Chapter 98 Christmas Beginnings

--- Alnus Community ---

December 4th, 2025(1)

Sharpe closes the door and walks away from his apartment building. The only source of light is the streetlamp and the building lights. It is still early in the morning, just after four am.

In his arms is his adopted daughter Selina, who is still asleep.

"I don't remember you being this heavy." He comments to himself as he walks over to the HUMVEE he checked out form the motor pool.

It has not crossed his mind recently how it is becoming clear that Selina is growing up. Still young but she is slowly growing out of that little girl he first met.

"Aww…" Sarah commends as she yawns.

He walks up to the HUMVEE and opens the backside door. "Knock it off."

"You invited me, remember." Sarah points out.

He sits Selina in the back seat but sees her wake up a bit. "It is ok kid, we're going on a trip. You can go back to sleep."

"Hmm…? ok," Selina says.

"Hi, Selina," Noriko said, sitting on the other side as she holds onto her baby.

"Hmm? Hi…" Selina says as she falls back asleep.

He closes the door and looks back at Sarah. "What?"

"Why you are bringing Noriko? Never saw you as a babysitter." Sarah says.

He walks to the driver's side of the vehicle. "She is Selina's friend and I like this to be a special day for her. And besides, Noriko needs to remain connected to her country."

"Ok, that is sweet. And I am just going to assume it has nothing to do with the fact that the baby is a prince?" Sarah says.

He looks up at her. "That is the last time the kid is referenced as a prince Sarah. Born on American soil so he's American." He says as he gets in the driver's side of the vehicle.

Sarah gets in right after him and buckles up.

"Thank you for letting me come, Sharpe. I promise not to be a burden." Noriko says with a yawn.

"It is no problem Noriko. Just keep it all a secret ok." Sharpe responds.

As Sharpe drives into the town of Alnus, there is this small amount of mist around, hovering at the building level.

"This place looks creepy at night. Like some horror film." Sarah points out.

"Never really watch horror films." He responds.

He always likes watching films and movies. There are two main reasons he has found he grew into a movie guy. One it has been useful for him to escape from his daily life. From school being somewhat of a social outcast to the growing stress of being a soldier. The other reason he learned back in basic from his mentor Harper, he recommended finding creative ideas in media if he is going to watch it. That you never know where you might get an idea from.

Horror on the other kind, it has never settled well with him. Usually, there is too much pointless gore for the sake of gore. Or just pointless jump scares.

"Really, a movie buff like you," Sarah says with a little shock.

"Never been my cup of tea." He responds.

"Never thought anything would scare you." She says chuckling. "Anyway. You know the girls will be pissed at you."

He glances at her. "Why is that?"

She looks back at him, slightly disbelieved. "It is four-thirty in the morning. Do any of them look like morning people to you?"

He looks at her and thinks. "But this is the best time to do OPs. No one is out so you can move around. You bypass any potential issues that might appear. And if you want to keep a secret, having them sleep deprived is far easier than making up some story. Also…"

"Sharpe. Stop." She says, not believing how robotic he sounded. "You need to learn to turn off the soldier. This isn't a military mission."

He stops the HUMVEE as he gets to the girl's apartment. He looks to her and slightly nods. "I know. But this is going to be fun."

He then gets out of the HUMVEE and heads to the girl's door. He grabs the keys and opens the door.

As he walks in, he sees Rory, Tuke, and Lelei, all sleeping in their beds.

He smirks and then begins to yell. "Alright, ladies get up. We are leaving in fifteen minutes."

The next thing he sees is Rory tossing this clock right at him.

--- 1 hour later ---

Sarah is sitting in the passenger seat. She takes a glance at the back of the vehicle.

In her arms is the little baby Tenchi, Noriko baby. She wanted to give the teenage mom a chance to sleep, something that becomes foreign to a new parent. She holds up the child, feeding the boy with a bottle.

"Is he doing ok?" Sharpe asks.

"He is a little fussy but doing fine. He was just hungry." She responds.

As she looks down at the baby, she thinks of the question of what if she has one and what it would be like. She cannot believe how small they are.

She sees them all in the back sleeping. They all look like sisters about to go on a trip, all cuddled together like a family. The sight is very strange to her but in a good.

She cannot think of an example on Earth where something like this would happen. Only in a story or fairy tale. She does not fully understand why it happened; it seems more like a sight of faith than by chance. And it is not just a group of everyday folks too.

She looks at Rory who is sleeping in the middle with her head on Selina's shoulder. She a demigoddess for this powerful god Emroy. She is the servant of war and death. When you think about things like that, you think of someone like Hitler or Stalin. Not someone who is this kindhearted and beautiful. She really defies what you consider good and evil.

