Andromeda's Game Part 3

         Kathleen is having a pool party but before she planned for just a pool party, she made sure that everyone is well. She also released a temperature scanner and there's a sanitizing entrance. The party started and everyone is distancing from each other as per Kathleen's order. They are partying and dancing and drinking.

         Suddenly, Kathleen played a few of her travel posts and then everyone is totally praising her for her goals and other stuff. She's one of the youngest millionaires in the country. She likes to party, and she has a blog.

Then suddenly a sound of moaning makes everyone stopped and they eyed the screen where Kathleen is having sex with two American men. They gasped and everyone is surprised by the outcome of the party.

"Yesss… harder!" She growled at the black American man like a real porn star and Kathleen's eyes are wide.