V13 - Chapter 157 Celebration

--- Fort Minick, Sharpe Barracks ---

Sharpe wakes up with a large headache. As he places his hand over his face he realizes he had another bad dream, and this time it was Selina being killed by the Wood Elf Lord Lashin. What those Elves did to that farming family has put the topic of Selina's safety back into the forefront of his mind.

While he has been able to be calm, not letting this topic leak out into the public for everyone to see, he is scared something might happen to her. He is new to this father business and he has yet to figure out how to deal with the knowledge that there is a man out there who wants to murder his child. He wonders if this is just him or is this a common fear fathers have.

Since they never found the Naminto body, the son of the farming family there is a good chance he is still alive. He has been wondering if they are planning on some kind of trade or ransom. If so, he probably is trying to trade Naminto for Selina, which he will never accept.

He has had to do missions where he had to pick one life over another but never when it came to kids. He just hopes Vanguard-3 can find Naminto before the true intentions of the Wood Elves are known.

As he lays on the bed he looks over to his left and sees Selina laying there asleep. He can hear her soft snoring sounds as she lays there in a pink nightgown.

As he stares, he notices how peaceful she looks laying there with no care in the world. He remembers when they first meant(1), being dragged away by these four slave trader mercenaries. He still remembers the terrified look on her face but now she seems to be at peace.

He never thought he would ever have kids, especially adopt one. But since then he has realized that he has been missing out on something more important, raising tomorrow's generation.

He has found that being a father has been incredibly harder then he thought it would be. Sometimes he gets very frustrated like when she kept that she is royalty and that people are wanting to kill her. Most of the time he enjoys their time together. He loves how she wants to learn everything he knows and wants to do the same things. He feels like he has a real stake in society again.

He then hears the TV on his wall and looks over to it. He sees the main menu of the movie Monster Inc. They were having a father and daughter movie night. Both of them have found that sitting down in front of a movie allows both of them to talk to each other more smoothly, easier to bond, and ask questions.

Selina doesn't always sleep with him, especially that she has her room down the hall. However, she still likes to, either because she feels safe or just has gotten used to it.

He knows he needs to end it at some point, especially now that he is dating Sarah now. The truth is he likes it when Selina is in bed with him. He feels more at peace and knows that she is safe. He just knows he isn't alone. Plus, it helps keep Rory from sneaking in.

He gets up and turns off the TV. He then heads into his personal bathroom. He gets a glass of water and grabs his four prescribed medication. They help him with his PTSD so he can function better, the doctor said.

He takes a shower and gets clean up, wanting to get ready before the Girls start clogging the bathrooms. He never understands why girls and women take so long in the bathroom. When they all moved into this building he quickly learned he had to plan how morning routine around them so he doesn't have to wait.

He still remembers one morning that he had to wait for four hours until Rory, Lelei, Selina, and Tuka had finished washing up. He had to refine his morning to take no longer than thirty minutes on a slow morning. Ten minutes if he wants to rush.

Once he is out of the bathroom, partly dressed he walks back into his bedroom and wishes to get ready

He notices Selina waking up and starts rubbing her eyes.

"Morning sunshine," he said.

Selina sits up and looks around as she yawns. "Morning daddy..." She then looks at the TV. "Did we finish the movie?"

"We can finish later," he replies. "We need to leave soon so get ready."

Selina shakes her head as she wakes up. She takes a big breath and looks up at him with a big smile. "It is the Fourth of July! We are going to the airbase again, right? Like last year?(2)"

He smiles, enjoying her excitement. "Yup. So better hurry."

He watches her get up and walks into the bathroom. She then stops and looks at him. "No morning training?"

While he usually does a thirty minute to an hour training, keeping his body fit and in shape, he decided today there was not enough time to do so. Selina has been more active in joining him in the morning workout, sometimes joining him before going to school.

"Not enough time today. Go get ready." He said and then watched his daughter go into the bathroom to get ready. As he gets ready, he can hear the shower turn on.

He walks out of his room and can hear activity in the living room. He heads into the room and sees Lelei sitting on the table with her laptop. He sees Rory leaning into Lelei as she looks at whatever Lelei is looking at. Tuka is in the kitchen cooking hash browns and eggs. All of them are still dressed in their nightgowns.

A few things stand up to him. Rory and Lelei are giggling at something. He wonders what they are looking at on the Internet, anything could be possible. He sees Tuka in a partial see-through gown.

"Morning ladies," he said. He can see that he caught them off guard and they all look at him with shock and confusion. "What?" He then sees Lelei type something on the laptop and sees Rory semi-panic reaction in her eyes, like they are trying to cover something up.

"We thought that was you in the shower," Rory said first, in a distracting tone.

"I made some breakfast for everyone," Tuka said in a cheerful tone.

He walks into the room and notices Rory walking away and then jumps on the couch to watch TV. He stops by Lelei and looks at her. "What were you two giggling about?"

"Girl stuff," Lelei said and then look up at him. "Actually, I was showing her this game that I got with my military paychecks. It is called World of Warcraft, the Classic, Redux, Remastered Edition that came out last year."

While he never played it, he has heard about the game. It is a fantasy online game that started back in 2004. The game has been remastered and redone so many times over the two decades.

"I see," he said. "I take it you two were giggling how silly the game is."

