V12 - Chapter 136

"Today President gave the first Medal of Honor in the war against the Empire. It is Staff Sergeant Tomas Espina of the 75th Ranger Regiment. During a diplomatic mission with an Elf tribe, the Empire conducted a sneak attack and nearly overran the Ranger unit(1).

During the attack, Staff Sergeant Tomas Espina was manning the vehicle M2 .50 caliber. He was able to stop an incoming charge from the enemy, preventing the unit from being overrun.

However, during the battle, he was shot three times by archers. Each time he was hit he refused to take cover for medical assistance and continued fighting. Because of his heroism, most of the attackers were killed and the unit was saved.

But he died when the third arrow hit him in the neck, killing in instantly. The President said bravely like this is, not our technology is why the United States is winning this war." – SCNR News


--- Fort Minick, 8th Infantry (Alnus) Division, 5 miles south of Fort Alnus, mess hall ---

January 12th, 2026

Colonel John Yang is sitting at a table in the mess hall, looking down at his tablet. He is at the newly constructed Fort Minick, a few kilometers away from Fort Alnus. It is part of an expansion program to help secure US interest in Falmart.

Mainly thank to Major Sharpe and his Vanguard team, the US has recruited many locals to help in the war effort. Delilah is a clear example of local assistance, who has been helping with reconnaissance missions. Myuute is another who comes to mind, helping bridge the alien gap in the Alnus Community.

He glances up and sees Guardian Beluutie or known as Pinkie by some of the troops. Another nickname and character from a long list from Sharpe. While he has had many amazing men and women under his command, he has never had an officer like Sharpe. The strange ability to turn enemies into allies continue to impress him.

Both him and Captain Sarah Rose has talked about it and both came to the same conclusion. Sharpe is a true believer in what he does and why he does it. The freedom, the liberty and everything that comes with that. For most, it is an idea you think about in your free time during the fourth of July. Sharpe's greatest strength is his that conviction, that is what gravitates people like Rory, Pina, and Beluutie but it is also his weakness. While Major is his most trusted and experienced officer he has, he does worry that he goes too far and feels like it is his responsibility to place limits and red lines on him. Sharpe will put himself in danger and if he does not keep an eye on that, sooner or later he will cross that line for the last time. As the saying goes, what goes up must come down and both him and Sarah saw what happened when he was down once.

Beluutie is sitting there at a corner table with some other defected soldiers from Legrath. She is holding up a potato chip and analyzing it like it is a diamond.

He finds it humorous, seeing what is considered normal by his people as amazing or strange.

He goes back in checking the reports about one of his Rangers bitten by a batboy. The Army hospital reports that Sergeant Andrew is not infected by anything. The medical personal was worried that he was infected with an alien version of Corona virus because he was bitten by a bat.

The report also mentioned that the Alnus boy who got his arm chopped off. The doctors said they were able to reattach it in time, but there will be some permanent damage. He has seen it done before, the doctors reconnect the bone and get the blood going again. The key is getting the nerves reattached before they die so speed is the key. The wonders of modern medical science.

The meeting with Lieutenant General Charles Stanford was not pleased with the lack of progress in the manner. They thought they got a handle of it unto that situation.

As he reads, he hears this plate drop sound in front of him. He looks up, surprised by the sound.

He sees one of the Rose Knights sitting down in front of him. It is the purple haired girl named Beefeater E Caty. "Can I help you, Knight?"

"I notice you sitting alone all the time," Beefeater said. "It looked like you needed some company, Colonel."

He is baffled by the encounter. He normally likes to eat by himself. "Is there something you need Miss Caty?"

Beefeater glances down at his tablet. "I can't believe your books are so thin. I saw Hamilton with her boyfriend reading stories." She looks back at him. "What are you reading?"

He finds it amusing how excited the natives get with their technology. It brings this sense of accomplishment and a civilization level but at the same time reminds him that these devices are not normal. Their point of view reminds him to be humbler, not taking his technology for granted.

