V10 - Chapter 120

--- Fortress Legrath, Elies Region ---

December 21st, 2025

Major General Charles Stanford is walking through the halls of the fortress. He has spent the last three days taking a tour of their prize. So far, he and his staff have been impressed with the place. A place only in legend.

His guide of the place has been Beluutie, the Guardian of Legrath. He has been impressed by her knowledge of this place. Far more history than he expected.

"This section leads to the third grand hall. The dwarves built this part three hundred years ago to help expand the garrison during the Second Orc Expansionist War," Beluutie explains.

"We are pretty deep in the hill. I am impressed we can breathe normally without ventilation," Colonel Bob Brits said.

He glances at the Colonel. Brits is the Colonel of the Army Engineers unit that is assigned to this fortress. Their job is to learn the secrets of this fortress and reconstructed it as a NATO base for future operations. What he said did raise an eyebrow, he didn't even think about that.

"That is because of these lining the walls," Beluutie said with a big smile. She points the corner between the wall and ceiling.

"What is it?" Brits asked as he looks up. "It looks like mold to me."

"Mold? No silly," Beluutie said. "It is a special plant by the elves and that was enchanted by the dwarves. I do not know how the enchantment works but once your planet is, it provides air for the troops. How do you think dwarves are able to breathe so deep in their mountains?"

"What are you talking about?" A Captain asks. "That part is digging deep in the Earth. That even possible with this tech?"

"We are not on Earth Captain," Brits corrects. "It is digging deeper than on Falmart."

"True," The Captain responds. "But the name Falmart just the continent, right? So, what do we call it then?"

He looks back at them. "Knock it off and back to work. We will name everything later."

He then looks up and sees this thin green grass-like line. He saw it before and assumed it was just decoration of some kind. Assuming what she said is true and he has no reason to doubt, this enchantment magic could change how we mine materials.

He then looks to the pink Siren. She is looking at him and his staff with this baffled look.

"I thought that one man was the only wired one," Beluutie says. "Your kind is definitely strange. Like younglings who are spending coin at then candy store."

"They're just excited, Guardian. They will get over with," He said.

"It is ok," Beluutie said. "it's kind of cute. It shows that you are not just these death machines slaying armies. Just don't call me Pinkie(1)."

He never heard someone describe the military as cute before, sounds strange but funny. And that nickname, he knows the background of how that happened. "I must apologize for that. I know who you are speaking of. Fine soldier but he can get a bit cocky. I will address it."

She thinks about that and waves her hand. "It is ok. It was a tense moment and I rather stay on good terms with your people."

He found that as a strange thing to say. She told him that she switched sides because General Herm and his people dishonored the troops stationed here. That he disrespected the honor or Muilk and this grand fortress and the people who defended it, both Imperial and banished.

That is something that seems to be true, regardless of what world you belong to. The people in power who toss away their honor and look down on everyone else, you become the enemy. Honor and respect must go both wars otherwise you get a revolution, just like what happened here.

But he can still see she is questioning herself. It is not easy to change your allegiance. Good. He would have questioned her character if she weren't struggling That would mean she doesn't value loyalty or have any principles.

"Still, it is important to maintain professionalism, especially during tense moments." He says.

As they head to the third grant hall, he hears Colonel Brits, and his people talk about the possibilities of everything they have seen so far. They seem to enjoy how ventilation works here and how stable the halls are for a six-hundred-year-old fortress that is underground.

As they walk into the massive hallways, he sees stone heads if past generals who commanded this fortress. Unlike the other halls, this one seems to be just for the higher Officers.

It makes him think about the surrender process. It was mostly for a show for the people on Earth. Taking the fortress was costly, a hundred and twenty-three dead and about the same wounded. The ceremony was a good PR boost for Earth populations which many are still in shock that were fighting aliens.

It must have been hard to surrender, a feeling he never wants to experience.

He looks to her and sees her smile fade away. She is probably thinking about her fallen comrades that were betrayed. "Are you thinking about your friends?"

"Yes Major General," Beluutie replies. "But they are the enemy, now aren't they? What will you do with the statues?"

"Well," He said as he places his hand on his chin. "I think we won't do anything with them. Maybe polishing them when we clean this area."