Lelei, slaying down in the back. She has become a powerful mage. While her magic still baffles her people, scientists still have no idea how it is even possible. What impresses her the most is her intellect. With how far difference between Earth science and culture, she seems to understand the differences like she knows about Earth all her life. She can translate the difference into quite simple examples for others to understand, which has helped in the Public Relations War.

Tuka, the new one in the group. She is in the back also with Lelei. While we are still getting to know her, she seems to be very kindhearted and joyful. After everything she and her people been through, she still always has a smile on her face.

And then there is the one who started it all, little Selina sleeping there. While indirectly, she helped make it clear why we are here. After everything she has been through, she has been overly impressed by how strong her development has been. From the beginning, she was extremely quiet and shy, staying close to Sharpe like a newborn puppy. While she still has that adorable glow in her eyes when he is around, she is starting to become her own.

She looks to the driver's seat and sees Sharpe as he drives. She cannot help herself but smirk seeing that bruise mark on his head from Rory cloak attack. She tried to warn him not to wake him up like that.

She smiles thinking how much he has changed since coming to this world. He went from a colder and more distinct commander to a more confident and respectable one. The old Major she knew would never would have adopted an alien girl and treat the others like family.

Then he rarely showed himself, never went on training missions or even interact with the team. Anytime he did interact or address the team, it was clear he was forcing himself to. It was hard to make him do the most basic tasks in the beginning.

She remembers how much she hated him before the war. He was just a prick who came out of nowhere. She hated him to the pain where when she found out he left his computer on, she snuck on to find some dirt to get him fired or transferred.

That is when she saw dozens of unread emails from all these people from General Holland from SOCOM(2) to there's from all of these different groups and people she never heard of before. After doing research, most of those people were from 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta and other Special Forces groups from Asia. It took a few weeks of back and forward with some people until she found his old unit. That is where she found out that something bad happened.

That is the day she stopped hating him and felt sorry for him. And from that point, she saw he was not just this normal dick but a wounded man that is trying to figure things out. She decided to see if she can help besides be part of the problem.

"What are you marveling about?" Sharpe asks.

She looks away and forwards into the black void of the Gate. The once source of lights is the man-built streetlamps that the Army built. Still, it is very dark in this strange void. "Nothing sir. Just thinking."

She wanted to tell him that she is proud of how far he has come but suddenly felt embarrassed to do so. She never thought she would have fallen for a man like him but in the ridged die-hard warrior outer layer, there is an honorable man worth following.

She wishes she can take all the credit but the girls in the back each all had a role in helping him grow out of that dark side. Each helping in their own unique way.

"How much longer until we're there?" She asks him as she adjusts the child in her arms.

"About another hour. For a Gate that connects worlds, you wouldn't expect the drive would be so long." Sharpe answers.

"Alright." She says, sitting back as she holds the baby close. She takes a breath and looks at him. "Sir, so why did you invite me?"

"I feel like I own you one after the debacle at Havcristen(3)." Sharpe says.

She looks back at him. "I am not a flower sir. I signed up for this just and went through Ranger school. Stuff happens and it was not yourself."

She thinks back to that fight and while she won't tell him, she was scared to death since it was her first real combat mission. Her training kicked in of course and she did her duty, but she finally got to see what American boys and girls were facing.

She then thinks back when she became a prisoner of war for a short period of time. But she never expected him to appear there. In a wired twisted way, she never felt happier and more important. While it was one of the scariest and intense moments in her life, she now knows deep down inside something somewhere in his heart he cares about her.

"I know, I did not mean to imply that. It is just, I know you been keeping an eye out on me since the beginning. I know I don't make your job easy and I ask a lot of you. Regardless of rank and duty, I consider you a close friend that I can rely on." Sharpe says, not speaking as a soldier but more of a friend, even though he still spoke like one.

She smiles and rolls her eyes. Before she would respond, she sees Sharpe still continue speaking.

"Besides. No way in hell I am going to be able to handle five teenage girls and a baby." Sharpe says.

She giggles after hearing that but then stops, thinking about what he just said. She just realizes he asked her along just to be a babysitter. "Hey!"


Selina feels this hand on her shoulder lightly shaking her. She yawns in response and rubs her eyes.

"Hmmm?" She mumbles as she looks out the door.

She sees her new father standing there with the door open.

"Come on Selina. Time to wake up." Sharpe says. He looks in the vehicle. "Ladies, we are here. Let's go."

"Where are we?" She asks as she gets out. All she can see are cars on Earth and gray building beams. "Why are robots here?"

She watches as Sharpe walks away to the back of the HUMVEE and open the back. She hears Rory right behind her gets out.

