Chapter 95 Dual and Torch


--- Alnus Community---

November 23rd, 2025

Selina suddenly wakes up, all sweaty. She is panting as she looks around to see where she is at.

After looking around she sees that she is in Sharpe apartment, a safe place.

She then pats herself down, making sure that her body is ok.

Once she is satisfied that her body is ok and not being abused.

She had another dream of when she was a sex slave. This memory of this knight who took an interest in her while on the trail to this region.

She lays back down on the bed and looks over the side, seeing the bed empty again. Since when she was taken in by Sharpe, she has not been separated from his side or anyone else for this long. She has been missing the love and security feeling that she has when he is around.

She pulls up her legs up to her side a d she grabs them and then begins to cry.

--- 2 hours later ---

Selina finishes strapping on her ribbon on her arm, a symbol of her faith in Miritta. She walks over and grabs her backpack and purse.

She heads out of Sharpe's apartment and heads to the Alnus market. She is planning on picking up items for her friend Noriko as she recovers in the hospital.

As she walks around, she is glancing down onto the ground, wondering what is going on in the war.

There are times when she wakes up, she sometimes prays to her god, hoping that she will protect her friends. That is not something she learned from her priestess back in Edras but something she picks up from these Other Worlders. She thinks that maybe she prays, she could reach to her God and wish that her new family will be ok.

She believes why she cannot reach out to Miritta for her blessing is because she has not committed herself to Miritta by giving away her body through prostitution. The only reason she has not is that her new father told her not to.

As she heads through the market, she sees that female fox setting up her booth.

She remembers that fox. She claimed that she is a fellow worshiper of Miritta however the things she said were different than what she was taught in Edras.

She looks away and starts to walk but then stops.

She looks back to the fox and thinks that she is the only other follower in Alnus. Even though the fox sounds like a heretic of some kind, she still believes.

Taking a breath, she walks over to the fox sweet booth.

Once she gets there, she feels hesitant to say anything. However, she hears the fox say something.

"Hello, little one. If you give me a moment, I will be open," Karlin said.

"Well, I didn't come to sweets. But maybe Noriko might like some." She said to herself, nervously. "I'm sorry to both you, I should go."

"Don't be silly little one. It was Selina wasn't it?" Karlin

She looks up at the tall fox, seeing that she is not committed to the conversation.

"I can see there is a lot on your mind. What is troubling you?" Karlin

"I… I was hoping you would help me pray since I can't talk to Miritta." She said in an upset voice

She can see Karlin had a confused look on her face. How it was described to her, Humans pray to their gods on Earth because their gods do not interact with them at all. Here, preying instead normal since it is more common than the common man interacts with the gods or through their Apostles.

"Now why do you want to send a message to Miritta? What are you looking for? Are you with a child or have you done your people's initiation ritual?" Karlin

She takes a slight step back, hands up as she rejects what the Karlin woman said. "No, nothing like that. My new father would be upset if I did either. No, I just want her to protect my friends and family."

She then sees Karlin take her hand and rub her chin like she is thinking about something.

"You do know Miritta Protects mothers and newborns. Not soldiers."

Hearing that she takes a disappointment breath. "I know, I just don't know what else to do. I hate that I am here and not there."

"I understand. It is hard to stand to the side while others act. But don't you think your friends feel happy knowing you are safe here? Try to think from their eyes." Karlin

While she wants to go out there and be on missions again, she agree from Karlin's point of view. Especially that she knows people are after her.

"Why don't you just pray yourself? You are an extraordinarily strong follower of her. Surely, she will hear you," Karlin said.

"No, because I am not a true worshiper because I have not given myself to her. She will never listen to me." She answers.

She looks up at the fox, wondering why she is telling her that. It just felt right for some reason.

She sees the fox looking at her, smiling at her. It looks like she is amused by what she said.

"What is it?"

"I find it interesting that is how you see Miritta," Karlin said.

She glares at her. "Coming from a heretic."

