V11 - Chapter 124

--- Alnus Community ---

December 30th, 2025

Hours after the quake, Corporal Myuute Luna Sires is directly Wolf and a few soldiers in moving some rubble that was blocking the entrance of this building. "There you go."

Seeing them move the entrance door, she rushes inside. "This is the Alnus Military Police, I am here to help."

As she looks around, she sees everything is tipped over. Supplies littering the ground and knocked over chairs and tables. She feels nervous as she walks among everything, wishing that her partner were there.

She talked to her partner First Sergeant Miloslav Suchanek right after the ground quake hit. He said he was going to sweep the area he was at until help arrives and then meet up with her. Then she has not heard of him since.

"Over here."

She looks right and sees three people there. "Any of you hurt?"

"Yes, I think his leg is broken"

She walks over to them. "Ok, we have the exit secured. Just he as out. You, sir, grab my hand."

She grabs the man and put his arm around her neck. "Everyone out."

One by one they all move out of the store.

She carries the man to this medical HUMVEE and two medics rush up and take him from her. "He has a broken leg."

Once they take him, she takes a deep breath.

Wolf walks up to her. "Are you ok?"

She looks up. "Yeah, I am. It was just a few hours ago I was having fun with my friends but then this happened."

"The nature of life," Wolf said. "We should get back at it."

She looks around as she catches her breath. It has been a busy hour.

She sees all these different military vehicles show up. The first group showed up were a mix of Americans, Germans, Romanians, and French, the countries that are responsible for the town of Alnus security. They began to crowd control so the Engineers and medics could come in and move around at ease.

She soon learned that these quakes are normal on their world, but they were shocked that it happened here. Saying that they are not close to a fault, whatever that means.

Whatever happened, she sees that the damage is not as bad as it first glance. Alnus has grown a lot since she first arrived, and the first buildings seem to be affected the hardest. "We should thank the gods that it didn't get worse."

"Good thing indeed," Wolf said. "I always thought it was annoying on all the rules they have. I found them making projects longer, but it seemed that it had a purpose."

Before she could respond, her radio goes off. "Any available units, we need assistance in district seven."

She grabs her radio. "We are on our way."

She looks at Wolf and tells him to follow. They run pass all the Army Engineers and medical support all over the place.

They get to district seven of the town and see this warehouse. She knows this place; it is the town's food stores from Elbe and nearby farms to sell here. The roof looks like it was carved in.

She sees two of her fellow Alnus MPs, one a High Elf and one native Human. The Elf is Private Darth Tatu, and the Human is Private Humren Aguis.

But she notices no one else around which is normal at this hour. But why are two of her MPs here and not helping elsewhere? She wonders if they are just guarding the food which is not a bad idea more, she thinks about it. "What is going on?"

"We have a criminal stuck inside. The roof cave-in is blocking the door." The Darth said.

"We saw her trying to steal food during the crisis," Humren said.

"I wasn't stealing you jerk!" This feminine voice said.

She crosses her arms and looks at the garage door. "Wolf, can you see if you can move the door?"

"Let me try," Wolf said. He walks over to the door and starts to push on it. The door starts to move and is thrown up. The door swings up and flies off its railings.

"Ahh!" The feminine voice yells in a panic, scared of the flying door. "You almost killed me!"

She sees the two MPs about to storm the warehouse. "Stop, I will go in. You two stay back until I call."

She then walks past them and heads inside. "Jump in if anything happens Wolf."

She grabs her flashlight and turns it one. "Is it just you?"

"Keep them away, they are liars!" The feminine voice said.

"Bull criminal!" The Humren said. "We know you were stealing food from in here."

She turns around, annoyed that they did not listen to her. "Hey, what did I say?"

"Hey, we don't take orders from a woman." The Humren said. "Regardless of rank."

She glares at him and fires a small gust of wind at him, forcing him out of the warehouse and onto the ground. "I know you will listen to that." She then turns around and looks for the woman. "Hey, you know we are in a situation here. Every minute we are here, every minute we are not helping people who need it."

There is silence until the feminine voice speaks. "Ok… I am sorry. I didn't mean any harm. I just wanted to help the kids."

She can tell where the voice is coming from. She looks to the direction and then sees this woman come out behind some crates. She was not expecting what she sees, a female Bat-person. She heard that there was a Dark race in the town, but she has not seen it yet.

She places her hand on her baton, just in case. She has fought Dark races before but has never seen a Bat-person before. She heard that some of Rory team brought her back after being assaulted by some bandits.

While she likes the Other Worlders, they gave her a second chance, but she also has found that they do not always understand the rules of this world. Because they are still new, they do not understand the historical rules between all the races and differences of cultures.

She flips the strap on her baton and gets ready to pull it out. But then she stops herself.

The thought of that second chance the Other Worlders gave her made her question her sudden action. She fought against them twice in battle and now she is part of their law enforcement.

She rebuttons her baton and holds up her hands halfway to show she is no threat. "It is ok. I am Corporal Myuute Luna Sires of the Alnus Military Police."

The Darth walks up with his baton. "There you are. You are going to pay for stealing!"

"I said I didn't steal anything you Elf bastard! The shop owner lied!" The Batgirl yelled, showing she has a quick temper.

She looks to Darth and shots him a glare. "Knock it off. What is wrong with both of you? I am trying to deescalate things."

Darth looks to her. "We just needed help getting the door open. Your job is done. You are lucky I don't take you in for assaulting my…" He stops speaking as he hears a stomp. He turns around and sees Wolf standing there, looking down at him. "Yeah… I forgot about you…"

"That is what I thought," She said frustrated. She cannot believe that she is wasting her time here when she is needed elsewhere.

She looks back at the Batgirl. "Can we end this? Other people need my help."

