Detected Part 2

 Moira came out from the river that tourists rarely go to. It's early in the morning and she and Andy take a bath for the day after their work out. Soon enough, they receive a call from Andel that he's flying out from Zimbabwe and he said that he's already in Madagascar and someone should come to pick him up. 

 So, after Moira dressed up, she went back to the treehouse and called Fox. Fox suddenly came out wearing the new suit that Andy brought with her. She held her chest and frowned at him. 

"Sorry." He smiled at her. 

"Yeah. You scared the hell out of me. We have to go to the mainland." 

"Why?" he asked. 

"We are going to meet someone." 


 Andromeda popped out somewhere and scared Moira with a snakeskin. Moira held her chest and smack Andromeda on her butt. Andy tittered and exhales. 

"Oh, that was fun." She looked at Fox. "So, ready to go?"