Crazy Pregnant Women Part 3

Zachary rubbed his sleepy eyes to check the complaint messages of Fin and Stanley from their private group chat. He laughed at how they spoil their women despite their craziness during pregnancy. He glanced at Andromeda who is sleeping like a baby. His very own baby. He bent down to kiss her forehead.

He sighed. If she's only pregnant, she might be crazier than the two pregnant women. Then, his phone chimes again as James join the conversation. He also shared how Natalie keep on crying over something. She's very emotional at everything. She cried over the bird that landed on their room that got hurt.

He laughed a little and then looked down at his wife. Well, she promised him that they are going to build their own family. That includes babies. So, if she's ready, she will take a test to see if she could get pregnant again. Then, if not—they must at least try and try.
