Dreaming About it Again Part 2

         After the nice meal and the talk she had with Adrian, she approached the couple to their seat. Agatha's appetite is impressive, and she had gained weight. She also looked tan and still stunning that even Adrian keep looking on her way. Dmitri would glare at the poor guy for staring at his husband for long.

"Next time, we won't eat here," Dmitri muttered. She looked at him.


"Lots of distractions." He murmured. Andy laughed and patted her Uncle.

"By the way. I like your Chefs. They are oozing hot." Andromeda winked. Agatha looked on their way and she grinned.

"Yeah. I would like to keep eating her during lunch." She said to her husband. Dmitri frowned at her. She only winked at him and continue eating.

"Don't worry. I won't let you cook there topless." She said seductively. Andromeda laughed and patted Agatha.

"I need to go." She waved at them and they waved back at her.