Chapter 161 Building Tomorrow Future

--- Alnus Community ---

"Why do they call it the Alnus Community?" President Emily Potts asks as she walks around the civilian part of Alnus.

"It is just what the first group of refugees called it when they arrived," General Charles Stanford said. "The main part was the military base, and in the beginning, there were only two hundred civilians here, restarting their lives."

"Only two hundred?" she asks, shocked by that small number. "I remember the reports now. Feels so long ago. How many civilians are there now?"

"Latest report says over five thousand," Stanford answers.

She nods, impressed by the answer.

As they walk, she takes a good look around the town. Most of the buildings are wooden, sticking with the traditional styles of Falmart. However, she sees many modern technologies on the buildings. Some buildings only being a few floors tall while others are five.

On the roofs she sees solar panels, some small-scale wind turbines. The gutter system is designed to drain the water to pipes which goes to a water processing center to make it drinkable. She sees digital signs like cloaks, new boards and directions, everything someone would expect in a modern city.

"I am glad to see where US tax dollars are going to," she comments.

"Because of the limitations of the Gate we've been trying to remain as self-efficient as possible," Stanford replies. "After the quake we took the opportunity to redesign the city and make it more stable and better to expand."

"That is good," she said. "I hate to get another report like that. But I have to admit this place is a lot cleaner than the reports claimed."

One of the first places she visited was the Alnus Market. She was expecting a wet market where there was animal blood and guts all over the place, animals' parts being hung and so on. But what she saw reminded her of a farmer's market. Everything is organized, the meats are in a sterile environment and in some form of ice or refrigerated machine.

She then saw the other major sectors of the town. She got to see the other major areas like the residential sector, the Clothes Washing area plus the two bathing and toiletries areas.

"I see the domestic area of the town," she asks. "How is the industry area developing? I know the corporate campus is mostly constructed."

"Getting there," Stanford responds. "The companies are starting to recruit talent for apprentice programs. As directed, we helped to sponsor a few small companies here in Alnus. They are going to be making new hand tools, printing presses and a few other basic tools we need."

"Good," she replies. "Sooner we get this place going the sooner we can start making a return. This war is not cheap."

As she walks, she then sees this well armed group passing by. There is an AMP walking along them, like he is escorting them.

She heard of a group like this, the Adventurers. They are some primitive form of law enforcement mercenaries on Falmart.

"Why hello there," she says. "I assume you are the Adventurers?"

"Finally, some respect" one of them says.

She was surprised to hear that tone. "Pardon me?"

"Madam President," Stanford said. "Might want to be careful. We had mixed results with the Adventurers."

She notices her Secret Service group walk forwards to block the Adventurers, but she stops them. "I like to speak with them. Maybe I can smooth some things over."

She then addresses the group as they address her.

"My name is Karther Jagith, the party leader. This is Gorgth Braoen, Liz, Lillie Hauroth, Vauo Durgu, and Harthdru Falith.

"Nice to meet you," she replies. "I see you are heavily armed; did you just get back from a mission?"

"Mission?" Lillie asked. "You mean quest. We don't do the military thing."

"I see," she replies. "I am sorry. I don't fully understand your ways."

"You could say that," Gorgth mumbles.

She looks at the big man. She hears Vauo and Lillie giggle from that however she feels like it was more of an insult than a cultural joke. "Well, I hope we'll be able to find a way for both of us to work together."

Kather walks up with a smirk. "That can be worked out over a nice cup of wine madam."

"Excuses me?" she asked, confused by what Karther said.

Karther walks up. "I see you are a woman of great power, with such beauty." He then takes her hand and kisses it. "I say leave the old man and let us go somewhere private. I have plenty of stories that might… sweeten you." He then looks at her and gives her a wink.

She is confused on what is going on. She then feels his hand on her butt, so she slaps him across the face.

"Hey away from the President!" A Secret Service man said.

She holds out her hand to calm down her Secret Service.

"Adventurers," Stanford said. "You do not touch the President."

Kather lets go of her in frustration. "The pits of holy hell I hate this place. I thought you people have no royalty? There are no brothels, no whores, barely any work."

She watches Lillie walk over to him and pats him on the shoulder. She was not expecting to hear any of that. "Excuse me? While you're charming, I am married, and I am not some roadside call girl. In my country we respect women and don't treat them as an object."

"That is what I am talking about," Karther says. "Moral lecture after moral lecture. They talk about wanting to find ways to work together, as long as you live by their ways."

Gorgth crosses his arms. "You people speak of respect and freedom, but you don't follow what you preach."

"What do you mean?" she asks, adjusting her glasses.

The High-Elf Vauo walks up. "Your highness. For one thing your people are drying up all the work. On top of that all the rules you have. It complicates this job more and makes the income harder to come by. People like me don't have a lot of opportunities outside our tribes. Joining the Army is a good way to make a living for an Elf in the Empire but becoming an Adventurer is the betst alternative. However, your ways are putting us out of work and then what do we do?"

Liz raises his hand. "This place is definitely a marvel. There is nothing like this in Falmart and I have traveled to many places. I do believe your intended are good; however, I do not believe you understand them. There is this feeling in the air that we have to either accept your ways or we are not welcome."

"Our job is to keep deadly races and savages at bay so civilized folks do not have to worry," Gorgth said. "Before you people came, we were the ones protecting the people from beasts like the Bunnies. Now you have hundreds, thousands of them wondering around without a leash. Your ways of equality will get everyone here killed."

Lillie then looks at her. "And with all due respect President there are a lot of things I like around here. I do like how you treat women, far better than many places I've been to, but my mother was a brothel whore. She put food on my plate, and it is a noble profession. You speak of rights and choice and yet you ban the most important life, two people coupling. How would people like my mother get work in your world?"

She stands there baffled by what she heard. She moves her hands behind her back. "Very interesting perspective. We clearly see the world differently. Vauo is it? I understand your people might have limits on what you can be and do within the Empire, but we believe in equal opportunities. You might want to talk to the other Elves here because they seem to adjust well."

She then looks to Gorgth. "About these savages, many of them have become close friends of mine. My people have used the world to justify many genocides. While I am not going to say I fully understand the racial history of this world, I am not going to stand here and say once race is above another."

She then looks to Lillie. This topic is bothering her the most. She is trying to show that they are an alternative to the Empire, especially with women. While men generally are the builders and defenders of such a society, women usually have been the ones who maintains it and makes it a place worth living in. If women around Falmart believe that they can come to Alnus or NATO occupied territory and feel safe, to start a family and build a community. It is a major part of her plan for this world.

"Lillie," she said. "I did not mean to insult you or your mother. My people always valued a woman's right to choose. To be a stay at home mother, to be an engineer or in my case, be the leader of my people."

"I understand that, but my comrades have made a good point," Lillie replies. "I try to see your ways in the name of trying to find a solution to working together, but your morality policing is getting on my nerves. I do not like how you look down at us. The people here might not care but me and my comrades have done a lot and deserves respect, not to be talked down to."

Karther looks to his party. "Let's get a drink."

She stands there and watches them walk away. "I see what you mean by having problems."

"We have culture clashes like this here and there," Stanford said. "But this group has really made it an issue."

She thinks about what they just said. "Well they were right about one thing. We cannot assume that everyone will just accept that everyone will see things our way."

As she said that and wondered how many people are thinking the same thing but keeping quiet. During her time in Afghanistan, she learned that it was hard for Coalition forces to interact with the locals and do successful nation building because of how different their culture is.

In this war, she has tried to not make the same mistakes as before however she is finding it harder than she thought. Balancing between letting the natives of Falmart to keep as much of their culture as possible while not sacrificing the United States and the rest of the Western World values.

As she continues exploring the town, she sees more Alnus Military Police. "I notice this place has a lot of MPs for the number of civilians."