"I didn't steal anything. The shop owner lied!" The Batgirl said again.

"I didn't say you did. Can you tell me your name?" She asked. At first, she wondered why the Bat did not fly away but she can see one of her wings is damage. The damage looks old, not fresh so probably not from the quake.

The Batgirl takes a big breath as she keeps an eye on the other two MPs and wolf, not trusting them. "I am called Mentiv Dor Alis. I was brought here by the Ranger soldiers."

"Nice to meet you Mentiv," She said. "Please tell me. What happened?"

Mentiv is hesitant to respond but sees no other choice. "I went to the shop owner on Dael street. I asked if I could have some bread for the children that were being gathered. He then rejected my proposal and assumed that I was trying to trick him. The usual Dark Race racism crap. I should have bitten him, but he started calling out saying that I was going steal."

While a part of her did not believe in her story because of what race she is, the other side believes her. Her kind is not popular in the common world and she can see a shop owner saying that. She turns around to face Humren as he walks up, rubbing his head. "Is it true?"

"Does it matter? She is a Bat. If it isn't this it will be something." Humren said.

Her eyes widen seeing that the Bat was telling the truth. She wanted to take their side against her just because who she is even though her teammates were lying. Plus, all this happened after the quake, so they were doing this for an hour when people needed help.

"You bastard. Both of you. You should be out there helping us, but you are here tormenting an innocent woman." She yells. She then turns back to Mentiv. "You are free to go."

"You call her a woman like she is a person," Darth said with a disbelief chuckle.

Mentiv now looks scared and slowly walks away from her cover. She walks up and starts passing her and Wolf.

"If Myuute said you are free to go then you are free. They won't bother you again." Wolf said and then gives them a death glare.

After Mentiv walks past her, she takes a deep breath. "Mentiv Stop!"

Everyone stops and looks at her, confused about what is happening.

She takes another breath, knowing she is going to get in trouble for this. But right now, she does not care, it is the only right thing she can do. She walks forward and grabs a bag. She then picks up some fruits from a crate.

Once she is done, she hands the bag to Mentiv. "Here. Do as you please. We all are sorry for the hassle."

Mentiv looks at the bag and then back at her. "How do I know this is not a setup?

"Because it is not," She said. "Just take it. Please."

Mentiv looks at it and slowly takes it. She then walks away.

"Ok, let us all go. I am taking both of you to the Lieutenant." She said, somewhat pissed but feeling better at the same time.

"What? You just allowed her to take private property. Isn't it our job to prevent that?" Humren said. "Let's go Darth."

She looks to them is on the verge to blow upon them as she forms her hands ready to us her wind magic, Wolf walks over and grabs her hand softly.

"Not now," Wolf said. "You can report them later and I will confirm what you say. They shouldn't be in the AMP."

She takes a deep breath. "You are right. I am angrier at myself. I nearly took their side and assumed she was a criminal because she is a Bat."

"Well, I did," Wolf said. "I just assumed she did it. But was letting you lead."

She looks up at him and smiles. "Ok. Let's get back to work."

Then her radio goes off. She listens to it and she hears a report on the far side of the town. They found her partner and he is wounded. After hearing that they run off to that location to see if they can help.

As she saw before, it looks like the situation is getting better. More and more personal has arrived to help support the effort. The cleanup and rebuilding process will take a while, but she is glad that it was not worse.

As she runs, she stops as she hears friends and master Rory. She is lifting some rubble to make room for people to huddle. "Rory!"

Rory stops and looks around. She then sees Myuute and waves in excitement. "Hi, Myuute! Wait there!" Then she bursts over and gives her a strong hug.

She returns the huge. "I am happy you are ok!"

Rory looks at her. "You kidding? I am happy you are ok. I was worried after you left Apex. Where are you going in such a hurry?"

"They said they found my partner on the east side. I am on my way there." She responds.

Rory's eyes widen. "Ok, let me come with you."

She smiles, glad her friend is coming. All three of them start to rush to the position. It took longer than she wanted to get there.

When she arrived, she sees soldiers and civilians all around. Right then she sees First Sergeant Miloslav Suchanek laying on the ground. His arm is all banged up and he looks like hell. By his side are a Dark Elf and this boy.

She rushes up and slides to his side. "Are you ok?" She then looks to his arm and she can see some blood spots on his bandages.

Miloslav looks to her, hand on his side. "I am fine. Just need a cigarette." He said in a weak voice.

"I was there," The Dark Elf said.

"Yeah," Miloslav responds. "He helped bury me and the kid out. Got my damn arm cut in the fall."

Rory knees in front of the Human boy and smiles at him. "Are you ok? Do you know where your mom is?"

The boy looks at Rory. "No. I am scared."

"It is ok," Rory said. "I am scared to, but everything will be ok."

She looks to Rory and the boy and then to the Dark Elf. "Thank you for your help. Who are you?"

"My name is Jaruki," Jaruki said in a tired voice.

She looks down at his hands and sees them dirty and bandage up. She looks back up to him. "Thank you." She then looks down to Miloslav. "I would hate to get a new partner. I might get one who likes to talk."

"Cut it out…" Miloslav said with a cough.

She looks to Rory and both giggles.


--- Next Day, Fort Minick, Briefing Room ---

December 31st, 2025

Lelei yawns as she sits at her table. She looks around and sees everyone else has arrived. All four teams under Sharpe's new command.

Vanguard-2 with their new leader, First Lieutenant Charles Johnson with his recent promotion. His Logistical Officer is with him, Second Lieutenant Keira Hill. She heard during the Battle of Legrath, Major Davis died in combat. She has yet to interact with them much but hopes to meet them now that Johnson is in command.

