V12 - Chapter 150 On the Way Home

--- Fort Alnus, Helicopter Airfield ---

Lieutenant General Charles Stanford is standing on the base helicopter airfield. He is waiting for the arrival of a key prisoner, the Haryo who led the Alnus spy cell raid.

While Tyuule failed to recapture General Herm, she was able to secure the ring leader who freed him. He is hoping having the ringleader will answer many questions of this new enemy.

All around he sees helicopters parked. While most are American like the Ch-47 Chinooks, UH-60 Black Hawks, AH-64-Apache, and other Major NATO powers the United Kingdom, France, and Italy all have a decent amount here.

The other two major non-NATO nations, Japan and Australia both have a decent force stationed here. While many nations in the NATO Expedition Force are not part of NATO, it is common for non-NATO nations to work with NATO nations. The war in Afghanistan with the International Security Assistance Force or ISAF is an example of NATO's growing relevance on the world stage.

In 1949 NATO was formed as a regional defense alliance against the Communist bloc. During the War on Terror was the first real military war outside of Europe and laid the seeds to expand NATO from a regional defense organization to a more global defense alliance.

The threat of Russia almost pulled NATO back into a regional defense alliance but the Red Dragon of the east, China, and their allies scared many within the organization. While countries like Colombia, Japan, and Australia have always been close to the alliance, they have always been seen as cousins within the NATO family.

At the 2023 Athens NATO summit, it was agreed to prioritize China's presence on the world stage. While everyone was worried about China expanding into northern Afghanistan, military build-up in Pakistan, expansions all around Africa after many of the countries destabilized after the 2020 virus. The final push was how the Philippines nearly descend into civil war. While the Philippines didn't descent into civil war and become a puppet state of China, it was a wake-up call for many western leaders.

Then the Gate happened in the summer of 2025 and that changed everything. NATO triggering Article Five for the second time in its seventy-six-year history. Both times were because the US was attacked which is ironic because the alliance was created under the assumption that Europe would be the ones attacked.

In his recent conversation with President Potts, French President Fabrice Giraud, United Kingdom Prime Minister Oscar Lowe, Italian President Alano Velotta, and Canada Prime Minister Jordan Banks. They were talking about what if a second attack happened and how the alliance should respond and prepare. While nothing of substance came out of the meeting, there has been more cooperation then there has been for a while. He is just happy that politicians are taking the meaning of this war seriously.

He remembers his seven tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. One of the things that bothered him the most was watching American politicians treating the wars as a sideshow that they mention and then forget about. He was leading his soldiers into battle, watching them die with leaders who didn't care. He is hoping that mistake won't happen again and why he has been working hard not to make the same mistakes.

In the distance he sees the Ch-47 Chinook flying towards Alnus with its two AH-64 Apaches escort. Inside are security personnel transporting the Haryo that Tyuule captured.

He let Tyuule go to Italica to personally bring back Noriko's baby son. While she failed to capture Herm, she did prove herself in trusting him. He knows that must have been hard with her past, but she put duty before personal desires. He knows he has to respect and reward that. Besides, he trusts her to transport the baby back to Alnus.

"This is going to be a good day," Branson Castillo said as he smokes his cigarette.

He looks over to the Hispanic CIA agent. Branson Castillo is the head of the CIA operations on Falmart and recently arrived. They have had a rocky relationship.

"The prisoner is under military jurisdiction, Agent Castillo." He states.

"Right of course," Branson said. "Are you going to put it in the same prison that Herm escaped from?"

He looks away from him and back to the incoming helicopter. He sees two Apaches as escort making this final past.

He knew Branson was going to bring that up and knows he is going to use that against him on who gets to control the Haryo prisoner. "And yet we contained the situation and found out how they infiltrated us. We are already cleaning up the mess."

The Haryo Tribe uses these slugs that attach to the back of the nervous system and takes control. He doesn't understand the biology behind it, but the doctors and scientists told him they release a powerful chemical that suppresses the host's ability of self thought.

It reminded him of the film Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan. A situation where Khan had these slugs or worms who did something remarkably similar.

They said they can remove the slugs without killing the host but there will have to be a lot of preparation to do. He ordered a mandatory screening of everyone on the base, starting with the civilian population because that seemed to be their base of operations.

He ordered them to keep the real reason a secret, stating that it is a vaccination program, just making sure to prevent a plague. It will take time, but everyone will end up getting screened.

In his opinion, he doesn't expect to find many new cases besides the Czech soldier and the kids. The fact they used a foreign military police for the breakout implies that they didn't have an agent in a better position to do their rescue operation.