"We concentrate most of our efforts in the marketplace and the female dominant zones," Stanford said. "While there are still issues with domestic abuse, we found out that just having the AMPs around helps prevent abuses from happening. We have found that most of the fathers and husbands like this kind of environment."

"Really?" she asks.

"So far," Stanford replies. "Most of the males go out to the farms or go with the caravans. They are happy knowing that their wives and children are safe."

"That is good," she replies. She understands the reasoning. "I guess the saying my mom said is true. Happy wife, happy life."

""In this case happy women, happy town," Stanford adds with a chuckle.

She smiles from that. "So, you do have a sense of humor. Anything else I should know about?"

Stanford thinks on that. "Speaking of the AMPs we are starting to run into a black-market and red-light district issue. Nothing serious, just a few basements here and there."

"Damnit," she replies, placing her hand on her chin to think. "I was scared something like this would happen. We cannot allow any form an exploit to happen. You saw Karther, we need to make sure the men understand-."

"With all due respect Madam President but it wasn't a man who set these up," Stanford said. "It was a group effort led by a few prostitutes. They are in jail right now but in their statement, they said they needed the work."

She thinks on that, realizing that she assumed it was a male's idea. "This world is quite different compared to mine. Didn't your latest memo mention an idea around this?"

"Yes Mam," Stanford said. "We are starting to see an issue with the troops and the locals."

"Let me guess, little interstellar romance?" she replies with a chuckle. She saw this topic coming and was wondering when Stanford would bring it up.

This has been an issue in every major war the United States fought in. The only exception was during the War on Terror and that was because it was fought in the extreme-conservative and religious part of the Middle East. She did not expect to hear anything bad; NATO soldiers are professional soldiers who live by a code of honor.

However, fighting on an alien planet away from their families, on a strange and exotic world with many attractive humanoid species. Fighting creatures and monsters that could eat them in moments, a new type of death around every corner and an enemy who refuses to give up. Soldiers are professionals but they are also Human and that needs to be remembered. Soldiers need love in their life.

"We are getting reports of soldiers starting to build long term relations with some of the locals, not all Human," Stanford points out. "It is no big deal right now but unless we address it could grow into a major problem."

She stops as she lets these kids run by, playing some form of tag game. Three are Humans, one is a Siren, another is a Bunny and Cat. "I know what you mean. The last thing we need are American or other allied children running around without fathers. It is too easy, and all of this is too new."

"I will put an end to this at once," Stanford says.

"I would not recommend that General,"

She looks to the right and sees this beautiful fox woman. She read the report on all the different species and she thinks she is a Kitsune. She knows there is only one in Alnus so she is shocked to meet one.

"Hello Karlin," Stanford said and then shakes her hand. "This is President Potts of the United States."

"You people are so formal," Karlin says with a chuckle. "It is a pleasure to meet you Madam President."

She notices her Secret Service guards walk around, getting protective. She nods at them, warning them to calm down. "Nice to meet you to-."

She then looks around as the locals. She sees them talking to each other, looking, and pointing at her. "What is going on?"

She then sees everyone in this area of the town suddenly stop and then kneels. "What… is happening?"

Karlin chuckles. "They must have realized you are the leader of the great savior. Your world Empress or Queen."

She blinks, baffled by that. She looks back to the crowd. "I didn't expect this when I woke up this morning." She then takes a step out to address everyone. "Thank you but you don't need to kneel. We do what we would do in our world. You are free to go back to your business."

She sees this confused look on all their faces, which is like they do not know what to do and how to respond.

Karlin walks out and holds up her hands. "My fellow citizens of Alnus. The President of the Other Worlders accepts your respect. She feels very humbled and requests that you go back to your daily activities. She is grateful for your kindness."

She then sees everyone get up and go back to their daily lives. "That was interesting."

"I believe this is not common for you people?" Karlin asks.

"The only time someone has ever kneeled to me was when my husband proposed," she replies. "No, this is not common. Long ago it was but my people washed our hands from royalty and nobility. We were oppressed by a system like that. You cannot be equal if you bow to someone." She then looks to Karlin. "Anyway, thank you."

Karlin lightly bows. "I should apologize. I guess I was speaking too loudly, and they heard me mention your title."

"It is ok," she replies. "I was surprised it didn't happen sooner and it was good for me to see that. One of the reasons I came here is to experience this world. Hard to make policy if I do not know what it is like. Now, I believe I read a report about you."

"Correct Madam President," Stanford said. "Karlin here is an Apostle, just like Rory. She serves the Goddess Miritta. She has been helping us maintain order within the town and providing protection to the children and women."

She nods as she thinks. "I see. I remember in the report that no one else knows that you are an Apostle. I have always been confused by that."

"Karlin believes that it would be better if people didn't know she was an Apostle," Stanford answered.

"That is what I told him," Karlin said. "Rory recommends that I tell the handsome General, but I requested to keep that a secret. Only tell who he needed to."

"Why?" she asks. "From what I read none of the other Apostles hide it."

Karlin chuckles. "Which brings the greater impact. The one large boulder or all the little rocks spreading out."

She quickly understood what Karlin meant. "The greatest impact is by small deeds. Very wise."

Karlin bows again. "Now, you were talking about soldiers interacting with natives?"

"Correct," she replies as she crosses her arms. "I understand the stress our boys and girls are going through, but we cannot have babies popping up fatherless. It will be a PR nightmare if soldiers go around sleeping with all the locals."

"Don't forget about combat readiness," Stanford points out. "While we keep it quiet and supplying all the civilians here have been taxing on the military. We don't have the resources to provide support if soldiers are engaging in relationships with the locals."

"We have troops stationed all over these regions," she replies. "We just don't want to create a situation of single mothers all because of a one-night stand mistake. Even if it is only three percent, that is thousands of children we can't account for."

Karlin shakes her head and chuckles. "I do think it's adorable how much you think you can control what is natural. It shows your immaturity as a nation." She then looks around at the building under construction. "I can assume you people are planning to be here for a long time which I approve of. As you stated however, soldiers are Humans, and Humans and every race have needs. You want your people to interact with the people of Falmart, to show how good and friendly you are. To befriend them but then you do not want your soldiers to build any romantic relationships. That is already too late and is wrong."

Karlin looks at them both. "In my experience banning something rarely works, it just makes the urge greater. I do understand your concern and I respect that. I do not know of your history but on Falmart when armies travel town to town they usually leave bastards behind them, and as you said, single mothers. That is why Miritta focuses so much on motherhood. I do wonder if there is a middle ground?"

When Karlin mentioned history for some reason she thought about medieval Europe. The nobility had many different rules on how they engage each other. That reminded her of an old television show called Terra Nova. "Terra Nova."

"Pardon me Madam President?" Stanford asks.

"Terra Nova was a TV show from the early 2010s," she says. "I forget what year, 2010 or 2011. Now that I think about it the situation is similar. Humans go back in time to the dinosaur age and colonize the world. To help keep the soldiers respectable and to prevent abuse of power the colony leader reinstalled the old European nobility system of courtship. A soldier, usually a man, must present himself or herself to the person they want a romantic relationship with. If they have a father, they must go to him first. There is a list of behaviors they have to follow, and they are responsible to their potential mate."

"I see," Stanford said. "You're talking about reintroducing that system?"

She looks at Stanford. "Yes. We give a list of standards. Soldiers will be allowed to pursue a relationship however there is a list of standards a soldier must follow. If they want to sleep with the locals, they must enter a full committed relationship and take personal responsibility. If by any chance a baby is produced, they are legally required to take care of it."

"Interesting system," Karlin says. "It is similar to the Royal and Nobility system. If you like I can help figure out the details General."

"We can add more things later but a system like this should be useful," she says.

The more she thinks about it the more she likes the courtship idea. It would allow her to follow through her plans of expansion into these lands and develop Alnus into a shiny beacon. It will help her bridge the differences between Humans of Earth and the people of Falmart. It might help solve the red-light district problem.