She looks at him confused. "But they were the enemy?"

"But it is the history of this place," He responds. "Because we took this place and going to use it for our own purposes doesn't mean we intend to disrespect this place. We respect history. The ones who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. I was also thinking that we put both Krysist and Pelue Muilk, out of respect."

He then realizes he only knows Krysist first name. He does not know if that is his first or last name. That does not matter right now though. He looks back at her and sees this glow in her eyes. He heard that she favored Muilk and too his death hard. While there was no chance of them preventing them from taking the fortress, her people revolting did play an important role. He wants to respect that because they did not have to.

"Really?" Beluutie asks.

"Correct mam," He said. "It is your choice, but you and the others can continue defending the fortress with us. We could use all of your help."

"You would allow us to stay and help?" Beluutie asks. "I would love that. This is my home. It is all I know. I would hate to flee it. And I think the others would join me. They have nowhere else to go."

He nods. "Ok. Please go tell them…"

"You mean the Terminator? I like to know what that means." Beluutie said.

He grunts hearing that. He refuses to call that man the Terminator, even though that nickname seems to be sticking with the troops. "Yes, him and maybe later. Any of you who wishes to join us, we will send you to Alnus for training. Then you will come back here, being part of the Legrath detachment. We will need to get you all up to speed on how we operate."

Beluutie smiles and nods. "That would be an honor, sir. I have heard many stories about Alnus. I am interested in seeing which ones are true and not."

He did not like how she said that. It sounded like it applied to other things that he did not understand. While everyone inside the NATO sphere of influences knows that Alnus and its allies are safe, he can assume the Empire might be telling a different story to everyone else. That is an area the Empire has an advantage against NATO. We do not have the infrastructure or the network to display our propaganda to counter there.

Before he responds he hears Colonel Brits behind him walk up.

"Sir, I got word on one of my search parties. They found something you might want to see. Down below. It is in the value she told us about."

"Is everyone ok?" Beluutie asks, nervous. "There shouldn't be traps or anything."

"Everyone is safe. But they found something and don't understand how to describe it." Brits said. "They sound creeped out sir."

"Alright, tell them we are one our way. Tell the British to send a team down there for extra security." He say.

They all rush down below, taking nearly an hour to get there. Once there he sees this large stone square door. There are these glowing symbols on the stone, covering it all. Beluutie said the door is protected by dwarven magic, needing a password to allow him, which she gave them.

He walks inside and sees all these gold, jewels, statues, and crystals. Anything you think is worth something, it is here. There must be hundreds of thousands of dollars in there, if not more.

"Holy shit sir. I can put my kid through college with all this." Brits said, gazing at everything.

"I did not hear that Colonel," He said, making sure he understands he won't tolerate any missing treasure from in here.

"Just joking sir," Brits said. He then looks to his men and starts giving them orders.

"What do you plan to do with all this?" Beluutie asks. "It is all yours by the law of conquest."

He thinks about that question. "First we don't follow that law. We believe in sovereignty. And it is not up to me, but I assume some will go to Alnus to boost the economy. Some will go back to Earth as a token gift to my government and our primary allies. The rest probably will go to the people of Elies."

"Really? You would just give this back to the people?" Beluutie asks shocked.

"We are not here to steal from people. This is their money. We cannot really spend it anyway. Besides, it might help swing the loyalty of the people in this region." He explains.

While NATO controls the region, most of the population still is loyal to the Empire. Many did not like how we want to change their way of life. That was a hard lesson he learned in Havcristen, the regional capital.

Not that we really want to, it is just we cannot allow slavery to be within our territory. The digital media and populous back on Earth will flip out by not understand or care about cultural differences.

He then looks to the left and sees this Engineer enlisted walk up. He informs him that what they reported is over here. The Engineer looks a bit creeped out, confused, and scared by whatever he found. Hearing that he follows him.

He heads to this squad size group all guarding this chest. The Siren woman is right behind him, looking at all the gold coins.

He walks up to the chest and looks down at it. His eyes widen at the fight, unable to believe what he is looking at.

Beluutie walks up and looks down. Her eyes widen from the sight. "I promise I did not know about this."