He lays down his tablet and looks at her. "I have been reading mission report from Vanguard-8. They are escorting the NASA Planetary Geology and Geophysics and the British Geological Survey in the Beza Mountains."

"Deep inside Elbe," She said. "You people like rocks"

"Some do," He replies. "I normally don't but what they found seems promising. They found something called Adamantium ore. They are currently looking for a mine vein. They claim it is stronger than diamonds but lighter than steel. If that is true it will revolutionize industry on my world."

"I heard of it," She said. "My father has stakes in the local Mining Guild in Sadera. They could never mine enough to make it into something worthwhile. And the amount they could mine they could not heat it to a high enough temperature to forge it into something. Even the Dwarves avoid it. I can save your people time and say don't bother."

He nods as he listens. He is surprised by how smart she is. She plays herself as a tomboy who does not care but knows far more she lets on. "It sounds like Titanium. We have developed techniques to fix that problem. But thank you, Miss Caty."

Beefeater shots him a glare and smirks. "Please don't address me so formally. I might be the daughter of a Noble family but that does not mean I like it. I am not like the other Knights who accepted their bloodline."

"That was a mouthful," He said.

"Mouthful? I haven't started to eat yet," Beefeater said confused.

"It is a phrase," He said. "It means you said a lot of information."

She suddenly looked embarrassed by the confusion. "Well, ok then."

He gives her a nod. "Why aren't you with the rest of your unit?" He asked, looking past her and seeing the rest of her nights.

She starts eating the steak. "I got bored listening to their complaints about the class we took. And I figured it would be wise to get to know our bosses, bosses, bosses… that sounded better in my head."

She smirks hearing that. One reason for Fort Minick existence is to train the local population and integrate them into the US Army. To do that this place has many school and training facilities to get the natives to understand NATO terminology, structure, technology and tactics.

"If I recall, you were snoring in First Sergeant Jacob Waltz class," He said, seeing her eyes widen.

"You know about that?" She asked.

"I know everything my soldiers are doing," He said.

She looks at him and then brushes it off. "I guess an old man like you can't help keeping his eyes off us younger woman. Typical."

He smirks, finding what she said amusingly. He can tell that she is testing the waters, seeing what kind of man and officer he is. "You have an interesting imagination Beefeater but whatever thought pleases you."

She laughs. "Interesting reply." Once she calms down, she looks at him. "I do have a question though. You are older than most of the men in your ranks. I am surprised I have not met or heard stories about your son yet. I don't want to cross any lines, but did he die in battle?"

Her questioned confused him for a moment, having to think about the historical meaning behind it. Early in the war, the US hired many history teachers and experts to help explain possible cultural meaning people might say.

It is common for the son to follow in their father's footsteps. If the father is a blacksmith, the son becomes on to. If your father is the Emperor, the son will end up as one. "No, my son didn't die in combat. I don't have kids. And besides, in my country parents raise their kids so and they pick their paths in life. While some do those family traditions you speak of, that is a choice."

"I thought I heard something about that, choosing your own path," She said. "That idea is very foreign from where I am from. Nobles have responsibilities. You think you would be free to choose with all that power and wealth but no, it is more of a burden."

She then looks at him. "But why didn't you have kids? Did you never have a woman in your life?"

He moves his tablet sees that the conversation is going longer than he expected. Normally he would not engage in a conversation like this but did notice all the soldiers, Knights and Pinkie crowd noticing their conversation. He is hoping this conversation helps normalize relations between all three groups.

"I did," He said as he starts eating his biscuit. "But we never had the chance before of the war. I served during the building up in Afghanistan and then fought the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria."

"Islamic State?" She asked.

"They were insurgencies who were trying to create their own religious state," He said. "Imagine the Goddess Siflis, they were worse. They tried to bring back the Islamic Slave Trade. They treated women like cattle and mass murdered anyone who did not convert to their ways. They were pure evil."

Her eyes widen as she listens. "Wow..."

"Wow yes," He said. While" the Empire is bad, we have our own problems on Earth too."

"Either way, by the time I finally came home, she got cancer and we spent five years fighting that." He spoke.