She then sees Vanguard-5 leader Captain Bailey with his second in command Second Lieutenant John and their Logistical Officer First Lieutenant April. She has worked with them many times since the war began. She knows Bailey and Sharpe worked together once or twice before the war, so they have an understanding. She has grown used to seeing Delilah with them, but she said she needs to stay at Apex and help fix it. She is starting to believe that Bailey and Delilah are a couple, but others seem to already know that.

The next team is something she is still not used to. The Rose-Order Knights. Princess Piña Co Lada is there with Grey Co Aldo, Bozes Co Palesti, and Beefeater E Caty. She finds it still wired that there are Imperialists in the same room with Rangers, but she has been telling herself not to see them like that. She remembers Pina and her Knights protecting her in that forest during the Selina rescues mission.

Wolf is here, being the leader of the new Alnus Militia being set up by NATO. While Rory is technically the leader of the new organization, she is more of the figurehead, lending her support. Wolf is the one going to oversee the day-to-day functions.

Then there is her team, Vanguard-7. Rory Mercury is next to her wanting to take a nap. The Americans gave her a rank within their ranks, helping taking command of some of the Alnus units. She has assumed it is to help normalize native Alnus within the military. She finds it interesting that she is willing to do this with her history with the Empire.

Then there is Sergeant Major Randy Dodson sitting there. Now that Johnson is gone, she thinks he is now the second in command. She thinks he will do fine because he was the only other one besides Sharpe who seen combat before this war. Both know what to expect but at this point, no one is a rookie in the war now.

Then there is Captain Sarah Rose there. She recently got a promotion to the same Rank as Rory. She is sitting next to Randy.

She sees Major Sharpe walks in, and all the Rangers stand fully up. She is impressed by how fast and efficient their formalities are. She stands up with Rory. Looking over, she sees the Knights slowly stand up with this confused look on their faces.

It took her and Rory a while to get used to their formalities and regimental, but they learned the purpose of it all.

"At ease," Sharpe said and then stands there looking at everyone. There is a chair in front of him, but he stays standing.

Everyone sits down.

"Alright," Sharpe starts. "I want to start off by talking about Major Davis. I did get not as much time to get to know him, but he was a fine Ranger. He led the main assault during our recuse mission in Sadera."

She blinks and remembers what day. She was with Major Davis and Colonel Yang in that main assault. Their job was to secure a landing zone to extract the prisoners. It was an intense battle, one of the hardest she has ever been in.

"As many of you know, Vanguard-2 got pinned down during our assault at Legrath," Sharpe said. "While we were reacting to the crash site, they were covering our six so we wouldn't have been overwhelmed. During that, an arrow hit him in the neck and was killed in action. He was a brave man and did what he needed to do so others could have lived."

"Because of that, First Lieutenant Charles Johnson will be taking command of Vanguard-2 effective immediately," Sharpe said and looks to him. "Congratulations on your promotion, you are walking into big shoes, but I know you can do it."

"Next thing there is a small change in the structure," Sharpe said. "Congratulations on your recent promotion Captain Rose. To all Logistical leads, all information for now on will come and go through her." After saying that he sits down.

The meeting only started ten minutes ago and so far, there only been a few updates, mainly about the quake. He said Engineers are starting to rebuild the damaged buildings so no one can enter the town until it is complete. The latest reports are that seventy-eight hurt, some major while some are minor. Only two deaths out of everything.

Still, she has questions on how something could happen. Rory and she brainstormed what it all met. She is convinced that since Sharpe called it an Earthquake, it has something to do with Earth. While she still thinks it is something else. Earth would attack like that; it would be efficient as a weapon. Plus, why would they hit their own base if it is a weapon?

"I got the latest report from the geology people. They think it was a six-point nine quake that hit us." Sharpe said.

"I thought they said this area has no-fault line here?" Second Lieutenant John asked.

Sarah leans forward of her desk and at John. "I reread the report before this meeting. They concluded we are nowhere near a fault line. We are basically in the middle of the US."

Rory stands up. "Before you, all start walking about these fault things and quakes. Do you mind explaining why Earth quaked us?"

There is a short silence in the room as they all look at Rory. She must agree with Rory, they know something that no one from Falmart does.

Sharpe stands up from his seat and head to the whiteboard behind him. He grabs a marker and is about to start drawing until Sarah comments.

"At least he isn't using his hand again," Sarah said and a few chuckles can he heard from people.

Sharpe looks back. "I can, I have a knife."

She hears him say that. During the fight with Taylin, he cut his hand to smear blood on the wall to trick Taylin to think he was wounded and to lead him into a trap.

"No," Sarah said.

Some people chuckle by the exchange.

"Anyway," Sharpe said and begins drawing. "I am going to keep it short since we don't have long."

She starts to take notes on everything Sharpe said. Everything he said he is also drawing, trying to speak with his crude drawing. He talks about these plate tectonics that is below us, usually the size of continents. They move very slowly deep under the ground, going only centimeters or less a year. These plates are always hitting each other which the Other Worlders call a fault. These faults cause ground quakes like the ones they experience.

The issue she is seeing is that they are not next to a fault and have no idea why a quake happened. They are wondering if there is a fault they did not know about or is this a one-off or is there someone else they don't know about since this is an alien planet to them and their science might not explain the event.

"Do you all understand?" Sharpe asked, putting the marker away. Seeing that everyone understands. "If you have more questions about this, we can explain more later in a more detailed way. But we need to get to mission assignments."

Sharpe then walks over and sits down. "Johnson, you are taking Vanguard-2 to Alguna. The Navy wants some extra protection in setting up its port. Apparently, some Alguna resistance fighters still think they can win."

"Yes sir," Johnson said.

