V09 - Chapter 105 Gods Past

"Today Senator Ryan Laymen has supported a bill to establish an International Uros Expedition of many different government departments and agencies to be establish in Alnus. While the bill had enough support in the Senate, he has withheld his support as the concern of US sovereignty. His concern was that the Sino Bloc might use the WHO to conduct surveillance NATO operations in Alnus. With his support, this frees up a major research expansion project in Alnus." – SCNR News

--- Sharpe Condo, Philadelphia, US, Earth ---

December 10th, 2025

After a warming dinner and everyone doing their own thing as they settle down for the night, Rory walks out of Sharpe's condo and heads outside onto the balcony to get some air and admire the city.

From the cold night air, she cuddles up in her thick black and red short cut robe. The cold doesn't bother her exposed legs, being used to that back on Falmart. Her Apostle abilities help her adjust to different climates and temperatures.

Once she gets to a balcony railing, she leans on it and looks out into the city. "What a strange and beautiful world this is." She says to herself as she looks at the evening streets. Even though it is nighttime, some places look like it is still daytime because of all the artificial lights. She still cannot believe of all the wonders these people have.

She smiles and turns around, now leaning against the railing. She then closes her eyes. "I know you are there. There is no point in hiding."

She then opens her eyes and sees this beautiful female blueish ghostly figure standing there facing her. It looks like she is wearing this white rob with flowers around it. In her hear is this red rose.

"Who are you," She asks, somewhat surprises by her presence. As she looks to this mystery ghost, she is struggling to figure out what is happening. There is no magic on this world or magical creatures. If there was, they would have told her.

"How disappointing," They ghost figure says as she approaches. As she walks, the ghostly features start to disappear and become a more normal female form. "After two millennia's, I have got approval to reappear and yet you cannot figure out what is happening. Maybe I am wrong about you Rory Mercury?"

She crosses her arms. "Well someone is full of it. You are one of the gods of Earth. Let me rephrase my question. Who are you?"

The woman chuckles and walks up to the railing. She cannot help but admire this Goddess beauty. She even feels this strange internal strength and spiritual connection like what she felt during the Resort attack(1).

"Wait," She said. "It was you who aided me during the attack at the resort? The first time I came here."

"Not entirely. I granted you my power to use your abilities. Ares allowed you to summon your opponent's souls and your warrior strength to empower you." The goddess said. "But you are linked to me, for the lack of a better word."

She is surprised it took two gods to allow her to use her abilities. From what she understood, the gods of this world represent one job. She wonders while the gods of Earth might be weak in all other areas besides their one true task. There, they must be incredibly powerful. That is just a theory though.

Back at the resort, she remembers them talking about the ancient gods of this world. Sharpe said Ares was the God of War. While she is most well known for being the Apostle of War, she prefers to be the Apostle of Love. She was happy when he said she represented the Goddess of Aphrodite, the Goddess of love.

"Wait," She said as she reaches out to touch the ghost, but her hands go through. "You are Aphrodite, the Goddess of love."

"That is one of my many names, but the short answer is yes," Aphrodite said with a warm smile. "It is nice to hear that name again by the living."

"One of the names?" She responds.

"Yes Rory," Aphrodite replies. "I have many names in different corners of this world."

During the first time, Rory arrived on Earth, she the presence of Earth Gods. While she still has her immortality and her Apostle strength, she no longer felt the presence of Emroy so souls could not pass through her and other abilities. For the first time in her life, she felt disconnected.

Coming to Earth showed her world Gods are limited to each world because she couldn't sense Emory and the other Gods 'voices' anymore. However, she suddenly senses all of these new voices and she assumed it came from this world Gods.

During the battle, she was surprised that a soul passed through her body. A soul only goes through her as the soul travels to Emroy, which he is not on Earth. At the time she figured one of the Gods Sharpe explained to her lent her their strength to fight the incoming attackers. Having that first soul pass through her helped warn everyone an attack was coming.

The only reason why she did not bring this up to Sharpe and the other Americans was that it was clear to her that this God's presence was a secret. Sharpe describes that Earth religions are faith-based, unlike the religions on Falmart. After getting their help, she did not want to dishonor them. Besides, she didn't want to be the one to tell Sharpe and his people the truth when she didn't fully understand the situation. It might rip apart their society if they find out their Gods are right there but not interacting with them for some reason. She decided it was not her place to change the rules of this world.

"I should say thank you for helping us. If it wasn't for you two to blessing me with your powers, I wouldn't have been able to defeat those soldiers so easily." She said with a smirk.

"You are welcome Rory," Aphrodite replies.

She nods but then wonders why she is here.

"You are wondering why I am here," Aphrodite states.

"That is one of a million questions." She replies.

"I see you have picked up his sarcasm," Aphrodite comments with a giggle. "And other habits and feats."