"What is cancer?" She asked, showing some concern.

"It is a deadly disease," He said. "It is the definition of evil. Point is, we never had the chance to start a family. You think you have all the time in the world and twenty years go by."

"I am sorry to hear that," She said.

"Don't be. She passed away five years ago," He said. "Good thing about war is that it keeps your mind busy."

He thinks back on the school subject. Sharpe told Pina to make a report on each Knight, so they can learn more about them. Besides Grey, both Bozes Co Palesti and Beefeater E Caty were highly recommended by Pina.

While both are still rough on the edges, they seem to be solid leaders within the Rose Knights. For a woman so young they seem to accept a huge amount of responsibility. But Beefeater seems to take her lessons as a joke. She sleeps in class; she does not do all the assignments and so on.

From Sharpe and Sarah's reports, she is a skilled fighter. Both in Legrath and in rescuing Princess Selina she showed to be a skilled fighter. Pina put a lot of trust in her during a tense moment.

"Let me ask you a question. Why don't you try harder?" He asks.

The question seems to catch her off guard. "What?"

"I mean you have the makings of a leader. Pina highly recommends you for some kind of position. While most of your fellow Knights are struggling to adapt to this new reality, you seem to adjust very well." He spoke.

She stays quiet for a moment as she thinks. She then starts to brush off the question. "Well, I never been a true noblewoman. My parents love me, but I never was the girl who fit in. The dresses, the manners, I never could do it. They are still clinging to their Noble roots while I never considered myself a noblewoman."

"Noble life seems complicated," He said.

"That's why I like how you people do things," She said. "No one cares. When I was at Pina Rose school, I nearly quiet before the classes. I just don't like to study. But when I placed my hand on the sword and found that I was good. I mean, I am good. It feels very natural."

"But you can't do that forever," He said to her as he listens.

"Is that because I am a woman?" She said, wondering what his intent is.

She shakes his head lightly. "Not at all. I mean you cannot just settle for being just a swordswoman. What do you want Beefeater? Why are you here?"

"To serve Pina through this mess," She said, baffled by the question.

"I didn't ask for Pina motive," He shoots back. "I said to you. Are you looking to just stay by her side?"

"Of course?" She replies.

"How then?" He asked. "Your highness is trying to integrate your and my people together. Learning our ways and helping us win the war. I am not discrediting what you know as a soldier, but I know, and you know that your traditional way is over. If everyone around you is learning and growing and yet you are standing still, how will you be able to serve your princess?"

He stops there wanting the question to settle in her heard. The worse thing a soldier can do is standstill. Not because of a sniper but because if he is standing still, everything else keeps moving in life. Sooner or later someone else will find a way to overcome you or no one will be able to rely on you because your knowledge is outdated.

He then stands up. "I have a meeting with Brigade General Vilas Mengsk, the base commander."

He can see that she is in deep thought as she thinks about things. The rest is up to her if she wants to be more who she is now or stay comfortable.


--- Sadera, Imperial Palace ---

January 12th, 2026

Kaslita is walking around in Zorzal new chambers. This room was once the home of the previous Emperor, Molt Sol Augustus. It has a massively large bedroom, many private chambers for himself and his friends. A private bathing area and other secret rooms that she is not allowed to mention.

She was taken away from her sister when she was young and spent half of her childhood here at the Imperial Palace. She was placed in the Royal Slave Maid group. She and the other girls' jobs were to take care of the royal family. It usually is a clean job, picking up clothes and keeping places clean. If needed, help them with a bath and feed them but quite simple if you do your job right.

Slavery is a part of life and she learns to accept that this was her fate. She seen some slaves get brutalized like Tyuule and Noriko, but she thanked the Gods that she was just a maid.

Her dream was to become the Head Maid, responsible for organizing all the other slave maids. But after the Americans attack and took Zorzal slaves and assaulted him, he has become far more aggressive and more toward goddess Siflis evil acts. All the worse traits of him came flushing out.

