James's Wife Part 1

   Andromeda reached home. She took a quick half-bath and she climbed up the bed to her sleeping husband that has been waiting for her. She took the book that he's reading, closes it and puts it at the side table. She tucked herself to the comforter and snuggled to her husband's chest that wakes him up.

   He opened his heavy eyelids and looked down at her and kissed her forehead.

"How's the meeting?"

"It's very revealing." She kissed his naked chest and looked up at him.

"You look so tired." He wrapped his arms around her and turn a little sideways and then kissed her face more and more.

"I am tired of all of these happenings. From my vision, the future will be chaotic and disastrous. I never thought that disastrous would start from forest fire from another country, volcanic interruption and then… whatever virus it was." She exhaled sharply. "I am so happy that you are there when I am down." She reached his face.