked up. She saw her at the party, serving for that party. She is surprised to see a Warrior Bunny working as a server. They are known to be amazing warriors and during the Empire war against their people, the Imperial Army lost more soldiers then Warrior Bunnies, on the battlefield anyway.

It should have been easier to conquer her people however her brother Prince Zorzal was leading the three Armies. It took their father to intervene to help force the Bunny kingdom to surrender.

"We are here just to kill time and learn what it is like to live here." She said and then thinks about how to prevent a situation from happening. "Would you like us to leave?"

She can see the bunny get a little flustered.

"No, you can stay. I heard what you all did, and I can accept it. You can call me Delilah." Delilah said.

"Nice to meet you, Delilah."

"I will get you all some drinks." Delilah said and then walks away."

As Delilah walks away, she sees this other white hear Bunny sitting at a both to the corner. With a closer look, she sees it is Tyuule.

"Princess, is that who I think it is?" Hamilton askes quietly.

"Yes. Just leave her be. The last thing we need is a situation and piss everyone off here." She responds, looking away.

It was strange when talking to those two girls and the amount of hatred they had towards her. She does not even want to imagine what Tyuule will say.

"Let's just fight the battles we can for now. Stay out of trouble where we can." She adds.

"Take a look at that. Over by the bar area." Beefeater said.

She looks to the bar and sees one of the Other Worlders strange picture screens. What is on it is their soldiers fighting.

"That's Havcristen. I was there once on a trip. It looks like it." Bozes said.

"It looks like a fight." Beefeater points out.

On the screen shows a squad of soldiers engaging her people. There is a large firefight in the streets as the soldiers break into the houses. The screen changes to this other soldier yelling on one of their talking devices. The cram shows a large bunkered down Imperialist position. American soldiers all around and engaging the fortification. The fortification suddenly blows up from this large bomb.

The screen changes again to some soldiers from another Nation from Earth. It seems like they are pushing an enemy position force back. Then another screen showing one of their armored tanks firing into a beast.

The screen finally changes to soldiers not engaged in battle. Some of them are escorting prisoners or civilians. Others carrying wounded soldiers and civilians.

Now there is this man on the screen seems like he is talking directly at them, talking into some strange puffy black devise.

"It sure does. It does seem like General Krysist is putting up a fight." Boze said as she looks at the screen.

That is when Delilah walks back and hands them all water. "What are you… oh, that." She said as she looks to the screen. She looks back at them. "That is all they been showing for the past three days."

"Three days? That is still impressive. Sieges usually can take months if not years." She responds.

"Can I ask you something?" She asked her, looking directly at her.

Delilah's ear goes sideways, caught off guard by her sudden directness. "Sure…"

"How do you feel about watching that? How does Alnus feel about all this? I know none of you are fans of the Empire, but do you people care that much on what's on that screen?" She asked, wanting to see how loyal or invested the people of Alnus are.

Delilah looks back to the screen. "Well… I have gotten to know a lot of those soldiers. I kind of miss that attention now. But yeah, I do. I am dating one of them and he is in there."

She looks back to the screen and sees Soldiers engaging Empire swordsmen as a soldier helps another wounded soldier. She can relate, she feels helpless sitting here and watching people she knows to fight.

"The people of Alnus. The people who established a home here care a lot. But the ones who come and go, it is just another town. Most are indifferent by the fighting but not because they do not care but because the people from Earth still seem very foreign to them. I fought a few times by their sides, so I had a chance to see everything. Not just standing on the sidelines and watching." Delilah answers.

"I get that." She responds, having a feeling that is what she was going to say.

"Off-topic but how does it feel dating someone from their world." Hamilton suddenly asked.

"Aww… why are you asking." Boze asked as she wraps her arm around Hamilton.

"Knock it off! It is a legit question." Hamilton responds annoyed as she tries to break free.

Delilah laughs at that. "It is very strange. We have almost nothing in common and we speak past each other a lot. He uses words and examples I have no idea about, and I do too. It is like having to teach a child the basics. The difference is that it goes both ways. It is fun though, each other learning a whole new culture and way of life. But it can be a pain."