"What is going on! I was hoping to stay in Alnus for a while. A girl needs her beauty sleep." Rory says.

"Sorry, Rory. But this mission couldn't wait. Gather your things and follow me." Sharpe says as he puts on a big backpack and grabs another big bag, grabbing most of the bigger bags.

"Pack out things. You barely gave us any time. Four hours minimum." Lelei says as she walks past them, carrying a backpack half her size.

"Lelei, do you want me to carry that?" Sharpe asks, watching her.

"I have it," Lelei says and looks up to him. "Where are we going? What is this place?"

"Is it another military building?" She asks as she picks up her backpack.

"Just follow me," Sharpe says.

He then starts walking to this door at the other end of this indoor parking lot.

"Where are we? This feels strange." Tuka asks out loud as she glances around.

She looks up at Tuka and looks around. This place looks very strange compare to the military buildings she is used to. She wonders where they are on Falmart.

She knows the Americans have been expanding their presence in the world. She knows there is no way he would bring her to the frontlines like Elies She wonders if this was some other base like for research or exploration.

"I don't know. We must be at another military base." She responds to Tuka.

"I don't like it. I miss the green of leaves and the brown of wood." Tuka says.

"Alright nature girl, let's follow the big man," Rory says with an energetic voice.

"What Rory, I don't like their underground structures. They don't feel natural." Tuka replies as she follows Sharpe.

"Yeah, yeah… wait." Rory says before she starts looking around scared. "We are underground?"

Rory then appears right behind Sharpe, her hand holding onto his jacket. "Where is she?"

Sharpe turns around and looks down at Rory. "You are safe Rory. Hardy is not here."

"Are you sure? She is going to take me if you are wrong." Rory says, scared.

She looks to Rory as she holds onto Sharpe. Rory is scared of the god Hardy, the ruler of the underworld. Apparently, she wants to marry Rory and is willing to take her by force is needed. Hardy is a god so she is one of the few who could overpower Rory in a fight, which is why she avoids tunnels and underground structures.

She rushes up behind Sharpe and sees him go to an elevator. Sarah walks up and presses this button.

As the door opens, she sees the inside of the elevator and remembers her experience last time at the Army hospital. This one looks far bigger than the one at the hospital.

She rushes up to her father and grabs his jacket as she walks in.

He looks down at her. "You ok?"

She looks up. "Yes sir, I don't like these things."

She sees him smile and adjust the bags he is carrying.

Everyone gets inside, all confused about what is going on. Once the elevator starts going up, most of the girls get scared. Rory just grabs Sharpe by the leg and hugs it fights, thinking that Hardy is attacking.

Tuka grabs the silver bar on the side, looking around.

Lelei, on the other hand, is just standing there, glancing up. "Interesting," Lelei says as she looks around, not reacting as all the others did.

"This is not interesting Lelei!" Rory yells.

"Girls, it is ok. This is normal." Sarah says.

"She is right. Calm down. Nothing bad is happening." Sharpe says.

She looks around, seeing Lelei standing there like everything is ok. She looks to Noriko as she holds her baby. She seems fine, just trying to keep her child calm. That is when she realizes Sarah is right, this is a normal function.

After a short trip up, the number on the elevator stop at seven. Then the door opens. Rory and Tuka jump out, happy to be out. Sarah walks out, helping Noriko out.

She follows Sharpe, still holding onto his jacket. Once out, she looks around and sees this hallway with doors on them.

"Where are we? This place looks creepy." She says.

"Everything is ok. Everyone goes left and stop at the door that says seven, one, one." Sharpe says in a happy tone.

"Ok," Lelei says and just leads the way.

"Why is she ok with everything?" Tula asks as she follows.

"Because everything these people do have a logical purpose. A parking lot is a place they store their vehicles. The elevator is something they use to move up buildings. They wouldn't make something for everyday use if it would hurt us." Lelei explains.

"That is not true. Watch Disney Star Wars." Noriko replies.

"What is that?" Lelei asks, looking backward.

"Something I will show you another time. If you are good, I will show you the good stuff, if your bad I will punish you with the new stuff." Sharpe says.

"Ok…?" Lelei says and stops. "Here is the door Seven, one, one."

"Alright, out of the way," Sharpe says.

He then sets down a bag and reaches into his pocket. He then pulls out a key. He then hands it to her. "Selina, mind-opening the door."

"Ok." She says, confused.

She takes the keys and opens the door. Once the door is open, she walks inside. The first thing she sees is this large room with this teal couch facing a large TV. There what looks like a fireplace. The floor is wooden but does not feel like real wood. To the right of the fireplace is this glass window wall that leads to a balcony.

