Pictorial Part 2

Shangri-La Hotel BGC, Taguig

Kathleen exhales as she fits a wedding gown and then thought of walking down the aisle but too bad, she wasn't the one who was going to get married. She looked around at the different designs of gowns on a mannequin with a frown. Andromeda was fitting these gowns? There are many of them.

"I want a gown perfect for the summer. My daughter's curves would look amazing on this." Fiona said as she checked the mermaid-style gown. Then she looked at Kathleen with a smile. "Wow, that looks good on you. You should have the same gown for your wedding." Kathleen flushed and acted cutely.

Then Fiona turned back and checked the staff that was coming. She glanced at her wristwatch with exhales.

"Where's Zachary?" She asked the staff.

"Here." Zach came and greeted Fiona with a kiss on the cheek.

"Ohh, here you are." Then she looked behind him. "Where's my daughter?"

"She'll be here." He said with a smile.

"Oh. Tsk." She shook her head.

Kathleen thought of something and then she smiled. She talked to the photographer and watched Zach strode to the sofa, pull out his phone, and sat down. He checked a few messages and Kathleen childishly ran to him and sat down as she wrapped her arm to his. She smiled at him.

"Zach, can you do me a favor?"

"What favor?" He asked not even glancing at her. She squeezed her breast and showed it to him, but he was too busy texting Andromeda that he doesn't give a shit about her. She kisses his cheek which makes him stop. He pulled out his arm and noticed the cameraman. He stood and that's when Andromeda caught them. But it's not like she cares.

Fiona frowned at Andromeda for being late. She only sat down on the stool and looked around and sighs because of boredom. Zachary walked toward her and reached her chin as he kissed her lips. Fiona was surprised by Zach's actions and smiled in excitement. However, Andromeda only looked at him monotonously. Then Zach kissed her lips again and again.

"Let's not make them wait, okay?"

Fiona called the makeup artist and the stylist. Then Andromeda glared at Kathleen.

"Why won't you just marry Kathleen? She's so ready after all." Andromeda said that makes everyone stop. Zachary chuckled and gritted his teeth as he reached her chin.

"Don't be so absurd, Honey. You are my bride. One and only." He insisted. She looked at him with tired eyes. He then patted her head. "Just an hour or so. Then we are going home so you can rest."

He then faced the makeup artist.

"Don't put a lot of makeup on her. Natural was perfect. She doesn't need fixing because she's perfect."

He said and strode to the dressing room to fit his suit. He stayed there because he knew that it would take long enough to fix her from hair to face to dress. He pulled out his phone and opened his cloud storage. His old files appear, and it was their photos before their wedding. And their pictorial with gown and tuxedo.

She looked so beautiful, happy and so carefree. Their photographer was so satisfied with their flirting and little games. They have photos on the beach, garden and even on the bed. Zachary smiled as he watched their video. As the video ended, his smile faded.

What would happen if he didn't leave her? Would they still be together and maybe have a lot of children? He would be coming home early just to see those little angels running around and would welcome him and kiss him. He put down his phone and went to Andromeda's dressing room. They all stopped but did not stop him from entering.

They fix her hair so fast and then her makeup is done. It was simple and she was so beautiful and perfect.

"Leave us." He said and they all left. Zachary stood behind her as she looked at herself in the mirror emotionlessly. He hugged her from behind and kissed her ear. "Let's work this out. Okay?"


"Just go with the flow."

Andromeda stealthily reached her stomach and gripped her robe.

"Remember when you asked me if we could let the photographer take photos of our honeymoon?" He smiled and Andromeda smiled a little. "The shock on his face was so funny that you laughed out loud. I want you to smile and laugh like that again."

She looks at him trying to beg him to stop this. But he walked around her and kneel in front of her.

"I'm sorry, Andy for leaving you. I am not begging you to forgive me instantly. I am begging you to help me go through this. Let's work this out again."

"The Andromeda you know is dead."

"Andy." He intertwined his fingers with her and played on the engagement ring he gave. "Please…"

"Do I have a choice?" She reached for the wet tissue and wiped the lipstick on his cheeks.

No matter how she denies it, her love for him was there. It never faded. She will never forget it. The pain stills together with the painful memories. But she loves him so much that it hurts.

Their pictorial goes on and Kathleen keeps making a scene. Trying to be the highlight. Andromeda would roll her eyes and sigh. But Zach kept on clinging to her and someone, Andromeda felt comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time. It's weird but she loves how he clings to her.


General Alexandro Mondragon checked on a few reports and photos of people that tried to kill Andromeda when she was in Iraq. Someone also tried to kill her when she's in Greece and New York five years ago. Anywhere she went—there was always someone or people who wanted her dead.

They know that she was his only heiress and James, his grandson, doesn't match Andromeda in skills. He didn't see any interest from James that he saw from Andromeda. He exhales and tosses the folders on the table.

"Do everything to keep her safe. Marrying her to Pattinson was enough for a moment. I need help. Search for Andel." Alexandro told Lucas his Cornel. Lucas turns back from him and reaches for his phone to contact Andel but his number is unreachable.

He contacts his men to find Andel.

"Sir, I can't reach his number."

"That asshole." Alexandro gritted. He knows how Andel works with his electronic stuff. That stuff includes his invention of gadgets and he's good at it. He wanted him to be with Andromeda but Andel is already working with his other cousin, Sabrina, the founder of Empire of Professional Undercover Agents.

"Call, Zachary, tell him to meet me." He told his trusted secretary. "Lucas, find Andel and bring him to me."

"Yes, Sir." Lucas saluted and Alexandro nodded as Lucas turned back and left the room.

"The wedding is near." He mutters. "I wanted to keep it simple and quiet so nothing bad will happen."

His Secretary, Major Roy Graciano nodded and settled on a venue. But as Alexandro thinks of it deeply—it is still possible that someone will ruin the wedding. He was hoping that there will be no bombing or so. It will be chaotic. Damn it.

They just received a few threats recently. So there's no other choice for him but to force her to marry Zachary Pattinson and save herself from misery.