She was at the wrong place at the wrong time. The next thing she knew was that she was on Zorzal bed being stripped and then raped by him. Since then, she has taken all his torment and sadistic acts against her.

She takes a deep breath as she cries from recent events. When Zorzal left for his summit, it was the best time of her recent life. Zorzal was not here to abuse her. But then he came back and like became hell again.

She looks to the right and sees this Human female friend Hatis. She is a fellow slave like her, a bit older.

"Are you ok?" Hatis asked.

After she finishes placing Zorzal clothes into the drawer she glances over to her. She places her hand on her arm and feels a recent scare from a beating. "I am fine. I just hate how things became."

She remembers a time before the Other Worlders. While it was common for a Slave to get abused by one of the Nobles or Royal members, it was not as common as today. It happened once and a while but there were limits. Being raped or tortured was rare for a maid.

While torturing slaves is common, the Elites normally did that to captured slaves from conquered land. Like Noriko and Tyuule for example.

She never understood why Zorzal liked them so much, but he did. There was not a day he didn't assault them.

For her, she was only assaulted once in the five years she has been a maid slave. She was hit and groped but never physically attacked like what is happening now. That changed after the Raid of Sadera by the Americans.

When they attacked and abused her master and took his two favorite slaves, everything changed in the palace. All the Elites turned against their slaves and saw them as the enemy like it was their fault for what happened. Scared they might revolt because of the American promise of freedom.

"Ok," Hatis said with a smile. "If you need to talk just tell me."

She nods and sniffs. "Maybe later. I know he will be here soon. I wish he finds someone else to rape. I miss purring…"

She walks away and starts making Zorzal bed. Before Zorzal took her as his personal sex slave, she used to purr a lot. Being a Cat-People, it is normal for her to purr, it is like a Human humming. But after what Zorzal did to her, she lost the ability to purr. She cannot even remember what it sounded like anymore.

She starts making his bed and gets angry. She hates making his bed because as soon as she finishes making it, it gets messy again when they are alone.

She hears a scream out the nearby window. She and Hatis rush over and look down.

"I know him," Hatis said.

Down below at the plaza she sees this man being hammered to a cross. He is being crucified like the other dozen crosses down in that plaza. That is the twentieth slave to crucified, some of them she knew.

"Damn you Americans," She mumbles.

"I am sorry?" Hatis asked.

"It is all their fault," She said with anger as she cries.

When the Americans attacked, the relationship between the citizens and slaves have changed so much. All because of them.

"If they never attacked, I wouldn't be raped or being used as a punching bag every day. My arm still hurts from three weeks ago. I would not be getting whipped or being forced to dance naked. And our friends would not be dying just because they got the idea, they can be free." She stated.

Since that attack, she has concluded that everything is the Americans' fault. If they never attacked, then she would not be in this situation.

She has spent a lot of alone time with Zorzal and she has learned a lot of his state of mind. Zorzal was a Crown Prince, the second most powerful man in the Empire and this one common soldier name Sharpe defied him and won, in front of everyone. He then seeks one of his female soldiers and humiliated him by beating him senseless.

She can see Zorzal has never emotionally and mentally recovered from that moment. Everything is about that. When he is raping her, sometimes he pretends that she is that female warrior and that he is punishing her. Other times when he is beating and torturing her, he is pretending that she is Sharpe. She has become Zorzal outlet for his anger.

"But the rumor is that those Americans and the other Other Worlders believe in freedom," Hatis said.

She looks at her friend. "Look. Maybe that is true but that does not mean anything for us. You know why Tyuule was taken because she was a Queen. You and I will never be free." She stops for a moment and begins to cry again, seeing the real her and her friend is in. "You and I will never be free. They don't care about us because we're nothing."

Before she could continue, she sees the Head Maid walk inside. It is an older Human woman. She oversees all the slaves at the palace.

She looks at her wondering what she wanted but then can see her reaction.

"You have been summoned," The Head Maid said.

Her ears lower knowing what is coming."


"Ouch!" She cries as another marble hits her. Her body tries to go into the fetal position but because she is hanging, she could not.

