V11 - Chapter 130 New Union

--- Knappnai ---

January 9th, 2026

Queen Altoria Famulis is currently in her guest quarters, reflecting on current events.

She takes a drink from her dark red wine. "I am impressed. They almost have the taste down. It is just missing that sweet smell from it."

Her most trusted assistant, Alonbula walks over. She is a dark brown hair Warrior Bunny that was once one of Queen Tyuule top assassins before her kingdom fell. Now she is her assistant and top bodyguard, thanks to the mind control amulet neckless around her. It is a powerful and rare amulet, but she was able to turn her into her most important assist. "It was the best I could find in this place. Count Assuhhrasha has horrible taste in both wine and woman my queen." Alonbula said. She then walks over. She is a dark hair Warrior Bunny. She fled from her homeland after the war.

"In the wine or the slaves?" She responds and takes another sip. "But I understand." She then sets her glass down.

She then looks up and sees a question in Alonbula's mind. "Speak your mind before I go see the Emperor."

Alonbula nods. "I don't mean to speak out of turn but why are we here? I mean, you hate the royal family and the Empire. They killed your mother and threaten your people."

She remembers seeing her mother lying dead on the ground. A once powerful and beautiful Succubus who was respected by her people. She then saw Emroy Apostle Rory Mercury stand there, just finished assassinated her.

She nods as she listens to Alonbula. "I understand young Bunny. A once and a lifetime opportunity is developing, and I must seize it while I can. We lost these lands thousands of years ago and been replaced. Fighting the Empire military has proven to be ineffective. We can burn as many towns and cities as we want but when it comes to it, we can't win wars."

"But the Empire has one weakness, weak leadership," She said as she takes her wine and watches the liquid spiral within the glass. "The late Emperor Molt, while a strong leader was a brute and uncaring of his people. The line of Emperors has decayed to where they only care about themselves."

She thinks back on the Plateau War close to her country. A five-year war nearly forty years ago where Molt and her forces fought. As their armies fought, she can still feel the blade cut on her back from his blade. She was forced to concede onto his demands because if she died there, she had no successor to replace her unlike her mother did.

"I had to become his vassal bitch for forty years and now that he is dead, I have room to move," She said. "Now that I got a chance to see who Zorzal is, I can adapt to the new reality. Since I cannot beat the Imperial Army on the field, but I can win in the political realm."

"While Zorzal put up a confident front in the opening meeting but he is desperate, even if he doesn't know it." She adds. "While Molt was a strong leader, he was a horrible father. Zorzal is no Molt and cannot control himself. It is almost adorable looking at a grown man who still acts like a child. If I can successfully arrange to become his Empress and bring in my kingdom into the Empire, then I should be able to highjack it."

"And then your kind will be free?" Alonbula asks.

"That is the gamble," She responds and finishes her wine and stands up. "These Other Worlders are a blessing and a curse. My plan would never work if it wasn't for the current situation so they are a blessing however, they also could be the means of my destruction. It is a game I must play and play well."

"But why gamble though?" Alonbula asks as she picks up the dirty wine glass. "Your homeland is far to the East, far away from the war. The Empire will fall without help and once they fall, you could make your move."

"I have considered that," She responded as she grabs her rob. "However, Zorzal made two good points in the opening meeting. There will be a day when these Other Worlders will reach our borders. It will be today or a hundred years from now, but that day will come. I can wait for that day or face them now."

"And the second?" Alonbula ask.

"The reason why I believe my plan will work Alonbula, as Zorzal said. We are all from this world and they are not. If that idiot can see that then I can exploit it. Now I must go see the Emperor and see were destiny lands."


Queen Famulis walks into this private chamber. She passes two of Zorzals Royal Guards who are guarding the chamber doors.

Inside she sees Count Assuhhrasha standing there talking to talking to General Calasta.

She then sees Emperor Zorzal El Caesar standing there by this large crate, talking to Senator Adaulis. It seems they are talking about something important.

As she approaches, this man walks up to her. She looks at him and recognized him from the interdiction the other day. It is the leader of the Oprichnina, Svenhard Lupus Moon.

She has run into his people in her country. They have a strong spy network, using whatever trick they can to get what they want. Unlike soldiers who usually follow the warrior code of conduct, they have no honor and that's why she respects them.