"I bet, being so different. It makes me wonder how we could ever coexist." Boze said.

"I am sorry, I just noticed this but what is that white sign with writing up there?" Beefeater asked.

She looks to where Beefeater pointing at. It is this large whiteboard with all these different color writing on it. There are all these different names on it, some crossed off while others circled.

She can recognize some of the names on the sign, Elves, Darfellan, Vampires, Mermaids. But there are others that she has no idea what they are, like Predator, Xenomorphs, Winnie-the-Pooh, Bigfoot, Man-Bear-Pig, green alien women with that word Star Trek next to it, and much more.

"That, that is a silly game the Other Worlders play. I do not fully understand it myself but many of their stories, either legions or make up stories on their world are real here, on ours. So, some soldiers started a gambling game to see what they run into. They want to see what is real and what is not. I don't know, it seems silly but the Other Worlders love their entertainment." Delilah explains, rolling her eyes about the topic.

"Alright, thank you for answering our questions." She said and watches her walk away.

While some might think she is digging for weakness in Alnus, she is finding it fascinating that there is a level of coexistence here. Whatever how the Empire feels about Alnus, it is proof that there can be some level of peace and corporation between both worlds. The Empire could benefit greatly if the people in change allow peace to happen.

And that is the problem she cannot figure out. The more she thinks about it, the more she thinks Sharpe is right. The current situation does not allow peace to happen. Something radical needs to happen.

"Something radical…" She said to herself and looks back at the screen. "Radical."

"Is everything ok Princess?" Hamilton asked.

"I think so. I need to get to Havcristen." She said, thinking out loud.

She looks to her Knights. "Stay here and have fun. I need to go talk to someone."

She gets up and goes right to Delilah. "Delilah, I am sorry to bother you again, but I need some help."

Delilah looks to her, annoyed. "What is it?"

"Is that one woman still here? That one that helps Major Sharpe and the other Rangers."

"You are talking about First Lieutenant Sarah Rose. Why?"

"Yes her. I have some questions. It is important, where can I find her." She asked.

Delilah takes an annoyed breath, regretting talking to them before. "She was here not that long ago. She is in town right now. I don't know why but I can call her."

She has no idea what Delilah meant by call, but she is simply happy that she is going to talk to Sarah.


After getting the information she needed, she is in the marketplace. The market is busy today, she sees traders from all over the region. She is impressed by how busy this town has become, for only being built not too long ago compared to other cities.

She looks over and sees First Lieutenant Sarah Rose walks up. "Hello, Lieutenant."

"What is it Pina, I am very busy and, on a clock," Sarah asked.

"I am sorry, but I have a request. Please say yes."

"I do not know what it is yet."

"Sorry. I want to go to Havcristen and help."

Sarah looks at her confused, not expecting her to say that. "You are kidding? Help who? Why would I help you help the enemy?"

Hearing that annoyed her but just brushes it off. "I want to help both. I am the Princess of the Empire, one of the royal family's members. If those soldiers fighting for Krysist are truly loyal to the Empire, then they will obey my orders to stand down. Then we can work on a peace treaty."

"Well… that is actually a good point. But no. I do not have the time to add another person to the flight log. And there is no way Sharpe would approve. Not yet at least." Sarah responds.

"Why not? I was watching the fighting on one of your screens at the tavern. It looks brutal. I can end it all now and thousands of lives will be saved." She said, pushing the matter.

She can see in Sarah's eyes that she sees her point of view and that she agrees with it. She needs to keep pushing it.

"What is there to lose? Sharpe values life so if there is a chance to end the fighting, wouldn't he want you to take it?"

"…fuck…" Sarah said, placing her hand on her head. "He is going to kill me. Fine, we are leaving now."

Her eyes widened after hearing Sarah say that. "He would kill you?"

"It is just a figure of speech Pina…" Sarah said and looks away, thinking about how Sharpe will react to it. "Most of the time."

"Why don't you ask him now. You have those long-range phones correct?" She asked, not seeing the big deal.