"A heretic?" Karlin replied with a chuckle. "you speak your mind, I like that. How about this, you come with me and we will pray together."

She takes a breath, seeing that she got what she wanted. "Ok."


--- Town of Alguash ---

November 26th, 2025

Inside the vehicle is quiet as no one has spoken a word since the village was seen. Everyone wondering what is about to happen.

Sharpe is in the passenger seat, looking at the village as the enter it.

"Notice there is no one here?" Andrew points out.

"Just drive Staff Sergeant," He responds.

"Where?" Andrew asked.

"Well, that looks like an arena. Go there," He said, pointing to the building.

"Roger," Andrew said.

As they slowly approach, he is surprised that the girls in the back are quiet. He understands why they are just nervous.

He understands this is not a normal mission. There has not been a lot of those 'normal missions' recently.

His unit vehicles drive up to the arena. Outside he sees a few Imperialist soldiers standing there. They do not look like the normal soldiers he has seen before. Their armor looks slightly different, more special.

"This is the place. Pull up there."

Once the JLTV line up and stop, everyone dismounts.

As he gets out, he sees the entrance. Standing there is that Dark Elf Frayen.

He begins to walk over but then feels a tug on his uniform. He turns around and sees Tuka, Rory and Lelei.

"You know we do not have to do this. We could easily take this place and force him to surrender." Rory said.

"I know the weakness of Frayen. Use three could take him out while the rest of your men kill them." Lelei said.

"Reel it back, girls. It needs to be done," He responds.

"How can you trust them though? He tricked you once before and…," Tuka said.

"Stand down girls. The note was clear. A chance to beat the bad guys, end the war and save the princess. The big three." He said and looks over to the entrance. "Besides, he wants an honorable fight, I think it is time to give it to him."

"My gods, what is up with you men in this honor duty. It is like you want to get yourself killed sometimes." Rory said, crossing her arms annoyed.

He looks back at her, knowing her frustration. "Rory, sometimes things must be done face to face. To truly overcome an obstacle that is in your way is to face it. If it were any of you, I wouldn't hesitate."

He places his hand on Rory's side to make her feel better. He sees her look up and smile.

"We know Major Sharpe," Lelei said.

"And besides, if they try anything. I have the best team to back me up. Now let us get this over with." He said and looks to his team. "Roll out Rangers."

After saying that, he rallies his troops and walks over to the Dark Elf. As he gets there, Lelei walks past him and gets in front of him.

"Lord Frayen. My leader has arrived. We wish to pass." Lelei said, looking up at the Dark Elf.

"I see. My master has been waiting. Here are the rules." Frayen said. "First only our leaders shall be the ones who fight. Everyone else is required to sit and observe only. Anyone who interferes, the traitor Piña Co Lada shall be executed."

Rory walks up and stops to Lelei's side. "Yeah, well if anything happens to Sharpe then I personally going to cut your body into pieces and make it my personal mission to spread your body parts all around Falmart."

Frayen looks down at Rory. "I understand Miss Mercury, goddess of Emroy."

"So, you are the man that he obsesses over?" This man is very stylized armor said, walking up.

"Major, this is Legatus Propraetor Pelue Muilk. Leader of the Elies Region.

He looks over to him. "I heard of you. The frontline commander. You have earned a bit of a reputation back at base. Putting up an interesting fight."

"I see. It is nice to hear from the opposition." Muilk said. "I only hope this is for nothing. As the Dark Elf said, try anything."

"And doom and gloom, I get it. Let's get this over with." He responds. He looks down at the two and then looks back to the Dark Elf. Then he follows him into the arena.

As he walks, it is a feeling like he has gone back in time. Seeing the ancient world with his own eyes. A feeling of heritage pride, dating back to the Roman Empire.

The birth of Western Civilization, Magna Carta(1), Individual Liberty(2), Age of Enlightenment(3), Classical Liberalism(4), Peace of Westphalia(5). It all started in moments like this, a choice in the fort in the road. When the Found Fathers stood there and signed one of history most documents in history, the Declaration of Independence(6).