Kaslita is in the war room, hanging from the ceiling. Her arms are above her as rope holds her up. She hangs there naked as this marble is flung at her by a slingshot. This is one of Zorzal's favorite games he likes to play with her. Because she is weak, he enjoys turning her into his punching bag to vent out his anger. Using her as a vessel to strike punishment on his enemies.

She looks out and sees her Emperor sitting there laughing at her. He is not alone, Svenhard Lupus Moon of the Oprichnina is there too. She honestly does not know who to fear more, both are pure evil. There is this little boy that looks about fourteen.

"Your son has good aim," Zorzal said.

"Thank you," Svenhard said as he chuckles. "Skotadi, try again. Try to hit her belly."

She watches Sevenhard's son Skotadi load the slingshot. She closes her eyes knowing what was coming. She then feels the hard impact on her chest again. "Ouch…" She cries.

"Good shot," Zorzal said again as he laughs. "Your son will become a good replacement one day."

"That is the plan," Svenhard said. "I need to teach my son and daughter the arts of darkness. How to instill fear in others. Son, please tell the Emperor why you are shooting marbles at her?"

"Besides, she is a slave?" Skotadi asked.


"Ok," Skotadi said and thinks. "Because when your enemies are imprisoned, they assumed you will do something big and well known. However, sometimes the smaller and unexpected things are more effective. Most do not see marbles as a threat but after getting hit by one dozen of times. It is a way to humiliate a person."

"Very good," Zorzal said as he chuckles. "Besides, it is entertaining. Take another shot boy."

She sees the boy name Skotadi aim his slingshot. She closes her eyes knowing what is about to happen again.

She then notices nothing happens and she opens her eyes. She sees all three men sitting there looking away. She looks to the left and sees the Dark Queen, soon to be Empress Famulis.

Her eyes slowly go up at the Succubus woman. She has never seen a Succubus before but has heard stories. They are normally smaller than most Humans, small wings and what people describe them as sexy.

This is her first time seeing Famulis and it is a frightening. She does not fit the descriptions she has heard. Unlike her where she will whimper in the corner, she stands there strong and in control. She has bigger wings tucked on her back.

"What is the meaning of this?" Famulis demands.

Zorzal stands up. "I am having some fun after a long trip and day."

She looks to her master and then looks at Famulis. If the rumors are true and they will begin a political union, it terrifies her. Having to serve two monsters, she cannot see herself surviving the rest of the year.

"I been watching your habits Zorzal," Famulis said. "You pick on your weakest slaves because you haven't gotten over from your last beating."

She takes the much-needed breath that she has not had to have. The break from being used as a target practice is a moment to breathe for her. But she is listening and knows what's Famulis is talking about when her master was beaten by the Americans.

Zorzal looks at Famulis with an annoyed reaction. "You are speaking to the Emperor. You don't speak down with me like that."

"Am I?" Famulis asked. "What happened to the Emperor from Knappnai? The man who united a continent under a common goal. The defense of our home. All I see is a boy playing with his toys."

"I can do as I please to a slave," Zorzal said. "Why do you care so much of her little life?"

She sees Famulis look directly at her. She can see the horror in her eyes, forcing a cold chill down her spine.

Familus looks back at Zorzal. "I care nothing about this little cat slave. What I care about is your taking your anger on her about this man who haunts your dreams. You should be focusing your energy on defeating him than beating a slave."

Famulis looks directly at him before he can talk. "And Generals Woody, Calasta and Podawan are working on rescuing Herm while Briteon Hasulo is building up the Dwarven defenses in the Dumas Mountains. What are your generals going to think about knowing that you're playing around when there is work to do?"

"If you want to be an Emperor, you need to show everyone that you are," Famulis said. "Then you will kill that man and defeat the Other Worlders. Then you can kill and enslave as many of their kind as you like."

She watches as Zorzal leaves the room. Svenhard and his son follow behind.

She then sees Famulis walks over to her and cuts her down. She falls on the ground and holds herself for a moment as she regains the feeling in her numb arms. After a moment, she gets on her knees. "Thank you, my Empress."