For the people in the United States and the rest of NATO countries it will help make the population see the people as Alnus as people and not strange looking aliens on another planet. In the long run this will give the people in the US a real stake in the outcome in the war besides that distant war like during the War on Terror that was easy to forget.

"Alright guys, it is policy," she states. "You two work on the proposal and I will deal with congress in creating the legal framework for the interspecies marriages. There will be some backlash, but Alnus and the thirty miles around it is US territory by conquest. Any births are automatically given US citizenship, so congress won't have a choice to approve."

"Will do Madam President," Stanford said. "I will contact the Ambassador and we will begin working on it."

"Before you go Madam President, I do have a question I wanted to ask you," Karlin asked.

She looks back at Karlin, wondering what she has to say. She has found this interaction with this Apostle quite different from Rory. While Rory has always been respectful, she makes sure her presence has been noticed. Karlin is far gentler in how she speaks and interacts. "What is it?"

"Would your people build a Columna Lactaria?" Karlin asks.

She looks to Stanford and looks just as confused as she is. She looks back to Karlin with a puzzle look. "What is a Columna Lactaria?"

"It is a public charity facility the Empire built in most of their major cities," Karlin explains. "It is a facility where lost or abandoned children can go to be safe. Poor mothers who cannot nurse, can take babies for food. It is-."

"Oh," Potts said. "Like an orphanage? But more of a mother sponsored charity?"

"Correct," Karlin replies.

She holds up a hand to stop her. "I understand what you are saying. You are the Apostle of Miritta. You are not asking us to build a shrine for you? We decided that no Apostles can have shrines for them."

"I am not," Karlin replies. "I am solely thinking about the needs of the people. I think it would be wise if your people adopt subjects like this. The positives of what the Empire has done. It will help convince people that you are not just the opposite of the Empire but just an alternative to it."

She nods her head as she thinks on the proposal. "Interesting. If it isn't broken don't fix it. We will think about it, but I do not see why not. Especially after the Haryo Tribe mess. We should have done this sooner more I think about it. I can get some volunteers from Earth that can help at the facility. I know some NGOs will be happy so sponsor the construction and supply it."

"Thank you very much President," Karlin said. "What are NGOs?"

"There non-government organization or like private organization," she said. "Now let me ask you a question. Since you seem to have a good sense of what's going on here what do you think of the red-light district?"

"Red-Lights district?" Karlin asked, confused.

"You are kidding right?" Stanford asked, also confused.

"I am not," she responds. "And Karlin I mean brothels and prostitution. I like your opinion on it. I ran into that group of Adventurers and that made some interesting points. While I am personally against the institution, I am trying to check my bias."

Karlin laughs after hearing that. "There is a center to everything Madam President. As I stated before, trying to force out what is natural will also lead to bad results. Let me ask you, in your country have you been able to ban the institution?"

She wanted to respond yes but she stopped herself. This topic is a State Rights matter and has been banned by forty-nine of out of fifty-two states. And this is the official term brothel, what about legal sex-workers around the nation like online porn and strip clubs. In many places in Europe all this is still legal, considered a legitimate career path.

"Your silence explains everything," Karlin said. "Let me tell you a story. Your goal to attract women and families here to your territory is working but I overheard some brothel girls while in my bakery. They were saying that they want to go back to Imperial territory."

Her eyes widened hearing that. She is struggling to understand the reason behind it. She fully understands the threat of that situation. Civilians leaving Alnus and complaining to their friends in Imperial cities. It would be a massive propaganda victory for the Empire. "Why would they go back to the Empire?"

"It isn't many so don't worry, however think about it," Karlin says in a calm tone. "You took away their work, so they have no incentive to stay here. Most in the industry do not consider it as a sinful act like your kind does."

She takes a deep breath, finding that she is developing a headache. "Why can't things be easy. I am not trying to hurt people or put people down or discriminate but it seems every time I do something that end discrimination here, people claim it is. I think I am understanding Martin Luther King better now."

"I thought you didn't have kings?" Karlin asked, confused.

She waves her hand. "Never mind. I cannot open brothels up around Alnus. That will be political hell back on Earth and it will destroy the example I am trying to set. Even with all of our faults we have always been that shiny beacon on the hill for people wanting freedom."

"I hope you're not too shiny to blind people away," Karlin comments.

She thinks about that statement. It took her a moment to understand what Karlin meant but then figured it out. While she doesn't agree with what the Adventurers said, especially about the savage's part she sees that there needs to be some compromise. "As the saying goes, the path to hell is pathed with good intentions."

She looks at Karlin. "What do you recommend Karlin?"

"I cannot tell you what to do," Karlin replies. "As your people say, you are the leader of the free world. Everything you do today will set the standard for the future. The good and the bad. As an Apostle, I can only guild your way, not lead you."

She thought about Rory when Karlin said that. That explains why Rory follows Sharpe and never takes a leading role within US forces. She starts to think on the matter, still not liking the idea.

"There is one more thing," Karlin said. "I believe this is common for all governments. If you cannot ban it, tax it. Now I must go. I need to bring some cookies to the school. Need to encourage more students to come."

"I had a teacher who did that," she responds. "To get students to do their homework. It helps get more students to come to school and learn other ideas like your people's ways."

She thinks on the Karlin said. Getting brothels approved through congress will be hard. She knows she is going to have to figure out a solution to this problems. While she doesn't want sex workers to leave Alnus, especially if they have families.

That is when she thinks about what is legal in the US and all the other programs the US is doing with locals. "Oh wait!! Maybe there is a win-win solution in here! If we can train native warriors into MP and milita why not train the whores into strippers and porn actress?! It suits their erotic profession too and they can make money legally without raising hell back home!! Why didn't I think of it like this? The red light district in Alnus will be full of strip clubs and porn studio at the moment so no brothels"

While it isn't what she wanted, it is the best middle ground she can think of on the spot. Just like the Militia and industry training, she is hoping to train the locals away from the more extreme exotic work to a more profitable and safer ones.

"You see Madam President," Karlin said. "There is always a solution. Compromise.

She watches as Karlin leaves. "It was nice to meet you Karlin. I am glad to see someone watching over the city. I will have Ambassador Willington make the arrangements for such a facility. You can be in charge of how it is laid out. Good day."

As Karlin leaves she then figures out what Karlin was saying. She realizes that she has been looking at this all wrong. Besides winning the war her primary objective is to end slavery in Falmart. She sees that she can use this to quicken that objective.


--- Fort Alnus ---

Princess Piña Co Lada walks into the conference room. The first thing she noticed was how cool the room is, even though it is a large room. She has experienced air conditioning before and found it unnatural but amazing, moreover it still shocks her every time she walks into a room with it. The barracks at Camp Minick do not have air conditioning.

She sees King DuranFla(1) Elbe walking to his son Prince Iolk Fla Elbe and gives him a hug. Besides Iolk is his wife, Princess Rigus Ha Claymen with what looks like a five-month pregnant belly. Both Iolk and Rigus are the leaders of the Kingdom of Alguna.

She remembers when she was looking for some American slaves after the Raid on Sadera she visited the capital city of Alguna, Galuoa. When she got there, she learned that they declared war on Elbe Fiefdom for past injustices and kidnapped many civilians to breed a new army(2).

Duran went to NATO for help and the US Marines were sent in to crush the new war. And the Marines crushed them quickly. Her Knights only escaped before NATO invaded the city. From what she understands the palace fell within hours. That was when Rigus discovered her trusted uncle was replaced with a Dar to sacrifice Alguna to keep NATO busy fighting on multiple fronts.

Now Alguna is a vassal kingdom under Elbe through conquest and through a royal marriage, they have been able to stabilize the southern flank of Alnus. This has forced the Kingdoms of Mudwan and Toumaren and the League Principality to remain natural in the conflict.