As she walks in, she starts to realize this is not a military room but looks more like home. She sees this stairway that goes up to other rooms. Pass that is a kitchen and a hallway that leads to other rooms.

"What is this?" Rory asks as she looks around.

Lelei walks over to the window walls and looks out. "That looks like Philadelphia. Is it?"

Sharpe sets down the bags he is carrying and looks over to them. "Yup. That is Philadelphia down there. The Gate is about three miles north. Welcome to Earth."

Hearing the name Earth, she looks up at Sharpe and then at the other girls. She can see the realization appearing on their faces.

Right then Rory jumps up high, arms in the air, being extremely expressive. "YEAH! EARTH!" She then hits her head on the ceiling and falls down. "Ouch."

She points to Rory and laughs. "Ha! You hit yourself."

"Brat," Rory comments back as she rubs her head.

She laughs and then looks up to Sharpe. "Why are we on Earth? What is this place?"

"Well, girls. Listen up. It was not easy, but this is your Earth home." Sharpe says.

After hearing that, she looks to Lelei, wanting to see her reaction. She has found that Lelei always understands what is happening with these Other Worlder Americans.

Lelei looks to him as Tuka walks up to her and look out the window. "Are you saying this is a tall house in your world? Like where we can stay?"

"That is correct Lelei. I am still working on the logistics but you all can come here when you like. This is a place you can live while on Earth. When you visit, going on vacation, whatever." Sharpe explains.

"Is that correct father?" She asks.

"Yes," Sharpe responds.

"And girls. Go pick out your bedrooms. They're upstairs." Sharpe says.

Hearing that, she looks to the others. There is this quietness as they look at each other. Right then the three-start sprinting up the stairway, shoving at each other.

She finds it hysterical at the fight and then follows behind.

"The one on the left is mine! And I will fight you for it." Rory yells.

"What, I want the one with the window," Tuka says.

As she rushes up and sees them all debating which room they get, she walks down the hallway.

She finds this door at the end of the hallway. When she opens it, she sees this bed, a table and a window looking out into the city.

While the room looks a bit lifeless and pain, she smiles seeing that she has her own place now. She sees where she can put a small shrine. A place she can watch Sharpe shows. But most importantly, she sees that she has a real home now.


Sarah stands there and watches as all the girls rush up the stairs, fining it hysterical. She then looks to Noriko.

"Noriko, there is a guest bedroom up there. You can set up the for the next few days." Sharpe says.

"Thank you, Sharpe," Noriko replies. She holds up her baby and bag and hustles upstairs.

Seeing that they are alone now and the sounds of battle upstairs, she looks to Sharpe as he holds his shoulder. "So, this was the big surprise? I am shocked that kept it secret this long."

She then thinks what she just said. If there one thing, he knows how to keep a secret, to well. "Never mind. This is up to your alley."

"How much did this place cost?" She asks.

"I don't think about it, brushing it off," Sharpe responds with a light cough from the thought.

She laughs. "That much? But really, I know your credit card has been a fun joke but how are you paying for this on a Major salary."

Sharpe lifts up the duffle bag and lays it on a table. "Well, money is fine. I might not be in the top tier SF force anymore, but I still get those bonuses."

"Bonuses?" She asks, wondering what he means by that. "Let me guess, it is one of those if I ask, you have to kill me types?"

She sees him give him a look and then look away. She took the hint to not press on that.

She starts to look around then place. "This isn't a bad condo. You did well. I think they will love it here. Just need to spice the place up."

Sharpe looks to her. "What do you mean? This isn't good?"

Hearing that she looks back to him. "What do you mean? This place looks boring. It needs some color, add some lights to add some life to this place."

As she explains, she watches his reaction. He just seems confuses as he looks around. He has no sense of fashion and decoration.

"Oh god Sharpe, no wonder I am here. You need help." She says and then walks to the stairway. "Girls were leaving in an hour to go shopping. Be ready then."

She then takes a look around the first floor. "So how big is this place?"

"Well, this floor has this living room, dining room, and kitchen. The master room down that hall with another room. I'm thinking about turning that into an office and armory. There is the balcony right there. Upstairs has four bedrooms. Three for the girls and the other a guest room. There's two bathrooms, one upstairs and one down on this level."

"Wow, that us a lot of space. It will be good each has their own space. Be interesting seeing how they decorate them. Bathrooms though, expect a lot of fighting between them." Sarah says.



Alnus Map:

Elies Map:

(1)Holiday Note: Holidays will not match the story calendar. They are considered holiday specials. The events in the chapters are cannon, just the real-life dates are not. It is for fun and the special moment.

(2)United States Special Operations Command

(3)Chapter 91