Your Man Part 1

   Andromeda call Ellen and Andel answered it. She listened to every word as he tells her details on what happened. Then, Andy called Moira and Moira give her details about the guy tampering Ellen's car. 

She then studied her husband's expression. Zach looked so dangerous that he almost burned the whole hotel. 

   She wanted to do this with a cool head. And she understood that Zach is angry, but he can't know that Ellen is with Andel that night. 

   Andromeda called her people to start checking every angle of CCTV at the said time after that, she calmed him down and sang a lullaby to him. He's pillowing on her stomach until he fell asleep. 

   Andy has lots of questions. Is Ellen their target? Or was it Zach and they wanted to use Ellen? It might be Yves? But tampering car isn't Yves's thing. Who wanted to kill Ellen?