"And this mess might have been avoided if you had been more open with intelligence," He said.

"Excuse me, General?" Branson said.

"You know what I mean," He responds. "You have one in Guantanamo Bay naval base. You must have learned something by now. Regardless of recent events if I hand this pigman to you I know I won't get anything in return."

Branson adjusts his glasses. "Off the books, the Haryo that the Rose Knights brought to us is dead(1). I couldn't give you more information because he didn't have a source."

He looks at him shocked by that news. "How is that possible?"

"We don't know," Branson said. "We saw him dying but before we could do anything, he was dead. We decided he somehow committed suicide."

He looks back to the Chinook as it gets ready to land. All around him are APCs, IFVs, and two platoons of infantry and security ready to take the Haryo. He did not want to take any chances with this prisoner.

"I see," He said. "It seems this new enemy has many tricks."

"I Agree, General," Branson said. "I think we need to work together and keep the politics out. Unlike the Empire, these Haryo's seem to be clever."

"That means you have to inform me of the integration," He said. "No secrets. They have our people and we need to find them."

"I read the report about the scientist(2)," Branson said. "Nasty business knowing they are hunting us. I do want to know why."

"I do too," He responds. "It also shows we haven't gotten back all of our people. They have more and we just need to find them. If you get the information, we will hit them."

"Understood," Branson said.

He watches as the Chinook gets closer to land. He can see the pilots, still far away but he can see the pilot's figures.

He starts at him; Branson was walking about their plans for the prisoner. He was about to respond but then the Chinook exploded.

He takes a few steps back, an arm covering his face as he feels the heat from the flames.

The Chinook bursts into fire and then hits hard into the ground. Sirens go off and soldiers start securing the area.

He stands there looking at the flames, trying to figure out what just happened.

He sees the base fire department rushing over to put out the fire, so it doesn't spread to other helicopters.

"Damnit," He mumbles.

"This is why I smoke," Branson states as he drops his cigarette and steps on it. "They are clever indeed."

He hears Branson walking away as he watches the Chinook burning.


--- Italica, Diplomatic Outpost Alpha---

Tyuule is sitting on the bed in the guest room at the American State Department outpost in Italica. The outpost was built after US forces saved the city. They have been helping rebuild the city and restore the economy and government of the city. In return, Italica has been one of the most loyal to the US, excluding Alnus.

On the bed next to her is Noriko, and Zorzal son Tenchi. He is asleep, sucking on this strange object called a pacifier.

She takes a deep breath, glad that the baby is ok. She never thought she would care about anything related to Zorzal.

She places her hand on her shoulder, feeling the cut she received from Zorzal wipe. She thinks about everything he did to her, raped her, tortured her, humiliated her, forced her to watch her people be treated the same as her, sometimes crucified.

But she grew to respect Noriko's strength in putting aside the Zorzal side and embrace the baby. She always though Noriko was weak but found she's far stronger than she expected. She decided that she wants this child to not become like his father but a better man. One that respects women and the other races of Falmart, to be a good honest ruler if that becomes his fate.

She then hears a knock on the door and wonders if it is one of the outpost's servants. She asked for some baby supplies to help Tenchi until she can get a ride back to Alnus. To help Italica's economy and to show trust, the State Department hired a few locals to work inside the outpost.

"Come in," She said.

She sees this Warrior Bunny open the door. She sees this Orange bunny in a maid outfit, being one of Countess Myui Formal's assassin maids. She knows Lieutenant General Stanford asked for Italica's help in stopping the Haryo Tribe and Myui send in her assassins to deal with them. However, she was not expecting her.

"Hello Mamina," She asked. "Can I help you?"

"I came to see you and the baby," Mamina said.

She gets defensive hearing that. "Your mission was accomplished. Now the child is my responsibility."

"I know," Mamina said. "Persia handed him to you. The only reason I didn't protest was that I also want to maintain Italica's relations with the Other Worlders."

She tilts her head, feeling threatened. She feels this deep motherly feeling taking over as she feels the baby is threatened. "We all like to stay on their good sides."

Mamina closes the door and walks over to a chair. "I overheard these spies talking. The baby there is Zorzal's son. I was not expecting that."

She stays sitting there, just watching Mamina. She doesn't personally know her as she doses with Delilah, but she has heard of her reputation. She was a skilled warrior like everyone else in her Kingdom.

"I have to be honest. I felt disgusted saving that man's son," Mamina said.

