Two Worlds Collide Part 1

Moira as a watchman on Mondragon's Company building make sure that her snipers are ready to shoot anytime. When Andromeda said that Ellen is in danger everyone assembles, and she positioned ready to fire anyone. 

But what she didn't expect are shadows lingering around the snipers. One of them had been cut on the throat while fighting in combat they are fast then she expected and the other one is still fighting with the guy.

She looked behind her and she made sure that no one would do the same to her. She pressed her earpiece.

"Dragon, one sniper is down, the other is waltzing. I think he already spotted this to happen. Wow, this guy is surely a great criminal mastermind." She muttered.

She didn't wait for a response, but she fired her gun to shoot the man in a black suit right into the head. She exhales and shot another after another.