Lelei glances up to him, not being the best of liars, especially around him. "Well yeah. Orcs are silly looking. It isn't really realistic about our world. And I thought it was funny how so many of the common races are just friendly. We were just wondering where the slavery and slaughter is. Where are the crosses of people being punished and-"

"Lelei... it is a kid game," he said.

"Rory mentioned that," Lelei said. "You people like to protect your children from the true reality of the world. We have even seen you shelter Selina and us about the horrors of our and your world."

"Lelei.... It is a game for kids," he states again.

"I know," Lelei said.

He glances over and sees Rory snickering. He wonders what they were giggling about but decides he didn't really want to know. "We are leaving in an hour and a half, 0920. All of you need to have everything packed and ready to roll."

Rory jumps onto her knees and leans against the armrest. "I can't wait. The fireworks, the hotdogs, the plans. Watching your Americans act all silly because of a day on a calendar."

"I also find it strange that you people celebrate dates," Tuka said. "But I can't wait to see this. I have only heard stories about your people's events. I hope it is just as fun as Thanksgiving and Christmas."

Tuka then walks up to him as she hums a song, handing him his breakfast. Because of how she is dressed he had to fight to keep his eyes above her neck. "Tuka..."

Tuke raises her index finger at him. "I'm clothed," she said in an annoyed tone. "Your people believe in compromise, so I did. Besides, I only found gowns like this on Victoria's Secret."

"Victoria Secret?" he asked, surprised to hear that.

"Well yeah? Where did you think we get our clothes from?" Lelei adds.

"And how do you think we use your Credit Card when clothes shopping? It's expensive." Rory says, acting like there was nothing wrong with that statement.

He tilts his head after hearing that and then figures out Sarah must have informed them of that site. He decided not to go to war on this.

As Tuka walks away to give Rory and Lelei their breakfast, Lelei looks up at him. "Are you going to bring that Dark Elf?"

"I murdered her and buried the body," Rory states in a jealous tone. "No remains."

He looks at Rory and then at Lelei. "No. The mission was accomplished and I can't handle whatever she did at the party(3). Especially in public, I don't want Selina to get any wrong ideas."

Yao snuck into a private office party to celebrate his promotion and presented herself, stating that she is his personal slave. Tuka later explained that Dark Elves value repaying debts. Unlike the Empire and most of Falmart where slavery is more about control and power over people, the Dark Elves see slavery as a way of repaying debt. Yao asked for his help in saving her people and by her people's law, she had to repay that debt, which means she had to pay with her body.

"I disagree, Lieutenant Colonel," Lelei said. "I think if she sees the event she will more understand your hostility to the institution of slavery better. I know it was a big help for me to better understand your people's mindset last time I was at this event which is why I think you people do these holidays. I think it will be good at bridging your two people."

He looks down at Lelei and is impressed with what she said. He wanted to say no, already having to watch over four women and that is not including he has befriended or watching from afraid in Alnus and here. However what Lelei said swayed him to agree, give her one more chance.

"Fine," he said. "But no hooker BS."

"Fine," Rory states, not happy with what he said. "But we are still going to Earth after this?"

He looks at Rory. He knows they have been wanting to go back to Earth and go shopping. After the holiday event, Vanguard-7 got a liberty pass for a week back to Earth.

"Yes," he said. "Just make sure you have everything. We are staying in Alnus tonight and going to Earth tomorrow morning. We have to be at the Gate at 0400 hundred or we miss our chance."

"Why do we have to get up so early," Rory complains.

"You already know why," Lelei responds as she continues to play her game.

"Because of the size and funnel limitations of the Gate, the military has to be very careful to maintain a smooth logistical system. Everything has to be preplanned for a week, sometimes months in advance or the whole system could collapse. While the Defense and State Department is trying to make Alnus as self-sufficient as possible, those are long term plans." Lelei states without looking away from her screen.

He looks at her in surprise, she knew that off-hand. "You need a hobby."

"It is a good thing we are going to earth," Tuka said. "We have been running out of supplies."

He becomes confused by that as he finishes his breakfast. "What do you mean? We have a fresh supply line. Is there a problem?"

"We know but that is military stuff," Lelei said. "It is hard to get new underwear and clothes and proper things from the military."

"Plus, other feminine products like tampons," Tuka said.

"Yes," Lelei adds. "My last box is almost out and it has been hard to find good stuff from the military storage. They only have the low-quality kind. Especially with all the other female soldiers at this base."

"Sometimes I wish I could grow into a full woman body and not be short but there are times I to enjoy being an Apostle. I don't have to worry about getting periods." Rory states.

"Lucky you..." Lelei mumbles in a jealous tone.

"This conversation has gotten too frank," he states and looks away.

"Why do guys get so weirded out on these topics," Tuka says. "It is just a natural thing. Even father gets all weirded out on this and he is a High Elf."

"Well, if we don't get our periods that means we're pregnant," Lelei said and then looks back up at him with a smile. "Would you prefer that?"

He knows Lelei is teasing him. "Only if I can rip his head off."

He realizes how frank the conversation has gotten. He is usually the only male in the home so he hears far more women conversations then he is used to.