She sees Countess Myui Del Formal already sitting down at a table. She is glancing around the big room, probably surprised at how nice and big it is. She remembers that look when she first saw such a room. Myui has one of her Maids next to her, the purple Cat-woman Persia.

With Myui are the other Counts from Atler and Naiktai. They seem to be talking about recent events inside their towns. She also notices some glares towards the Elies delegation, like they don't trust them.

She sees two men talking. One is a male Human, Duke Mettius Fl Agonix of Elies regional capital Havcristen. The other is the Elies elected ambassador Nater of the Carthid Clan.

She has heard stories of Duke Mettius Fla Agonix, a self-entitled man. Because he controlled the largest city in the region, he thought he was king. Before the war with NATO, Legatus Propraetor Pelue Muilk from Fortress Legrath had to send a Legion to Havcristen to remind the Duke who was in charge.

Ambassador Nater Da Akilu on the other hand is a Darfellan, a race that lives under the water. They are about six feet tall. Unlike most other races, Darfellan's most striking feature is this jet-black skin, glossy and hairless, broken by varied white markings.

She has heard stories of women falling in love with a Darfellan at first sight because of how handsome they are. She always thought it was silly but now that she sees the clean, smooth skin with the well-structured face. The thick and muscular built body.

She shook her head to get the thoughts out of her head. She looks away trying to hide her blush. As she turns, she sees Tyuule standing there.

"Hello Princess," Tyuule said.

She now is embarrassed and takes a quick breath. "Hello Tyuule. Fancy seeing you here."

"Blushing I see," Tyuule says and looks back. "A Darfellan I see. Daughter like brother it seems."

She frowns at what Tyuule said. She sees this mistrust look in Tyuule eyes.

She understands Tyuule's hatred towards her, after what Royal and Noblemen have done to her people. Being her brother's Zorzal person slave must have been hell however, Warrior Bunnies have gotten the reputation as savages for a reason.

They are just the recent ones to be seen like this, other races have been labelled by the Empire as savages. While the Empire did this over the centuries, she can see that this made it easier for the Other Worlders to attract and recruit the lower classes of society.

The stories of villages and Legions being slaughtered. While deadly warriors they did not fight in the civil manner.

She knows Tyuule and the other Warrior Bunnies have gained favor with the Americans. While she still finds it hard to put aside her prejudices against them. She just accepts the fact that Tyuule people are favored by the Americans.

She watches Tyuule walk away and sits down by the President seat.

"I wouldn't worry Princess,"

She turns around and sees Valtras Count Gallus Dun Gerardus walk up to her. "Barbarians cannot understand civil society Princess."

"The Americans seem to disagree," she replies. "I sometimes worry that they don't understand all the races of these lands."

"They seem to have a big heart," Gallus said. "Big but misplaced at times."

"But it seems to be helping them," she says and then crosses her arms.

Unlike most cities where they are more agriculturally based, Valtras is a port city with a large manufacturing and crafting sector.

"I hear that Valtras has benefited from the occupation," she says. "Better than most."

"To an extent however it seems Countess Myui is still in NATO's favor," Gallus says, having a little jealous tone in his voice. "It seems the war economy from passing NATO troops has helped offset the Imperial blockade for her."

"I see," she replies.

Early in the war her father Molt placed an order to ban trade with any city who surrendered, regardless if they fought back or not.

For Valtras, they heavily relied on the Row Stream for manufacturing and trade, the main export was to Sadera. Now their docks are mostly empty.

"What about the Merchant Guild there?" she asks. "I know they have a large post there. I am surprised that they have not tried to work with the Other Worlders. They both seem to have the same economic philosophy, just one being more advanced."

"You would be right to assume that if the Other Worlders didn't dismantle the Post," Gallus says. "They came in and tore the Merchant, Adventurers, and Slave Posts down after they conquered the city(3). We were just lucky they didn't loot the city."

Her eyes widened after hearing that. "Wow." She expected the Adventurers and Slave Guild Posts to be closed down but the Merchant one? "These people don't loot or at least not the traditional way. I am just shocked they did that."

"Yes, but to be fair Ambassador Willington apologized for that incident," Gallus says. "He said that they discovered these Slave Guild Posts in other towns like Deabis, Naiktai and Kipliten. So, they just assumed that all Posts were Slave Post."

"I can see that," she replies. "While powerful, their biggest enemy seems to be a lack of understanding about our world. Especially when this happened early in the war. They have come a long way in understanding our world."

"Maybe Princess," Gallus replies. "But they did build an impressive bridge for us. The metal and engineering are like I have never seen before. They even gave up the tolling rights for it to help our budget. They just requested a generous discount."

Hearing that last part made her laugh. "Yup, there is great power politics. A discount here and another there. Politics."

She then looks up at him. "It sounds like your city will benefit the most with these trade negotiations go through,"

"We are hoping," Gallus replies. "We just signed an agreement for their navy to station two portal boats at our port. We are also hoping to learn some of their engineering techniques."

She nods in agreement. She sees Myui and decides to talk to her. "It was nice to meet you. Good day Count."

She then walks over and sits down next to Myui. "Hello Countess."

Myui looks at her and smiles. "Hello Princess. Or should I call you Captain?"

She blinks and remembers that she has her Captain pin on. "Thank you but you can call me either. While I am a Captain it is just an honorary title, I cannot go around ordering their troops around even though on paper I outrank them. Besides, most call me Princess still."

"Ok, Princess," Myui said.

She noticed that Myui did not greet her formally like Count Gallus did. Since the US established an outpost in Italica she has been doing everything she can to pivot away from the Empire and to the US(4). Sometimes she wonders if she wants independence or to be annexed by the Americans.

At first this bothered her, seeing her as a traitor. Over time she frowns to accept it. For one thing there is nothing she and the Empire could do to prevent this pivot and the Empire did betray Italica early in the war.

She does notice that Myui looks nervous. "What is Wrong?"

Myui takes a stressful breath. "I feel like I don't belong here. I don't know anyone here. Father conducted all the political business, so I am scared. If I look like a fool and disappoint the Ambassador and President."

She chuckles hearing that. "Don't worry, you are just over thinking it. I can help if you want."

She can see how stressed out Myui is and finds it humorous. She remembers feeling like that early on but had to learn to handle such responsibilities.

She then explains to her about Valtras and their situation.

"Ok," Myui replies. "I know who King Duran is. He seems like an honorable man. Out of everyone here he seems to be the most active with NATO."

She sees King Duran of the Elbe Fiefdom struggling to sit down in a seat. She thought about helping him but then saw one of his assistance Elputis helping him sit down. She can see the prosthetic the Americans gave him so he can walk again.

She has seen other soldiers with prosthetic arms and legs, replacing body parts that were chopped off by Imperial swordsmen. To this day it is hard for her to believe that the Other Worlders can replace body parts with fake ones.

The assistant that is helping Duran was once his slave, but he freed him. In return for his freedom Elputis continued his service in helping Duran.

Out of everyone in the conference room, Duran is the biggest power in the region and has the most weight behind him.

"From what I understand the Elbe Fiefdom is the main arm for NATO in this world," she explains. "After the US came to their aid in the war with Alguna I think that breed trust and respect between them."

"While Duran seems to understand what you and I do," she continues. "Change is coming and who works with the Other Worlders will get their knowledge and technology."

"But I doubt they will give us all their advancements," Myui says.

She leans back in her chair and nods. "Of course. It would be foolish if they did. However, even a fraction of the Other Worlders' knowledge can turn any nation into a regional power second only to the US. Duran knows that and wants to get in that early."

"I understand that," Myui said. "Even though I try to gain US favor I am still just a city. The Elbe Fiefdom is just larger than us. They are going to get the benefits even though they still have slaves. I abolished it and it seems that I gained nothing from it?"

