Surprise Part 2

 Zachary held the party in one of the exclusive Villa Resort that he owns. They arrived early so he could take care of other things. He told Andy to take a nap first in their room though she insisted on helping. She eventually gave in and just stay in their room.

 He walked around organizing everything and their parents are also there and soon enough, Ellen came with their grandparents and Andel. He greeted her warmly with a hug and kissed her forehead.

"Happy birthday, baby sis."

"You are holding a big party for my 24th birthday?" She creased her brows.

"Yeah. I invited your friends." He winked and then he looked at Andel who grinned at him and he jumped on him and kissed his cheek. He pushed the guy. "Hey! Hey! You better behave yourself, big man."

"What?" Andel shrugged and then put his arms around Ellen like a big brother. "Let's party!" He dragged Ellen inside and she looked up at him with a smile.