"What can you just wear the same stuff? You don't need to replace your clothes every... few... times...." As he finished, he saw this death glare look from all three of them, like he just killed Jesus Crist or a puppy. "What?"

"We are not barbarians," Lelei states.

"Yeah," Rory adds. "If we are going to fight, we have to fight with beauty and in style!"

As he gets lectured on the importance of women and getting clothes, he suddenly hears Selina scream.

He drops everything, hearing his plat break once it hits the ground. He rushes back into his bedroom and rams through the bathroom door. "Selina!?"

He sees Selina standing there with only a towel covering her, like that she just got out of the shower.

Selina looks away from the mirror and at him with a panic look on her face. "I am mutating!"

He looks at her with disbelief and takes a stressful breath. "What?"

She then points to her forehead. " I have this white thing appearing on my head! I have been poisoned!"

He walks in and looks. He then shakes his head realizing what it is. "It is just a zit Selina. They grow on your head when you go through puberty."

"I know! I don't want it!" Selina mumbles as she begins to cry. "I can't go to the Fourth party today daddy. I can't let people seem me like this."

He looks at her confused, not knowing how to respond or the big deal. "It is just a zit. No one will care."

"But I care!" Selina responds. "I got this pretty dress with stars and in red, white and blue but now everything is ruined!"

He then sees Rory, Lelei, and Tuka push him aside and walk into the bathroom. "Girls, can you tell Selina that this is ok."

"By the gods!" Rory said. "Don't worry Selina, we are here. We can fix this."

"Don't worry Selina, we are here for you," Tuka says as she hugs her.

Lelei looks closely at Selina zit and analyzes it. "My sister and I had these growing up. I still get them once and a while so I can help cover it up."

"Really?" Selina said as she hugs Tuka, still upset.

He stands there looking at the four, confused about what is happening and what is the big deal. "Girls?"

Rory waves him away while looking at Selina. "This is a real crisis, Jackson. Go leave while we fix this. Go... go shoot something."

"... we are still leaving in an hour," he states.

Lelei walks up to him and lightly pushes him out. "Sorry Jackson but this is important." She then closes the door.

He looks at the door for a moment. "Christ. These girls are like herding cats" He then leaves to go load up their stuff into the HUMVEE.


--- Fort Alnus, Alnus Airfield ---

"I really enjoy the clean air," President Emily Pots said as she stands outside of the hanger.

"That is pre-industrialization Madam President," Lieutenant General Charles Stanford.

"We can do good here," she replies. "Maybe we can find a balance and make our air this pure again."

"When the Chinese stop being the world polluter madam President then we can try," Stanford said.

She looks at him. "Your right. What is that saying? The path to hell is pathed by good intentions? Now to the matter at hand."

She and Stanford head inside the military hanger, being followed by the Secret Service.

"I still disagree with you about coming here," Secretary of State Bobby Gates said. "This place isn't secured."

"This is the most secured facility on this planet," Stanford replies.

"Excluding recent attacks on the base," Gates comments.

"Clam down Bobby," she said. "It is war, so shit happens. The enemy just got lucky. They actually did us a favor pulling their stunt. They had an effective spy network here in Alnus but they threw it away for a worthless General. Maybe if they took Zorzal baby it would be worth it but that's it. Now we can counter their activities."

She then looks at Gates. "Also, troops need to see that their President is with them. I don't want them to feel like they have been forgotten."

While she was serving in the War on Terror, sometimes she felt that the politicians during that time didn't care about the war. That the troops were fighting for their country and the US leaders saw it as a farther away thought. It felt like it was more of a campaign issue and then forgotten afterward.

She doesn't want the soldiers to feel like she did. While she lets her Generals have more freedom to fight the war, like President Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War Two. She also wants them to know that she will never forget them while at the White House.

The other reason she came here is the presence of the United States President on the alien world giving a speech should send a powerful statement, here on Uros and Earth. Showing that she plans on being here for the long haul, to boost morale among the Ranks, that she is serious about this interstellar war and most of all, to show the US native allies who their leader is.

"Now where are my guests," she asked. "I like to see them before I give my speech."

Then this green fairy arrives. "Hello, madam President."

Her eyes widen as she sees the Fairy. "Oh my god, you are so cute. You remind me of Tinker Bell. That was my favorite movie growing up!"

"I hear that all the time," the fairy said.

She has read the reports and seen footage of these other races of this world. She was greeted by a few Darklings but nothing as exotic as a fairy.

Based on the report, fairy's are mainly used to assist in administration work and tours. They can be good as scouts but NATO troops prefer sticking with their nano-drones.

"Thank you," the Fairy said. "I am here to inform you that the representative from Elies Nater ran into a rainstorm. They will not be able to make it today."

"That is ok," she said. "Tomorrow would be better to officially talk. Today I just wanted to meet everyone, away from politics. Not every encounter has to be the drama of the future of the galaxy."

"Then you are in the wrong career mam," Stanford points out.

She crosses her arm in agreement. She knew beforehand that the Oval Office is the most demanding job in the world. People point out that all the male Presidents that came before her walked in with nice and colorful hair and walk out gray and old, from all the stress of the desk. She now knows how true that is from experience.

"Remember the main reason we are here is to lay the framework of the US-Falmart Trade and Investment Zone and the proposed defense treaties." Gates said.

