The Meeting Part 2

   Entering the lobby of the training center, she pulled out her access and then tapped it on the card reader. The door opens and she entered first, and he followed as he gently placed a hand at the small of her back. Then he put his hand back to his pocket as she started touring him to karate, judo, aikido room and lots of lots of room. 

   Then, there is a certain room, that has a thick glass wall. He gaped as people in a black outfit, like a real ninja are moving swiftly throwing shuriken at each other and whatever it was. Andy smirked. This is her children. She was sure that they will never betray her and then the old Japanese man with a wooden crane is watching them speaking in Japanese. 

   She led him there and the Japanese man, speak in attention and they all stopped and stand in line and bow at her in ninety degrees.