She looks at her and wonders if she was once this simple minded about the world. She then remembers all the drama she created in creating the Rose Knights. She then remembers all the drama around Sharpe and his Rangers.

"You know the Americans want to phase slavery out," she replies. "I think we will be talking about that today. But it is harder for Duran because they have a larger economy and they are at war with the Empire too."

Myui glances down. "I understand that. I also know they are working together militarily and doing joint missions. There's not much more I can do."

Myui starts to cry a little. "I just want what my father believed in to come true. So, his death wasn't pointless."

"Hey girl," Agonix said. "If you are going to cry then go back home."

Myui looks up at Agonix.

She places her hand on Myui shoulder. "Coming from a Duke whose own people didn't trust to represent them in this meeting. They had to get a Darfellan as an Ambassador to represent the other Counts that your supposed to represent."

"Italica has been hurt greatly by the Empire's embargo and lack of trade," she continues. "The line of leadership was devastated by betrayals."

"However," she says, making sure her next point is clear. "Countess led her people through an economic depression, a spike in crime which was caused by the Haryo Tribe. Figured out a way to end slavery without destroying her economy and restore social order. When the Americans needed her help she and her people stepped up."

She sees that she put Agonix back into his place. "I was at the Battle of Legrath and when the US needed help evacuating their wounded, I don't remember anyone but Countess Myui here answering their call to help their wounded. With all due respect but while everyone in this room thinks about what they can get from the Earthlings she has been the only one who has been reaching out and helping them."

"And more I think about it, where were you when they invaded your city?" she asks, looking directly at Agonix. "All the other Counts stood by their cities, but I don't recall seeing you in Havcristen. Makes me wonder if you fled when things got too hot, leaving the Imperial troops leaderless. And before you criticize them, many of them switch sides, so be careful which side you are on Sir Duke."

She doesn't know what got a hold of her, but she feels pride after saying all that. Agonix was getting on her nerves, especially because of all the work she had to do to gain favor of the Other Worlders and Agonix just sits there acting like a spoiled child. While it is not the best diplomatic method, she is starting to see why Sharpe gave her no tolerance during their political meetings. She never knew how much air comes out of politicians.

Duran bursts out laughing, clearly winning her respects. He even looks to Agonix and threatens to race him with his RAM truck.

She looks over and sees Tyuule staring at her. Not with that hateful look but a more puzzled look.

Before she can say anything to Tyuule she feels Myui's hand in her arm.

"Thank you, Princess," Myui said with a smile. "But I do have a question. Why is the Duke being a prick?"

"The Dukes of Havcristen have a history of abusing power and corruption," she answers. "They see themselves as enlightened and superior because their city was once ruled by the Elves. They use that to move all wealth through his city."

"I see," Myui mumbles. "But why is that cute Darfellan there? The Duke doesn't deem happy that he is here too."

"Nater is acting as Elies Ambassador," she replies. "The Count and Countess of Dolis, Etalpolis, Kerush and Voldale did not trust Agonix and his House alone with the Americans. None of them trusts him to represent them."

"And why is that?" Myui asks. "From what I understand none of them surrendered and had to be taken by force."

"Exactly," she replies and looks back to Nater and Agonix as they talk. She can see that Agonix is not happy that Nater is there. "All the Counts fought bravely and died in battle. Except for him."

She thinks back to when she was in Havcristen during NATO's assault. While she was only there towards the end of the battle, she does not recall seeing Agonix at all, helping in the defenses of his city.

Rumor has it that Agonix fled before the battle to the Nater tribe to wait out the battle.

"Interesting," Myui mumbles. "He doesn't look like someone who would fight."

She then sees President Emily Potts walk into the room. She is impressed by the dark blue skirt-suit. Even by Other Worlder standards she looks very professional and confident.

She then sees both Ambassador Harland Willington from the State Department. He is the main diplomatic emissary for the Americans. She has worked with him a lot early on during the first stage of the peace negotiations. She quickly noticed that while Sharpe is more brash and direct, Willington is more passive and understanding.

To her surprise she sees the Alnus Economic Development Department head Ekloias El Fremis. Unlike the Americans, Ekloias was once a Nobleman from Sadera. He bought one of the slaves from the Invasion of Earth, not for pleasure or servitude but because of love(4). His wife, an American -Muslim was able to convince him to defect and help the Akusho City crime lords to find all the remaining Other Worlder slaves in Sadera. Because of his understanding of Falmart economics he was given a job to help manage Alnus trade.

She once considered him a traitor for helping the Americans attack Sadera but now she wishes she helped him.

As the American delegation sits down, she notices everyone in the room confused on how to address her.

Imperial customs everyone would raise and bow or kneel to show their submission to the superior title. She was informed how to properly address the US President. She stands up and claps. She notices everyone else copying her as they decided that she would know best.

"Thank you all," Potts said as she walked to her seat. "That will be all. I say let us get at it."

Everyone stops clapping and takes their seat.

"Hello everyone," Potts said. "For most of you this is my first time meeting you however Ambassador Willington here has kept me up to date. I fully understand the situation is unstable and that is why I personally came here to meet you all."

"With all due respect Miss President-," Agonix begins to say.

"I believe the proper address is Madam President Sir Duke," she says.

She can see that bothered Agonix, being interrupted by a woman or maybe by what he considers a barbarian. To him she wonders if he sees her people's ways as barbaric. She can see how big his ego is, so she is struggling to decide which one it is. She can see that Agonix is not thrilled that the United States leader is a woman. A woman with a large military arsenal behind her.

She glances over to the President, hoping to gain favors but she sees Potts glancing at her. She can see her reaction, telling her not to do that again which surprised her. She wonders if she offended her in some way or she is giving everyone in the room some leeway on Coram.

"I apologize Madam President," Agonix continues.

"That is alright," Potts replies. "We have some customs that you will find strange and there's probably one that will mess up. Let's do the best we can and focus on the matter at hand."

"Today is a formal hearing to set the foundation of diplomatic, economic and military relations," Potts said. "All of you have already been informed but I like to restate it to prevent confusion."

Potts takes a quick look around the room as she adjusts her glasses. "First I want to establish a military alliance between everyone in this room. It will be back, funded, and trained by NATO and our partners. We will provide protection against the Empire and any other threats, including bandits, horde packs, and outlaws."

"Second is creating a regional trade block," Potts continues. "The key points in this trade block is to first stabilize the economy, phase out slavery and turn them into productive members of society. To establish a free market economy and a set of regulator systems. This will set up the foundation for future development of Falmart and trade between our worlds."

"I know there is a lot to go over," Willington says. "Is there an area you like to begin with?"

"The economy," Gallus states. "Your people have promised to share your knowledge and the benefits of your ways of doing things. Like improvements in crafting."

"Let us not fool ourselves here my friends," Agonix interrupts. "The point of this meeting is for these foreigners to abolish our way of life and force us to do things their way."

"You mean slavery?" Potts asks.

"What else would I mean?" Agonix replies. "We all have been keeping an eye on happening with your people and we all know about the treaty between you and Duran. Your treaty requires you to pay your slaves like they are employees."

"And that is an issue because?" Willington asks calmly.

Agonix looks to Willington. "The price of grain has doubled in Duran's kingdom and we are seeing the same thing happen in our lands also."

"Sir Duke," Duran said. "This is a treaty that I agreed to. Right now, the treaty is on a small scale until we work out the bumps. We already started working with their corporations and taken some of my people as apprentices. We have already seen some transitions away from slave labor on the farmlands."

"Correct," Willington adds. "The intention is to phase out slavery and replace it with a free market economy."

"Can you please explain what that is?" Gallus asks.

Willington looks over to Myui. "Ekloias, I believe you might be best suited to respond."

Ekloias nods. "A free market economy is when prices for goods and services are self-regulated by an open market and the consumers. Consumers are the people who buy these from stores. As you all know Alnus is a slave free city and our economy has been growing. I have been working with Countess Myui and we both have found these ideas to work in both cities."