"Queen Famulis," Svenhard said.

She glares at him, expecting trouble. He is the enemy after all, and she can't trust any of them. Coming here was a massive gamble for her. For all she knew was that this was a trap. Many in her administration said it was foolish to come, thinking that they would try and assassinate her.

But they offered her something she couldn't resist. If she comes to Knappnai just to listen, they will give her a gift of good faith, Molt Sol Augustus body.

That shocked her. She has a long history and hates that man. The only other person she hates more in this world than Molt is Rory Mercury. A chance to personally kill Molt with her own hands was a chance she could not pass up.

"Yes?" She responds.

Svenhard stands there and looks into her eyes. "I have to say if you try anything, I will have to put you down."

She looks at him, getting ready to pull out her dagger for self-defense. Her guards are right outside and ready to storm in if needed.

"Saying that," Svenhard said. "Now I want to say that I am a big fan of your work. It has been very worthy of our agents engaging against each other in the east. Assuming a deal can be created, my daughter would love to meet you."

She blinks, baffled by what he said. "What? I mean thank you."

"Yes," Svenhard adds. "Unlike my Emperor and most of his people, I and my family worship Siflis."

The primary god the Empire worships is Idos, the god of the Cosmos. He is supposed to bring stability and tranquility to his people, which were the foundations of the Empire. While she knows its subjects believe in all the other gods and, most in Sadera follow Idos.

She is surprised to find someone in Sadera who follows her god Siflis but now that she thinks about it, it makes sense. Someone who has a dirty job like him must believe in something dark to be this efficient in it. "I see."

"I understand," She said and walks past him and head to Zorzal.

She walks over and sees Zorzal looking at her. He can see with his eyes that he is looking over her body. It is something she has learned to deal with, Succubus and Incubus are cursed with a beautiful body. It is how they lure their victims into a mentally weak trans-state so they can feed off their life force or otherwise known an essence.

She looks at him as he approaches. She rarely ever had to use her magical abilities to seduce people. As her mother before her, she learned to command and control her minions with her mind than her looks. There is no way she could have become Queen of the Swestuals Kingdoms just using her kind basic tricks.

And deep down inside, she believes that earned the respect from many of the intelligent creatures like Orcs, Uruk-hai and other humanoid Dark Races. Being Queen and rebuilt her people's land gave her the credit she needs to do what she feels what must be done.

Looking at Zorzal, he reminds her of a child. While he physically looks healthy and strong, as an Emperor should look like. She can see in his eyes that he is still a child. Never has had to work, never had to build anything, never had to add anything to his name. Always trying to impress his superiors while trying to be independent. Only Emperor because of who his father was.

Still, he did have the balls to murder his own father and take the throne for himself. He did have the foresight to place his loyalists into positions that could accept him as the new leader. And he was smart enough to arrange this submit to address the Other Worlders threat and offer her his father's body.

While she understands he did all of that for the wrong reasons, to protect his ego. Which is all she needs to know about him.

She walks up and kneels in front of him. "Emperor Zorzal, it is an honor to meet you."

"Queen Famulis," Zorzal said. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you face to face.

She frowns a little by his manners. Normal custom is after you kneel, showing respect to the title, they would let you stand. She had to start counting before Zorzal finally told her to stand.

She stands up and looks at him and then the crate. She was informed that Molt was going to be alive but it is clear that he is not. "What happened?"

Zorzal smirk goes away and looks over to the crate. "The ground shacked somehow, and he tried to escape. Svenhard was forced to kill him so he didn't escape."

"That is not what was promised," She said, annoyed.

"Well then. I should have let him go." Zorzal said with a chuckle, not caring about her anger. "But I figured you would prefer something over nothing."

She looks back at the crate. "And you feel nothing for him?"

"Why should I?" Zorzal said as he crosses his arms. "He was in the way of me taking the throne. He was a horrible Emperor who nearly drove us to the brink. He started a war that I must finish. He has disrespected the honor and history of the throne but more importantly, he tried to take it away from me."

From what he said, she can see that all he cares about his throne. The war, the alliance, murdering his father, it is all about that throne. If she plays her options right, she can't believe how easy this might be. If she doesn't threaten his one true love, she is safe to further her agenda.