"Please tell me this is some kind of magic Guardian?" He asks. While his eyes are telling him what he is looking at is true, his mind refusing to accept the sight. Everything he is looking defies every law he knows of.

"This is no magic Major General," Beluutie says.

"What are you two looking at? Have you never seen a talking head before? Ahh, Beluutie. So, the rumors are true, you did switch sides. Good for you. You picked the right side in this war. Anyway, I demand you tell me where my master is."

Beluutie takes a heavy breath. "I have no idea where your master is Frayen. Where is the rest of your body?"

"Why would I know?" Frayen responds in an annoyed voice.


--- Fort Alnus ---

December 21st, 2025

Tuka walks into the 75th Ranger Regiment building. She was requested to come here to talk to her friend Sharpe.

She has been in this building only a few times when she first joined Vanguard-7. That was when they were interviewing her. She thought it was silly but went with it.

But now she feels nervous.

When the team left to go find Selina she stayed behind. She told Sharpe that she did not want to go save Selina because of who her father is.

When she first came here, that little girl was nice to her even though she is Edrian. She thought she could look past that part. Everything has been fine until the truth came out during that meeting in Italica. That she is the daughter of the man who ruined her people.

She just could not bring herself to go help her. Once they left, she could not stop herself from crying. The last time she cried this hard was when her mother died.

Her people are no fans of Wood Elves. Her father told her the only thing they have in common is their mutual enemy Edras. Her father wants to start a new life here and she agrees with him. These Other Worlders are her people's best chance to recover, but she just could not bring herself to go save the daughter who killed her mother.

Before they left Rory walked up and said, 'You choose what leg you want to stand with'. An old saying about you chooses how you walk in life. She was not able to respond because Rory walked away.

The Rose Knight Grey came up to her and asked why she was crying. She told him that she told her friends that she was not going to help because who Selina was. He just asked the question again and then said he was going to follow them.

She understood what he met the second time he asked. If she believed this was right, she wouldn't be crying this hard over it. She would be happy the justice was coming. So, she went with Grey and followed them on horseback.

She sits down on the bench, waiting to go into Sharpe's office. She looks around and sees everyone packing their things. It looks like they are relocating.

First Lieutenant Sarah Rose walks up. "Afternoon Tuka. I have been expecting you"

She looks up at her. "Morning Rose. Where are you going?"

"We are relocating to Fort Wetzel. It is that place you saw being built. The place a few kilometers away." Sarah said. "We have been growing and this place no longer can store all of us. Can't have the girls, Vanguard and the Knights all separated all over the place."

She recalls seeing that when they drove here from Italica. It looks smaller than the Alnus NATO base. Both the military and the Alnus have been growing. "Are you all leaving us?"

Sarah smiles. "No, no. Nothing like that. Some of the 8th Division has been reactivated and we been adding to them. The Knights will be there and the Alnus Militia. It's pretty much a training ground and home base for what we do here. You, Rory and Lelei will be coming with us."

"Why are they doing that?" She asks.

Sarah thinks about that. "I am just a Lieutenant, but I think its planning for the future. Unlike the other divisions where their home base is back on Earth, this one will be permanently stationed here. Plus, we need to train our allies here on how we fight a war and how to use our equipment. That's just my guess though."

She nods as she thinks about it. She wonders what it will be like there, maybe a room that is not so overcrowded. Sharing a room with Lelei and Rory can get crowded. But that is assuming she will not get kicked out of Sharpe's Rifles.

Sarah must have seen her reaction because she put down the box she is holding and sit down next to her. "Look, I understand you are nervous. Let him say what he needs to say. It will hurt and might feel brutal. But trust me."

She takes a deep breath. She reflects on everything that has happened in recent days. Her mind is telling her that she did not do anything wrong, but her heart is telling her something else. She doesn't want to be kicked out, but she doesn't know what to do. "I am going to get kicked out, am I?" She asked.

"I don't know," Sarah said. "He has been quiet about it. But let me ask you this, why did you join in the first place? The others are simple. Lelei wanted to learn our ways and wanted a home. Rory…" Sarah stops and thinks. "Besides the rated R stuff, I think she wants meaning in her life. Wanting to make a difference when she leaves this world. And having a place called home." She then looks to her. "But you have a family and home."