"I know," she replies. Congress has been wanting to get more involved in Uros, wanting to make the war worthwhile. This treaty is supposed to be the foundation of future relations.

Then she hears the US Ambassador Willington walk in. "Hello, Ambassador."

"Hello Madam President," Willington said. "Right outside I have Rory, Lelei, Princess Pina, Lieutenant Colonel Sharpe, and Countess Myui."

She is happy to hear that. "That is good. I was hoping to say hi to them."

She follows the Ambassador outside the hangar. About a dozen Secret Service suits are walking with her. That doesn't include the larger Secret Service outside. None of them want the first female US president to be assassinated on an alien planet.

When she gets to the end of the hangar two agents allow her guests in. She wanted to say hi to the group she met at the resort(4), they were the US true allies in this world.

She gives a salute to Lieutenant Colonel Sharpe when he gives her one. She is glad that he finally got that promotion. She has her eyes on him and others like him in this ear, people who understand the realities on the ground. She wants to put the people who know what they're doing in positions of power and empower them.

Then the greetings with Rory, Lelei, and Selina. She also thanked Rory and Lelei for their help in the war effort and that they have been great examples.

She does the same with Sharpe's daughter Selina, calling her Princess. It embarrassed her but she found it cute. Just like last time she can see something in her that could blossom into something more. She has high hope for her.

"Alright, who is next?" she asked.

"Madam President, this is Tuka Luna Marceau," Sharpe said.

She sees this High Elf walk up. Unlike the other girls who are wearing dresses, Tuka is wearing a well-dressed skirt, more like a diplomat. She has to admit that Tuka looks beautiful. She has seen pictures of elves before and thought they were well-groomed but the reports do not do justice.

"It is finally nice to meet you," Tuka said in a cheerful tone. "I can't wait to introduce you to my father."

Before she responds she notices that Sharpe gives her a glare reaction to what Tuka said. Like there is context she doesn't understand yet.

"In due time," she replies. "I have heard a lot about you. I am glad you made the right choice. I think your people and mine will become great friends."

"Madam President this is Yao Haa Dushi," Sharpe says. "She was the one involved in the Flame Dragon operation."

"I see, that operation," she replies. "That was an interesting mission. Glad it is resolved and your people are safe."

She can see that Yao is strangely looking at her. Not in a romantic way but in a judging way. "Can I help you?"

Yao looms back at Sharpe. "Is your leader really a woman? That is embarrassing."

She sees Sharpe give her a very quiet wisher lecture. Based on his lip talk he gave her a lecture to show respect.

"What?" Yao said in a sky tone. She then starts to point her two index figures together. "Sorry. It is just, usually, when the leader is a woman it usually means either all the make leaders are dead or too incompetent to take the mantle. I don't want my people to side with the wrong side."

She sees Pina and Myui look at her but not with an offended expression. It's more like they are used to it because it has been the cultural norm for them.

"That's what happened with me," Myui said. "My father died in the invasion so I had to take the mantle."

"My father and brother went insane so that's why I am here leading a resistance," Pina adds

Before she could respond she sees Lelei explain how the United States elects their leaders. That each State within the Union votes and if the candidate gets the most amount of states, they win.

Lelei then explains that it doesn't matter if you are a man or women, you can be elected. The majority of States picked a female President, not because of the lack of male leaders but because it was the will of the people.

While the explanation left out a lot of details, it was enough to get the point across. She also sees Pina and Myui's reaction. They are impressed with what Lelei said.

"It is ok Yao," she says. She understands the culture clash. "I am glad your people are safe. I hope our people will be able to cooperate."

She then looks to Princess Pina Co Lada. "I have been interested in meeting you for a while Princess."

She has been following her career working with Vanguard-7. At first, she was concerned about Pona working so close, still angry at her for the failed peace treaty. She almost ordered for Pina and her Knight to be banished out of Alnus. But she trusted Sharpe and her opinion changed.

Pina feeling nervous by the presence of the President she kneels. "Your highness. I heard nothing but great things and it is an honor to finally meet you."

She finds it strange seeing someone kneel. The only time someone kneeled to her is when her husband proposed. "Thank you Princess but you can stand. You don't have to kneel."

Pina stands up, feeling embarrassed. "Sorry, Madam President. Old habits." She then holds out a hand. "I have been wanting to personally ask for your forgiveness Madam President. When we were trying to form a peace treaty I let my pride and ego get in the way."

She smiles and takes Pina's hands. She then takes that hand and moves it back to Pina's chest. "No need to apologize Princess. The truth is I shouldn't have rushed it. I put politics first by wanting peace when I didn't have the full picture. Since then we have all learned and grown. But I will say I am glad you are among us."

Pina has this big sigh of relief and then nods. "Thank you."

"Please join us, tomorrow Princess," she says. "I am having a small meeting with some of our allies here."

"I will be honored," Pina said.

She then looks to Countess Myui Formal. "I am glad to finally meet you. Ambassador Willington has kept me up to speed with your leadership of Italica. I have to say, I am impressed."

"Thank you Madam President," Myui said with a big grin. "But he has been a big help."

"Do not sell yourself short Myui," Willington said. "I only aided when you needed it. But you got the ball rolling and there has been a lot of progress."

