Sweet Seduction Part 2

         Freya gently rolled off the bed and she sneaked to the bathroom. She half bath immediately and wash her very private part to remove the semen. She cursed while thinking about how he didn't stop until he's satisfied. What's up with this man and his sex drive? How many rounds? Three and the first one was thirty minutes and the second was longer and then the third was the longest.

         She put her pants on and jog downstairs. Damn it. She's so sore that she can't even do other stuff. Maybe push-ups and planking will do. She sipped some warm water and then she went out to the garden to get enough sunlight. She was relaxing when someone whistled and then she looked up the balcony and found a smiling hot man. He bit his lip as his eyes are on her. Damn it! It burns than the sunlight.

"Fuck yourself!" She shouted at him. He laughed and brushes his fingers through his hair.

"Babe, I can probably do that. But I want you to watch me."