How a Mondragon Thinks Part 1

   Fin cooked a little snack for them after their hot lovemaking. They stayed in the kitchen, where she's wearing her robe and he's only wearing his boxers. She's enjoying the food and he's glad that she enjoyed it a lot. He brushed her hair with his fingers, so it won't get on her food. 

   She's sitting on the counter table, he's standing between her legs and feeding her. At the same time, he's admiring how 

"What's your favorite food?" 

"You are my favorite food." He answered. She flushed and pressed her lips. 

"I am asking you nicely." She warned him. "You don't have any allergies?" 


"Uhm," She looked away to think other questions. "Would you rather get married and have babies or stay a bachelor?" 

"Get married and have babies." He answered in a crisp voice. 

"Rain or shine?" 


   She exhaled and pouted at him just to act so adorably.