"Bailey," Sharpe said. "You are going on a science mission. Biologists want to head to the east side, towards the coast. They think they will find some healthier food or new kinds of medicine. Intel said there still Alguna rebels or goblins or Dark races…" He said and thought about something. "Mission is simple. Protect the civilians. Let them do their jobs."

Bailey talks to April for a moment. "Yes, sir. We will have them in bed by eight."

Sharpe nods. "Alright. Randy, Lelei, and Rory. Vanguard-7 will be leaving tomorrow morning on our mission to Fort Galileo. We are expecting some rain on the route so let us make sure we have the proper gear. We are transporting two trucks full of supplies and scientific equipment. Our job is to get it there safely. Also, Randy, we have Private First-Class Sofia Everett being assigned later today. Get someone to get her up to speed."

He looks to Wolf. "Wolf. Your job is to start recruiting new members for the Alnus Militia. From what I understand there will be a base pay. Training in our tactics and more."

"I have a question if it is appropriate," Wolf said in an unconfident tone. It seems that he is still learning the ins and outs of the military protocol.

"It is Wolf," Sharpe weapons. "What is on your mind?"

"You said training in tactics and more," Wolf said. "Does that include your firearms?"

She blinks hearing that question. It is an interesting question to ask, she never considered something like that. While she knows she has had given special treatment, a reward she has enjoyed, that is one of the reasons she continues helping them out.

Sharpe looks over to Sarah. "Captain."

Sarah looks over to Wolf. "Current policy is that natives of Falmart will not receive firearms or other primary lethal weapons training. Primary weapons will be the weapons that are common here."

"What the?" Beefeater states. "I thought we were allies here?"

"Beefeater has a point," Bozes adds. "Why are we even here if we are not going to be treated equality."

"Hold on," Johnson interrupts. "The Captain said lethal. That means we will be teaching you in a lot of non-lethal gear."

"Correct," Sarah said as she looks over to the Knights. "We will be training in other areas. Our tactics. Most of our equipment like radios. You will learn how we communicate with them and a few will be taught how to drive for now."

Pina stands up. "All find but what us is a sword in a rifle right? Your kind has been destroying the Imperial Army from range."

As she listens to the conversation, she takes a record of everything that is said, fascinated by the debate. While she understands how big the gap is between soldiers in Falmart and soldiers from Earth and how hard it is to bridge it. Something simple like driving for the Rangers will be a massive step for people here in Alnus.

She has driven a few times with Sharpe's supervision while not in combat. While she has gotten better and more confident in it, it still feels unnatural, unlike a horse and wagon. She knows that Sharpe has tried to restrict some knowledge to her and others, saying that some things need to be earned. Another thing he said that it is not a good idea to radically change a social way of life as it results in a push back. People like to know they have a good sense of things, rock that and people become scared and unpredictable.

He once explained it to her that it is like giving a child a gun. Because they have it does not mean they fully understand it. He also once said imagine a man who is used to using a bow and now has control of a missile. It is a recipe for disaster.

She knows he is oversimplifying it and she has noticed how the Other Worlders do not fully see the people of Alnus as equals, more like people who need protection, like children. She has been able to learn quickly about their technology and apply it to her life. But she must remind herself that she has worked hard to earn that trust.

Sharpe looks to Pina. "If I wanted another rifleman unit, I would just request another company from Earth. I want swordsmen for close combat. This until is intended to be a mixed unit between riflemen and swordsmen."

She looks up at Sharpe hearing that, trying to wonder what that means. She watches as Pina sits back down.

Sharpe looks around and sits fully up. "We are starting something new here. There are going to be some baby steps. Beefeater, what is the primary weapon of the Empire?"

Beefeater looks around surprised that he asked her a question. She looks back at him. "The Gladius Sword sir."

"Exactly, a sword," Sharpe states back. "During the invasion of Galuoa in Alguna, King Duran of Elbe and Lieutenant Colonel Ashley Banton from the fifth Marines pioneered the Shield and Bullet doctrine. US Marines working with swordsmen in taking the city. Both using each other strength to their advantage."

"This isn't about trust but utilizing what your specialty is." Sharpe continues. "The United States Army specializes in Full-Spectrum Warfare, operation in all domains within the battlespace. Soldiers on Falmart specializes in swords, bows and magic, something we want to utilize because we haven't fought like that in five hundred years."

"The Major is correct," Sarah jumps in. "The goal is to train both Knights and Militia in our tactics and how we communicate. Learn what our equipment and vehicles are. However, we want to include your specialty. There are situations where swords and magic will be more effective than what we have. For example, fighting those trees in Selina rescue."

After documenting everything that has been said, she looks up from her notepad. She has always been impressed with how Sharpe can talk with authority without speaking down on someone. Her father would have just shot her ideas down with what was said, not caring what the person perceptive is. Always his way or no way. Sharpe seems to at least try to see how the other person thinks and then counters based on that view. That is something she has found attractive about him and found it easy to work around.

Beefeater waves her had to the side. "Ok, that makes a bit of sense."

Bozes leans forward, not thrilled by what was said. "Still, it seems like things are going only one way. You can use the fancy words as much as you want but it just seems like you don't want us to have your weapons."

"That is enough Bozes," Pin said, looking to her. "You made your point."

Sharpe leans forward and looks directly at her. His eyes ignoring everyone else in the room. "Bozes Co Palesti. I remember you have a hot temper."

She remembers that day. The first time they were coming from Italica, Sharpe and Pina signed a treaty after saving the City-State. Vanguard-7 ran into the Rose Knights and Bozes attacked him a few times over the day.

He then leans back in his seat. "This policy is set in stone. Natives of this world will not be learning firearms and it is a policy that I support."