"If I recall you abolished slavery all on your own," she adds as she crosses her arms. "You were ahead of us. We will not abandon Italica. Our future is one of the same."

She sees Myui smile. It must be stressful for a twelve-year-old girl and that she stepped up during a bad situation. She is happy that Italica is becoming a western-like City-State and on its own.

While Alnus is like the shiny beacon on the hill for people on Falmart on what they could become, it is not the best of examples on how to achieve it. Alnus is an American city at heart, being built up from the grown-up with that in mind. Italica on the other hand has been transforming from the old systems into the western one, which if done correctly could be an example for other cities and kingdoms to follow.

"It was great seeing you all again and meeting you all," she says as she claps her hands together. "I need to head out and prepare for my-."

As she speaks, she hears this loud truck noise coming outside of the hanger. It gets closer and suddenly stops.

"What is that?" Rory asks.

"Sounds like one of your trucks," Pina comments.

The green fairy flies over to her. "King Duran has arrived."

She then looks to her head of security, a black man named Agent Brown. "Open the garage door."

Agent Brown orders two other Secret Service agents to open the garage door.

Once open she sees this red RAM 3500 Heavy-Duty pickup truck drive up. The truck slowly drives into the hanger.

She glances over and sees all the males in the room checking out the truck. She chuckles and rolls her eyes.

She looks back and sees Duran get out of the driver seat. His assistant driver that was provided by the Army gets out of the passenger seat. She can see the JLTV escort group outside dismounting.

Duran walks around, limping from his prosthesis leg. "I love this beast."

Sharpe walks up. "Nice ride man."

Duran crosses his arm and laughs. "Why thank you. You should have seen everything I had to do to claim this beast."

Sharpe shrugs his shoulders. "Probably three minutes on eBay."

Duran slowly moves his hand down the hood. "There is no way a beast like this would have around a bay. I spent three weeks in the Rrorish Forest alone. I heard of the mystical beast called a RAM up by the lake. During those three weeks, I had to carefully follow the tracks."

Sharpe leans forward and smirks. "Let me guess. During the three weeks, it snuck up on you."

Duran leans forward with, showing much passion in his face. "It tried but I saw it coming. For two days we fought each other. It tried to ram me but I was able to jump up and grab a branch. The RAM drove right under me, allowing me to get into the back."

Sharpe smirks hearing that. "I bet she didn't like that. I bet the RAM did everything it could to get you off."

"The ride was intense," Duran states, raising his hand into the air. "League after league, driving up and down the mountains trying to shale me off. It finally did after driving off a cliff. I was thrown out. I fell out, dropping down the cliff."

"But then I was able to use the branch trees to break my fall," Duran explains. "But the RAM was there waiting. I pulled out my sword and we charged at each other!"

She blinks as Duren explains the epic battle. Him fighting the RAM truck. What also shocked her was Sharpe, a very battle hardened serious man acting like a fool, adding, or encouraging Duran's story.

She looks over to all the other girls and they all have this disbelief look.

"Oh my god there are two of them," Tuka said, stating that Sharpe and Duran have the same exaggerating storytelling abilities.

Rory looks at her. "You picked him."

"And you stick with him," she responds.

She then sees Myui looking up at her.

"I don't understand," Myui said.

"Let me give you some boy's advice," she said with a smile. "They never grow up. God they both remind me of my Husband."

"Have I ever met a man who acts like that?" Myui asked.

Rory, Lelei, and Tuka all answer yes as one.

She then looks back as Duran explains how the RAM truck ate his leg but with that, he was able to break inside and tame the beast.

Duran then starts to laugh like a conquering hero. He shakes hands with Sharpe and walks over to her. "Hello, Madam President." He then takes her hand and then kisses it. "It is finally a pleasure to meet you in person. Not through your picture screens."

She stands there and blushes. She can see the Secret Service about to flip out but calms them down with her free hand. She remembers greetings like this in old medieval stories.

Duran then let's go and looks at her. "I am honored to finally meet the leader who is freeing our people from the grips of the Empire."

Pina walks up with this confused look. "And you don't seem to be bothered that she is a woman?"

Duran looks at Pina. "I have fought side by side with their female warriors in the war against the Alguna Kingdom(4). And it is never wise to insult the leader of a nation." Duran then looks around. "Together we shall finally end the Empire rule over these lands and be free."

She smiles, enjoying his sense of pride. She then claps to get everyone's attention. "I love this place. In the past thirty minutes, I already heard so many sexist comments, all from the other women in the room and the only male leader here is the respectful one. This place is not boring."

She laughs as she is enjoying the humor of these people. The reports do not do justice to the cultural differences and how blunt these natives are.

"Well I have to go get ready for my speech," she said. "Duran, Myui, Pina. I am happy to continue this tomorrow. Happy fourth."


As Pina stands on the airfield runway, she is impressed by the size of the crowd.

"There has to be what, ten thousand soldiers here?" Bozes asked.

"I think so," she replies. "Maybe more."

"I still don't see the big deal," Panache said as she tries to figure out how to eat a hotdog.

"Eat it like this," Suissesse said and she demonstrates by eating the end of it. "It is simple."

Panache glares at her and then eats it. "This is taste. I wonder what is in it. And why is it shaped like a dick?"

"I asked both of those questions and they said don't ask," Suissesse said.