"Thank you Ekloias," Willington said. "I know you all know this, but slavery is very inefficient. Switching from force labor to a compensation system alone will increase productivity."

"This is how it works ion our world," Willington continues. "We follow a belief called the marketplace of ideas. If an individual has an idea, they can buy property to pursue it. That means we rely on people making their own choices. Having slaves prevents this from happening because for one, you are forcing someone against their will to do a job. That limits your talent pool of ideas. The more people who come up with ideas and pursue them results in more companies. More people starting companies means more people who are employed which results in more people able to buy more goods in the market. The flat-out truth is that operating a slave-based economy limits your growth and innovation."

"I can speak truth to this." Myui adds. "I have been integrating this model with my city. It was rocky at first, but we are starting to see much progress. It is actually nice that the people are finding ways to solve problems by themselves and not having to rely on the government."

"And this is the system you like us to adopt?" Gallus asks, taking great interest in what was said.

"That is correct," Willington replies. "In stages of course. Doing it right is more important. As long and everyone acts in good faith."

"It sounds like changing the balance of power," Agonix said. "From the farmers to the merchant class.���

"I wouldn't worry about that," Willington said. "We have developed new techniques that increase farming efficiency. You will be able to grow three, maybe four times the yield. It is very profitable to be a farmer if you do it right."

"Besides Duke Agonix," Potts adds. "This will be a slow process. We have a saying on my world, Rome was not built in a day. I know change can be scary and the truth is slavery could have bene ended thousands of years ago on Earth, but people were either scared of change or the people in power didn't want the change to maintain their power and self-interests. Everything we talk about is more self-taught through blood, trial, and error."

She is shocked to hear that. Agriculture has always been the primary economy of the Empire, for all nations. While she never worked on a farm, she has met a few farmers while training to become a Knight. She knows it is not easy and if one thing goes wrong a full crop field can go bad.

That is one of the reasons the Empire focuses on slaves so much. They need as many slaves working on the fields to keep up with the growing population.

"I do see an issue with all of this," Nater said. "As you know I represent many of the Counts and Countess in the Elies Region. Please correct me but your occupying forces have said that Alnus is willing to buy crops to feed your troops. They are worried that all you are doing is redirecting trade to Alnus so you have a monopoly on trade. The prices are going up and if we trade with you then will there be enough crops for our own people? If there is, how can they buy it?"

She thinks about what Nater said. She is surprised the Duke did not bring this up, clearly caring more about keeping his own power, like what Willington said before. "If you don't mind Ambassador Nater but you are no longer trading with the Empire which means you have plenty of crops to sell. Please correct me if I am wrong but wouldn't you just sell what you currently have to NATO?"

Nater looks at her. "Possibly. Please understand princess but old trade routes and relationships are gone, and we have to establish new ones. Unlike your friend's east of the Row Stream, we in Elies don't feel like we have been liberated but conquered. My people are confused about the direction the economy is going."

"Conquered?" she replies, confused by how he said it. "The Empire used your lands and turned them into a battlefield. The Empire, my brother sold your region out just to maintain his power."

"And that is how the world works," Nater responds. "Today is the Empire tomorrow being NATO and the next is someone else."

At first, she thought Nater might be smarter than this but now he is confusing her. His good looks are fading away as she sees his intentions. "I don't believe this."

"Your highness, it is ok," Potts said. She then looks to Nater. "You are right Nater, we did conquer your region. We are at war with the Empire and your region was vital in preventing the Empire from counterattacking out efforts. I know our ways are strange to you. Trust me, many of your customs are strange to us but there is an opportunity here."

"And that is why we are here," Willington continues. "To address Nater's point we don't want trade to be a one way. Our local military bases will be trading directly so you do not have to worry about trade solely going to Alnus. That is not in our best interest to have all trade come to Alnus."

"I see," Nater said as he thinks. "And what else do you want? Besides our crops? I noticed that you want to outlaw brothels throughout the lands."

She hears the room go dead quiet. She saw this in the agenda and was surprised by this. She has seen Sharpe being protective of Selina and can tell that is what the President is also trying to do. However, she finds this to be a massive overreach and is scared that this will scare many potential allies away.

The Count of Naiktai, Faustus Fla Dorotheus raises his hand nervously. Unlike most in the room he is only slightly older than Myui, his father being killed in the war. "Madam President?" He says nervously.

Potts looked at him with a motherly smile. "You don't have to be shy. We are all equals so if you have something to say this is the place to say it."

Faustus takes a breath. "I don't want you to think of me or my people as evil but outlawing the brothels will devastate my town economy. Farming and trade are our primary source of income, but we have established a small but high-class market in this industry."

Nater leans forward. "I have to agree with Faustus. Most of the towns I represent have accepted the idea that slaves will be going away, but I will promise you that this will be a redline. This no longer seems to be about economics but about controlling our way of life."

"Coming from people who have never been a sex slave," Tyuule states.

She can see a few of the Counts look at Tyuule with a mistrust or outright disguise look in their reaction.

While she is not a fan of Tyuule herself she sees her point. She raises her hand to get everyone attention. "The President guest has a point. I do not believe this is about controlling your economies. If that was the intent, there are far easier ways to do so. They believe that women are equal to men and the intent behind this is to prevent women being taken advantage of, regardless of their race."

"So, in the same equality the Other Worlders will ban an industry?" Nater responds. "With farming at least there is an alternative for people to change to. This brings up the question what will be next? Should we ban everything they find strange or offendable?"

"Tell that to everyone who is being abused, Nater," she replies. "The goal should be to show we are different from the Empire. A place where people want freedom to come and make roots. Otherwise why else are we doing this?"

"I have to agree with Nater here," Myui said. "I am sorry Madam President but three times over the past three weeks we found people trying to go back to the Empire. They wanted to take the Row Stream back to the Empire, but we stopped them."

"I have to report the same thing," Duran said. "Myui isn't the only one who has noticed this. While it only was under a hundred but from what they said they couldn't find a way to adjust into your way of life."

"While the Empire was oppressive, they didn't get involved in local customs and politics," Nater replies.

While she expected Nater to say something like that she was surprised to see Myui and Duran talk against the President.

She sees Potts lean to Willington as both of them say something quietly. To her surprise neither of them seem shocked by the sudden betrayal.

Potts then looks at everyone. "Thank you for all that feedback. The Princess summed up our intentions perfectly however we do need to balance our ways with yours. In the United States we believe in local control, aka State Rights. While the Federal Government does not always agree with its States decisions, we respect it as long as they do not break our core laws. I have a compromise in mind."

Potts waits a moment to continue, letting everyone think for a moment. "Alnus will be opening its own red-light district, which allows brothels and other types of sex workers. That means we no longer want to shut any of yours down. However, we must all agree to these conditions in the treaty, no expectation. Willington."

"I will send you the updated copy but here is the basics," Willington said. "All brothels must be registered and regulated. For example, all sex slaves must be freed immediately. Slaves cannot be used as sex-slaves, they must be considered paid employees who can leave as they wish. There must be basic health screenings and rules against rape and abasements. The owner of the business is responsible for the wellbeing of their employees.

"With all of these we will open up to other forms of industry," Willington continues. "In the United States and other western nations, we have an industry similar to this. Professional sex workers, porn studios and strip clouds to name a few. From our experience these industries are far more profitable than traditional brothels. Through the treaty we will contract out to help provide and train ours and your areas of industry."

Willington than leans forward, wanting to make his next point clear. "The last major point is that no one under the age of eighteen can work in the industry. Violation of this will mean the business will get a fine and if that isn't enough, force to close down."

"That is insane!" Agonix. "Age requirement? If you are old enough to hold a sword then you're old enough to…."