"However," Sharpe said. "You also make a great point Bozes. When the time becomes appropriate, all three Ranger units will learn some basic tasked like horse riding. That is normal on this world and there probably will be a time we will need to ride one. I will work with Princess Pina and Grey and see if there are other things, we should cross-train in."

She was surprised by that compromise. She never expected that the Americans would go backward in technology. They have vehicles and those are a hundred times more efficient than a horse. She sees Boze and the other Knights happy, probably feeling more included. She decides she will have to ask Sharpe why he made that decision.

"Ok now," Sharpe said as he looks around, gathering his paperwork. "Wolf go around down and if you run into problems or have questions, report to Captain Rose. The budget allows a platoon strength, which is forty bodies. Grey, I want you to be assisting Wolf here in weeding out people who won't make it."

"Any questions?" Sharpe asked. He sees that no one raises his hands. He stands up. "Alright, dismiss. Rose and Lelei, can you come here please."


Sharpe stands up from the desk as everyone walks away. Rory walks up to Wolf and both start talking and laughing about something. She sees Pina walk up to both Beefeater and Bozes, it seems like she is lecturing them a bit. He can tell there is still a bit of tension between the Rangers and Knights, which he is fine with. Everyone has come far, and he does not want to force integration.

You start where people are, not where you want them to be, then you go forward. That is a lesson he learned in the Philippines when training Hong Kong students into guerrillas. Kids wanting their island to become independent. Many of them even seen a weapon and were now trying to become soldiers.

Sarah walks up. "Damn those Knights. A moment there I felt like knocking her lights out. We didn't have to include any of them."

"It is ok," He replied. "She was just getting something off her chest. I doubt we will have any issues from either of them. Besides, she made a good point. We should learn something from them. It is their world, after all, we might learn something."

"Ok God-Emperor," Sarah said with a joking voice.

He shots her a glare. "Not you too."

"Fine," Sarah said, rolling her eyes. She then looks to her side and sees Lelei walk up, holding all her notes.

He sees Lelei standing there, looking like a cute student. He could not help but chuckle at the sight.

"I should hire you Lelei as my secretary." Sarah chuckles and looks to him again. "So, what did you want to discuss?"

"About the Dark Race label. I don't like it," He said.

When he was talking about it during the meeting, the word did not feel right. While that is the label the locals use for many of the races of this world, it did not properly explain what he was trying to say. He already has met races that seem normal to him but are treated like goblins.

"Why is that?" Sarah asked confused.

"Well, don't we have a few of them in town? That batgirl Randy team found? Besides the racist BS from the villagers, I had no issues. I don't understand how her kind is the same as a troll." He explains.

Sarah places her figure on her lower lip and thinks. "That makes sense. It doesn't seem appropriate to mix the two."

"I can shed some light on that," Lelei comments.

He looks down at her and nods.

"Well, the history is that the Dark Races once ruled this world after the fall of the Elves and Dwarves. The ruled over the land until the Empire was born and pushed them out of these lands. That is why we call them the Dark Race because they fought against us." Lelei said.

As he listens, it all sounds normal. On Earth, there are conflicts that are still being waged because something happened hundreds to thousands of years ago. He finds it funny how more things change; more things stay the same. The problem is, blaming people for what their ancestors did has never solved a thing.

"Ok Lelei, but what does that have to do with today? I do not care what happen two thousand years ago... I guess that's about three thousand years our calendar now I think about it?" He asked. "I know we are still new to this world and our interaction is limited. But I don't understand how that Bat is the same as a Troll and a Werewolf."

He sees Lelei was about to say something but stops herself. She thinks about it for a good long while to his surprise.

"I am sorry Major, but I don't have an answer," Lelei said. "I am sorry that I failed you."

"No, you didn't," He responds. "It is ok not to know an answer than to lie. Unless I hear a valid reason why I should control Bats and others like her as the same as Goblins and Trolls, I want a separate classification for them."

"I can work on that while you are gone," Sarah said. "I will just need more information about those other races. But I can talk with the Knights about it."

"Thank you," He said and reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a set of keys and hands them to Sarah. "By the way, while I am gone have Noriko stay at my place."

Her place was destroyed by the quake. It just happens he does not need it for the time being and he does not want her at the baby to be in some quickly built shelter with others.

And besides, he wants Zorzal child safe and wants to keep that secret a secret. Because of his last profession, Major General Stanford thought he would be best at keeping a distant eye on her, just in case. Keep a personal eye on that boy and keep him safe, the son of the current Emperor.

"That is nice," Sarah said. "I will take care of it."

"If you have a moment, I have a question about what you said in the meeting," Lelei said.

He looks to her, not surprised by that. He holds out his hand to Sarah. "You own the twenty bucks."

"For what?" Sarah asked in a shocked voice. "Told you she would have a question."

"When did we make that bet?" She asked.

"Five years, three months, eighteen hours and.... hey!" He stops as he feels Sarah punch him in the arm.

"We didn't even know each other than dummy," Sarah asked baffled and glances up shaking her head with a smirk. "And of course, she is a smart girl."

He can see that Lelei is confused about what just happened. He has learned that she struggles with sarcasm at times. "Shoot."

Lelei starts going through her five pages of notes. "There. Why are you going backward?"

He looks at her with a blank face. He looks to Sarah hoping she understands what Lelei just asked. He can see that Sarah is just as confused. He looks back to Lelei, "What do you mean by that?"

Lelei tilts her head confused. "You said you want to learn how to ride horses, but you have motor vehicles."

"I get what you mean," Sarah said. "Let me explain it like this. What if our motor vehicle breaks down or the enemy goes into an area our vehicles can't reach?"

"But it is less advance. That is backwards." Lelei said, confused about it.