She thinks about that for a moment. "I don't fully remember. I remember my dad pushing me to join."

Sarah thinks about that. "Well, during that fight with Krysist, why did you go back? You didn't have to. You didn't know him then."

She recalls that memory. It feels so long ago now, even though she is a High Elf with a long lifespan. Sharpe helped free her to imprison people even though he knew it was a trap. During the fight, he got cut off and nearly was taken prisoner.

She noticed he no longer was behind them and his people were too far ahead, so she decided to go back. "Well. He helped me so I helped him. Thinking that he was in trouble and but leaving anyway would have been wrong."

"See the hypocrisy?" Sarah asks with a warming smile.

She takes a deep breath, already noticing that point. "But she is the daughter of the man who killed my people. Who pushed us off our lands and we endure eight years of hell."

Sarah takes a deep breath. "I don't talk about it a lot, but my uncle is in federal prison. He was a drug dealer and got into a shootout with the FBI when they came to shut him down."

She looks at her, not fully understanding some of the terms she is using. She has no idea what the FBI means but assumes it is another organization of their government. Just like all Humans, they love to create organizations for everything.

"It is a black mark on my family tree," Sarah said then looks to her. "So, I am related to murder and a drug dealer. A few people I went to school with are in prison because of his drugs." She then stands up. "Look, I am not going to even try to pretend I know what you went through or saying what I said is equal to yours. But if you dig deep enough, you will find a black sheep."

Sarah then stands up, ready to go back to work. Before she leaves, she looks down at Tuka. "You know, I have noticed one of many flaws in him." She says and smiles. "When he sees someone asking for help, he doesn't look too closely for the details. The details rarely matter when someone is in danger. Something to think about." She said and walks away.

She watches Sarah walk away and think. "I never thought this was going to be so hard."

She waits for a bit and thinks about what Sarah said.

This greenish-blue fairy flies to her. "Major Sharpe is ready for you. Please follow me."

She gets up and follows the fairy. She thought about Sarah's question and why she is here. While new compare to Rory and Lelei, she saw the team, these people who she considered her friends work with their enemies, the Rose Knights.

She saw what happen when Pina came back. The Other Worlders have just as many reasons to hate them but found a way to work together. Now Sharpe and Pina have found some form of a productive relationship.

As she gets to the door, she thinks about why she joined up in the first place. They all seem like fun, having each other back. She spent almost a decade fighting, having to become something she did not want to be.

But on Vanguard-7, she feels like she does not have to surrender her soul just to survive. That she can be part of something more. To give her people a fresh start.

She opens the door and closes it. She then sees him sitting at his desk. The place looks empty, just with boxes everywhere. "Sir, Tuka reporting." She gives a salute. She has seen military people do that to officers like Sharpe and figures it might help if she does it here.

"At ease," Sharpe said as he gets up.

She watches him walk around his desk. She can feel the mood in the air, Sharpe is not happy. Maybe it will be best that they part ways she wonders. Maybe this was a bad idea and should have gone their separate ways? They are so different and besides, she is an Elf, not Human.

She was about to speak but he stopped her. One thing she has learned about him is that he is very direct. Nothing ever subtle with him.

"Alright, let me get straight to the point," Sharpe said as he stands a few arm lengths away. "You and I have a trust problem."

She knows what he means. A team needs to know that they can count on each other and the leader needs to know that his orders will not be questioned. "I know sir."

"No, you don't," Sharpe responds and then crosses his arms. "You told me about your past and what happened, so I understand all that. When you joined his team there was an understanding that you were not going to put that before the team."

"I know sir," She responds. "I just struggle with-."

"I am not done Tuka," Sharpe states, looking directly into her eyes.

Hearing that she shuts up. She feels nervous, scared even. She can tell he is not happy.

"I am…," Sharpe begins to say as he takes a breath, rubbing the tip of his nose. "Look Tuka, I understand your pissed at what Selina's father did. I would be to if I went through what you did. But we do not judge people based on their father's sins. Hell, I can guarantee there were some High Elves who invaded Earth. By that alone, I have the right to round up your people and throw away the key. But we don't because one doesn't represent the group."