She sees Potts send Agonix an evil glare, clearly sending him a warning. That if he challenges her on this then she will find someone else to be Duke. She sees Agonix settle down and look away, not wanting to bring the President wrath.

"My people can accept his arrangement," Faustus said.

Nater looks over to Agonix and smirks. He then looks to the President. "I will have to bring this to the Counts I represent however I think they can accept such a deal. Now I have questions about resources."

"I gave you a list already," Willington said. "We are looking for ore, minerals and oil. That is the short list."

"And you are planning to pay us and train our people how to gather these resources?" Nater asked. "Just like what you are doing in Elbe?"

"Correct," Willington replies. "We recently signed three resource agreements with King Duran. As part of the agreement our companies must use their people to help with the extraction and refining process. We are working on keeping as much of the process local. Most ore will have to be sent back to Earth however fuel can be processed here. This means training and educating them with modern technology."

"I understand," Nater said as he thinks.

"Ambassador Willington," Duran said. "I believe you mention somewhere that we will be allowed to trade with Earth. What is the current situation on that subject?"

"That is still being in the works however Philadelphia is being declared a special trade zone in the United States," Willington said. "Sometime soon people here will be allowed to travel through the Gate and trade their goods with Philadelphia. From there you will be able to trade with the outside world."

"And what about getting goods from Earth?" Myui asked. "I know we have been getting the basics from Alnus but will be able to trade directly with other cities and companies?"

"That is still being worked on," Willington replies. "Currently the war effort takes priority so that has made trade difficult. However, if a town has interest in ordering goods from Earth, we are willing to install our Falmart online store."

"Is that the pictures you have on your screens that talk to other screens?" Myui asks. "Like what you have at your outpost?"

"Close," Ekloias said. "They call it the Internet and it is amazing. Currently in Alnus we have Internet stores around the town. Citizens can place orders through them from an approved import list. Depending on the item it takes a few weeks to a few months to get the item. The pay is done third party. The system is in its test stages at Alnus but it could be spread to other towns."

"Can you also sell on this Internet?" Nater asked, taking great interest in it.

"Yes, but it is limited right now," Willington responds. "We are still working on quarantine protocols. Last thing we want to do is spread a plague here or to Earth. More we figure it out, the more we are willing to allow exports to Earth."

She was surprised to hear all that. She has started to realize she has been focusing too much on the military side of things. She wonders why Sharpe never mentions any of this and wonders if he knows. She sees why the Americans have so many different government bodies. It must be insane to manage all of this.

She can see Nater taking great interest in this technology, seeing the potential in it.

Duran then hits the table, getting everyone's attention. "Enough of economics. None of that matters if the war continues. What about the military alliance?"

She looks at Duran. Duran has been rebuilding his Army after the defeat at the Second Battle of Alnus. She knows his Knights have been fighting on many fronts and he has been wanting his Knights to be more active within NATO.

"We can continue with the economic side of things later, but I think we have an understanding," Potts said. "The United States and our NATO brethren will be doing most of the fighting against the Empire and their new allies however in the long run all of you must maintain control of your destiny and borders. This alliance is meant to provide security between everyone."

"We will provide security, training and funding for your Knights and Armies," Potts continued. "With collective security we will be able to stop bandits and hordes from ever threatening your town and cities again. Trade will be protected, and the threat of slaughter will be over. In addition, with this collective security, the Empire or any other external threat also will be exterminated."

"What kind of training could you offer?" Agonix asked, clearly concerned by this idea.

"Princess," Potts said, glancing over to her.

She got the hint and leaned forward. "My Rose-Order of Knights and others have been training with the Ranger units. We have been learning new ways to wage warfare and tactics."

"Correct," Duran adds with a prideful smirk. "My Knights and their Marines develop tactics that use both of our strengths. It has brought a new sense of honor among my Knights, being able to be useful with your military might."

"Why thank you, your highness," Potts said.

Duran nods and holds up his hand halfway. "I do have a question related to your technology."

"And what is it Duran?" Potts asks.

"Will you be sharing your military technology?" Duran asks.

She sees everyone leaning forward, wanting to hear this answer. The truth is that she also wants to know.

Sharpe already explained to her that offensive weapons would be limited however nonleather weapons. She saw this as a lack of trust but as the Ambassador said, some things need to take time. She struggles to imagine her Knights flying one of their machines.

She can see Potts and Willington hesitant to respond to the question. She sees them talking to each other, like they are confirming something.

She looks over to Duran. "King Duran. Right now, my Knights are being trained in many of their technologies. Their long-range talking devices to their night vision. There is a lot to learn and just like the economic side, there is a lot to learn."

"Thank you, Princess," Potts said. "We are still working out the details but first we need to train in the basics before going into the more complex equipment. The primary goal is to work together to make this region peaceful. Once that is accomplished, we can grow the economy and then we can talk about more complex items."

"I understand that," Duran said. "I understand how complex your systems are however there must be something that we can trade or buy for. In transportation and logistics alone would be a massive game changer against the Empire. And your Air Force, I have a small Wyvern Corp. There must be a way to train my flying soldiers with some of your simpler flying machines."

Potts stays quiet as she thinks. "This is a conversation General Stanford should be here for. We can set up a commission to explore such an idea. However, I must warn you designing and constructing equipment like that takes time, but I do see your point Duran.

Potts then looks at everyone else. "Before we go crazy and give everyone a car, everyone needs to rebuild and reform its military. I am not going to tell you how it should be structured. We need to establish roles and training. First we need to learn to talk to each other."

"We already got an arms package from Congress," Willington said. "We will be providing radios, maps and other basic equipment for your armies. Only if you reach certain milestones. More complex items we can talk about another time."

"That being said let's dive into the details on how the collective security will work," Willington said.


Tyuule stands up and stretches. The meeting went on for eight hours and almost nothing was accomplished which annoyed her.

This meeting reminded her of Sadera and all the boring politics she was forced to listen to. Senators, ambassadors, and others pointlessly talking while saying nothing.

She sees everyone leaving the conference room, going to rest until tomorrow's meeting. She doesn't understand why President Potts wanted her here. She wonders if it is punishment for something.

She remembers her time as Queen. She did not have to deal with all this bureaucracy. It was far easier and more peaceful. "I will never understand why you people do this."

"You and me both," Potts said as she walked up.

"Hello Madam President," she replies. "Fun meeting."

Potts giggles. "Don't lie."

She nods and looks at the empty table. "Why did you ask me to come here?"

"Because I wanted your judgment," Potts replied. "I trust your sense of reality."

At first, she is confused but then realizes what Potts means. She is not one of these people, so she isn't biased or very biased depending how you look at it. Either way it changed the dynamic of the meeting "I still consider it punishment."

Potts giggled. "What did you think?"

She thinks about that. "I would watch out for the Havcristen guy, Duke Mettius Fla Agonix."

"Why is that?" Potts asked. "Is it because he is an ass or because he is self-entitled?"

She nods. "Yes. He is going to be problematic. Your changes threaten his rule over the region. I have seen his type all over Sadera. He will not go down quietly."

"I picked that up," Potts replied. "Taking his city was tough and was a bitch to clear out. We had to level a quarter of the city to push them out and the only reason the rest of the city was spared is because General Krysist and Lieutenant Colonel Sharpe was able to treat a cease-fire, surrendering the city to NATO control. The Ambassador also seems puzzling."

"I wouldn't worry about the Darfellan," she replies. "He acted tough and talked strong but to me he is just probing. I think he will go back to the towns he represents and tell them to work with you. Personally, I think he is looking to replace Agnoix as the leader of Elies. Or his people at least."

Potts looks at her funny and then smiles. "Interesting. So, it went better than I expected. The other Counts seem to be on board."

"And Duran," she said. "Just give him a role in the war and he will be happy."

"Duran reminds me of my husband," Potts said. "He is just trying to see what he can get before the slap on the wrist. Now Tyuule. I have been wanting to personally thank you. General Stanford has spoken highly of you."

