Another Phoenix? Part 2

         Fin answered Freya's call after a few rings while his arms are around Selina.


"Fin. Are there still other Phoenix around?" Freya suddenly asked. Fin thought for a while.

"Not that I know of," Fin muttered. "All I know is that they are died because of assassination."

         Fin and Freya's parents have been assassinated together with the rest of their clans. He doesn't know if others had survived except for him and Freya and their grandfather who raise them. They still don't know who wanted to kill them, but he remembered a mark. They all have a burn mark with an emblem of an Eagle.

         In Russia, they have two-head Eagle emblems with hammer and sickle. He heard from his grandfather that they are wiping away the Phoenix because they could predict what the Eagles are going to do next.