"Open it," She said, looking at the crate.

Two Royal Guards walk over and open the top of the crate.

She walks over and looks inside. She sees the corpse of Molt Sol Augustus. His body looks decayed as the meat is rotting away. She looks at Zorzal. "And his body belongs to me now?"

Zorzal laughs. "Yes. I am interested to see what you do to him. I have heard that you enjoy turning your enemies into pets. Anyway, we should talk about the war and the alliance."

"First I want him," She said and looks back at Molt's body.

She closes her eyes and holds out her hand. She feels the energy appearing through her body, all flowing to her right hand. She opens her eyes as they glow purple. The energy that formed in her hand, she directs it to Molt's body in a magical pulse.

Moments later, Molt's hand raises and grab the edge of the crate. Then the other hand raises and grab the edge of the box. The body lifts itself and everyone hears this nail scratching screech. The head starts looking around like it is confused about what's happening.

"Raise my minion," She said.

What remains of Molt body crawls out of the crate. It slowly stands up, body shaking, like a caged animal that just got released. The husk of the Molt body looks up at Famulis.

"You are my minion now," She said. "You are no longer a man. You are now a ghoul.

She smiles as watches Molt bends the knee to her, a sight she has been waiting for decades.

As a very powerful Succubus, she has the power to turn male bodies into these ghouls. A zombie-like creature but able to follow their master.

"Impressive," Zorzal said with a chuckle.

Svenhard walks over. "Impressive? I never have seen anything like that before."

"The dark arts are full of surprise," She said and looks over at them. "One of the many things that I can offer in the war effort."

"Now that you have your prize let's get down to business," Zorzal said.

"I agree," She said and then looks to the guards.

Zorzal glances over his staff and nods them to leave.

She watches as they all leave. Once it is just them, she starts to wall around, rubbing her hand on the surface of all the crates and small statues. "Tell me, Emperor. Why did you invite me?"

"I do not care about you and my father's past aggression," Zorzal said. "And you are a vassal of mine, so I am calling upon you for war. And besides, I do not care about my father's troubles. I will lead the Empire to a new golden age, something he could never have done."

She stops and looks at him. She finds his energetic attitude adorable, more like a boy who has yet to experience the hardship of the world. He has a lot of charisma but that can only go so far.

While he wants to create a Grand Coalition, she questions that he can lead one. He probably will be able to get most of the nations at the submit to join in, however, it will fall apart quickly once everyone sees his lack of leadership. Molt was a crappy father and did not prepare him for the throne. She assumes that was intentional to maintain control longer then he was allowed.

"A new golden age does sound nice my Emperor?" She asks as she walks back to the center of the room. "But what will this golden age look like?"

Zorzal looks at her and smirk. "First we will defeat the greatest energy we have ever faced and stolen their weapons. Second, I will finish conquering all the lands of Falmart. We will be united under a single banner and we will be a strong people."

"With you as our leader?" She asks, slightly testing him.

"Who else? My brother?" Zorzal asks with a laugh. "He is weak. No one will ever follow him. And my sister is an ideology fool who betrayed her people."

"Yes," She said. She thinks about his other two siblings. She understands the family is divided right now, a divided family is easy to conquer, a lesson she learned the hard way. "But these Other Worlders. I still find it hard to believe how powerful they are."

"Woman, always weak and scared," Zorzal said as he chuckles.

She walks up to him and places her dagger to his neck. She can see the fear and interest in his eye. She knows of his reputation. Nobles, males, and females have a habit of abusing their servants and slaves. Making someone crumble to their feet, pushing them to cry is a very empowering feeling to the ones who hold the power. It is a reminder of who is in control and that they can get away with whatever they want.

But then there is Zorzal. His father never gave him love or principles which turned him into a monster. Because he sees that he is stuck behind Molt's shadow and legacy, he feels small and weak. She believes that is the way he is such an extreme rapist to his slaves. Rape is usually a game for Nobles and power, but he takes it to the extreme. For him it is a lifestyle, to prove to everyone around him and more importantly, to himself that he is the in control and no one else.

She can feel the presence of Siflies and no Idos within his heart. Siflies, the Goddess of all acts of sin, murder, torture, rape, wickedness all of it.

