Bored and Just wanna have Fun Part 1

         Moira groaned and frowned at Andromeda and Freya on the screen. She just missed a few events. She's already bored in the house and she wanted to travel around the mountains. She sighed and hated them for having that much fun.

"I hate you guys!" She scolded them. Andromeda laughed and laughed.

"Dmitri is so hot. You can visit for their simple wedding… I guess." Andy said with a shrugged.

"You got a sexy hot brother, Freya. Can I see his picture?"

         Freya showed it to the screen willingly as she grinned. Moira bit her lip. His brother is indeed oozing hot and so handsome. The girls shut up on the screen as Moira run her eyes to Freya's brother's hot body.

"Agatha is a lucky bitch." Moira murmured. Andromeda started snickering and Moira frowned at her. "What?" She bit her tongue when she felt a very dangerous aura just behind her. She put away the laptop and cleared her throat.