She has heard this before. The Collectivist vs Individualist argument she is has heard. One values the group while the other values the person. While she has been interested in the topic, she has not had time to read about it.

But from what she understands, the issue is that her people and the Wood Elves blame everyone for what one person did while Sharpe people blame the person who did it.

The point is she and Lashin are blaming her for what her father did, even though she did not personally do anything. Lashin's reason was to kill her before she did something.

She did not want to kill, she just felt uncomfortable in saving the daughter of a murder. "Sir I must ask, if the roles were reverse, would you do it?"

Sharpe looks at her. "No, I wouldn't. I would have still gone and save her; even though I might have hated her."

She could not believe that answer. "How can you just say that?" She asks, not understanding. "You don't understand the feeling. Feeling your heart pump from the pain. I saw my mother die from her."

Sharpe takes a deep breath. "Tuka, I lost many people under my command. I have had to make a lot of choices, not all of them I am proud of. Here is the thing Tuka, I understand how you feel, watching people you love and care about die. But what does this have to do with Selina?"

"It is just that she is the daughter of the man who purged my people," Tuka said, holding back her emotions. "Her father is a monster…"

Sharpe looks at her. "I am her damn father. Do not forget that. Anything that is said, you are also implying it to me. And none of that has to do with a thirteen-year-old."

She was about to respond but the proper words did not come out. She could not disagree with what he said. She didn't consider that point, but it was right in front of her. She only saw Selina as an Edrian and nothing else.

"This is what I am confused on. Both you and Lashin. Is this an Elf thing Tuka? Do Elves just go around trying to murder children? I mean... what crime did she even commit? I honestly cannot believe I am having this conversation. What is the damn crim? The crime of being born into this world? If that is enough then we all deserve a bullet in the head."

She glances down and thinks. She never thought of it like that before. When she was on the run with her people, she had to do things she does not like to think about. She became a fine archer during those days. Anyone who threatens her people had to be removed. She wonders if she should die for the same crime.

Seeing that she will not answer the question, Sharpe continues. "I am going to be frank; I don't care what happened with you and Lashin. I was not there, and any interest was lost when he took my daughter and you refused to help. You need to understand this, if we were talking about the King himself, this would be a quite different conversation. I might even let Lashin take him, depending on if the claims are true."

She wonders how true that is. He does not seem to be someone to let someone die unless it is someone like Zorzal. But she does not want to argue the details of that.

"But it is not. You are trying to get someone who cares about you killed because of her DNA." Sharpe states. "You do realize Selina likes you? She thinks your fun and joyful. What if it was your kid? What if Lashin was after your father"

What he said hurt her but at the same time she must admit that the King is dead, so Selina says. But she knows he is trying to make a point.

As she listens, she thinks about the meaning of the conversation. What he is talking about is that children or anyone should not be victims of what others have done. That is so different from what she knows. In Falmart, it is the strongest who rules. Part of that is wiping out anyone who can be a risk so that includes the children of leaders. It is the most effective way to remove the enemy once and for all. It is something as natural as air in this world.

She never realizes how different Earth was until now. It is not just the shiny tall buildings and the powerful military but how they think.

She wonders if this was how Pina felt when they talked that one time. It must have been hard for someone with her station in life.

"Sir!" She says. "I understand. I just let my memory of my mother get ahold of me. You are very wise sir…"

"Wrong," Sharpe replies. "I am not smart enough to figure things like that out." He shakes his head lightly and raises his index finger. "There was a man once called Adolf Hitler. Lashin reminds me of him. Hitler wanted to wipe out whole groups of people just because of who their parents are. Their religion and in your words, who their bloodline was. Millions of people died. So no, this is not some grand enlightenment. It was a very bloody lesson we had to learn the hard way."

She blinks and listens. She heard of this conflict before and understands the basic context of it. "Ok… but with respect. I never said I wanted to wipe out millions. I just had an issue with one. Same with Lashin."

"It only takes one Tuka," Sharpe said. "Look, it is so easy to go down a path of hate and revenge. It is insane how easy it is. Shit, even Hitler was an ok person at one point, but he went down that path. It just takes one moment and then you become a monster Tuka."

