Reunion Part 3

   Andromeda and Zach left the house as nothing happened. She wanted to keep her mother safe and don't want anyone to know that she's there. She needs to leave with Zach for the reunion and she promised that she won't take long. 

   Zach wanted to make sure that it was Andy's mother. So, they left, and he kept close on monitoring her. For now, after they left the woman stayed in her room and then Fiona went out to the living room and watch television as the dogs cuddled on her. Zach smiled on how the pets smelled her as a family. So, he's a little competent. 

"You are so beautiful," Zach muttered and looked at the brace on her wrist that has accessories so it wouldn't look so bad on her. Still, she's beautiful. 

"Stop flattering me," Andy smirked and reached him down there. 

"Andromeda." He pushed her right hand from his crotch. "Behave." 

"Okay." She muttered with a grin.