Baby's Dinner Party Part 1

         Ellen arrived at Stanley's house and the first thing she saw is Freya and Steven. Steven is snuggled to Freya like a baby. She frowned on how he become too clingy to his girlfriend. She waved at them and Freya nodded.

         She walked fast to the main door and the maid helped her the paper bags on her arms. Then one of the maids produce a slipper for her and helped her removed her shoes. She thanked them and greet Andrea.

"Take a shower before seeing the baby," Andrea said to her. She nodded and went to the guest room with her bag. She texted Andel about the dinner and if he can come. He said that he's too busy and soon he will check on the baby.

         He went to the kitchen where a handsome guy is cooking. She had seen him a lot with Agatha when he was her bodyguard but unexpectedly become her husband. Agatha is busy watching her husband cook and he fed her for free taste from time to time.