"Then I am shocked you are not enjoying it more, Panache," Bozes said and then laughs with everyone else. "Suisesse, were you with Hamilton?"

"Hamilton is with her mate," Suissesse replies. She then points to the direction Hamilton is at.

She looks over by a parked AH-64 Apache which is on display. Andrew is explaining what the helicopter is.

"Hey check this out," Nikolasha said.

She looks over to where Nikolasha is talking about and sees Beefeater with Colonel John Yang, as both of them are walking around and greeting the troops.

Beefeater told her that she was going to spend the day with Yang, so he was not alone.

She then sees Scott with one of Myui maids Persia. Both of them are dancing with some other soldiers and natives, all from Alnus and Italica citizens. There is this High Elf band playing music.

As she looks around, she is impressed by the activity. While most of the people in the crow of Other Worlders soldiers, she sees people from Falmart all over the place. They are hanging out with some of the soldiers, others are helping with serving food and drinks and the rest are just enjoying themselves.

"Very cool isn't it?"

She turns around and sees Sharpe walking up. Selina is holding his hand and Sarah is walking by his side.

"Attention," she orders. She salutes and the other Rose Knights around her salute.

Sharpe smiles and returns the salute. "Stand down. Today is a day off. Enjoy yourselves."

She then smirks. "Just like you with the King?"

"Oh lord..." Sarah said, and she glances away and then back at Sharpe. "I heard about that. You and your stories."

"I like those stories!" Selina says.

She smiles hearing that. "It was an interesting story. I wish I could tell stories like that."

She smirks. "You have to be good at lying and being believable. You also need a hint of truth somewhere. That is how you confuse people."

"Here is a leadership lesson Princess. Bullshit is the key to life." Sharpe said as he adjusts his Delta red cap. "See anything you like?"

"Yes, I do actually," she replies. "I look around and see everyone having fun together. I mean all races, including your people. It makes me wonder if this is what the Empire was meant to be."

"It is an idea Princess," Sharpe replies.

She looks back at the crowd. She sees Frost with that Darkling batgirl Mentiv and her brother Jasif. She can see that Mentiv is a little scared being in the crowd, staying close to Frost for emotional protection.

She thinks more about what she just said as she looks around, seeing all the different races. She understands why Mentiv is scared, her people have been oppressed for generations by the Empire. Being in the open like this would have been a punishable offense at some places. She wonders if this is how the Empire should have been, one people, regardless of what their race is being together as one.

She then sees Johnson walk up, leader of Vanguard-2.

"Hello, Princess. Hello sir," Johnson said. He then looks to Pina. "Permission to take Bozes for a dance?"

Bozes laughed. "She isn't my Princess today. I like this idea of a day off." She then takes Johnson's arm and marches off.

She laughs, glad that her Rose Knights are getting close to the Rangers, maybe a little to close.

She then looks back to Sharpe. "I liked the President. I was expecting her to be a cold leader like so many, but she had a personality. I was not expecting her to take the blame for the failed peace treaty. I couldn't believe it."

Sharpe looks at her. "I think she is in this to win. I think she has to take a liking to you."

"Thank you," she said

"Thank me for what?" Sharpe asked, confused.

"I know you said good things about me," she says.

Sharpe shakes his head. "First off, she writes my reports so thank her." He then points to Sarah.

Sarah crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. "Pretty much. But don't give him credit Pina. You went out of your way to find our people. It was you and we all saw that."

She smiles from hearing that and sees Sharpe looking at the stage.

"The President is coming out," Sharpe said.

She looks up at the stage to watch.

The United States President Emily Pots stands there and begins to speak.

"Good evening all of you. Before I start, I would like to tell you a small story, right when I first came through the Gate. I meant some of our troops from the NATO Expedition Force, but I was able to meet someone from this world.

It was exciting as this was the first time, I ever mean someone from this world. Her name is Sasuule of the Warrior Bunny Tribe. She is assisting in the administration office. I really enjoyed the conversation we had.

I asked her how she ended up in Alnus and she explained to me that she was enslaved when her kingdom fell by a noble family in Telta. She explained to me the Imperial custom of enslaving the Bunnies, cutting off the tips of the right ear. She told me that she served this family for three years.

She explained to me that one day she heard rumors of these new people who arrived in these lands. At the time she thought nothing of it, but she kept hearing story after story about these new invaders. At first, she thought it was the usual fighting between nations. Powerful people fighting to increase their purse and prestige.

But then she heard another rumor. Please let me remind you, this is what she told me. She heard a rumor that these new strangers from a faraway land. She noticed her old master getting worried about the crisis.

At first, she brushed off the rumor. Freedom, what a silly notion. There has never been an idea around freedom, only for the powerful. But she kept hearing more and more rumors. The people of Italica being freed, the people of Valtris. And then Sadera was attacked but not an attack for conquest but an attack only to free fellow slaves. After that point, she started to believe something has changed.

She kept hearing stories that other slaves were fleeing their masters, risking everything. I asked her why she would risk so much on just a rumor.

She told me that she was pregnant with her daughter Riguule and that she didn't want her to be born as a slave. One night she snuck out from her master home, traveled through the fields of Algrash, and crossed the Blue Sea. Through the Dumas Mountains just hoping to get here.

