Stronger Than Before Part 1

        Andy yawned and reached her phone from the side table. She couldn't move. Her core is so sore. Zach didn't let her have a rest the whole night. Then she can't even get up from the bed. He always brings her food and then would carry her to the bathroom and then he would bath her and do it again.

        How many days has it been? Three days? He finally gave her a break and he's busy on his phone and laptop. He prepared a smoothie and a glass of water and then some cookies to eat. She sat up and then checked her phone. There are messages and then she scrolled it down and noticed Zach's message. It was four days ago.

        She checked it and her heart become lively. It's the day that she got her breakdown and a few hours before she reached the hotel. Those are the times that she's busy crying or something.

Zach: I love you, my Andy.