"I don't see Zorzal anywhere," She replies. "He can't be a father if he has no role in his life."

"And yet his blood still flows through his body," Mamina said. "After what that man did to our people and then I find out my Queen is protecting the son of Zorzal. I know you were his sex slave until the Americans saved you(3). I also heard one of them died and another was wounded, all just to save you."

"What is your point?" She asked.

"You disgrace their sacrifice and the fall of our people by saving the son of the son of the man who's responsible," Mamina said, trying to control her anger. "And what he did to you. I am shocked that you haven't shredded him yet."

"He is a baby," She responds. "With a good mother. What crime has he committed to be murdered?"

Mamina holds off in her response. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath and then looks directly at Tyuule. "The Queen I remember would have held up that baby head after plucking it off from rest of the body. Knowing that baby is Zorzal's son and everything he has done to our people and you, you never would have hesitated. You have changed."

She was about to respond but then stops. What Mamina said is correct, she would have done something like that, especially to her enemies. Her number one priority was to protect her kingdom from being invaded. She wouldn't care what race they were, they weren't Bunnies.

She looks at Tenchi and sees him move his foot while he is napping. All the Warrior Bunnies had to change. All the races of Falmart were once the enemy and now they are either slave master or savior.

She looks back at Mamina. "Maybe that is why Emroy abandoned us during our darkest hour. It took Humans from another planet to help us."

"Because they don't know anything about us?" Mamina said. "I noticed that too."

She takes a deep breath. "Things have changed Mamina. The old ways no longer apply anymore. The Americans do not blame the children of their father's actions and if I kill this baby, they will not understand."

"I have noticed," Mamina states.

"My point is, I won't let you kill the child. He has done nothing wrong. It doesn't matter that his father is Zorzal." She said. "I don't care. What I care about is killing the man responsible, not a child that he doesn't even care about. So, explain to me why you are here."

"As I said, I came here because of the baby," Mamina said.

"For what?" She asked. "To kill him? You will have to fight me for the baby."

She sees Mamina just sit there, looking at her. She is trying to figure out what Mamina is planning, why is she here. She wonders if Mamina is willing to put everything on the line just to murder Tenchi. If Mamina values the American protection of Italica, is she willing to throw all that away for revenge?

"What are the plans for the child?" Mamina asks.

"Whatever the mother wants," She replies.

"And what about us?" Mamina asks. "Four years of being enslaved, beaten, raped. Families are torn apart; most will never be reunited. Our people are broken with no home or future."

"There is always a future," She replies. "Especially now. We can either take advantage of our new friends, and start to retake our country back. We can make the Empire pay."

"Pay? Are we going to slaughter them all?" Mamina asked.

She thinks about that question. She takes a deep breath. "All I want is my people to be freed. To have a home again. I am going to help the Other Worlders and when this war ends, I will secure a home, maybe our old home."

She then looks back to Tenchi because she heard a baby noise. "But to do that we will have to make changes. As you said I have changed, I needed to change. You're right, people I didn't know got hurt saving me. Delilah has changed too, falling in love with an American boy. We can't keep going on alone. We need to be free, but for the right reasons."

She then sees Mamina stand up from the chair. Mamina places her fight on her chest and bows. "I agree, my Queen. When the time comes, I shall stand by your side once more."

Then Mamina walks out of the room.

She blinks confused about what just happened. She then figures out that Mamina just tested her and she seemed to pas.

She then looks to Tenchi. "You are nothing but trouble."

She then sniffs after saying that and realizes Tenchi just pooped. "… Humans. They always get the last laugh it seems. Now let's get you back to your mother before she cries to death."


--- Schwarz Goat Path ---

Major Sharpe is in the passenger seat of his command Joint Light Tactical Vehicle. All three Vanguard teams are escorting the transport platoon. In the four M1083 carrying Yao people to Alnus.

Over the radio, he hears nearly thirty Rangers cheering, celebrating, and singing. Everyone is hyped up that they killed not one but four Flame Dragons. On top of that, they captured an Apostle. The Ranger's morale is exceedingly high, and everyone wants to celebrate it.

In the back of his vehicle, he hears Alicia and the girls singing a song from a rock band he doesn't recognize. Earlier they were signing songs from Metallica, ACAD, Sabaton, Two Steps from Hell, and others. Alicia is helping them with the words so they can follow along.

Even he feels pumped up. At first, he didn't think that much of it, dealing with Rory and what she did. But now he is in a great mood.

