Little Kid Part 1

 Her husband kept on rubbing her stomach and reaching her globes. It wakes her up and she just let him while he kept on kissing her nape. She can feel the strong hard one behind her butt and when she peeked on him—his eyes are closed. Is he still sleeping? 

"Andromeda…" He breathed heavily. Andy turned to him and he was indeed still sleeping. She reached him down there and it's wet. 

"My poor husband." 

 Andy pushed the covers and goes all the way kissing his abdominal and pushes her lips to his wet hard head. He breathed heavily and she started sucking, rolling her tongue on the head. 

 Zach gasped and open his eyes. He's sweating and when he looked down. His Goddess is giving him an unspeakable pleasure. She looked at him with her innocent big eyes. She continued doing what pleases him.