She looks at her confused. "But I failed to capture General Herm."

"Sometimes the act is more important than the results," Potts said. "When we rescued you from the Empire you mainly stayed at that bar serving tables. While I fully understand the need to take a break and there is nothing wrong with waiting tables but recently you really stepped out. You helped us with the Haryo Tribe."

She thinks on that and sniffs a little. She does not fully understand why yet, but she feels like she belongs somewhere, a feeling she hasn't felt since she was Queen.

"I do have a question about my people," she states. "Are you going to free them?"

Potts adjusts her glasses and then crosses her arms. "I saw this question coming. The answer is no."

"But freeing my people will give you many more soldiers," she responds with passion.

"Don't overstep yourself Tyuule," Potts said calmly. "There are reasons why I am not just abolishing slavery now."

"But you have the power," she responds. She understands the delicate situation. She knows the Americans do not want to collapse the economy and start a starvation. It logically makes sense to phase out slavery so something better can replace it. If she was in Potts shoes, she probably would do the same thing. The issue is that it is about her people's freedom, and she must try.

Potts raises her hand and silences her. "Let me explain this Tyuule. You are a smart woman and I know you are just looking out for your people. Trust me, there are many people in my country who are saying the same thing."

"So, if it will make you popular among your own people why not do it?" she replies. "My people suffered enough."

Potts waits to respond to let Tyuule think on what she said. She places her arms behind her back and looks at her. "One-hundred and fifty years ago my people have to fight a civil war to end slavery. So, we could live by our principles. To end our original sin, it cost us about seven hundred thousand men. Then it took thirty years to heal our country. It also took another one hundred years to end discrimination."

"Now let me ask you this," Potts continues. "Our civil war was easier because it was Humans oppressing Humans, mainly one group. Your world has dozens of species enslaved, including Humans. Now if I start picking and choosing which group is free and which is not then it will create jealousy among the races, hatred. That will lead to resentment and discrimination down the road."

"And let's just say we free everyone, then what?" Potts asks. "We cannot house them, feed them, provide money and jobs. We are at war with an enemy who refuses to quit. We can't be the welfare bank for the entire continent."

Hearing all that she sniffs as she tries not to cry. "I understand. It just… I want my people freed."

Potts then places her hand on her shoulder. "We are already halfway there."

"What?" she asks.

"From what I understand most Warrior Bunnies are used as maids or sex-slaves," Potts said. "While I cannot outlaw slavery yet, I can focus on certain areas. Within our territory your people might not be free yet,but they can't be abused anymore."

She thinks about that. She had the same thought when slavery was the topic. While slaves must get paid, they also cannot be abused like animals. While not perfect, she has to accept that it is a step in the right direction.

"That is why you switch subjects?" Pina asks as she walks up. "I am sorry to interrupt but I wanted to ask why you switched your position on the sex-slave and brothel industry."

"I hate to agree with the Princess but that also caught my eye," she says, agreeing.

Potts smiles. "I think it shocked everyone in the room and that was my intention."

"So, this was a trick?" Pina asked, confused.

Potts waits to respond as she collects her thoughts. "No. At first I was going to outlaw it. My people find the practice degrading however this isn't my country. And while we do not have brothels, there are other means around it back home."

"So, you changed your mind?" she asks. "Even though you are trying to be different from the Empire?"

Potts replies with a nod. She then crosses her arms and places one hand on her chin as she thinks. "You are right Tyuule, we are powerful. That means we must be careful on what we do. We are not trying to society engineer this world. While I might not agree with many practices of this world it isn't my place to change it. If it does not counter our core beliefs like Human Rights, I have to compromise."

"Besides," Potts adds. "I think it was good for everyone to see us as flexible. If both Myui and Duran are scared to say something I might not want to hear, then everything we do is doomed. I need everyone to tell me their honest opinions to make this work."

"And the last thing you want is people going back to the Empire saying they couldn't find work or found you as preaching," Pina said. "My brother would use that against you."

"Correct," Pots replies. "If I don't allow room for people to do what they want then we are no better than the Empire. I want people to come here because of what we have to offer. I do not want people to leave because of moral policing, especially if no one is hurt in it. Besides, I got everything I wanted in the end, so I decided it was not a hill I wanted to die on."

"I think I understand," Pina said as she thinks on the topic.

She thinks about what Potts said. Potts got everyone to agree to phase out slavery within five-years, outlaw it in the sex-industry. She was able to create a basic form of Human Rights through the Alnus and Elies region and got most of the towns to side with NATO, economically and militarily.

Potts then looks at Pina. "Princess, I like to say good job in the meeting. You made a lot of good points and you showed that you are ready to be at the table again. I hope you and I can work together more in the future."

Pina smiles hearing that. "I hope so to. That assumes Lieutenant Colonel Sharpe does not kill me in training or on the field. I think he likes his job too much."

"I have noticed that myself," Potts said. "Excuse me ladies but I need to prepare for tomorrow."

She watches the President leave with Willington and Duran. She sees both Potts and Duran talking about the war. Her ears allow her to hear some details and they are mostly talking about force deployments and new equipment.

She looks back at Pina and she notices her looking at her. She feels this awkward feeling as both of them remain quiet.

"Good day, Tyuule," Pina said as she begins walking away.

As she watches Pina walking away, she thinks back to when Pina stepped up to defend what she said during the meeting. She was not expecting that, expecting her to remain quiet because she was no better than her brother.

"Princess, wait," Tyuule said.

Pina stops and turns around, confused. "Yes?"

Tyuule takes a deep breath and forces herself to speak. "I wanted to say thank you for defending us fellow slaves."

"Oh," Pina said, trying to figure out how to respond. She was expecting to hear something negative, not a thank you. "It was no problem. He was being a dick and the truth is that we are all on the same side. I agree with Sharpe and the President that slavery needs to go. I was ignorant because I never had to be on the receiving end of it."

"The Other Worlders are truly strange," she said. "It is surprising we all can relate to them the most. Probably because they have no history here."

She stops herself and there is this hesitant silence between them again. She places her hand on her arm, realizing she is not used to doing this. "As the President said, you did good in the meeting. I just sat back quietly most of the time."

"Being quiet is sometimes the best," Pina replies. "In politics the people who win are the ones who speak the least. And I was listening to your conversation with the President, it seems like you did your job very well. I got too wrapped up into the conversation, so I wasn't thinking about people's motives. I was just focusing on what they were saying."

Pina then walks up to her. "And I heard that you saved my niece."

"I didn't do it for you though," she replies. "I did it because Noriko is a strong girl and I didn't want Zorzal to corrupt Noriko's son. Noriko should be the one who raises the boy, not Zorzal. If Tenchi ever has to take the throne I want him to be raised by good people."

"I agree with you," Pina replies. "I also want Tenchi to be with Noriko. Zorzal is not fit to raise him."

Pina crosses her arm as she thinks. "I know we don't have a positive history, but we have the same goals. To defeat my brother and protect Tenchi. I think it would be better if we work together than be enemies." She then holds out her hand.

She looks at Pina hand and back at Pina head. "You people are the reason why my people are suffering. To this day I can still hear the screams as your Legionaries rape my defeated army. I still feel Zorzal's hand moving down my arm, him penetrating me. There is a lot that needs to be answered for."

She takes a deep breath and the memories come back. She sees the disappointment on Pina's face. "But… I think this is a good place to start." She then takes Pina's hand and shakes it.



Alnus Map:

Elies Map:

(1) Hello, I only recently learned that middle names in this universe represent the gods they serve. This was never clearly stated in the manga or mentioned in the anime. If I knew I would have made Lelei mention this long ago. So, this is me officially bring these up.

(2)Chapter 62

(3)Chapter 3?

(4)Chapter 45-46

Special Thanks to Tomrichman99