He takes a look into the back and sees everyone having fun. To his surprise, Tuka took the lead of the singing. Her god Lunaryur allows her followers to have the ability to sing beautifully. It brings this soothing calm feeling inside his heart.

He sees everyone else happy and enjoying themselves. He finds Lelei being cute, trying to keep up with the song. He can see from her reaction is that she is trying to think before she sings so she is lagging. Everything is an equation for her, and he finds it adorable.

Rory smiles and having a good time with Alicia. She still has bandages around her head and hands. Seeing Giselle cutting Rory apart like that, seeing Rory laying there in a pool of her blood, unable to move. The sight terrified him, reminded him of what happened to Tim, Quincy, and the Lopez family(5). He thought it was going to happen again and this time it was Rory he was going to lose.

Now he feels calm and relaxes because of Tuka singing. He looks back forward smiling at the fact everyone is happy.

He hears Lieutenant Johnson speak through the radio. "Sir, I have a report from my forward scout team. They have reached the farmhouse."

He grabs the radio but then Rory peeks her head through. "Can we stop at the farmhouse?"

"We can't," He replies.

Then Tuka peaks her head through, next to Rory. "Please. They were really nice people."

"They can't feed all of us and that's taking advantage of them," He said back.

Then Lelei pokes her head. "I will be happy to offer my help in cooking and in the process teach Rory how to cook properly."

"Hey!" Rory said and then gets hit on the head by Lelei staff.

"And as payment, you men could do some more projects around the farm like last time," Lelei said.

He looks at her and can see Andrew with the same reaction as him, Andrew is the one driving. "What? You're kidding."

All three of them look at each other and then at him.

"Acting like dorks around women and leaving a mess for us to clean up," Tuka said.

"To do all the manual labor so we don't have to," Lelei adds.

"To kill the scary monster and protect little old me," Rory says in a sarcastic cute tone.

He looks at them baffled at what they said. "Really…?"

All three of them look at each other like they are talking to each other telepathically. Then they all look at him nodding in agreement.

"Those are the big and only three things Jackson," Rory said.

"Back in my tribe that's pretty much how it was arranged," Lelei said. "Women had to do most of the work. I just always assumed men can only do the hard but simple tasks."

"That is true," Tuka said. "Father always hunted and fought wars when not mating with the ladies. That's… kind of it."

"And you sum all that up with me? Three things." He asked, baffled by the conversation.

Yao then sticks her head out with the other three. "I know I am new here, but I agree with everything they said."

He looks at them as he tries to figure them out. He is shocked by the amount of sexism that was said but then he realizes something. "You're all just hungry, are you?"

All four of them look at each other, nodding at each other. Then they all look at him and nod in agreement.

He hears Johnson ask for him again over the radio. "Could have just said so. I think I have more than three things."

"Maybe three and a half," Lelei said.

He again hears Johnson on the radio. "Traitor. We will stop and say hi." Saying that he sees them all get smiling and happy. He grabbed the radio. "Report Lieutenant."

"Sir," Johnson said. His tone shows that something is bothering him. "You are going to want to see this."


Lelei gets out of the vehicle and looks to Rory. "You should stay here."

"This suck's…" Rory mumbles and crosses her hands. "Then keep an eye out because I won't be there to keep him underground."

"I understand," She replies. "Maybe Tuka can help you walk."

She looks down at Rory's legs, seeing them all bandaged up. Giselle tore up Rory's tendons so she wouldn't be able to escape. Normally this wouldn't be a problem because of her regeneration abilities but it is taking longer than normal to heal. While she can move her arms again, she is still unable to move her legs.

"I can," Tuka said, trying to break a smile.

"No," Rory replies. "Go with Lelei and prevent something bad from happening. That is my order."

She nods and walks over to Sharpe's direction.

All around her is the parked convoy. Rangers are all around as they secure the area.

She walks up to Frost and Scott. "Hello, guys."

"Hey Lelei," Frost said.

"Do you want to go through?" Scott asked.

"That will be lovely," She replies.

Frost takes a deep breath. "Good luck."

She nods and walks through. She can see that happy attitude they had before coming here is gone. She can see that with all the Ranger. On the way to the farmhouse, everyone was happy, excited, singing, celebrating their victory against the Flame Dragon. Now everyone is quiet.

She can see that farmhouse that they said before(6). They were nice people, taking in a bunch of strange scary looking soldiers from another world and feeding them. She enjoyed spending the extra day with them, helping the mother around the house as payment.

As she walks to Sharpe, she looks at the house or what is left of it. The building is gone and all that is remaining is the stone wall where the firepit was. She can see fire marks everywhere; she assumes the house was burnt down.