He can see she is overthinking it. "Lelei, I am not expecting us to go ride into battle, but it might be a skill worth learning during that once time it might happen. Let me give you an example. Back in 2001, when al-Qaeda attacked us, US Green Berets went into Afghanistan and were forced to ride on horses because we could not get out equipment there fast enough. There is no issue in learning the most common method of travel here. How else will we learn to coexist."

He can see Lelei finally understand why he agreed with Bozes. Then he remembers why he asked Lelei to come over. "By the way, Lelei if you feel comfortable, you are driving me tomorrow. I need Andrew driving one of the trucks was escorting."

Lelei wyes widen, feeling a little nervous about that responsibility. She takes a deep breath and nods. "I can do it. Can I go, Major?"

He smiles from that. "Dismiss."

He watches Lelei walk away and look to Sarah. She giggles from the and he just smiles.

"Major Sharpe?"

He looks over and sees Pina walking over. He thought she left already. "Can I help you, Princess? In private please."

He looks over to Sarah and nods. Sarah walks away and he looks back to Pina. "What is up?"

Pina takes a deep breath. "Few things. One, I am sorry about Beefeater and Bozes. They should be more respectful."

He holds out his hand. "It is ok. We will figure this out as time goes on. It wasn't over the top."

"Ok," Pina responds. "I have a favor to ask. Permission to go to Italica for a few days?"

He looks at her confused, not understanding that request. They only were at Italica not that long ago for R&R. She needs to be here and learn. "Why?"

"I need to talk to Countess Myui." Pina said. "I learned a few things from Herm. One of those things I learned was that he murdered her father during the attack on your world."

"Ok… I was not expecting that." He thinks about that. During the failed peace treaty, the United States was able to identify Myui's father and brought his remains back to her. Myui has been a big supporter in aligning with NATO and this would only be deepening her hatred towards the Empire. But it would be the right thing to do. "Go tell Ambassador Willington and he will relay the message."

"I prefer to do it, Major," Pina said. "I feel like it is important if I deliver the news. Being a leader of the Empire."

She finishes, not fully confident on the last part. She might be the Princess of the Empire, but what is she a Princess of right now?

He crosses his arms and thinks. "You have my approval, but you have to go to the Ambassador. That is a diplomatic issue, but I think he will let you go. You can hook a ride with Vanguard-3 up there. They are heading North and will pass them."

Pina smiles and nods. "Thank you."

He can see there is something else. She did say this was one thing she learned from Herm. "Is everything ok Pina? You can tell me anything."

Pina takes a deep breath like she is trying to get something out. "Krysist is my brother. That was hard to spit out…"

His eyes widen as he heard that. "What?"

"I learned that Krysist is my brother. Well, half-brother. My bastard of a father fucked some slave during some war long ago and that is how Krysist came to be." Pina said.

"How do you know that Herm isn't just lying to you? He sounds like the man who would say whatever he can to get what he wants." He spoke.

Pina places her hand where his heart is. "No. I am confident that he is. I only met him that one time, but it felt natural. I know he is… I mean was."

He notices that she places her hand on her chest. He notices women do that. He has seen Sarah, Rory, Selina, Lelei, Tuka and more he thinks about it, pretty much all of them doing when talking about someone. He wonders why they do it but then refocus back to the conversation.

"Maybe he is," He said. "I don't know what to say, Pina. He was a force I never encountered before. Do you think he knew?"

Pina shakes his head. "I don't think so. I think if he knew he would have told me."

He takes his hand and places it on her shoulder. "Well, I don't fully agree with your Krysist and the things he did. But he was a man of honor and he did what he felt was best. I can respect that, doing what he did for King and Country. Be glad you had an honorable sibling and the best thing you can do is remember his legacy and move forward with it."

"That is what I was thinking," Pina said. "I just felt like I needed to tell you. Can you keep it a secret? Only a few of those CIA people and some of my Knights know."

"Thank you for telling me, I appreciate it," He nods his head in agreement. "Anything else?"

"No sir," Pina said.

"Alright," He responds. "While you are here. I need you to make a full list of all your Knights, their specialties, skillsets and so on. I also want to know who your lieutenants are. I think I have an idea, but I want it on paper."

He smiles as he sees her reaction. It is the same reaction he gets when he hears about desk work.

"You're kidding?" Pina said.

He smirks. "Welcome to the US Army. You want to be a leader, most of it is paperwork. Now I have to go. Coordinate with Sarah and turn your report into her."

After that, he turns around and walks off after saying goodbye.


--- Alnus Community, Karlin Muffin Shop ---

January 1st, 2026

Karlin Daolo takes out a set of biscuits of her stove set. She takes a big sniff of them. "That smells good."

She takes the tray to the table and set them down. "Ok dear, now put the frosting over the biscuits."

"Ok," Selina said as she takes the wood spatula.

She looks down at Selina and smiles. After the quake, most people are upset during the reconstruction. She was able to get approval to start making some sweets for everyone, to boost people's morale.

As her friend Rory request, she did tell the people in charge of Alnus, even got a meeting with that handsome Human, Major General Stanford. She requested that they keep her identity a secret, being the Apostle of Miritta. She does not feel like it is time to show her identity, preferring to be more subtle.

She was surprised that they agreed to her request. She thinks it was because she was upfront about who she was. Rory was right to trust them. They are probably happy that there are more Apostles out there who are not hostile.

She watches the young Edrian girl as she starts putting pink frosting over the biscuits. She has been here all day while her father and military friends been busy. What she calls the girls are all busy and her father and Sarah are busy at work, with Apex closed she said she had nowhere else to go.

While it was clear this was not Selina's first choice, she was happy that it was an option. From the day they first met, Selina has had some hostility towards her for religious reasons.

She has been absent for hundreds of years because of Taylin and Jesis assassination attempts against her. To defeat the Edras Kingdom, the Empire wanted to corrupt the Edrians worship of Miritta.