As he walks into the arena, he sees how all the great men and women of his people past must have seen. Choosing to go down a path covered in fog. It is easy to look back and see the road after its waylaid. But when you were the one laying those bricks, you can no see where the road might lead, you just have faith it will work out.

He doesn't fully know why he is having those thoughts; it feels like as he walks into the arena, everything has led up to this point. Maybe because of what Colonel Yang said before taking off, being an example.

Since getting Sarah back and when she told him that he saved her, he thought he would be happy about that however it has bothered him. Not that she is not ok but that he did that in the first place but when he read the note, he thinks he finally understands what all this is.

As he walks, he sees about a dozen soldiers around, standing by the sides of the arena walls. There is no one else, not townsfolk. He must have removed them for this fight.

"You stand over there. The rest of your people follow me," Frayen said.

He turns around and orders them to follow Frayen. He then turns back around and walks over to his side of the arena.

As he walks, he sees Krysist kneeling with one knee down into the dirt. It looks like he is rubbing the dirt in his hand like some ritual he seen in the film Gladiator(7) before.

He stops and looks at Krysist as he stands up.

"I see you showed up," Krysist said as he stands up, sand flowing down from his hand.

He stands there and stares at him, not interested in responding.

They walk forward to greet each other. As he walks, he passes this sword that is sticking into the ground, clearly for him.

Based on Krysist mannerisms, he concludes that he was once a gladiator that became a General at some point. That is a man who fights for sport and entertainment. To give the people a taste of battle and glory without ever having to sacrifice anything. To create the image of…"

"Image…," He said to himself.

"What was that my dear friend?" Krysist said with a big smile on his face.

He looks directly at him, thinking back on everything. From the day his people came to this world to all the battles they have fought to all the new friends they have made.

"You were once a gladiator? A man who entertained others?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

"I would think your surroundings would make that clear, dear Major," Krysist responds.


"I have to admit, I am a little surprised you came. She is your enemy, after all, a fallen princess. What worth does she have to you?" Krysist asked.

"We do not leave our people behind." He responds directly.

Krysist could not help himself but chuckle. "Why so serious Major?"

"We do not leave our people behind Krysist. I do not enjoy having people under my protection being taken." He responds.

"Even though they are your enemy?" Krysist smirks, clearing enjoying the talk.

"Today enemy is tomorrow friend. Let's cut the bullshit General. I am not here for you; I am here to get Princess back. That is why you took her; she is a threat to you."

"Krysist laughs hearing that. "You think I fear the Sederians? They have tried and failed to kill me many times.

Watching Krysist laugh, he can help but feel something else is going on. So far in this war, everything this man has done has been to delay NATO invasion, to distract and to create an illusion for his own benefit.

He reflects on this campaign, looking back at it through hindsight. Everything he has done, there always seems to be a hidden meaning or objective behind it all. Even right now, he only sees Krysist talking down of his own Princess.

When he walked into his command bunker in Havcristen(8), the first thing he said was something sexist and degrading to her. Yet, he kidnapped her only days later to just drag himself here.

He looks directly at Krysist in the eyes. "This has all been a game to you?"

"A game?" Krysist responds.

"Pina told me you were exiled from the Empire. That means you were not assigned to the defense of this region. You are doing this willing. That means you have an alternative objective besides fighting for your nation. You are doing this to get in the history books. The man who defied the beast. You are trying to get us to look better of you."

"That is an interesting theory. What makes you believe this?" Krysist asked.

"Easy, that is what you been doing since day one. All the dots are there, it just took now to put them together. You changed and adapted to our ways. Fighting in the trenches, using ambushes. Trying to bog us down in the towns and cities. This was all meant to show that you can put up a fight against the strongest military machine on two worlds."