"Impressive," Famulis said. "You already knew how I wanted to be addressed. But do not thank me, my kindness comes with a price."

"Anything my Empress," She said, still gathering her strength. "I live to serve."

Famulis kneels and lifts her chin. "Do not think this is a change of the tide. I know who Zorzal is. He is a boy who enjoys doing harm to the weak like you to build himself up. He can come back in here and take you in all your holes, you are a slave."

"But if you serve me, I promise your life will be less painful," Famulis continues. "I will soon be carrying his child and I will need a personal assistant."

She looks up at her and nods. "I will serve you in every way. For best or for worse."

Famulis stands up and looks down at her. "Now get up and heal your wounds. I will be calling for you soon."

She takes a deep breath and slowly stands up. It has been a long day, but she is grateful the final event will not happen today. She walks away after thanking her Empress for her kindness.


--- Philadelphia, USA ---

January 12th, 2026

Delilah is sitting down at an outside table. She is wearing a sun hat with two holes cut out for her ears. She is wearing shorts and a shirt.

In her hand is a big ice cream cone that Bailey got her from the shop. After taking a bit she looks over to her Queen Tyuule. She is wearing a similar cloth. Tyuule is looking at her ice cream cone, trying to figure it out.

"This is not possible," Tyuule said. "How did they make liquid ice?"

"No idea but it is tasty," She said with a big smile.

She then looks out and sees some passing civilians walk by. They are staring as they walk by. She can tell that they do not understand how to react.

She does not care, that is how she looked at these people in Alnus. She looks around, seeing the tall shinny buildings. "This place is impressive. Rory and Lelei did not do this place justice."

When Rory and Lelei got back from the first time they came to Earth(2). When they told their stories about this place, she could not believe it. But this is normal for these people.

"I have to admit, I am impressed myself," Tyuule said to look around. "When I was in Sadera I thought the city was impressive. I understood why they were so powerful. I feel so small here but amazed at the same time."

"Well, I am glad you ladies like it," Bailey said as he walks over and sits down.

She looks to her boyfriend Bailey, Captain of Vanguard-5. When she goes on missions with him, she goes on his team. "Thank you for getting us here."

"No problem," Bailey said. "You have done a lot for us and the Ambassador, so I thought it would be good."

She smiles and kisses him on the cheek, her way in saying thank you. She looks around, taking everything in. "What is going on there?"

Bailey looks over. "When the city was attacked, most of the buildings around the Gate were destroyed. Around the Gate is the Military base."

"You people take security seriously," Tyuule points out. "I don't think anyone will get past your defenses."

"That is the point," Bailey said. "We don't like being attacked. We like to yell and scream at each other about stupid stuff. We really hate it when a foreign power interrupts us from our drama."

"You people are stupid," Tyuule said and then eats her ice cream.

"Tyuule, I think you lick it. Not eat it." She spoke. "Is that right?"

"Correct," Bailey said. "Otherwise, you get… here we go." He finishes as he chuckles.

Tyuuele eyes get wide and she holds her head. "My head hurts!"

Seeing Tyuule freak out gets her nervous. But Bailey seems fine with it making her believe it is normal. "Is she ok?"

"Yes," Bailey replies. "It is what we call a brain freeze. That is why you lick it and eat it slowly."

"Its… cold…," Tyuule says as she whimpers.

She looks back at Bailey. "So, what are they doing?"

"Oh yeah," Bailey said. "Outside the base, they are building a facility to allow people like you to visit Earth. So, you can come to trade, get educated or some other things. I do not know all the details but that's what I heard. The President wants to normalize our two worlds."

"That sounds easier than expected," Tyuule said. "I see people are scared of us."

"They know we are working with locals but remember, this is new to us," Bailey said. "My people didn't think Elves, Dwarves or cute Bunnies were out there."

She slaps him when he called her cute. "Stop it." She said with a smile. "But I understand."

She looks around again and sees a lot of soldiers standing and walking around, patrolling the area. She also sees people in blue what Bailey called police.