She blushes, knowing who she is talking about and glares right at her.

"Remember, I am the Goddess of love. You wanted me as your Goddess, not Ares. That means I can read your heart like no other. All your feelings and deepest desires." Aphrodite says as she plays with her hair.

After hearing that she couldn't help but glance back inside the condo, struggling to come up with a reply.

"Do not Rory," Aphrodite says and places her hand on Rory's shoulder. "I thought it might be wise for us to talk."

"Ok," She replies. "Why do you want to talk? It is because of the Gate?"

Aphrodite lets go of her and look out into the city, looking towards the US Army military base that is protecting the Gate. "It seems our worlds have reconnected. This time my brothers and sisters want answers."

She looks out to the military base and sees the giant fortified hanger that was built around the Gate. It seems like Earth is the home of Humanity and she has listened to the debates with Vanguard-7 talking about this. One thing seems clear, the Gate has appeared on Earth once before, bring the first wave of Humans to Falmart.

"We have had many casual debates about the matter," She replies. "But right now, they seem to be focused on the war then answering questions. Sharpe said once the current war is over, there would be a full investigation on the matter. I personally think they just don't know what's going on anymore and focusing on what makes sense to them."

She has seen the Other Worlders reaction to her world. While strong, they seem to be like children in a candy store. They have no idea where to even begin. That is how Lelei explained it to her.

"You are partly correct Rory," Aphrodite replies.

She looks to her confused. "Partly? What does that even mean? Is this the first time the Gate has come to this world?"

"No," Aphrodite responds. "It has become clear that the Gate connected to your world at least two times. As of now, the Gate has appeared on Earth three times."

Her eyes widen and then think about the meaning behind that. The Gate is a legend back on Falmart. The known story is that each race comes through the Gate and populates Falmart. While no written evidence, the story states this happens rarely. Not once a story says the Gate reappeared on a world two times. Most stories that are passed down leave out much-needed context and information. How much is true, and fake is always the problem in researching the Gate.

Strangely, Earth connected to Falmart two out of three times in their recorded history. She wonders if there is some deeper meaning behind this. Her time with the Americans and their allies has shown her that they have no reference for the Gate coming to their world before. For all they know, this is all known to them. All of this is new to them which means the other two times have been lost in history.

The Gate is only a legend and the sages in Rondel only has old stories to do their studies of the Gate. This is the first time the Gate appeared on Falmart in anyone's lifetime, even for an elf.

"Three times you say?" She replies. "That seems strange since there are only Humans on your world."

"My father Zeus was around when the first Gate appeared over ten thousand years ago. It appears they went to your," Aphrodite states.

"How do you know that," She asks. "How do you know they didn't come the second time."

"My fellow Brother and Sisters have been debating that over the centuries, but the context of the second appearance is not the same," Aphrodite states. "Rory, I must make this clear first. My presence cannot be told to anyone. This world cannot know that we exist."

She tilts her head and crosses her arms. "Secrets only breed confusion and failure. Why are you hiding your presence?"

Aphrodite looks away to the city buildings. "What do you see?"

She looks back at the city. "Buildings, tall ones. Cars driving around. There is that military helicopter landing. Your world is far more advanced than ours. What is your point?"

"What they call the modern world has only appeared in the last four hundred years. Everything you see has been them. We did not influence their development and maintained a strict none-engagement role. The rise of Human civilization started about seven thousand years ago. When we decided to free them of our presence two thousand years ago, they blossomed." Aphrodite explained. "You are the first person I spoke to in two millennia."

Aphrodite then looked back to Rory. "Tell me, how many different races are there on your world?"

She thinks on the question, in nine hundred years as an Apostle she has never once thought of that question. It seems normal that Falmart is full of different races. She just shrugs her shoulders, showing she doesn't know the answer.

"From what we understand, an Apostle represents a god, and each Apostle lives for a thousand years. The number of different races on your world also means the Gate has appeared on other worlds. The Gate is more legend than fact on my world. Which means when it comes and goes with a large gap between. That means the civilizations of your world must go back hundreds of thousands" Aphrodite Says.

"How do you know all of this?" She asks, confused by the Goddess knowledge.

"I take it that we are correct?" Aphrodite asks.

That is when she figured it out. Everything she has been saying, it sounds like facts but there are questions that are hidden. It has become clear to her that the Gods and Goddess of Earth are just as clueless what is going on the other side of the Gate, just like Emroy and the other Gods and Goddess on her world.

"It sounds plausible," She replies. "Currently we are going through the Age of Man. Before that was the Age of Demons and Darkness. Before that was the Elves and Dwarves. It keeps ongoing. I actually do not know how many Apostles Emroy has had before me."

"I would bet many," Aphrodite replies with a smile. "Before love is war. War is a natural part of life."

"But you cannot fight a war without love." She nods but thinks about what is going on. "I am sorry but why are we talking about this? I do not see your point?"