"He is in the middle of a battle and connection to Havcristen is bad. Just follow me, we are leaving very soon." Sarah said.

"I need my armor."

"Fine. We will stop there first."


--- Sadera, Imperial Army Foundry ---

October 26th, 2025

"Will this work?" Zorzal asked.

His general Calasta has been working on a pet project, working with some engineers that went to the other world.

"Calasta, what on the horse's tale am I looking at?" He asked.

Calasta walks over to his prince's side. He then looks to his project. "It is my version of a car."

"Do you mean cart?" He asked.

"No, I think the Americans call them cars." Calasta corrects.

"That is stupid." He responds laughing.

"I agree with my Prince but that is what they call them."

"Ok then, explain your project."

"Well, I got the idea after their attack on the city. While I was in their world, I saw many of these cars they call. Their military was weapons on top of these cars and that is what they were using to fight us. It is like archer horseman but fast, well armored and using a stronger weapon." Calasta explains, proud of his work.

He looks to his friend and then looks back at the thing.

The frame is a larger wagon with six wheels. On it is this smaller scale ballista. It looks like it requires four to six horses.

"This is interesting." He said, looking at it. "How does this help us?"

"Well, the American's advantage is that their heavier weapons can move faster than us. I was thinking what if we put a ballista crossbow on a wagon. That means we can have something that moves fast and fires a spear or javelin. After taking a shot, move out of danger." Calasta explains.

"The difference is that ballista's are stationary. This makes it mobile." He asked, summing up the point of the project.

"Correct. We still need to test it but maybe it will give us some more mobility with our siege weapons." Calasta said.

"I like it. It might be easier to ambush the unholy bastards."

Since both of his sex slaves were stolen from him, he has gotten angrier. Every day all he can think about is killing all the Other Worlders and rape their woman. He wants Tyuule and Noriko back so he can personally make them suffer and execute them.

More importantly, though, he wants that make who ruined his life. That Major Sharpe of the Americans. He stole his property and embarrassed him. That man thinks he can hamulate a Crown Prince like that and get away with it, he has it coming.

He has not been sitting idly by since the Raid of Sadera and General Krysist return. When he becomes Emperor, he knows he will be able to make his enemy suffer greatly.

His generals and he have been working effortlessly in trying to rebuild a loyal army, making allies and friendships wherever they can. The loyal Kingdoms like the Centurion tribes and the two loyal Dwarven kingdoms. The other Human vassal kingdoms throughout the Empire. Our island vassals will begins raiding the traitors in the Alnus region. Plus, many more new allies that he will bring into the fold once he becomes Emperor.

While the Alnus region has fallen to the enemy, Alnus only represents a small part of the Empire. He admits the enemy is strong but because of General Krysist stupidity distracting the Other Worlders, he is allowing the Imperial Army to mobilize everything.

"Crown Prince Zorzal, your father has requested your presence."

He turns around and sees his new toy maid. It is this small blue hair, cat-girl. She looks scared but has become very 'loyal'. After losing his two most prized slaves, he makes sure all his slaves remember what it meant to be 'loyal'.

"Alright. Calasta good job. Keep coming up with things to help us when we start our crusade." He said in a laugh.

"Thank you, Crown Prince," Calasta said.

He walks away and heads down the hallway and walks into his father's private chambers.

When he gets there, he sees his brother Diabo there too. "Diabo."

Diabo looks to him. "Zorzal. I have seen your done whoring today."

"At least I have some tail. When was your last lay? Oh yeah…" Zorzal said before being interrupted by Molt.

"Enough, I am not in the mood. We have to talk." Molt said in a commanding voice.

"Ok, what do we need to talk about father?" Diabo asked.

"You're kidding, right? The war of course." He responds.

"There are other priorities than just the war brother. To wage war there needs to be an Empire to pay and feed the army. There are harvests we need to worry about. Trade and commerce are falling. The city elites are getting scared and demanding acting." Diabo points out. "But you know nothing of governance."