She looks over and sees the barn also burnt down. At first, she thought this was an accident, but she can tell that this was intentionally burned down. There is nothing left but destruction.

She sees Sharpe walking to both Bailey and Johnson; they seem to be having a tense conversation. She walks up to Sharpe and then she sees what they see.

She sees both the father and mother. Both of them are on a cross, crucified. She stands there eyes widened, not wanting to accept what just happened.

She looks over and sees the three of them debating on what to do. She can see Major Sharpe not pleased by the situation. Another farm family he knew was murdered.

As they debate, she can tell they think the Empire did this because of the crucifixion.

She is not sure that it was the Empire that did this. While the Empire is known to crucify people, who are enemies of the State, they don't do it to random farm families. In addition, why and how would an Imperial force be here? This is deep in NATO territory.

Tuka walks up, with her hand over her mouth.

She looks up at her. "Tuke, what can you see?"

"I see two families murdered," Tuke responds. "Can't you?"

"Of course, I can," She replies. "But you are an Elf. Use your Elf eyes, maybe you can see something we can't."

Tuka takes a breath as she pulls herself together. She looks around and then gets this confused look. "I don't see footprints. Besides ours."

"Really? No footprints? That makes no sense." She said and thinks. "Those only means Elves."

She then looks to Sharpe and pulls on his jacket. She sees him turn around and look at him.

"What is it Lelei?" Sharpe asked.

"Your theory is wrong. The Empire couldn't have done this." She said.

Sharpe takes a deep breath and crosses his arms. "Alright. Coming from you I assume you have an alternative theory."

"Tuka said she can't see footprints," She said. "If Humans or another race was here, they would have left footprints."

Bailey walks up. "Imperial Elves?"

"You said you didn't think the Empire did this," Sharpe asked. "Why did you say that?"

"Because of that," Tuka said and pointed.


Sharpe looks to where Tuka is pointing at. It is this one of the few remaining wooden walls of the building. It is all black fire the fire. That is when he notices something off-color.

He heads to it, passing the two bodies of the farmer couple. "Get these two down now."

He hears Johnson respond and orders his Ranger team to take the couple down from the cross.

Right now he is trying to fight off flashbacks of that farmhouse in Mexico, walking into the barn and seeing those two parents hanging there.

He walks to the wall and noticed there is a cloth nailed to it. He takes the nail out and holds the cloth. He then realizes that this cloth was once part of Selina's dress. The same design when she was taken by Lord Lashin, leader of the Wood Elves.

From what he understands Lashin wants to sacrifice her to some god called Palapon. The reason is that Selina is a princess from Edras and he wants revenge because of who her father was. While he thinks Lashin is full of shit there is one thing he agrees with him, that Selina is his little princess.

All of a sudden everything makes sense. Somehow Lashin's goons have been spying on him and noticed that they stopped at this farmhouse. They burnt it to the ground and murdered the family. They left a piece of Selina's dress from last time to send a message, they are always watching.

"What is it?" Lelei asked as she walks up.

He hands Lelei the cloth. "Selina dress."

As Lelei takes the cloth he pulls out his phone and calls Sarah.

"Major? Why are you calling me like this?" Sarah asked as she picks up.

"No bullshit, straight to the point. Where is Selina?" He demands. He can tell by Sarah's silence and breathing that he took her off guard by his question.

"She is at the school," Sarah said. "Mentiv is there teaching them today. Why?"

"Call Myuute and tell her I want security details there ASAP," He said. "I want her to stay with Noriko for the night until I personally pick her up. I don't want you or her traveling between Alnus and Minick."

"Jackson," Sarah said. "What is going on?"

"Lord Lashin is back," He said. "Just do it, Sarah, I will explain later. Selina likes to spend time with Noriko and the kid, just tell her it's a sleepover or something. She is just safer in Alnus." He then notices a hesitant reply from her. "Sarah?"

"Noriko isn't in a position to watch Selina," Sarah said. "Tenchi was kidnapped."

His eyes widened after hearing that.

"Jackson," Sarah said in a calm tone. "He is ok. Tyuule rescued him and he is on his way back. Noriko is a bit emotional right now and cannot watch Selina right now. But I will make another arrangement. Delilah… no… how about…"

"What is going on?" Tuka asked.

He turns around and sees Tuka, Yao holding up Rory and many of the Rangers. They all seem worried and confused. "Alnus was attacked, Tenchi was kidnapped while we were gone. And the Wood Elves were the ones who burnt this place. They left a piece of Selina's dress here as was a reminder."