She looks above as she hears a plane fly above. "Wow… that's huge."

"So, it is like this all over your world?" Tyuule asks.

"Mostly," Bailey replies. "Some places are more developed than others but yeah."

She then sees this darker skin girl rush up, not afraid of her.

"Hello there," The girl asks.

She smiles, trying to be nice. The last thing she wants is to add to the fear. "Hello there?" She then sees her parents rush up.

"Cindy, wait!" This man says.

"It is ok sir," Bailey said, intervening in the situation. "Both of them are with me. I am a Captain with the US Army."

She can see both parents seem uncomfortable. But they allow their daughter to speak.

"So, your name is Cindy?" She spoke. "Mine is Delilah."

"Nice to meet you," Cindy replies. "I just wanted to know, are you a real Bunny? Both of you?"

She looks to Tyuule and smiles. Tyuule smiles from the question, finding it adorable and interesting. She looks back at the girl. "Yes, we are real Bunnies."

"Wow…" Cindy said amazed. "Both of you are like my bunny stuff animal. Are you fighting the monsters too?"

"Yes," She said and looks up at her parents. They seem confused and scared. "My people were enslaved by the same ones who attacked you. But your people allowed me to be free and saved my friend from slavery. Now we have ownership of our own destiny now thanks to your people. So, we are helping you in your fight. The Empire is the enemy of everyone."

She then bows. She notices the parents seem more relaxed. They still do not seem to understand how to react, but they no longer feel threatened. "That is ok. Glad our soldiers are doing a good thing."

"Wow," Cindy then touches her hears. "They are soft."

"Cindy!" The mother said.

"It is ok," She said. "Just don't pull."

She finds it strange someone rubbing her ears. People tried when she was on the run after the fall of her people's home. It is strange someone just feeling them because they are soft.

"Ok, Cindy. Let her go." The father said. "We need to get home."

She feels Cindy let go of her ears. "It was nice to meet you."

She waves goodbye as they walk away. She then sees Cindy wave goodbye too.

"She was cute," She said and then look to Bailey. "We should have kids."

Bailey chokes on his ice cream and leans forward after hearing that. "Wait what?"

"She said kids," Tyuule said. "Delilah, you know you will only be able to have female Bunny offspring."

"I know," She said. Warrior Bunnies can only birth other female Warrior Bunnies. She can mate with a Human, Orc, Elf or any race with a male and she will birth a female Bunny.

"Come on," She said, now teasing him. She has learned Bailey locks up when the topic of kids comes up. His smooth ways go away, and he struggles to respond. "You would be a great father."

"Stop teasing him Delilah," Tyuule said.

"This escalated quickly. Ice cream to kids…" Bailey said. "Anyway, how are you liking Earth?" He said trying to change to subject.

"I think it is great," She said. "The tall buildings are a bit much for me, but I enjoy how crowded it is here. It reminds me of home."

"What do you mean?" Bailey asked.

She then explains what her homeland was like. They did not have tall buildings, but thousands of huts built into the ground. How thousands of children and adults running around, with families of a dozen in each hut. She explains how it was normal to live in cramped communities and how Philadelphia brings back that home feeling.

Tyuule leans back as she looks around. "I agree with Delilah here. It seems like people just do their own thing and I like that. Are you two ready?"

"Yes," She said with a grin. "Rory gave me a list of stores we can visit. She put them in order on how expensive they are, starting with the most expensive."

"Wait what?" Bailey said, shocked at what is going on. "Expensive? I have a Captain's salary. I can't pay for everything."

She giggles hearing that. "Rory warned me you would say that. She said no so that means yes, too bad."

She stands up and grabs Bailey jacket. "Let's go." She then pulls him out of the chair and starts dragging him to the first store on the list.



(1)Chapter 29 & 30

(2)Chapter 50



Co-Creative Support: Tomrichman




AriLesmana or Arriiee

Discord: https://discord.gg/xe7nNHS

Special Thanks to


21ykcoh or Hocky12