Halloween Party Part 1

 Andel let go of her mouth and let her breath. He pulled her slender legs and pressed his crotch to hers. He inhaled her scent and kisses her neck. He can't get enough of her. She just smelled so good. He kissed her lips more and pull her lower lip gently and sucked it. Ellen moaned and wrapped her arms around his nape. 

"Hello, Angel." Andel smiled at her. Ellen gave him her sweetest smile. 

"Hello, Demon King." Ellen traces her fingertips on his handsome face. He's wearing a cape and a tux. She won't know where he gets such thing, but he got that messy sexy hair and fierce eyes. 

"I'm a Sexy Demon King." He caressed her angelic face and invade her mouth again. She pulled his nape to her and pressed her body to him. Andel is so turned on that he wanted to rip her panties and bang her there. But he has self-restrain, so he just keeps kissing her until they heard girls' voices coming. Andel pulled her on the cubicle and locked it.