"I may be a woman but I not one of your whores," She said in a commanding tone. "Do not misunderstand me, my Emperor. I am far greater. I am strong, powerful and have the desire." She then lowers her blade.

Zorzal looks at her and smirks. He again glances up and down her body. "Desire you say? I will show you desire."

She sees his hand reach up for her breast, but she slaps it away. She turns around and walks away from a little but stops, looking back at him. What he was about to do did not bother her at all, she intended to gain control of the conversation.

As she looks at him, she sees that he both passed and failed her test. He has ambition however he cannot control himself and is easily influenced. She starts to wonder if other actors are trying to extend their influence on him.

Svenhard seems intelligent enough to influence him for their agenda however he seems very loyal to the Emperor. The Senators may be the two that came with him seem to be loyal, right now. No, for him to kill his father, that had to be well planned out.

"This is going to be the greatest war these lands have ever seen," She said. "You want my Army to fight for your grand ambition fine but that will not be enough. You need others."

Zorzal crosses his arms and looks at her, wondering what she will say. "That is why I invited them here."

"No, it is not," She responded. "You are using the war as a way to expand the Empire. A common enemy unites people who are enemies. Once this war ends, I expect that you will find a way to fold them into the Empire. Either as new territory or allies. Am I correct?"

Zorzal crosses his arms and slowly smirks. "That is interesting if that is what I am planning."

"Never underestimate a woman's mind," She said and walks over to him. "But there is a problem Emperor. They all will assume that too. The writing is on the wall. Your father and his father have betrayed many of their past alliances to increase the power of the Empire."

She sees him glare at her, not liking that she said. "But I know how to remove any doubt from their minds. I know how to get them to join your Grand Coalition and then execute your plans."

She walks up to him and then kneels in front of him. "My Emperor. Take me as your wife and I will forever serve you and carry out your will."

"My wife?" Zorzal said, confused by her sudden proposal.

Before he could continue, she stands up and looks directly at him. "My lord. My Army will be yours. My lands will be yours. You would accomplish what your father couldn't. You are not his son but more. His legacy as been trying to take my lands and a single swoop, you took them."

"And about your coalition, you need to show everyone that you are taking this seriously. That you are taking bold leadership, a new chapter in the Empire history." She said.

She knows she is taking a gamble. She is trying to summon his pride, his desires for power and woman against him. She knows she has to convince him that this alliance helps him with his agenda because if he wins, she is opened to take the Empire from within for her own.

"By making me your Empress you will show the other nations and your people that you are not your father," She said. "It will show them that they can place your trust in you. It will show your enemies that you should be feared. My kingdom now under yours to do as you please will convince anyone who doubts you that you the only true Emperor."

Zorzal stands there, clearing thinking on what she said. "Interesting. The Senate will never approve of this?"

"Are they the same ones who disapprove of you now? They will be turned one way or another. The Empire cannot afford weaklings." She said in a defiant tone.

Zorzal stands there, looking at her. He then smiles and places his hand on her cheek. "What you said is true. I am not my father's son. The Senate has never approved of me being on the throne except for the few who are loyal to me. Destroying the Other Worlders would make me popular and guarantee my position as the ruler of Falmart. But why do you want to be my Empress?"

"As you said, it is our world and it is under attack," She said. "You killed my number one enemy and I am thankful for you. Now I only have one enemy left to end."

"And who is that?" Zorzal asked confused.

She takes a breath, bottling up her hateful emotions. She holds her fist tightly and then looks up at him, being ahead length taller. "I want Rory Mercury to suffer."

Zorzal suddenly bursts out laughing and looks down at her. "Rory is an enemy of mine. But more importantly, she befriended one of the Other Worlders who pain in my ass has been. I have to admit they formed a powerful alliance, and it has benefitted them. We have mutual enemies that drive us."

He then takes him and pushes her against one of the beams. He grabs her by the arm and holds her there. He leans closer and gives her a strong kiss.

She returns the kiss with a more passionate one. They both continue as they begin to seal their union.



Alnus Map: https://www.wattpad.com/846518959-gate-wotw-pictures-alnus-regional-map

Elies Map: https://www.wattpad.com/887963010-gate-wotw-pictures-the-greater-elies-regional-map



Co-Creative Support: Tomrichman

Discord: https://discord.gg/xe7nNHS