When the King Rules Part 2

Zach received a call from his security guards that she hopped in a sedan and went to Ellen's restaurant. He received photos of his wife with a man in a black suit. They are talking casually, and the man is foreign. He's familiar. Maybe just one of her business partners. But he's not jealous at all because he trusts his wife. 

He smiled every time his phone chimes in the notification, notifying him of her expenses. He liked it whenever she spent his money. Since she has her own money—she was independent. She approximately spent fifty thousand and it's fine with him. Just a little money. 

Zach called head security and told them to keep an eye on her and protect her. He continued working and his phone rings. It's Allona. He ignored it and then he received a call from the reception that Allona is at the lobby waiting for him. 

"Do not let her in. I don't have an appointment with her." He said. Then he called the Manager of Protection and Security. He immediately went to his office. "The woman at the lobby named Allona—banned him on every facility." 

"Including the spas abroad sir?" 

"Yes. Every establishment that I own. Banned her here ASAP." He told. 

"Yes, Sir." 

He proceeded to his work and after he finished it all. He stood and walked toward his treadmill and started walking. His phone chimes and he checked the email from one of the outlets of Victoria's Secret. He called them and order all their latest underwear design. 


Andy sipped on her bubble tea and reach the fork as she twirled it on pasta. She exhales and just listened to Allanis talking. Then, he suddenly stopped when the door chimes and his eyes were focused on the woman entering. 

Andy glanced at the woman and creased her brows. Then she looked at his eyes. It's sparkling of interest. Then she leaned on her seat and kicked him under the table. He didn't even flinch, and the woman went to the counter. 

"Fuck me." He muttered. Andy scoffed and slapped his cheek lightly. He looked at her. 

"You are seriously aroused in front of me by just looking at the chic." 

"That body is to die for, and she looked so dangerously-seductive. Just like you and Sabrina. Is she related to you?" He asked her. 

"You got a good sense." She said. "It's Moira, my brother's assistant. She's good at everything and I think handling arouse men aren't part of it." She said looking at Moira. 

Moira felt like someone is watching her, so she turned to their direction and Andy wave her hand. Moira smiled sweetly and strode toward them. 

Allanis was still gaping, observing her whole body. There's no fat at all. It was all beautiful curves. And that ass? She surely worked out a lot. She got traces of sexy woman muscles on her legs. She's not that tall like a model but tall enough to show that beautiful curves. She's so beautiful. That is the real face of Mondragon. 

"Mrs. Pattinson." 

"Just call me Andy. Picking up food for my brother?" 

"Yes. He's so busy today because of what happened recently." She told. 

"Okay," Andy said and smirked as she brings the straw of the bubble tea to her mouth. 

Allanis cleared his throat and kick Andy under the table. 

"By the way, this is Allanis, a friend of mine. Allanis this is Moira." She said casually being a good cupid. Andy hated the idea, so she kicked him hard under the table and Allanis remained charming in front of Moira.

Moira smiled and extend her hand to him and he took it and was about to kiss it but she shook their hands. 

"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Allanis." 

"Pleasures all mine." He winked and squeeze her soft hand. When Moira understood his intention of kissing her hand, she pulled her hand away and smiled in a very professional way. "Are you sure that she is not a Mondragon?" 

Moira's eyes widen but then she goes back on a poker face and remained calm. 

"She will be." Andy said meaningfully. Moira stiffened but she recovered and nod her head. 

"Excuse me." She went to the counter and took the food that she ordered. Then she said goodbye to them and left. 

Allanis is frowning as he turned to face Andy. 

"You mean she's a real Mondragon?" He asked. Andy didn't say anything. 

"Let's just eat." 

Then another man popped, and Andy looked up at her husband. She smiled charmingly at her husband. Zach did the same and kiss her lips passionately. Allanis rolled his eyes and continue eating. 

"Pattinson, have a seat." Allanis kicked the other chair to Zach's direction. "So, tell me, Mondragon, is she blood related to yours?" Andy didn't said anything and call Ellen for Zach's food. It came up immediately and Andy focused on him. Allanis get annoyed. "I'll give you my info in exchange for the lovely lady's full information." 

Andy turned to Allanis and exhaled. 


"What's your business with my wife? Allanis." Zach said it as if he knew him. He did know him and recognize him as one of Andromeda's business partner. 

"Well, your wife and I have this little secret that no one can know." He winked at him. Zach remained calm and continue eating the pasta that was served to him. 

"Okay. I'll leave after lunch. Let the two of you talk." 

"That's so nice of you," Allanis said as he held his heart dramatically. 

"Tell me, love. Are all English Men that dramatic?" 

Andy shrugged at her husband. 

"He's always that dramatic." 

They finish their food and Allanis who doesn't talk much to others became talkative. Andy was smirking on her mind because it only started when he saw a chic. She sighed. Why does Allanis have this thing about Mondragon's? It started with Sabrina… she wonders if he ever fell on her. Well, she's a Mondragon. 

"Have you ever fallen on me?" She suddenly asked. Allanis stopped and looked at her. 

"You are my business partner and your attitude isn't my type. I like the lady a while ago." 

"Why are you asking such a question?" Zach asked her. 

"Well, it started because he was in love with my cousin Sabrina and now has this interest to Moira." She muttered. Zach creased his brows and looked at Allanis. 

"Well, dear, you have to give me her information within an hour." Allanis stood. "I'll leave the two of you. I still have such things to do. You lovers enjoy your meal." 

Allanis left and waved at Ellen with a wink. 

Zach sighed and leaned on his seat looking at his wife. 

"Darling, I have a gift for you." 

"Really?" she asked in bright eyes. He reached her chin. "Where is it?" 

"When we get home." He winked.