Make Love to You Part 1

   Andel put her down on the bed like a child and then he patted her head. He went to the bathroom and prepared the jacuzzi. Then he went to the basement and turned on the filter and the heater. He went back upstairs and told her to watch DVDs while he's preparing food. 

"I am bored." Ellen came to him with a pout. 

"Stay still, I have to make dinner." He took the strawberries and gave it to her. 

"But you said that we could make love tonight, right?" 

   Andel exhaled and looked at her for a little while. He continued chopping and ignored her. Ellen kept quiet as she played on her bracelet. She would just glance at him from time to time. She bit her lip and she disliked this when Andel is not talking to her and ignoring her because she's been a very importunate girl. 

"I'm sorry." She muttered.