Catastrophe Part 1

Selina felt anxious as Fin become clingy and he wasn't in the right mind. She's on her period and she was supposed to be doing weird stuff like eating ice cream while drinking tea and crying over a comedy movie. But her man need her so instead of walking around, she took him back inside and asked him to help her change the bedsheets and he did. 

He even put blanket covers so if ever she got leaked, they don't need to change the whole bed sheets. 

He took the relief pads and plug it. Then he took a shower just to remove all of the stress leaving the door open so he could still see her and to make sure that she's safe. 

He's becoming overprotective. But how can he relaxed when he saw how she died. There are ways for his beloved to die and the only thing he should do is to keep it from happening. 

"Love, do you want some action or maybe a thriller?"