"My point is, we been down this road before." Sharpe states. "That Elf Lashin reminds me of that man. So full of rage and cannot see anything else but killing a defense girl because of some past deed that she had no part of. And you were ok with that."

He then glances away. "And honestly, let us say he did kill her. I know for a fact I would want revenge. I do not have a lot of people I consider family. It is that easy and the cycle continues."

She closes her eyes knowing that to be true. She knew what could have happened when she chose not to help. All she wanted was to revenge her mother death.

"Tuka holds out your hand," Sharpe said.

She opens her eyes and sees his stare. Not wanting to anger him more she holds out her hand. She then sees him reach to his upper arm and rip something off. He puts it in her pawn.

She looks at what he puts there. It is a V7 patch from his arm, the unit name, and number. All the Rangers have it, including Rory and Lelei.

She looks up at the Major confused. "Major? I don't understand."

Sharpe leans back onto his desk. "When you told me when you were not coming, I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt. When I decided to help you and your people, I do not expect anything in return. But maybe I did a little so that is my fault for expecting something in return. I assumed we had each other backs but…"

She glances down at the patch again, not understanding why he gave it to her. Rory said she had to earn this, that he could not just hand it to her. She looks back up to him.

"Whatever happens at that point doesn't fully matter," Sharpe said. "At the end of the day, you did show up and turn the tide. You did save Selina and I think you know why. Everything I said you already knew. You just had to make a choice."

"Usually in life, you have two choices," Sharpe continues. "You go right or left. Lashin chooses one route and that led him to a life of revenge and rage. He can't see anything past that. When you came you made your choice and that is why I am giving you that. You could have taken the easy path, but you took the right path."

"And what is the right path?" She asks. "I still miss my mother."

"That you didn't want to live that way. Everything I said you already knew. But you needed a moment to truly accept it or not." Sharpe said. "And your mother, you don't want to stain her memory with more blood. Maybe a day will come when we run into the man who killed her. We will then deal with it the right way, together."

She tears up a bit. "I just… it is just so hard. I miss her and everything has been an ordeal."

"I understand," Sharpe said. "What I value most is action and you acted. Not in the way I prefer but that's life. Selina is safe and thinks the world of you right now. Now I will not be telling her what really happened. She might find out one day but right now all she knows is that you came in and helped."

"But that is a lie," She replies. "She won't like me if she learns the truth."

"The truth is what you make of it," Sharpe responds. "Now you have a choice. You can go along in life and seeing her as the enemy or as a friend. If you choose an enemy, you will end up seeing all of us as the enemy. Because we are friends with her, and others like her. That path will take you to Lashin. Or you can pick the other path."

"And what is that path?" She asks.

"You can stick around and be fully part of my team," Sharpe states. "As I said, you didn't have to come and help. You were safe in Italica but you choose to come anyway. That takes true strength to face your own decision and valuate. Most people will run away from their choices and hid from them, but you faced it and decided to put your friends first over your desire for revenge. That is why I am giving you my patch. That is not an easy feat to do."

She begins to cry, thinking she understands what this means. "Are you saying you forgive me?"

Sharpe takes a breath as he collects his thought. "It is going to be a bit before I can trust you again but yes. I forgive you and you can stay on the team. Now dismiss."

She tries to hold all her emotions back. Hearing dismiss she turns around and starts heading to the door. She then stops.


She turns around and then tackles him, giving him a tight hug. "Thank you. I promise you that won't happen again!"

She feels him give her a slow reactive pat on the back.

She then stands up and gives him a salute. After that, she turns around and walks out the door.

As she leaves the Ranger building, she looks at the patch.

While she does not feel like she has earned it, she intends to meet the standard that it holds. It might not be easy, but she knows she must put aside past grudges and hatred for her to go forward. Otherwise, she will lose everything that she wants to gain.



Alnus Map: https://www.wattpad.com/846518959-gate-wotw-pictures-alnus-regional-map

Elies Map: https://www.wattpad.com/887963010-gate-wotw-pictures-the-greater-elies-regional-map

(1)Chapter 109

Discord: https://discord.gg/xe7nNHS