"You protected Sarah even if you didn't need to(9). Your elf friend, he did not fight back against Rory and Lelei. He just distracted him. When he took Pina, he intently not harms me when it was in your best interest to. Nothing else makes sense."

Krysist just smiles, enjoying the conversation. "Very good. There is one more thing you understand, and this is the most important point. This is not one war between two nations. This is a war between civilizations of two vastly different worlds. The values, beliefs, the people. This is far bigger than just a skirmish. It is a war to change a way of life."

"You thought you can come to this world without getting a scratch. You think you can come here and change a world's way of life, that has been for centuries. You are new to this world and your magical technology will only take you so far. Without a fight, there is no honor, no longer-term peace, and understanding."

"You say your enemy today is your friend tomorrow. That is foolish unless you work for it. That requires the price in blood, then only we can understand each other." Krysist finishes.

He thinks about what he said. He has heard this before in Earth history. "You are a fucking asshole."

Krysist tilts his head, confused. "What?"

"You heard me. My world is full of people like you. I get what you are doing, for the greater good you march your armies into the meat grinder. The clash of civilizations argument, complete bullshit Krysist. You stand there and talk about how we do not understand this world. Trust me, we do. We have been down this road before many times."

"Some historians or philosophers a hundred years from now will be debating this war and the actions we take. But let me explain this to you. I am a soldier and I am here to do my duty and nothing more. I am not looking for some greater thing. I am here to serve my country and its way of life, to protect the people under my command, and… my family. Anything else is irreverent. And that is what you fucked up; you broke rule number one." Sharpe states in a calm control voice.

Krysist looks at him and smirk. "Good."

Krysist starts to turn around to get ready for the fight. He is about to attack but stops himself and looks to him. "Krysist."

"Yes, Major Sharpe?" Krysist replied, turning around.

"I am going to kill you but, thank you." He said. He then turns around and walks away.

He knows Krysist understood what he meant. He did not have to save Sarah, but he did. No matter how he feels about that man, even the enemy can show respect for a good deed. Otherwise, he might end up being him one day. He is so happy he ended up on a team with great people around him, to remind him of what is important.

He walks to the sword and grabs it. He then holds it up and looks at it, studying it. He fully realizes that he is about to do an ancient duel. "Fuck… what have you gotten yourself into Sharpe? Fuck you Jessy and that Gipsy woman." He mumbles to himself, thinking on a mass memory.

He looks up and sees Krysist standing there on the other end. He looks to the right and sees his men and his girls, standing there watching him. All the life he wanted to serve in the military, be all he could be. Fight the battles that needed to be fought, to protect and make the world a better place for his people. So, their families never would have to suffer the horrors of not just Earth but now in the darkness of this universe.

However, he never realized that he never took what he was trying to protect. Never living that life that he wanted others to have. He sees now that was a mistake, that was is then point in fighting if you're not going to be a part of it.

"I am not going die here, I have too much to live for." He said to himself.

He then looks back at Krysist. With one breath, he charges forward.


Lelei stands there as she watches both Sharpe and Krysist charge at each other. Their swords clash but quickly sees that Sharpe on the defensive. He is many things but not a swordsman.

She sees the Dark Elf standing there, also watching.

During the battle at Serenity Outpost, she and Rory fought him. Before that though, they had an interesting conversation. Before Rory attacked, she thought she could have learned what was truly happening.

She never heard of her past masters talking about their Apostle. She never put a lot of thought behind it since it rarely was brought up. She finds it interesting that she has finally found her Apostle.

She walks over and then stands by his side. "Hello, Sir Frayen."

Frayen looks down at her. "I was wondering when you would walk over."

"I have questions." She asked him directly, as she looks out and watches Sharpe and Krysist fight.

"I see. Should they wait until the match is over?"

"They are related to the match."

"Fine young one."

She looks up at him, gripping her staff tighter. "First, why do you serve him?"

"Why do you?"

"My father is an abusive tyrant. He thought little of me and my sister since we were his daughters and sons. It is one of the reasons why I struggle to show affectionate. While I do not blame all men for my upbringing, it had a negative effect on me."

