Lover Part 2

Andromeda wore her usual outfit, put a little makeup, fixed her hair and drove her motorbike all the way to her office. It didn't take long to get there. She told Zach that she doesn't need any bodyguards at that moment and she just turned on her GPS for him to locate her anywhere she goes.

She called her husband while she's walking the corridor roaming around the facility. She wanted to check everything and this is her random day. Everyone is surprised by her roaming around the facility. Which are acres wide.

She's talking to her husband through her earpiece.

"I will eat later. Don't worry." She said. "Sorry that I couldn't make a warm lunch for you."

"It's alright. That's nothing. Keep safe. That's all I want."

"Sure. You too."

"I love you. I have to go now."