Stalker Part 4

   Moira watched the footage that Andromeda send to her. Tsk. Moira couldn't believe that Andy has this obsessive stalker. That even cut her hair and stoke her used panties. Moira shivers and put away her tablet. Then she frowned at Alanis who is crawling from the edge of the bed and gently kissing her toes to her ankle up to her knees. 

"What are you doing?" She asked. 

"I'm trying to check your feet and go down between you." 

"Why?" She asked and crossed her arms. 

   Alanis stopped and caressed her thighs. 

"I got an emergency in London. Something bad happened to our company." 

"Okay." She said casually. "Then, just go." 

"I'm going to miss you." He shoves his face on her stomach and hugged her tightly. Moira brushes her fingers through his hair. 

"I'm going to be fine." She hugged him.