Secret Engagement Part 2

    Ellen watched as Andel sealed his promise to her. To marry her for the rest of his life. Andel kisses his hand and then he stretched his legs to boost himself up and kissed her lips. She can never be happier in her life. Andel made his promise. 

"Thank you," Ellen muttered as her eyes glittered with tears. 

"For what?" He asked as he wiped her tears away. 

"Thank you for keeping your promise." She said and scooped his face. 

"I never break a promise, baby." He kissed her nose and he stood. "Let's eat." He nodded at the caretakers and they left to another table. They are left alone. 

    Ellen kept looking at the beautiful design of the ring. It's unique and she never saw such a beautiful stone and the detailed design of the ring. 

"You are probably wondering… I draft the design of the ring. I was thinking of you." 

    Ellen looked up at him and bit her lower lip.