"I thought it was the knowledgeable opportunities they had to offer a young one."

"Yes, there is that. Their knowledge will make mages useful in this world. It could bring many benefits to all people of Falmart. But that is more public. I am able to feel more like myself around him. I feel bolder and stronger as I grow older. Most importantly, I feel like I have a purpose by being by his side."

Frayen folds his arms as he listens. "I believe you have answered your own question young one."

"I had a feeling, but I still want to know why you call him a master." She asked.

"Because he is the only one who has earned that title," Frayen said.

"You are correct about me young one. I am the Apostle of Elange. However, I never wanted this power nor responsibility. I wanted to live a simple life with my people but Elange cursed me with these powers. I am not worthy of them."

"If you are not worthy, he would not choose you." She responds. "How did you two meet?"

"He found me, isolated in the far north. I have been hiding there for three hundred years. He came to me and we fought. I had no idea that he already beaten me for our fight begins. I thought one of the Empire vassals wiped out my birth village. Five years ago, he found the survivors and brought them back."

"So why did he fight you then?" She asked, looking up at him.

"Because he wanted to make a point."

"Make a point?"

"How many civilizations have risen and fallen over the hundreds of thousands of years Lelei. From the Library of Elaish. All have collapsed in progress. These people have somehow advance father. A new world has arrived." Frayen tells.

"Library of Elaish? What?" She responds, having no idea what he is talking about.

"You shall understand when you're ready young one. Once the torch has been passed to their people, you shall learn all the secrets this world holds." Frayen said. "In the meantime, continue to guide these people into our world."

She thinks om what the Dark Elf said. It has shown her how little she knows and that she still has a lot to learn. In addition, how he spoke confused her the most. She did not speak like they are enemies but more like the old teaching the new.

That is when we realized that is exactly what is happening. She looks back to the fight between Sharpe and Krysist. She sees that this is not a duel but a passing of the torch.

She has never doubted that NATO will win this war. They are too powerful to challenge. With that victory will mean that they will be the ones in charge of Falmart future.

She thinks about that thought and sees that this must be what this is all about. To see what the future direction of this world is.


Sharpe gets pushed back from the recent sword attack.

Looking back up, he moves from the side as Krysist moves past him.

He takes his sword and swings it down to him but is blocked by Krysist sword. He then kicks him back.

Krysist recovers and charges right at him.

He is barely able to dodge his attack.

The sword, which he is not used to using is clearly Krysist's main advantage. He has been trained in hand to hand combat, learning jiu-jitsu. The problem he is having is that he is struggling to get close enough.

Krysist swords swing down and he blocks it by holding his sword up. That left him open to being knocked down.

He moves to the right and charges back. He swings his sword at Krysist, thinking he got him on the side.

However, Krysist grabs his and arm locks his arm. He grabs Krysist armor, trying to pull his arm free. Using all his strength, he pulls him Krysist closer and rams his knee into Krysist side.

That forces Krysist to let us go of him. He just backs away chuckling.

As he catches his breath, he looks as Krysist charges at him.

He remembers the first time they fought, in close quarters. The same situation happened; he was armed with a sword. It was not until he disarmed Krysist was when he started getting the upper hand. During the attack at the outpost.

He is a gladiator, meant to entertain. Arena rules from what he understands. He knows he cannot beat him by playing by his rules.

He charges forward, planning on blocking Krysist attack so he can swing around and get behind the man.

He gets close and as he blocks, Krysist moves out of the way and gets behind him, swinging his sword. The blade hist his back, cutting through his vest and Kevlar armor, cutting a small portion on his back.

Before he can recover, he feels Krysist boot kicks him over to the ground.

He falls forward and lands on the arena sand.

He quickly gets up and moves forward a little.

"This it? Don't tell me the first two around was all you had." Krysist said with a small disappointment in his voice. "Is your technology all you have?"

