Sneaking Out Part 1

 Ellen jogged downstairs and fixed her disheveled hair. Selina waved at her and told her that Zachary has been searching for her. She showed up to Zachary and he kissed her cheeks.

"I've been searching for you."

"I was napping." She said and Owen looked at her and then he looked away when she glared at him.

"Oh?" Andy asked and winked at her.

"Andy, when will we able to see the baby?" Andel asked to divert the conversation.

"In a few months."

"Oh." He nodded.

 Dmitri rubbed Agatha's stomach.

"My baby goes out first," Dmitri told. "You'll be a Godfather, Andel."

"Ohh." Andel stopped.

"On that way, you'll have more blessings."

"Sure. Sure." He nodded.

"By the way, care you tell us on who you are dating?" Zachary asked and rose his brows.

"Yeah, tell us!" Steven and Stanley said at the same time.

 Andel flushed and he bit his lips. He winked at Zachary.