Uneasy Heart Part 1

Ellen is still shocked by the way Andel treated her. He kissed her in a hot passionate way but then—he suddenly became cold. She's a bad girl and he's right. She's dating Seth yet she's kissing Andel. This is so complicated. She don't like complicated things.

Her phone chimes and she glanced at it. Seth text her to have a lunch with him. Should she make an excuse? She don't know what to do. She went out her office and her staff are busy admiring Andel.

Andel remains his coolness and looked at her.

"Eat your lunch baby girl." He said and left. One of her staff grabbed her elbow.

"What's his name?"

"That's Oliver." She said casually. "He's working to Gabriel Lawson."

Their eyes widen and squealed.

"The Legendary Papa G!" The gay squealed. "Even his secretary is uhm-yummy!"

"Oh, shut up!" Ellen frowned. But it's true. Andel looks yummy with or without glasses.