"Do you promise?" Aphrodite asks.

She takes a deep breath and nods. "I promise but I demand a reason. These people do deserve to know you are still there, so it better be good." Saying that the last part was only half-truth. She knows Sharpe as lost faith in his religion based on how he speaks. She wonders if he only knew they were alive and well, he might be better off.

Aphrodite nods her head and smiles. "I feel your motive and concern, Rory. Him knowing our presence would only bring more pain, not love and clarity. That is your responsibility."

Her eyes widen and she blushes a little, glancing away. "I try. Feels like I am losing at times."

"Love is a tug-of-war Rory," Aphrodite responds. "While I have detached from their daily lives, I can still feel if I choose. And there is a special place in his heart for you and he values you greatly. You must not worry."

She takes a deep breath, feeling embarrassed. For some reason that made her think about that time he was 'chewing' her out after fighting those Minotaur's. It is rare when she genuinely fears a mortal and she feared him that moment. But that was only because he was worried about her safety, an Apostle and she enjoyed that. "Thank you. So why have you all detached from their lives? That makes no sense."

"I will tell you but first you must tell me what it is like on your world," Aphrodite asks. "We are interested to know more. The only information we have is what the Americans allow through the Gate. They have been very selective on what they present."

Rory nods her head and begins to explain the relationship between the mortals and the Gods of her world. That each God competes for each other for worshippers. How the Gods are regularly active in the people's daily lives, but it differs between Gods. Each God represents many duties, unlike Earth gods who represent one major duty. Some Gods choose to live as an ascended form while some like Hardy choose to live a physical form.

She then goes on to explain how Apostles work and that each God and Goddess chooses someone to represent them. All expect on God has an Apostle. Apostles fight each other or leave each other alone. That the Gods of her world see each other as rivals, unlike Earth gods who see each other as family or as a community.

However, she is careful not to explain everything, only giving general information that is already public. She doesn't want to go into how her deep relationship with the gods and how powerful they are. That needs to be earned.

Aphrodite listens to everything very carefully, making sure she hears every piece of information. "It defiantly seems we are very different."

"Yes," She replies. "At first I did not believe what they said. Everything sounded so different it could not be true. But it is. Now answer my questions."

Aphrodite nods her head. "Alright. You want to know why we detached ourselves. We decided that we were no longer helpful."

"That is not an answer Aphrodite. Don't beat the bush with me." She says, being serious.

Aphrodite giggles hearing that. "I believe the saying is, don't beat around the bush."

"You people in your sarcastic phrases." She replies and keeps looking at her, wanting a satisfying answer.

"As I said, the Gate has appeared on this world three times. The reason we believe the Humans migrated to your world was during the first Gate appearance." Aphrodite said and pauses. "That was the only time nothing came through."

She nods her head as she listens but stops. "Wait, the Empire was not the first once to come to this world?"

"No," Aphrodite said. "Two thousand years ago the Gate appeared on the fields of Armageddon(2). A dark and powerful force."

"Who were they?" She asks, now taking this seriously.

"We are still debating that," Aphrodite responds.

Hearing that she can tell that they do not know. She never realized not limited Gods can be when it came to matters outside their world.

"When the Gate reappeared here, we thought it was them again and not the Empire. While we were thrilled it was not them, it was a shock that it was Humans and other creatures and beasts that came through the Gate." Aphrodite continues.

As she listens, she realizes that Aphrodite has no idea what the Gate is. She seems as clueless on its purpose, as Sharpe dose and his people. If the Gate has only appeared three times that it might mean they just have not had enough encounters to understand it and form a story around it. More importantly, these dark invaders sound familiar. Even the time frame seems too familiar.

"You have more answers?" Aphrodite asks.

"There is a story on my world that fits yours. Two thousand years ago my world was being overrun by these demonic races. It helped bring down the Age of Elves and Dwarves." She says. "In the legend this Man rallied a coalition and destroyed the invaders, freeing Falmart."

"What was this man name?"

"General Kaeso Sura I believe."

She sees Aphrodite with this disbelief look on her face.

"General Kaeso Sura? So, he went to your world?" Aphrodite askes with an open-end tone.

She was about to reply but stops herself. Based on her tone, she knows of the man, which should be impossible. "You know of General Kaeso Sura?"

Aphrodite looks away and glances up to the sky like she is looking at her fellow Gods and Goddess. She then looks back to Rory with a whole new deminer. "Alright, I just spoke with the others. We all agree."

"Agree on what?"

"All three Gate presences have been connected to your world," Aphrodite states.

She thinks on Aphrodite said for a moment. When the Gate appears on Falmart, it must have appeared on other worlds because the story says each time a new race comes through. The idea the Gate has connected Earth and her world three times doesn't sound like a normal function.

"How do you know of Kaeso Sura? Did he visit this world during the second opening?" She asks.