"The people need are none of our business. It is our vassal's responsibility to keep up with the quotes and their own security during times of war. If our vassals cannot pay their duties than their leaders should be removed and replaced." He responds.

"So, you want us to fight two wars now? One at home and the on in Alnus? That will just pus more Kingdom and City-States to the enemy camp." Diabo counters.

He crosses his arms. He has never liked Diabo, always scheming and trying to take what is rightly his, the throne. "You can say what you wish. The war against the Other Worlders will be over soon enough. We will come out victorious like always."

"Do you even see what is in front of your brother?" Diabo said.

He hates it when Diabo calls him brother, never Crown Prince.

"I see just fine. While you stay in your room reading scrips, I have been making new friends and building an army. The Empire is fully mobilizing and shall arrive soon. While the enemy is strong, we have numbers. We will flood them with our might."

"And by the time they arrive, Sadera would have fallen you, idiot. We are losing the war. Haven't you been reading the reports from Elies?" Diabo points out, now frustrated.

"What happens in Elies doesn't matter. Krysist is an idiot on fighting the enemy alone. But he is buying time for us to regroup. Our might will smash against them once…"

"Enough!" Molt yells. "We must stand united if we have a chance to survive."

He looks to his father confused by what he means. He sees his younger brother and sees the same confused look. "What is it?"

"Follow me to the war table," Molt said as he walks to this large table.

He follows and gets to this one end. The table has a large map that shows the heart of the Empire territory. It has flags showing were the enemy is at and our vassals and Legions are at.

"Zorzal, you are right that Krysist is buying time for us however not for the reasons you think of. He is no fool but a bigger threat than the Americans." Molt said.

What his father said confuses him. "How, he is a General who lost his honor and lost a rebellion. He is a coward and disgrace."

"You idiot, he nearly unrooted the Empire." Diabo corrects. "He fought many wars and came out on top each time. He tried to overthrow the throne however you stopped him, father. He and what remained of his people were banished to the north to die with the wolves."

"Either way, why does this matter? He is going to die there." He adds.

Molt remains silence for a moment, as he collects his thoughts. "Prince Diabo. Your agreement with Krysist is that he fights the Americans so you can take the throne? Am I correct?

He looks to his brother. He remembers when Krysist was talking in the ruins of the Senate floor, talking about honor and pride. He promised to fight this new threat and all he wanted in return was for his brother to become Crown Prince.

"You made a secret deal with him. Father, he is a traitor." He states.

"Shut up son," Molt said to him and looks back to Diabo. "Tell me."

Diabo is hesitant for a moment.

He cannot blame his brother for hesitating. In the past, his father had four sons. Rumor is that he murdered two of them because he considered them a threat to the throne. He remembers them and never has shed tears for either of them. He is the oldest brother, so it is his birthright. Anyone who risks that he is ok them disappearing.

"He came to me with a deal. The Empire was falling apart and Sadera was just attacked. He said he will lead the Army and fight the Americans. He wanted me to take the throne, I did not request it." Diabo said.

Molt nods his head as he listened. "I believe you. He always was the forward type. But why you?"

"Father we are going through the Empire darkest days. For the Empire to survive we need someone who understands what is happening, like you. My brother does not have the situation awareness to address today problems. He did not give me a reason why, but I saw the opportunity and took it. Because it was the best option to save the Empire."

"You are just a traitor brother. You have always wanted the throne for yourself. You and our little sister. Both of you have been using the current crisis to your advantage, threating six hundred years of tradition." He responds harshly.

He then looks to Molt. "And who cares about this Krysist. When I replace you as the Emperor, I will kill him. Besides, he most likely will die in Elies anyways."

He then leans forward. "I am the next in line. That is the law. I am the firstborn and I will take the throne. Brother, you are right that these are dark days but with my leadership, we will win."

Molt glances down and then back to his sons. "You are not the firstborn Zorzal. While he does not know of his origins, General Kryrist is my firstborn son."

He looks to his father in horror, realizing he never had the claim to the throne.

"What father?" Diabo speaks first.

"Explain yourself, father." He said next.

