Andromeda's Arrangement Part 1

         It said to have dinner at Eric Pattinson's house. Andromeda check the invitation. Everyone should be quarantined but the Pattinson already set the date for a very long time and it can't be delayed. She sighed nodded. Just keeping distance and proper sanitizing.

         Zachary has her very own invention on sanitizing and he made it as a trial to her Uncle's house. He continues renovating it with the creative team to send around the country for proper sanitizing.

"I also prepare a proper mask for you love." He said and gave her a cotton mask with the air filter.

"Wow. You are so good at this."

"It's still on process and will soon launch and distribute it to the hospitals and other front liners." He said proudly.

"You are so good my love. I never regret having you back in my life." She climbed to her desk and jumped into him. He laughed and hugged her tightly. She sighed. "Your grandpa would probably ask for grandchildren."