Eagle Seeking for Phoenix Part 2

         Dmitri checked the date of their wedding. It will be next year. He needs to wait for long. He glanced at Agatha playing the piano at the grand hall. He smiled. He strode toward her and hugged her from behind and kissed her top head.

"I love the house." She said to him. "It's too away from other houses and people. Also, I like the comfort."

"No knows about this area." He muttered and kissed her cheek.

"So, when are we going to get married?" Agatha asked.

"Next year, darling."

"Can we get married now?" She pouted at him and looked down at her stomach. "I might be pregnant."

         He laughed and kissed her head.

"Hmm. We will think about it."

         His phone chimes and he open's Fin message. He smiled at his message.

Fin: Selina wanted us to get married next year after she gives birth. I think you and Agatha should register your marriage this year before us.