He slowly gets up, catching his breath. When he said that last part, that made him think that Krysist had a point.

He hears Krysist walk up behind him and preparing to bring his sword down.

Right when the blade comes down, he unbuckles his helmet and flips to his back, catching the blade in his helmet. The blade goes halfway through.

Krysist seems surprised, he starts to try and pull his sword out of the helmet but is unable.

He then twists the helmet and gives Krysist a hard kick, pushing him back.

After getting some room, he gets back on his feet and tosses his helmet aside, with the sword still in it. Now that they are both weaponless.

He charges right at him and Krysist charges right back to him.

Both collide as both throw and block their fists at each other, each trying to get an advantage over the other.

He grabs Krysist arm, jabs him with his other elbow and then grabs the strap on his armor. Using all his strength. He swings him around and tosses him onto the ground.

Krysist falls and rolls, swing back on his feet.

By the point, he already is on top of him. He throws another punch at him.

Krysist grabs it but he gets underneath of him and flips him over, brings Krysist onto his back.

He gets over and punches Krysist in the face.

After taking a punch, Krysist can land a hit in his side, allowing him to grab him and push to the side.

They roll over a few times and both separate. They both get back on their feet.

Krysist, wanting to stay aggressive, charges forward, trying to ram him.

Seeing this, he grabs Krysist and gets around him. His arm goes around his knock and he trips him. He gets into the chokehold position.

Krysist rams his elbow right into his chest, many times into the same spot.

He takes a deep breath, taking the pain. He feels like there might be a broken rib however he knows if he can just hold, he wins the match.

Krysist falls to his knees, his arms will be trying to ram his side but getting weaker. His other hand moves around into the sand, looking for anything that may help. He grabs a fist of sand and tosses up at his face.

That forces him to let go, covering his eyes for a moment. As he opens his eyes, he sees Krysist charging right at him, all shaky and disillusioned.

Krysist tackles him and he falls into the ground. They both roll a few times and he grab Krysist arm. When they stop, he sits up quickly and punches Krysist in the head.

"This is enough!" He yells.

He gets up and Krysist gets back up.

He takes a few small breaths, seeing what he needs to do. While a master in the arena, that is only if he plays by those rules.

He charges forward and throws his right fist at him.

Krysist grabs it but he grabs his side. He flips him over and both land on the ground, rolling one time He ends up with his back on the ground however he has Krysist back into the chokehold, this time in a far more superior position.

With his other arm, he arms lock Krysist right arm, taking out of commission.

"Call it… Call it! Give me back my people you son of a bitch!" He said in destress, trying to make him surrender.

Krysist violently struggles, trying to find a way to break free.

He increases the hold, trying to either knock him how or force him to submit. The last thing he wants is to kill him since he still needs Pina.

He sees Krysist raise his left hand up, struggling to hold it. He can see him trying to form a symbol with his hand.

At the corner of his eye, there is this bright light in the sky. A small explosion from what seems to be some firebomb.

This distracted him long enough for Krysist to place a strong jab at him, allowing him to get free.

He takes many tired breathes as he scoops away and stands back up. "Honor my ass. What is the meaning of? Krysist, watch out!"

As he looks to Krysist, he can see the same confused reaction on his face. Right behind him, though is that same man he saw at the entrance, Legatus Propraetor Pelue Muilk. His hand though looks no longer like a man's hand but this large beast arm.

As Krysist turns around, Muilk slashes him right down the chest, knocking him over.

As he gets up, he rushes forward, but these two arrows hit right where he just was. He looks to that direction and sees this big hairy beat that reminds him of a werewolf.

As the werewolf gets close, it suddenly splits in half.

Rory lands right next to him. "Told you."

"Not now." Right as he said that he looks up at the arena. What looks like a dozen werewolves stand up top.

He looks back to where Krysist is and sees Muilk turn into something else. As it transforms, it would be hit by this massive blast of energy as Frayen pushes it back.

