Taming a Fire Part 1

   After his mission became successful, he drove his chopper back to the facility and he parked it at the helipad of the company. He drove his motorbike to the city and buy flowers in the market for his lover asking the seller to nicely sealed it on the box. He also bought a pie that she loved, and then he drove fast to her house. 

   She was running out when she heard his bike. She was bare feet and he immediately put his helmet down and then caught her when she jumped into him, her arms and legs were automatically wrapped around him. She showered him with kisses on face and then caught his lips, slowly and surely kiss him passionately.  

"I was only gone for four hours yet you acted like you haven't seen me for years." 

"I just missed you so much. Being away from you is so dreadful." She snuggled to his neck.