Today Miritta is known to protect the mother during childbirth. The catch is that the worshipers must prostitute themselves to gain that protection. Both male and female must go through this ritual to have this protection. As Selina called it, the touch of Miritta.

While all that is true, that is only a small part of her.

Miritta is more than that. The core of what Miritta represents is the blessings of motherhood, the virtue of being a woman. It is about the coupling of creating the most secret thing, creating life and the connection that brings. Miritta is the god of Natalism, the empowerment of being a mother and their connection to their children.

She has learned from Selina that Edras has lost that, thanks to centuries of war and survival.

"You are good at this," She said to Selina.

"Thank you," Selina responds as she tries to draw smiley faces on each biscuit.

"No, thank you," She responds. "This would have been far harder if you didn't show up and help me."

Selina waits to respond. "Well, I don't have anywhere else to go."

She chuckles from that. The first time they met, she learned that Selina is direct with her response. When it was her defending what she believed to be the true meaning to worship Miritta. Since that day she felt responsible to help reeducate her to the true path.

"Why is that?" She asked. "You are a kind young girl. Don't you have any friends?"

She notices that Selina does not respond to the question. "Are they busy?"

"Well, Rory, Lelei, and Tuka are. Same with Noriko." Selina responds.

"What about the other kids? I seem them running around all the time. They look about your age." She spoke.

"… well, we don't get along," Selina said in a hesitant voice.

"Is it because you are Edrian or is it because of your royalty?" She asked, already knowing that the answer is both.

Because of the war and the Empire propaganda, most people in this region have a low opinion of Edrians, seeing them as backward people because of their Cult traditions. During the olden days, each Cult represents one of Miritta duties.

She remembers them being a far more peaceful and culturally rich society.

But her being royalty, she figures it out a while go. Selina is surprisingly good at keeping secrets but being over six hundred years old, you can pick up some hints. Besides, that Bunny Queen Tyuule told her to during a conversation.

"…both," Selina said. She lowers the spatula and looks up at her. "At first they didn't like me because I was not from here and then they thought it was funny because father wanted me to be an educated girl. Girls are not supposed to be educated but my father wants me to be educated so they think I am trying to be better than they."

She glances away. "Now that my secret is out, they just ignore me because royalty and common people are not allowed to be friends."

"That was a mouthful," She said as she puts another tray away.

She thinks back when she was taken by those Wood Elves. Rory came by and asked her if she was there helping which the answer was yes.

She was there in her fox form and helped attracted her father in the right direction. Then once again she created a protective shield around Selina, so the flames did not engulf her, providing the seconds Sharpe and Rory needed to rescue her.

She wanted to help in the fighting, but she is not a fight like Rory and Taylin. Her fighting skills are more self-defense, and her magic is more about healing and protection. Not for fighting and waging war. However, she had no intention of letting one of her strong and very loyal worshippers die in such a horrible way.

"Maybe they just need to get to know you more," She said and walks over. She sees the white powder and different color frosting all over her. "You are a sweet young lady."

"Maybe… but I am happy with my father," Selina said as she gets back to work. But she stops and looks back at her. "I do have a question."

"What is that little one," She asked.

"Well first, I am not a little one. I am taller than Rory." Selina said.

They suddenly glance away as they hear this faint voice. "No, you're not!" Rory yelled in the far background.

"Anyway," Selina said. "When I was taken by the Wood Elves, I was praying to Miritta."

She looks at her. This is not the first time she has heard her say a story like this. She prays to her to protect someone she loves. One time she came over when her father was fighting in the war and asked to help prayer. While that is not something Miritta does, she just humored her to make her feel better.

"That is great," She responds. "And it seems that she heard you."

"That is what's bothering me," Selina said.

She looks at her confused. She does not understand why Selina is upset by that. Wasn't that what she wanted?

"I mean… why does Miritta care about me to help me?" Selina asked confused. "I have let to give myself to her so she can't touch me in return. The only time I had sex is when I was raped when I was enslaved. But that was before what Sarah calls a period, so I was not a woman yet and could not have a baby. I won't give myself because my father doesn't want me to, and I don't want to disappoint him, but I don't understand…." She slowly stops speaking and she sniffs, starting to get upset as she thinks back when she was a slave.

She has yet to meet her father, but she has found she talks about him all the time. While it is an adoptive relationship, she has seen that glow in her eyes when they are together. She sees the issue she is having; she wants to respect her father's wishes but also wants to stay loyal to her religion, which is contradicting each other.

"It is ok sweetheart. You don't have to talk about it," She said.

"No… I want to know why," Selina said.

She takes a breath and smiles. She has been waiting for her to start asking her questions. While she was raised with a twisted version of a once rich and proud religion, she did not want to challenge it until she was willing.

"Let me think sweetheart," She said as she brings some dough over to her. "Do you mind putting these on the tray?"


"Have you considered that maybe you been touched by her in other ways?" She said and she smiles.

Selina thinks on that for a bit. "I… don't know. But the only way is to give me to her?"

She thinks very carefully about how she was not to respond. The last thing she wants is her father coming in her pissed thinking she is encouraging her to prostitute herself, which she does not want her to. "Please educate me. Why do your priestess want you to give themselves to Miritta?"

"To gain Miritta touch. Her touch keeps the mother safe as she gives birth to a baby," Selina said quickly, without thinking about it.

"Yes, yes," She said and looks to her. "But why does Miritta want her worshippers to have babies?"

"To protect the state!" Selina said, again without thinking.

It took her a moment to adjust to that response. She has been around for a long time but has never seen so blunt government propaganda in her life. "That is one reason yes…"

She thinks about it, trying to think about how to bring that to the point she wants to make. She then thinks about that woman Sarah who is around her a lot. "But would you say that to your father and Sarah? Do you think she would have a baby for the state?"

