Shadows in the Forest

  Fin led the way to the forest. Andromeda moved with him close by and in the exact location, Andel and Moira are waiting. Andy greeted them warmly and they continue their walk to their hideout. It's at least twelve-hours hike to Fin's hideout and since he's also known as an animal whisperer, monkeys and even a big bear lead them and followed them.

    Fin is talking like them. He learned it by practicing and studying for years. Observing their expressions, their actions and how they talk to each other.

"Fin, how are you going to say, 'I love you' in snake language?" Andel asked. Moira scoffed and punched her brother's arm. "Ow! What? I am just curious." He muttered.

"Try saying 'I love you' in snake sound," Andy said and kicked Andel's butt.

"You are so rude!" He hissed at her.