"Neither of you speaks to me like that or I will have your heads," Molt said angrily.

Hearing his father say that, he backs away a little. "I am sorry father. But… but. It does not matter if he does not know his origins. I still have a claim. We won't tell anyone. And besides, the Senate will never allow it."

"Father, why are you telling us this?" Diabo asked.

"As I said, he is our number one threat right now. To this family." Molt states.

"Who is the mother? Whoever house he belongs to I shall burn it." He asked.

"Do you not know history brother? He belongs to no house. He was a gladiator, born into dirt. He is dirt. He is…. His own man." Diabo said.

"I see you finally realized what I fear Diabo," Molt said. "His loyalty is to himself. He answers to himself. And he can back up his desires."

"How long have you known father?" He asked, getting angrier the longer this conversation goes.

"Forever. I was young, we just conquered the Lavit Kingdom. During the war, I raped this woman I took as my personal sex slave. When she gave birth, I sold the boy to this Lanistae. I later learned he was fighting in the area and thrilling. I assumed he was going to die as a child and didn't think anything of it."

"Why didn't you kill him than father." He asked, leaning forward, frustrated he never took action to correct this family problem.

"I tried. And failed. I paid to rig matches, poison, everything. Every time he just seems to get stronger and smarter. Then that damn noble family bought him to substitute their son in the Army."

"Why did you just order his execution?"

"Because that would have been suspicious. It would have made people talk that father might have a bastard son. Sometimes you have to be subtle in dealing with problems brother." Diabo said.

"Your subtle lead to this brother. Sometimes you need to act and damn the consequences." He responds.

"Zorzal right Diabo. If I acted then, we would be in this scenario." Molt adds.

"While he was in the Army, he ranked up fast. I sent him on suicide missions against the Dark races, about the northern Volraden and the Minotaur uprising. I thought sooner or later he would be killed in battle, but he always came back." Molt said, slamming his fist into the table.

"Why didn't you kill him when he was imprisoned?" He asked.

"That was the plan. I purged that noble family and anyone who was loyal to him. When he learned what happened, he escapes and started his mini uprising? He is not noble born; he is a warrior at heart. Because he came back from those suicide missions because he put his men first. He had large popularity amounts the Army at the time." Molt said.

He looks down at the table, thinking about what his father said. The key to the throne is having total loyalty from the Army. That is one of the reasons he dines with the generals so much. He has given many gifts to his generals like Calasta, Mudra, Woody, and Herm. Gifts like treasure from conquered lands and men and women.

"To prevent the army from switching sides, you made an arrangement with him, didn't you?" He asked, seeing where the story leading to.

"That is correct son. If I didn't, it would have led to civil war. The only reason he accepted his exile was that he did not know his claim to the throne." Molt said.

"But he still doesn't know, father. I do not understand why this matter now. He even agreed to exile himself again." Diabo said.

He looks to his brother and thinks. The truth is he understands his brother is intelligent in book stuff. He can tell you about the very boring things about history and economics. However, he struggles with seeing things in front of him. It is why so few supports him, besides his sister Pina.

"He is using your brother. By pushing you to rebel again my claim and promising to exile himself, you are will fall man. It is a trap." He said.

"Father just said he doesn't know about his origins. Why would he strike us?"

"To get us. He is very loyal to the Empire, just not the throne. I do not believe he wants to declare himself Emperor but, as you said Diabo, he doesn't think we are fit to rule." Molt said. "Look at the map."

He looks to the map and sees what his father wants to see. The path to Sadera is wide open now. If what his father said is true, then what remains of the Legions in Elies can march directly to Sadera. There is only one problem he sees though; the Americans are in the way.

"Father, how does he plan on beating the Americans in battle? He will need to if he plans on taking Sadera." He asked.

"I do not know or plan on waiting," Molt said.

"What is your plan father?" Diabo asked.

"Krysist has a major weakness. As you said Diabo, he was born in the arena. He sees the world as his arena. His vision is limited around that. The reason I failed so many times to kill him was that I was challenging him his arena." Molt said.

