The Blood of the Dragon Part 1

   Andromeda squinted as she looked up at the sky. She put her sunglasses and continue watching the birds flocked together to the east. She glanced at Fox and Fox pointed the birds and so they follow on where they are headed. 

   It didn't take long when they found something amazing. Her heart is pounding, and it felt like a dream. It felt like she's been here before. She slowly strode just to get close to the magical hill but Fox pulled her and dragged her away from it. Then he pointed a herd of Lion roaming around like they are guarding something. 

"I have a feeling that we are near to our destination," Andromeda muttered. 

"Yes. I can feel that too. But we must keep them away from going there." He told. "These feral are protective." 

"How?" She asked him. "You have been here for years." 

"Simple. I am an animal whisperer." He winked.