He can see all of their worrying reactions. "Sarah. There has to be someone."

"Send Selina to Karlin," Rory said and then coughs. "She is a friend of mine and adores Selina. Trust me."

"Did you get that?" He asked.

"Already making the arrangements," Sarah said. "I will explain everything once you get back to base. Don't worry."

"Roger that," He said and hangs up.

"Where is the boy?" Lelei asked. "Didn't they have a son?"

"I remember," Tuka said.

He looks around hoping that he would see another cross and hoping he doesn't. He was wondering the same thing but hearing about Tenchi distracted him.

"Maybe he ran away?" Tuka said.

"No," He corrects. "I know this playbook. They have the boy, and this is a trap. The dead parents and the burnt house are a lure. They have the boy to lure the father into their trap."

He then looks to Bailey and Johnson. "Mobilize your teams, we are-."

"With all due respect Major, we can't," Bailey said. "We have civilians to escort, and we have an Apostle. We need all of our strength to guard her."

"He is right sir," Johnson said. "I want to go out there but as you said this is a trap. We cannot go out and fight them. We will be outnumbered and out magicked. We still have a mission."

"We need to go back to base, load up and regroup," Bailey said. "This isn't Rambo time sir."

He then looks to Lelei, feeling her pulling on his jacket.

"I hate to agree but we needed the Rose Knights last time we faced them," Lelei said. "If they are going by that playbook that means they won't kill the boy."

He looks around. He has had to make a lot of bad calls; it is part of the job. He knows he cannot leave Bailey or Johnson alone to escort Yao's people and an Apostle to Alnus. He knows he can't go fight Lashin's people with just his team. It took Italica Maids, Knights, Rose Knights, and his Vanguard unit to fight them and that was a hell of a fight.

As he hears the debate, he looks to everyone. His first priority is his people and completing the mission. "Report this in and get everyone loaded up. We are moving out." He said.


Tuka is sitting in the back of the JLTV. Before the farmhouse, everyone was happy and celebrating but now that good mood is gone.

She thinks of that farming family. They were fun and she enjoyed herself with them. Spending this much time with these Other Worlders, she almost forgot how random and brutal Falmart can be.

She looks to Alicia, the team radio operator. She then looks at her lute and picks it up. "Hey Alicia. If you don't mind can you put me on the radio?"

Alicia looks at her confused. "What? I don't think that is a good idea."

"Please," She said. "I need to do this."

Alicia thinks on it and shrugs her shoulders. "Sure. Not like it matters right now." She then hands Tuka the radio set.

She sets herself up to play a song over the radio. Because she has a love for music, she has been doing research music from Earth. She remembers stumbling on some traditional music and she feels like this is a good time to play something like that.

This one song comes to her mind, 'The Battle of Hymn of the Republic'(7). It is an American Civil War song about soldiers going to war, blessed by god and doing right to free the slaves.

She starts to play the song over the radio so everyone can hear her.

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;

He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;

He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:

His truth is marching on.

Glory, Glory, hallelujah!

Glory, glory, hallelujah!

Glory, glory, hallelujah!

His truth is marching on.

I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps,

They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps;

I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps:

His day is marching on.

Glory, glory, hallelujah!

Glory, glory, hallelujah!

Glory, glory, hallelujah!

His truth is marching on.

I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel:

"As ye deal with my contemners, so with you my grace shall deal";

Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel,

Since God is marching on.

Glory, glory, hallelujah!

Glory, glory, hallelujah!

Glory, glory, hallelujah!

His truth is marching on.

He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;

He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat;

Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! Be jubilant, my feet!

Our God is marching on.

Glory, glory, hallelujah!

Glory, glory, hallelujah!

Glory, glory, hallelujah!

Our God is marching on.

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,

With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me.

As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free,

While God is marching on.

Glory, glory, hallelujah!

Glory, glory, hallelujah!

Glory, glory, hallelujah!

Our God is marching on.



Alnus Map: https://www.wattpad.com/846518959-gate-wotw-pictures-alnus-regional-map

Elies Map: https://www.wattpad.com/887963010-gate-wotw-pictures-the-greater-elies-regional-map

(1) Chapter 79

(2) Chapter 133 & 143

(3) Chapter 45 & 46

(4) Oshkosh-produced M1083 A1P2 5-ton MTV cargo

(5) Chapter 126

(6) Chapter 125

(7) The Battle Hymn of the Republic song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfccpd8YRNc