She traveled for five months, being chased by slavehunters from the Guilds. While being chased she was able to find a cave and gave birth to her beautiful daughter. But in her weakened state, the Guild was able to find and take her and her daughter with the intent to bring both of them back to Telta.

But then the slave catchers were driven away. She looked around and saw these strange-looking men. Their clothes blending into the bushes and trees around them. They walked like soldiers, carrying strange-looking black sticks.

She saw two of them walk over to the wagon, towards her crying baby, and pick her up. She told me she never was more terrified in her life and she saw a shadow appear over her. She looked up and saw the strange-looking soldier standing right there above her.

And then the soldier said 'Mam, we're United States Army, 10th Mountain Division. Would you like assistance?'.

She told me that she did not fully understand that she was safe, but her heart told her it was ok. Her faith told her it was ok now. And now she is here today in Alnus, helping other slaves rebuild their lives here in Alnus, making sure they are safe.

As I left, I couldn't stop myself from reflecting on her story and admire her strength. It is a sad truth in life that the powerful abuse their power and seek to control. That history is full of stories like my friend Sasuule. This story has been told thousands of times both on Earth and on Falmart.

However, today is the two-hundred and fifty anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, the birth of our country. Long ago, there were thirteen colonies who were ruled by a powerful Empire, one of the largest in history. Freedom and the right to conduct your daily life in peace without being controlled by an unruly power.

For those who do not know, this declaration was a turning point in history. Just like here, on Earth empires oppressed people to power themselves, to be owned, to be used, to be subjected. Just like Sasuule, these men, our founders decided to go on faith and pursue a free life.

For eight years the common man, farmers, merchants, townsfolk, peasants all stood side by side as equals against not just an Empire but history itself, that strength has the right to rule over the weak.

"The Declaration of Independence was not just a declaration to separate from an Empire, it was not just a declaration to just become another nation among many. It was a Declaration of Independence against the cultural norms itself.

That 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness(5).'

This sentence has done more to change the world than any bullet, any missile, or any politician. Once the thirteen colonies were freed, they birthed a new republic, the United States of America. But this was not just some repeat of history as nations come and go. No, this was something new that was unlocked that history couldn't stop.

Over the centuries this phrase changed everything. What was normal for hundreds of thousands of years, the institution of slavery seemed untouchable but was stricken own in less than a hundred years of this document foundation.

The American Civil War determined that the rights which were given not by man but by God himself, which they were not reserved to people of one color but all, regardless of their creed. Soldiers who died in American bloodiest war guarantee that this phrase could spread in ways no one would ever imagine.

Empires emerged who wish to turn the world back to its historical norm where the strong ruled, where the people look up to their rulers. Two of the bloodiest wars in our history wanted to sniff out this belief of freedom. Our brave soldiers, many of them were just boys who volunteered to protect these rights, which became our great weapon against the old Imperial Empires in the first World War. Then again against the tyranny of the Axis Powers in World War Two.

And then again against the Iron Curtain during the Cold War, who wished to enslave the world and bring back the dark ages of history. But America stood against the Red Bear. But we did not stand alone as liberty started spreading around the world, people seeing that they can be free and refuse to turn back the tide.

Our friends across the pond, the United Kingdom, the French, and the Italians. Our Australian, Japanese, and South Korean friends, and all the other free states. And in time the Communists failed to bury the Rights of Man and burned in its own corruption.

Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness has faced a massive amount of challenges over the centuries, especially in recent years. Everything always seems dark, like the world is coming down but as long as we always remember those three things, we will always stand tall.

As of today, we again are at war with an Empire that represents our past, who we once were.

This war will not be won because of our superior technology but the character of our people. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness has always been our number one weapon and ally. We will in this war with our comrades next to us. Our values and character have always led us forward.

Always remember though, the torch of liberty is not something that can be given. It must be fought for. I look out from this platform and I see Humans, Elves, Bunnies, Nekos, Sirens and many others, let me explain this. Liberty does not care what you look like or where you came from, it is yours if you choose. And if you choose, we will stand by you now and until the end of time. Because we are free to choose our own destiny and we choose this path."

She hears everyone clapping and many chanting USA. She hears other national slogans from their countries of origin.

She claps too, enjoying the speech. She feels like she is starting to get a better understanding of these Other Worlders.

The immediate lesson she took from the speech is that Earth and Falmart are not as different as she thought. The big difference is that they changed who they were. She wonders if she will be able to do that with her people.

All of a sudden she sees all these colorful sparkles go into the air and then explode.

She then sees more and more of these colorful explosions appear all over the place. Many of them have different sounds and some have different styles, none being the same.

She notices that no one is freaking out. "What is going on?"

"Fireworks," Sharpe said. "We do this to celebrate events like this. It is entertainment."

"You people and your explosions," she replies and smiles, enjoying the event.


--- Dumas Mountains, Imperial Camp ---

The Imperial soldiers are dancing, laughing. Many are getting drunk, others play fighting, other singing, and the rest are feasting.

"I can't believe it, we bleed them!" A soldier yells.

"Victory!" Another yell. "Finally!"

"We didn't keep the hill," An Elf Imperial soldier says.

He walks over to the Elf and places his arm around him. "We weren't planning on keeping the hill. Our objective was to bleed them. Show them who is the boss."

