Keeping a Secret Part 2

James checked the presentation of the Safety Team about the precautions when the office finally opens. He made sure that everyone is in a good condition to work. Although he didn't want Natalie to work, his stubborn wife insisted to him that she needed to work and assist him. So, he canceled all his physical meetings and any appointments.

He sent a message to every manager that there will be no one entering the facility except to employees. They are not going to accept any visitors anytime.

James has his kitchen and groceries are fully stocked. That's because of his very efficient wife. She cooked their breakfast and lunch. Well, what can he ask for? Natalie is his everything.

"Drink your vitamins." She placed the tray on his table and gave him vitamins and warm water. He thanked her and took the vitamins and then sipped on the mug. He pulled her waist and kissed her abdominal.

"How about you, darling?"