"Right now, his arena is Elies. While fighting in the arena, you cannot see past the walls. That is how we strike. I already began moving assist. This will finally end now." Molt states.

"Yes, and I will maintain my claim to the throne." He said, happy. "Brother, I declare let's put aside our differences and work together."

"No." Molt states and looks. "I am sorry son however I will go to the Senate and declare Prince Diabo as Crown Prince. He will take my seat when the time comes."

His eyes widen, not believing what he just heard. "What? You are going to do what that bastard wanted to do?"

"I am sorry Zorzal however Kryrist is right about this. The world has changed and when it is time to pass the throne, Diabo is the best fit to challenge them and stabilize the current situation in the Empire. I have already made up my mind." Molt stands, standing up straight.

"But… this is my dream. I have always been loyal." He said, not believing what he is hearing.

"Zorzal. Your time will come. We will make plans for you however this is what the Empire needs." Molt said. "Go on and do your duties."


--- Havcristen ---

October 26th, 2025

Krysist wipes off some dust of this map, the dust came from the roof shaking from the enemy bombs.

"I see, very smart." He said.

"I have to agree, Master. Establishing outpost to weed out our forces. It is a good thing you mixed some of your men as slaves and civilians." Frayen replied.

"They will only be a bit, but it will hurt though." He said as he stands up and looks out the window.

He sees the enemy position, across the river. He can hear the sound of battle across the rover, his men giving the lives trying to hold off NATO advancement.

While it is dark, the light from the bombs sometimes lights up the sky.

"When shall you call on the Master?" Frayen asked.

"That depends. Are the reports correct?" He asked.

"Yes, Master."

"I told you to stop calling me that."

"Yes, Master."

"Dark elves. Answer the question."

"It has been confirmed, Rory Mercury is over there. He was spotted around what they call Combat Outpost Serenity." Frayen said.

He chuckled hearing that name. With all their technological might, they lack imagination on names.

The fighting has been heavy in this city. He chooses this city as the last stand and not Fort Legrath because of how loyal the citizens are to the Empire. The people are afraid that the enemy will free their slaves, which would affect their coin purse. Their loyalty is based on economics and that is fine by him.

Because of that, he has been getting some decent information on the enemy positions. The network has paid off with this recent news.

"Is it also confirmed that the enemy leadership is meeting up at Serenity?" He asked.

"It's Combat Outpost Serenity sir."

"I refuse to call it like that."

"I understand sir. Yes, their leader Major General Stanford is said to be visiting there. As part of the next stage of their advancement." Frayen answers.

He nods his head, thinking about that.

From what his spies tell him, there are five of these Combat Outposts on that side of the city. His forces on that side of the river are on the verge to be pushed to this side. He understands the stone bridges will not be able to hold up the enemy heavy vehicles, forcing them to use infantry. Either by air or crossing the bridges.

"You know my lord. If this Rory is there your friend should be there too."

"You mean Sharpe. I agree. It will be nice to meet again. I still want my dual." He said.

"I know my lord. What I was trying to state is that this is probably a trap."

"Of course, it is a trap. It is Sharpe after all." He said, looking out into the battlefield.

"What do you plan to do about it master?" Frayen asked as he walks over and stands by his side.

He waits a moment to answer. "I am going to spring it and see what happens. We have one shot and that is it. Tell the spies to tell my hidden soldiers out there to wait for my single. We strike at night."

"I will tell them, my lord," Frayen replied and starts walking away.

He turns around to look at the Dark Elf. "Frayen."

"What is it, my lord?" Frayen asked, turning to face him.

He turns back around to look out the window. "Where do you think my soul will go? Siflis, Hardy or Emroy? For the things, I have to do for this mission."

When he started this campaign, he fully knew how many of his soldiers would die. Not just his northern legion but the ones here in Elies. He always knew how bloody it would be, just to reach out and catch victory out of the jaws of victory.

He does not enjoy watching his fellow Legionaries be slain like this and understands his soul will never go to a decent god.

"That is not my place to say, my lord. But I believe you need to stop selling yourself short." Frayen said and then walks away.