"To the Gods," The swordsman says with a chuckle, as he wipes the Other Worlders blood from his sword. "For a year they have been bashing us back but yet to break us. And now we bleed them."

He laughs hearing that. "And now that we have all of Falmart on our side, we will drive them back to Alnus. Murder everyone in our way. Rape their women, burn their homes."

"And eat their food!" Another man yells as everyone cheers.

The Elf thinks and smiles. "I think the Emperor might have done the right thing. They can't use their armored wagons up here in the mountains. We can win this war."

He laughs as he hears that, feeling the high spirits around him. "We are the Imperial Army. We have never lost a war. We always will win! No matter the cost!"

After saying that he hears everyone laughing and cheering.

"Alnus Air Command, this is Whisky-6, do you copy over?"

He hears one of his comrades rush over. He looks at him and sees one of the American helmets on his head, a war trophy. "It looks nice on you."

"I was able to take it after slaying one of their warriors," the man said.

"Whisky-6, we hear you loud and clear over"

The man with the helmet rushes over. "You should have seen it. In his eyes was so much fear. The idea that I was going to put my blade into him... felt amazing."

"Roger that Alnus Air Command. We have the camp in sight over."

"If we keep doing these attacks maybe we will finally be able to slaughter them," A man responds as he drinks his beer.

"Whisk-6, please relay data before drop."

This Dwarf walks over and sits down with a mug half his size. "It was a good fight. They have interesting tools. I wonder if my people can forge them ourselves. They do not look complicated at first glance."

Then this soldier holds out these dog tags. "I wonder what these things are. There is writing on here, but I have yet to translate."

"Alnus Air Command, the camp leads into some open entrance into the hillside. Possible Dwarf Fort. Company size inside the camp. All soldiers celebrating."

"Let me see," The Elf said. He looks at the dog tags carefully. "I have heard that these Other Worlders wear necklaces like this. I was thinking it might be the warrior name, but I don't understand what these other markings mean. Possibly equaling some chant?"

"Roger that Whisky-6. Primary target identified?"

As the soldiers laugh, they hear this loud cow sound. They look and see this Minotaur. It is the leader who led the attack on the hill against the Americans. He stands up with everyone and starts chanting. "Bordash! Bordash! Bordash!"

Bordash stops and lets out a roar, arms in the air. "This is only the beginning. Without their wagons they are weak. The story of how weak these people are behind their weapons. Our strength, Imperial strength is stronger than theirs. We will slaughter them like cattle, start from this point." He stops to allow the troops to cheer. "This is the turning point. The tide has turned, and we will bleed them until these mountains are red of their blood! We will drive them deeper into the mountains and slaughter them, men!"

"Yeah, that is definitely him, Alnus Air Command. Target identified. Requesting GBU-43/B MOAB airdrop."

All the soldiers of the Empire cheer from Bordash speech, all thrilled about their first real victory against NATO. For the first time in a year, they feel like they can win.

"Whisky-6, airdrop strike confirmed. MC-130H Combat Talon carrying the GBU-43/B MOAB is inbound."

"Roger that Alnus Air Command. Whisky-6 out."

He grabs his buddy and both cheer their mugs. Then he drinks most of it down, only stopping for air.

He laughs and then hears this loud noise above. He can tell everyone else is looking up, hearing the same noise. "What is that?"

"The Other Worlders flying machines?" Someone asked. "But how could they find us this deep into the mountains?"

He then sees this large flying machine fly by. He then sees something come out of the back and begin falling. He watches it confused as it hits the ground.


"Whisky-6, confirm that the target was hit over."

"Alnus Air Command, target zone has been hit. No survivors," Lieutenant Commander Danial said.

When he heard that a battalion from the 1st Cavalry was ambushed and bloodied, his Seal Team-3 was deployed to find the leader who leads the Empire in that fight.

It didn't take long to figure out who was the commander. Just like most noble Imperial leaders, they are in the back.

"Roger that. Good hunting."

"Roger that, Whisky-6 out," he said.

He looks out and sees the large plumb of smoke coming from the valley. Some of the trees are on fire. The GBU-43/B MOAB or otherwise known as the Mother of all Bombs. It is the most powerful non nuclear weapon in the US Air Force inventory.

The Empire believes that this battle was going to be a symbolic victory, showing that they can draw blood. They believed that they could take the initiative in the up and coming campaign.

However, he spent half a decade in the Middle East doing counter-terrorism operations, alongside most of the Army and Marines. This is a battle the US military has been fighting for twenty years and has gotten very good at. And to show their confidence they decided to do a symbolic message of their own.

"Damn," Kevin said as he looks out.

"Get a good look Seals," he said. "It is not every day you get to see mother unleash her anger."

He pulls out a cigar for a victory smoke. He lights it and looks out at the smoke. He puts it in his mouth and takes a puff. "Happy Fourth of July mother fuckers."



Alnus Map: https://www.wattpad.com/846518959-gate-wotw-pictures-alnus-regional-map

Elies Map: https://www.wattpad.com/887963010-gate-wotw-pictures-the-greater-elies-regional-map

(1)Chapter 7

(2)Chapter 28

(3)Chapter 153

(4)Chapter 62

(5)Declaration of Independence

Special Tanks:








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