Selina was about to say something but stops herself. She thinks about it for a moment as she tries to put the words together. "No… she would say something about being a mommy. But what does that have to do with Miritta?"

She stops and sits down on a stool. "You have a lot of questions today, let me think." She said with a chuckle.

She then smiles as she thinks about her friend Noriko and her baby. She talks about her and Tenchi a lot too, being her only other close friend.

"Can I ask you a question?" She asked.

Selina nods her head like she is ready for anything.

"I understand that your friend was forced to have a baby," She said.

Selina nods her head. "Yes. She was a slave of the Empire and was…."

"You don't have to explain. I understand. The power of cruel men can be rough." She responds.

"But that is why father is around," Selina said with a big smile.

She chuckles hearing that, finding it adorable how much she looks up at him. "But why didn't she reject the child?"

Selina's eyes widen from the shock of the thought. "But Tenchi is cute and she loves her baby. She wants to be a mommy and hold him close and want to raise him and want to grow up together. Why would she reject him? Tenchi isn't the Empire baby, he is her baby and…"

She chuckles and finds Selina's little rant. She had to stop her from continuing, getting the reaction she wanted. "I understand. Yes, your friend loves her baby. But let me ask you to think. Do you think Miritta is beautiful?"

Selina looks at her confused, not fully understanding the question. "Well… yes. She is a beautiful woman. Her beauty is so powerful that is what allows her to touch others and spread her gifts."

"Ok then. While having children for the state is important, which one do you think is more beautiful and which one do you think Miritta would pick? The protection of the state or the beauty of a mother and her child, a bond only a mother and create and experience?" She asked. "And when you have children, which one would you like?"

She takes a step back to give Selina some space. She can see from her expression that her brain is telling her to pick the state, but her heart is telling her to pick the true answer. She can see the inner fight inside her as she tries to decide the answer.

"I… I want to pick the second one," Selina said slowly. "But why wouldn't the priestess say that if that is what Miritta wants?"

She stops and thinks about that. She is faking, playing into the beliefs her people taught her. She learned a long time ago it is far easier to get people to listen to you if they believe you are understanding from their perspective. "That is a good point. Maybe I am wrong. It is just something I learned during my travels so I could be wrong. I just think it is beautiful."

"Maybe… but why do you ask?" Selina asked. Her reaction still shows she is hesitant to believe what she said but she is defiantly gravitating towards her way of thinking.

"The reason I said all that is because you remained me of something," She said and reaches and grabs her hand. "Do you know what Virtue is?"

Selina shakes her head no.

She is somewhat shocked by that; she did not realize how far Selina people have wandered off the path. "Virtue means the moral goodness of someone. Someone who has a big heart and tries to bring joy to others."

"Ok….," Selina said confused.

She then reaches out and rubs her hands through her shoulder-length hair. "I know you think you have a few friends, but I see you with many people. That sweet birdy lady Myuute. Many of the soldiers seem to like you and you bring joy to Rory and your other friends."

Selina nods her head as she listens, fully engaged.

"Now answer this," She said. "What do you think makes a good mother? Like the one your friend has?"

Selina is hesitant to answer the question, feeling that this conversation turned into something bigger than she expected. "Is it being virtue?"

"Yes," She said. "The love between a mother and her child. Why would Miritta want women to have children if she does not want them to love them? I know your father isn't your mother, but would you want him not to love you?"

"But… I want him to love me," Selina quickly responds. "I love him. He took me in when no one else did. We spend time together and watch silly things and play games and…"

She places her figure on Selina's lip to stop her. "I know he loves you. I am happy for you because he is so sweet to you. But do you think Miritta would want her worshippers to have the same feelings and love for their children like you do with your father?"

Selina reminds quietly as she thinks. But she can see in Selina's eyes that this barrier was cracking because she has yet to protest anything she said. "I think Miritta sees you because you are virtue and so many mothers today are not. She wants to see her mother's love their children otherwise what is the point of life?"

"Ok…," Selina said, struggling to find a response.

She hears the bell connected to the door ring. She looks up and sees her father walk in. "I think your father is here."

"Hi, Selina. And Karlin, thank you for watching her. It has been busy, but she needs to pack for tomorrow."

"Father!" Selina snaps out. This glow in her eyes just brightens her mood. She turns around and gives him a big hug.

She laughs as she sees the powder and frosting get over his clothes. "It has been no problem. We had fun."

"You are messy," Sharpe said. "What have you been doing?"

"She has been immensely helpful. It was nice to have some help today," She said.

Sharpe looks down as she lightly pushes her away. He then looks at his casual military uniform. He smirks and shakes his head. "I can see where all that help went. Did you have to get me dirty?"

Selina points up at him. "You always said never to hesitate when the enemy approaches."

"The enemy, I see how it is," He said and gives an evil smirk. He dips his figure into this frosting and then with his Special Forces reflexes, he quickly grabs her and holds her tight. "Now, did I ever tell you the story about how I tortured this terrorist?"

"Which one?" Selina said with a giggle.

"Hmm… I think I need to shut up more," Sharpe comments to himself. "Anyway, for three hours we gave this guy a wet willy."

She stops and looks up. "What is a wet willy."

"Sorry, Selina but you are not worthy of a wet willy," Sharpe said with a smirk. "But a frosted willy will be simply fine. You will see."

Sharpe then takes the figure with the frosting and sticks it into her ear slowly. She struggles and giggles, trying to stop him.

She stands there and watches everything. She cannot say she has ever seen anything like that before. "Well… this explains a lot."





Co-Creative Support: Tomrichman

Discord: https://discord.gg/xe7nNHS