Phoenix and Dragon Part 1

     Freya took a shower together with Steven and they almost forgot that Wren is waiting outside and had increased the volume of the television. They come out dressed up and Steven told her that they need to pick up his clothes from his hotel suite which is few only just a block away from her penthouse building. 

     Freya took the burrito and started eating as Wren finished one of it.

"We need to go to the hospital," Steven told Wren.

"Why?" He asked. "Did you get scratch from the bullet?" He asked Freya.


"Don't ask too much. We just need security for Freya and the baby." Steven said and went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. Then he put his arms around her as they exit from the house.

     Wren followed them and frowned.

"She's—" he murmured as few men followed them escorting them and monitoring them from the cameras just to make sure that Freya is safe.