Aphrodite places her hand on her chin as she thinks of this new information. "No. He was a Roman General. When the Gate appeared the second time, this strange and mightily invasion force invaded. Seeing the threat, we tried to stop them but failed. Our powers proved to be fruitless."

As Rory stands there and listening, she struggles to understand. How could Gods struggle to fight off an attack? Hardy is a powerful God that could easily crush mortals if they dare challenge her.

"However, while we failed, our subjects succeeded," Aphrodite says with much pride in her voice.

She hears that and smiles, reflecting on her experience with these Other Worlders. "They beat them?"

"Correct Rory," Aphrodite said. "The Roman Empire and Parthian Empire formed the Abraham Alliance and rallied other regional States in the region. After a short but brutal war, the Roman Alliance pushed the enemy back through the Gate."

"And General Kaeso Sura went through to our world and help end the Dark times. But they were trapped on my world and made a living." She adds.

"I don't believe that was in intention but yes," Aphrodite said. "The Roman Senator ordered an expedition force to stop a second attack. It seems he succeeded."

Even though this sounds impossible, it makes a lot of sense. Sadera somehow become an enormously powerful before Taylin and she took notice. She has heard Sharpe and his people mention how similar the Empire is to this Roman Empire. Their style, armor, tactics and more. Maybe there is a connection.

The one thing that is bothering her though is that she didn't know that the Gate opened two thousand years ago during that mess. While she doesn't understand the Gate itself, the stories imply the gaps are far longer than that.

She then looks directly into Aphrodite's eyes, seeing why the Gods of this world detached themselves. "You banished yourselves."

"That is correct," Aphrodite said. "It was hard at first, but we were forced to acknowledge our failures. We could no longer be their guide and Sheppard."

Aphrodite then walks to the railing and places her hands on it, looking out. "It is funny. We did not know it at the time but with all of our power, knowledge, and might, we were holding them back. And now they are beginning to surpass us."

She wonders what she meant by the last part until she remembers what Lelei said about how these people have left their world and touch their moon. More she thinks about it, some of Lelei's theories have panned out. She will want to hear about this.

"No, you promised not to say a word. If you break your promise, I guarantee you that you will be banished from this world." Aphrodite states.

"I always keep my word," She replies. "However, I would like to tell my friend Lelei this. It is in your interest."

"How is it in our interest?" Aphrodite asks.

"Because I am standing here, and the Gate has reappeared. You want answers and so do I. You need someone who can understand these events easily on my world." She explains. "You need to trust me. I promise to be careful. Lelei can be a big help."

She would wish to tell Sharpe all of this but sees where Aphrodite is coming from. Telling them the truth might stop their technological development. Now that she thinks about it, it seems like everyone who has come through the Gate has had the same technological level until now.

Aphrodite thinks about Rory's proposal and then agrees. "Fine. However, if you cross the line then you are banished and your love for Sharpe will be stripped."

She wonders if she has the power to remove someone's love for someone but doesn't want to test it.

She looks back at the city and thinks about what she has said so far. The last time she was here she learned that they could travel up to the heavens and settle on other worlds without a Gate. She wonders if having God's that big of a barrier of development?

"This has been a lot to thinks about, but I have another question." She asks, looking back at her.

"I see he has trained you well," Aphrodite says with a smile. "Lots of questions."

She rolls her eyes and looks back at her. "Why are you telling me this?"

Aphrodite crosses her arms. "You have been a major help to our subjects. We are powerless to help them on the other side of the Gate. We have debated and agreed that you and your friends are our friends. As long as you are on this world, you are my Apostle. But I give you my powers sparely."

She found it funny that she calls her an Apostle. So far, she hasn't seen any evidence and references about Apostle on Earth. She wonders if that word has a different meaning or her Goddess is adopting this relationship from her world.

She nods. "I have so many more questions."

"I bet you do but not now. Your master is coming, and I have much to think about." Aphrodite said and gives her a wink.

Hearing that, she blushes and then gets frustrated. "He is not my master!" She then looks back inside the building and sees Sharpe opening the door.

"Rory, back up. We are being recalled back to Alnus. We leave in an hour." Sharpe orders. He then looks around. "What are you still doing out here?"

"Hmm?" She then looks back to Aphrodite and sees nothing.

She looks back at Sharpe. "I was just thinking about things. I will be ready to go to Apollo."

She sees him tilt his head, confused by that.

She nods her head smirking.



Alnus Map: https://www.wattpad.com/846518959-gate-wotw-pictures-alnus-regional-map

Elies Map: https://www.wattpad.com/887963010-gate-wotw-pictures-the-greater-elies-regional-map

(1)Chapter 55

(2)Armageddon location is near Megiddo, Israel



Co-Creative Support: Tomrichman

Discord: https://discord.gg/xe7nNHS