I Only Belong to You Part 2

         Ellen glanced at Andel who is busy helping on planting new cabbage and carrots. He looked so sexy and yummy, shirtless and sweating. If she could only make love to him there but there are eyes around. Anyway, she needed to stop thinking about that and making a new recipe for her restaurants and cafés.

         She took the tumbler that she readied for him and she opened the cap and gave it to him. He took it with a smile as he drank half of it. She reached the towel and patted it on his sweaty forehead and neck. Andel watched her do that and his eyes are burning down to her like he's already stripping that sundress and making love to her down the ground.

"You can always have me during the night." She murmured and she tiptoed, wrapped her arms around his nape to pull him down and kissed his lips. He held his waist and kissed her back shortly.

"I know." He winked.

"I'm going to make some snacks."