"Cover me." He tells Rory. He then runs to Krysist, seeing him getting up. He grabs his radio. "Rangers, engage!"

As he runs, arrows land around him. He looks around, seeing the werewolf's jump down from the roof. However, he only sees the arrows falling from the sky. They must be out of sight. This location has already been marked.

His other werewolf charges right at him but then flips around and falls on the ground as one of Tuka arrows hit it right in the back leg. As it gets up, an energy blast hits it, coming from Lelei.

He rushes up and slides to Kryrsist is at. "What is going on General?"

"Get off me. Muilk attacked me." Krysist said, his eyes show that he is still coming to the reality of what just happened. His eyes suddenly got bigger. "Muilk is a Dar."

"What? What is Dar?"

Krysist grabs him by the solder and stands up. Once he does, he grabs his chest, holding onto the wound. "A shapeshifter."

He has heard that word before. From a report that came out of Alguna. Apparently, a shapeshifter started that mini war down there, trying to destabilize the region. "But he is one of yours."

"No. Muilk was loyal. If he has been a Dar all this time, he had plenty of choices…" Krysist said, trying to figure out what is going on.

That is when the arena two horns go off.

Looking up, he sees this man walks up, then standing at the balcony for the town's elite.

"General Herm. What is that fool doing here?" Krysist asked.

Before he would answer, he sees this other green tall looking pig beast walk up beside him.

"What the hell is that?" Krysist asked.

"A man bear pig. Taller than the one we have in prison. They tried to kill Pina and my people." He responds.

"Krysist, thank you for gathering our enemies together so neatly. As ordered from Emperor Zorzal, all traitors and enemies to the Empire shall be slaughtered. Legion, attack!" Herm yells in a very confident voice.

"Emperor Zorzal… wait. That fool actually did it?" Krysist mumbles.

He looks at Krysist and then at the General called Herm, trying to figure out what is going on. That is when he realizes that his Rangers are stuck in the middle of a power struggle.

He hears a notice and looks down. The metal gates on the walls in front of him open. These four large Minotaurs storms out of the wall cages, breaking the gates. Right behind them are hundreds of Imperial soldiers.

"We need to fall back and regroup. Rangers!" He said, starting to move.

"No, wait. All traitors. That implies more than just me. And Muilk was taken, probably killed." Krysist said, doing math in his head.

"Herm just said Zorzal has made himself emperor. This is a power struggle." Krysist said to him, looking directly at him.

Frayen and Rory land right in front of both them, getting ready to protect them.

"I got that; we need to go. I still need you to get Pina. You promised." He said.

"You were right. I never intended to do harm to her. She changed from the spoiled brat from long ago. If they were able to get to Muilk and knew we were meeting here, they may have killed my men at Fort Legrath during y absents. My men!"

"It doesn't… wait. Shit." He comments, realizing what Krysist is saying. While they were fighting here, the enemy has been acting behind the scenes. During a power struggle, it is a custom to kill off any potential rivals. He barely knows Zorzal but he is clearly not the most moral of men, which heavily implies that he would kill his own sister if he is going this far already.

"OK." He said and looks back. "Rangers fall back, Johnson, rally up and move back to the JLTVs. We're storming the fortress!"

"No time. You won't make it." Krysist said, placing his hand on his shoulder. "Frayen, prepare a teleportation spell."

Krysist looks back at him. "I will hold here so your men can escape. Go get the Princess. Diabo either betrayed me or has fallen. Pina is the leader you need for the Empire."

He looks directly in Krysist eyes. He does not know fully what he is saying, clearly more is going on.

This brings him back to his first mission in Delta Force when they went to North Korea. Most of the unit died for the hope of a more stable Asia, for a better future for Earth. They succeeded in saving the dictator, even though he is one of the evilest men on Earth.

While it did work and brought stability to Korea, he always wondered if it was worth the loss of the unit. This time though, he sees and understands the implications.

"Rory, Lelei, Tuka, rally on me. Johnson, get everyone out of here. Krysist people will protect your retreat. Tell Colonel Yang to meet me at Fortress Legrath." He said over the radio.

Frayen rushes to their position. "My lord, I need a moment to connect to the stone point in my quarters."

Lelei rushes up and Tuka is right behind her. Tuka holds out her bow and fires an arrow.

Frayen glows blue all around. This circle forms on the ground with what seems like ancient writing.

He notices Lelei looking at it, trying to translate the writing but does not seem to understand it.

"All of you, get on. I promise I will personally guarantee your unit."

"We have its sir. Do what you need to do." Johnson said over the radio.

He looks at the blue circle. He must be honest; he is scared shitless of the sight.

Lelei grabs him by the shoulder. She hands him back his rifle and pistol, picking it up as she came over here. "It is ok sir. Trust me." She then walks into the center of the spell.

He grabs his weapons and walks into the middle, looking back. He hates the idea that he is leaving his unit behind but there is only one choice he can see. If he does not act now, the enemy might kill one of their biggest allies in this world.

He sees Rory and Tuka walk in, all slightly afraid of this spell. Based on their reaction, this teleportation spell does not seem to be a normal act in this world.

He closes his eyes and then opens them. "Go."


--- Fort Legrath ---

September 9th, 2025

Pina is sitting down on this chair in Krysist quarters. She is watching her leg move back and forward, bored to death. She had no idea being locked in this room would be so boring, just waiting to see what happens in Krysist stupid honor dual.

"Men… always have to do things the hard way... We can't we just talk about this…" She comments to herself.

She looks up to the door, thinking she hears something.

She then hears this thumb.

She stands up, confused. "Hello?"

The door suddenly opens and these three Krysist guards' rushes in. They are fully armed and ready to fight.

"Princess, stay back." One of the soldiers said, with much fear in his voice.

"What is going on soldier?" She asked.

"Move that table here. We must hold her." Another man said.

"Princess, stay back!" The first soldier yells.

Right then the door brushes open, forcing them all onto the ground. She falls back onto Krysist's bed from the blast.

She sits up and looks up. Her eyes widen as she sees Taylin walk through the door. He raises his ax and drives it right into one of Krysist men.


Krysists grabs his sword as Sharpe team teleports to Fort Legrath.

He looks back out to the incoming army.

More he thinks about it, the more he realizes he should have seen this coming. He never expected Zorzal to have the balls to overthrow his father. He must have had help, that idiot.

He looks to the right and sees nine of his soldiers standing there ready to fight. He then looks to his left and sees seven more, ready to. They are probably the last of his Northern Legion that came down here to fight in this crusade.

He looks up at Frayen. "Good friend guarantees those Rangers back to their vehicles."

"My lord," Frayen said.

"No, not worry, it looks like I finally suffered my first defeat. While we might not agree on each other methods, the torch has been passed." He responds. "Guarantee the safety of the Rangers to their vehicles. Then you are free."

"My lord. They outnumber you three to one," Frayen points out.

He looks out at the Empire soldiers, getting into formation. He smiles at the sight. "Then it is an even fight."



(1)Magna Carta – Is the first Human Rights declaration in history, England 15 June 1215

(2)Individual Liberty – About a individual having the right to self determination and master of their own destiny.

(3)Age of Enlightenment - was an intellectual and philosophical movement that dominated the world of ideas in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries. Lay the foundation for independent thought, science and reason and rule by law and property rights.

(4)Classical Liberalism - is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom.

(5) Peace of Westphalia - Scholars of international relations have identified the Peace of Westphalia as the origin of principles crucial to modern international relations, including the inviolability of borders and non-interference in the domestic affairs of sovereign states. This system became known as Westphalian sovereignty.

(6)United States Declaration of Independence - July 4, 1776. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That people have the right not to live under a tyrant and self-govern.

(7)Gladiator (2000 film)

(8)Chapter 91

(9)Chapter 90
